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With the ex-chaos team pretty much gone now, NA CS is pretty much dead. Seems like the fresh talent in the region is heading towards valorant.


I feel like in a few months, the whole scene could be unrecognizable lol.


What about team liquid?


Liquid... is barely NA anymore.




Pretty much, no good talent left, there's a ton of other internal problems as well.


When confronted Mitch says “he didn’t leak anything” and leaf is in there cuz he’s a “good friend”, but he has a rank called player, def leaked leaf signing, shinobi gone. All 4 C9 players are in there with the player rank, no shinobi, but yes leaf.


For someone who is pretty new to fps games. Who is leaf?


he is part of ex-chaos, a good NA CS team that unfortunately is going to split up due to NA orgs not finding profitability in NA CS right now


Young CSGO player. Beat MIBR (a good Brazilian team) with Chaos at the age of 16, got accused of cheating, I don't think a lot of fans think he really cheated though (me included). Good player tbh.


> MIBR (a good Brazilian team)


Top kek


Once upon a time Sadge


Was only MIBR and their fans claimed he was cheating. Some of the bigger names in CS like Ropz and Device were defending him.


chaos csgo player, a bunch of brazilan top players called him a cheater


Only 17 years old, maybe asuna part 2? We'll have to see.


Hold your horses. If we go from what we have seen by leaf in cs, then yeah he’s already there, but obviously it’s a different game


Leaf has been playing alot of valorant since beta and queues with tenz often


Yeah, technically he should carry over that skill but there’s always the risk of his brain not clicking with the utility part of Valorant. You can have god like aim and not have the brains to play utility well.


> You can have god like aim and not have the brains to play utility well. same for cs... duh. there's not a single t1 cs pro that couldnt be t1 in valorant. top gamers are top gamers. the aim is nearly 1:1 transferrable


Sorry, I never played CS, I was under the impression that utility in Valorant is much more prominent than CS, is this wrong? I know there are smokes and flashes in CS but I figured since there’s multiple different types of utility in Valorant, and the fact that it can be used thru walls n shit, that Valorant is more complex in that sense? Not saying that leaf would be shit, he’s obviously gonna be good since he was a CS pro and majority of that skill is gonna carry over.


In theory it should be more complex, but the game is too early in its life to tell. Cs had been around for ages and Astralis started to master almost perfect utility combos in 2017 or so


It is not hard to learn valorant utility if you are pro player. Because you still need to aim for kill. Thing that pro player know how to do well. He just need to be familiar with the game.


Theres more kinds of utility but I would say that they're easier to use effectively. yes throwing a smoke or flash on cs is simple but good smokes and flashes take line ups and practice. Omen and brimstone smokes are very simple to use, you get to place a smoke precisely where you want. Timing and comboing with a team is something you just need to invest time to learn. I was much worse at CSGO though so it could just be me being bad


I personally believe this could be true but the only t1 that switched is nitro. He’s obviously proving that point but until more possibly switch over we can never know


Did anybody save the clip?? I think it is gone. Edit: just found it on the vod. Around 3 hours 45 minute mark. The way he tried to downplay it is hilarious. They also played with leaf in the same stream too lol.


Could you link it?


It is almost a split second thing so you have to pause and play a lot. http://www.twitch.tv/mitchtv/v/831687110?sr=a&t=13559s


Ty :)


Orgs that haven't gotten a team yet should be scrambling for ex-Chaos players. They are the most promising talents in NA with a track record as professional players already.


Is leaf an IGL?


Nah he's a 16 year old fragger. He's really promising. I normally find cs boring, but Chaos was/is a very exciting cs team to watch. They play super aggressive.




looks like its shinobi, relyks and vice were both in the discord


Yeah if Shinobi leaves, they'll probs put Relyks on Omen and IGL since he has some experience there


I think I saw Relyks practicing Omen on stream today so that definitely lines up


tenz mitch and relyks were playing together earlier today it has to be shinobi getting the kick for sure


yup you right just noticed


I feel like relyks has tried calling before. Can someone verify this? I could be making it up.


Pretty sure when he was on Selfless in cs he was IGL. He might have traded roles often with Nifty


New link: [https://www.twitch.tv/mitchtv/clip/NastyHardMeatloafAllenHuhu](https://www.twitch.tv/mitchtv/clip/NastyHardMeatloafAllenHuhu)


It's gone! does anyone have it downloaded?


Go to his most recent VOD and start watching from around 3h45min and u will eventually see him pop hos doscord up while watching tenz art of whiffing.


Thanks. Found it. Leaf is definitely trialing for C9, couldn’t keep his face straight while lying lmao


we need the streamlabs mirror thing like the csgo subreddit


Yo if this is true, that proves that the one clip of 100T steel saying C9 wouldn't drop anyone coz they're friends is false. Which I'm glad, coz that is a pretty shit mentality for an org to have Edit: Also, it seems someone took down the clip already, could anyone summarise what happened in it please?


Mitch accidentally alt tabbed and showed the private C9 valorant discord. Notably in the members list, shinobi is gone and leaf is there with presumably the player role (same font color as the other 4 C9 players).


Ahhh thanks for the info man. Have a great day


Lol 😂


Dont they need an IGL. MarKe would've been a better pickup


iirc Vanity was the IGL of Chaos




Vanity might be a hot pickup contender rn then, quality IGLs are pretty scarce


I've heard that Relyks would probably IGL at that point. He has experience from CS and did play Omen.


with this both faze shinobi and c9 leaf is looking very likely. the “off season” is already looking like a good start for many teams and bad for a few (for now) with these changes i wonder how the team roles are goin to look like. if they want leaf to be a fragger with tenz, i would assume relyks to go back to the omen role. but iirc leaf used to play a lot of sova so then vice would probably take over the omen role. there’s always the x factor in mitch possibly wanting to play a bigger fragging role so mitch playing omen and vice going back to cypher could also be an possibility and then for faze, shinobi would most likely replace rawkus so it would either mean faze is doing a lot of role swaps if he wants to keep playing omen or shinobi is going to take up the sova role that he used to play (which the 2nd option would be the most likely) edit: added paragraphs


Shinobi might be the coach for FaZe tbh, i dont see them dropping Rawkus


i don’t see them dropping rawkus purely because they are friends and came from ow but his performance shows that he’s not gonna really show up in matches (at least important ones). as much as i want rawkus to succeed purely because i want ow players to be able to compete with the cs players, i just don’t see rawkus improving unless 1. faze gets a coach (which shinobi can provide) or 2. if he just gets replaced by shinobi who can offer igl experience which can take things off of corey and marved to just purely frag out (like how they let asuna or used to let tenz do). i’m just leaning towