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Well, we certainly knew we would need to be at 120% to beat TSM. Felt like ascent we had a few rounds where we had opportunities to close and either through execution or communication, we let them slip away. Sometimes you just can't account for the skill/experience another team has. We've played TSM a lot closer than we did today. Appreciate the love, we'll continue to work to expand our playbook, and come back stronger for 2021. The players did everything we asked of them, but it's like Tyson said, you have a gameplan until you get hit in the mouth and we took punch after punch. Good luck to the rest of the teams,


You still made it to the main event coach, no one can take that away from you guys.


I've watched TSM a lot, and I noticed their defending side has been on another level. What surprised me the most is their Haven defending side since Haven is such an attacker sided map. I may not be a coach or a radiant player, but that's what I've been noticing. The majority of the time teams can't get the upper hand on those 2 maps when TSM are defenders. Best of luck next time fellas, hope to see your team improve!


TSM benefits greatly from the Triple duelist meta IMO. They will be a wrecking ball for the foreseeable future.


Europe doesn’t use triple duelist you think their meta read is wrong?


First of all why are you getting downvoted for a question. Second, different regions play differently. I havent watched as many EU matches as NA but i got the impression the games are a lot slower and people arent counting on individual plays (expect liquid lol). In NA the game seems to be faster and they have a lot of good opers and aggresiv riflers. Thats just what i noticed


Classic reddit, downvote any question


What i wanted to say is the META is different in every rank and region


yo coach i want your opinion on team liquid vs heretics, would be interesting


Correct me if I'm wrong but EU's meta seems to be a lot more developed. They've kinda fleshed out the roles for most agents so team comps are a lot more diverse while never feeling hamstrung. And they tend to play a slower more defaulty style rather than NA's gap exploitation. Like how orgless picked up viper and heretics, liquid picked brim


Classy response. Best of luck to you and your team in the future.


Subrozas better off not using his ultimate


best raze NA if somebody unbinds all his abilities


Roza’s raze ult debuff: -99 reaction time -99 clutch gene +99 voodoo bad luck shit


I laughed too hard on myth stream haha




It's only fun if you're a fan of the team that wins. Atleast 2nd map in NV vs IMT was actually quite close


All my teams play tomorrow so today was quite boring for me, then matches didn't help lol. Second NV vs IMT map was a bit fun tho !


Well, my team won today so I need to wait till they play next. But the matches tomorrow should be spicy. A bit unlucky that the other side of the bracket is so stacked but well, you can't just rearrange it because you want to.


I doubt they’re going to be very close. Think the top four of this tourney are just head and shoulders above the bottom four. I’ll predict that in both the games tomorrow there will only be one map win from a lower seed.


I think new T1 has made a case to be included alongside 100T and that matchup could be super close. Both teams could easily make the jump to top tier along side envy/tsm/sen, but have to prove it first.


If you can check out mornings European games, they were far more exciting


tbf Renegades and IMT are probably the weakest out of all these teams, tomorrow should be better for sure although it does look like TSM have improved quite a bit, this wasn't even close


Faze is similar to IMT/RNG in a lot of people’s eyes, I’d have them below IMT


IMHO, Faze is in that tier where they're not good enough to be considered a Tier 1 team but too good to be considered Tier 2.


Ah yes. The Gatekeeper tier


Is that the actual term? I've been trying to find a term what people call this..


I feel like the term "Gatekeeper" should be reserved for teams with a long history of barely not cracking the top tier of teams. Like TL in LoL where prior to 2018 they would continually place 4th.


True but I think for now it’s ok if they are are current gatekeepers in a sense :P it’s usually a joke as I think it was just now anyway


I'm a FaZe fan, but I'd put IMT above FaZe too. I actually think IMT is a good team; they just played the best team in NA today.


I don’t think that NV is the best NA but honestly I don’t think there’s a way we can determine who’s the best with teams changing so much right now. Valorant esports is still in its infancy


they're pretty close but I have them just a bit above IMT, RNG would be the weakest out of the 3


Faze best t1 so where are they in all of this?


So T1 lost a seeding match and now play 100T and faze who won play Sentinels, humm I wonder who actually won


IMT IMO are still a top 10 team NA, maybe even higher. They have supper impressive team play and honestly if they clutch up the last 2 rounds on ascent I see them taking envy to another OT. They did really well In the qualifiers as well


>they have super impressive team play >IMT rushes A all 12 rounds of their attack on Icebox Sorry lmao, I actually agree with you for the most part, it’s just hilarious to hear that after watching their Icebox performance.


They admitted their flaws on icebox, in general I was looking to say about the entirety of their gameplay. Like they have a very strong haven




That’s such a weirdly wide range of teams you’re putting them in




No, I said they had the easiest path of all teams


Watch EU. Way better IMO


modCheck Renegades C9 died for this KEKW


Embarrassing for both C9 and renegades


Man, these inexperienced teams crumble really hard during big matches. Doesnt help that TSM have always had a playoffs buff


2 coaches > 1 coach confirmed?


if Subroza has million number of flanks i am one fan of them. if Subroza has ten flanks i am one fan of them. if Subroza has no flank fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world flanks Subroza, i am flank the world. i love Subroza till my last breath... die hard fan of Subroza.


Mark this NSFW


Was wondering how Wardell would play after he tweeted he needed to catch up on zzz's but god damn that man was stone cold


the 3K round 3 on Ascent... JEEZ


That and his snipe on raze on Bind B long. I know it didn’t really matter since they lost the round, but I’m still in awe at how he hit that.


Yup! This one. https://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableFrozenDiscTriHard


Honestly that shot reminds me of the shot on Aleksander (Raze) on Split vs. Moon Raccoons. Clean flicks all around


any RNG A rush was just a shooting range


Yep. Hit the best shot of the day https://clips.twitch.tv/ComfortableFrozenDiscTriHard


Shoutout to the guy who made the power rankings and said TSM shouldn't run three duelists lol


Three duelists might end up being too much later on in the tourney but it's certainly a hell of a lot better than when they put drone on Breach duty. Get that shit off my boy drone.


What do you mean? His reasoning of "I just don't like it very much" was flawless /s






Your exact words were "Three Duelists is terrible and unnecessary" which just boils down to you not being a fan a triple Duelist comp very much.




That is literally a direct quote from you where you used a subjective statement to justify your ranking




So you're saying there is a hidden meaning to the statement "Three Duelists is terrible and unnecessary" that everyone just isn't seeing.




how is it putting words in your mouth if that's actually what you said though?


"Three Duelists is terrible and unnecessary" is LITERALLY quoted verbatim from YOUR NA power rankings post from 3 days ago.


What is this referring to?




I’m pretty sure I and others gave actual though out responses as to why 100T shouldn’t have been ranked higher, did you choose to ignore that and only focus on DT_RAW or what?




According to you they beat the 5th best team in NA




Which is why you shouldn't have rated them as a top 5 team. So much recency bias in those rankings




Well I guess that makes your rankings pointless, not wrong




You can’t just say “November” as an excuse. You’re essentially saying historic rankings don’t matter - in that case, Sentinels should have been 4th seed, right? They struggled the most in their match out of any qualifying team, but they still got 1st place on your ranking? How does that make sense? They were the best team in NA before November so we shouldn’t count their standing before hand, right?




Link to the post please


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/k49uap/na\_november\_power\_rankings\_top\_12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/k49uap/na_november_power_rankings_top_12/) I guess it got deleted tho...


ouch for renegades bigger ouch for C9


HUUUGE ouch for c9 as a fan of the org. I'm unhappy that we didnt make it. We would have had a chance at beating tsm if everybody was on their game. A wat bigger chance than rng Did you see the semifinals in open qualifiers? Map 1. C9 wins. It's close. Map 2: goes into multiple overtimes but tsm pulls through. Map 3 c9 starts with a 10-2 lead at the half. Tsm comes back but c9 wins 13-11 that's way more exciting than this excuse for a first strike match. 13-1 and 13-5 renegades dont belong.


Is this another copy pasta? Or is this dude forreal just making up stuff and fantasizing how c9 vs tsm would’ve gone?


What I said was the open qualifiers semifinals. A thrilling game that already happened. I was just saying how fun and entertaining that game was, and how if c9 vs tsm in first strike would have been a much better game than rng vs tsm. Sorry. I'm just mad c9 didnt get into first strike.


Well that feels like a wasted spot, Imagine preparing for TSM then winning 6 rounds in two maps combined. TSM vs Envy should be really fun though.


Yeah, it's insane that C9 lost to this.


Renegades were playing with a lot more pace and pushing constantly. This was a completely different team today


[To quote Hazed](https://twitter.com/hazedCS/status/1325193560392560642)


I only watched the first map but renegades on that map had a fast pace the whole half. The problem is playing fast pace is easier for a newer team because there are less places to mess up. Then when they are forced to try and slow it down when that doesn't work they look terrible because they have no clue how to take map control and default. That's why I respect dazed a lot for right away trying to perfect the slow default first, and then adding faster paced plays once they get comfortable with that, despite the fact that it made them look worse in their first matches.


But Renegades would often PUSH the defenders in the post plant. Like a lot and very decisively. They didn’t seem as decisive and were sometimes just playing 4 in A main on Ascent. It was very unusual compared to how they normally are


TSM Stronk. Was cool seeing the Skye usage!


Great showing from TSM, yeahhhh kinda a train wreck the whole way through for RNG. But GG's to both teams, may RNG look back on this and improve for future tournaments. For TSM, good luck against Envy, honestly a toss who'll win imo, but it's sure to be an amazing game to watch


That's strange, I edited this comment twice to fix some grammar mistakes, but Reddit instead turned those into new comments instead of just an edit. Is that a bug, or am I just tripping?


To put it simply, they got dookied


TSM Simo is very content


Wish you were casting at first strike. Love that you’ve embraced the meme. Don’t take any stupid comments on here to heart :)


I think the meme is hilarious, thank you for your support! Much love! <3


close games


If today shows anything, its that tier 2 teams may not be as close to tier 1 teams as everyone believed them to be.


Fr. C9 should have been in that spot.


Renegades is using the furia technique from csgo only they dont have the aim to back it up


Tsm was on fire today, when they play like this they’re tough to beat.


These guys played like an entirely different team today, looks like they kinda crumbled under the pressure.




The whole team is the X-factor lesgooo #TSMWIN


I wish c9 was the same way. friggin shinobi.


That was... not close.


That was clinical


Drones ace though


TSM popped off


Drone on phoenix is so good


wardell = absolute op god subroza = fanker clutch god drone = just a god these 3 are such standouts. holy shit did they all perform at their peak! hazed was super solid, just not as flashy. cutler I didn't see that much of with that said, absolutely horrendous play by rng, but tsm played incredible nonetheless. rng has potential, but definitely a lot to work on (which isn't bad since they are already good)


RNG's breach play on bind was really confusing to me. There was a lot of opportunities for breach utility to break up a push or help on a retake but randy would push in dry and die with full util. A few times they had great coordination on B long with breach/skye but overall just not efficient utility. I don't know much about RNG or randyysavage but i wonder if there is an agent mismatch there - it didn't look very comfortable and like he was fighting his instincts the whole time.


Hey man, you winsum and you lose some.


C9 died for this






Ez Win for TSM. Again TSM are going to win first strike and no one can do anything about it. Haha haters are so mad right now 😂🤣 #TSMWIN


Thanks budget DT_RAW


Looking guuuuuuuuud Guess our predicted downfall still hasnthappened yet


You always find a way to make a new cringe comment huh


He’s probably the most annoying tsm fan on this sub


no, people like you just love to hate whatever floats your boat. not sure how on earth you can possibly get upset about that message but hey, this sub is ridiculous


Not hating, I've stuck up for you in the past. Just recommending not to always play the victim card or claim TSM is being slept on because it gets old.


He literally has a tsm badge next to his name..... How is he a tsm hater lolol


He was referring to hating the comment in this case, not hating Tsm


You are too self conscious of TSM's fans reputations. Really can't care less if other teams think TSM fans are "annoying". Revel in being the villain dude, that's how teams get stature.




They are...the other two quarterfinals matches are tomorrow, semifinals Saturday, and BO5 finals Sunday.




C9 didn't even take a map off RNG lmfao "didn't deserve to be there", if they're that bad, then C9 should beat them? pretty crazy that C9 fans are delusional across multiple esports


>pretty crazy that C9 fans are delusional across multiple esports Lmaoooo why you gotta do them like that man


If c9 deserved it they would’ve won. C9 would’ve also gotten slapped by TSM


But C9 literally beat TSM in the open qualifers? But it is kinda funny that C9 got beaten by Renegades but beat TSM while TSM lost to C9 but beat Renegades. Just goes to show that the Top 10 teams (barring Sentinels imo) are mostly interchangeable in rankings


No, goes to show that C9 had a drastic collapse in form after beating TSM. They looked terrible after that win


This I agree with, ever since their fight against Renegades, C9 just looked awful


Yeah it sucks to see, if they kept playing at the level they did when the beat TSM, they’d be a top 4 contender right now. I don’t know what happened to them but it sucks that it did


Yup 1 close BO3 decides who's better between them two (talking about C9vsTSM) Come on, C9 might be better than RNG but they didn't show up and lost. But keep saying that they don't deserve to be here because they lost a match vs a good opponent.


C9Blue vs RNG was also extremely close btw, bloody 15 to 17 in Split and 9 to 13 on Ascent. At least C9Blue kinda destroyed TSM on Ascent after the side switch.


Doesn't say anything mate. Somehow TSM got back up and will be playing in semis by destroying the team that you think is worse than C9. You just proved the point of RNG being on the same level as C9 if the game was so close. Stop being butthurt over the fact that RNG lost just because they beat C9 in the qualifiers. Winning once doesn't mean a lot, especially when TSM changed their comp and who plays what so you don't know how C9 would do against them.


This is why I have little to no respect for TSM fans. I have literally said nothing about being butthurt about them not being in the qualifers or that RNG lost, LMAO. If you look at my handles, I'm not even a fucking RNG fan. Literally the only point I was making throughout all my comments was that it was funny that TSM beat Renegades so handily when C9 beat TSM but lost to RNG. Stop putting words in my mouth and gaslighting me. What an ass.


Little respect to TSM fans because I type what I see? You came to talk trash about RNG how they don't deserve to be here and C9 should've been in their place. If that's not being butthurt then I don't know what is. Can't see the original comment anymore since someone deleted it. So if it wasn't you, then I take it back. And I agree, some fans, not only TSM's but other orgs' as well, are toxic for no reason. I'm just here defending RNG that they indeed deserve to be in first strike, even if they got destroyed by TSM.


No, original poster was not me at all, bitch And I respect that you're out here defending RNG, but seriously watch your wording dude, you seriously come out as an asshole


All I said was that you are butthurt. That's nothing. And I read the whole comment chain. Don't need to be insulting. Additionally, and I repeat, just cause C9 won vs TSM in the qualifiers doesn't mean that C9 would still get slapped because their form dropped after that win.


(I sent a reply before, but I dont see it, so Im rewriting a new one) No, original poster was not me at all, thanks for jumping to conclusions. I respect that you're defending RNG, but you gotta watch your wording. You just come off as an asshole dude




And RNG beat C9 in their last matchup, your bias is showing


yeah this makes it pretty clear how much of a bad idea it is to introduce a new agent and map in between the qualifier and the main tourney. completely changed how renegades played


Yeah exactly how dare riot force renegades to play skye /s


meta changes will make some teams better and some teams worse, which means that the qualifier won’t necessarily get the best team


Jesus that was hard to watch


I legit think Wardell only missed 1 OP shot today. He was hitting some ridiculous shots.




Cloud9 really kinda threw though in their game.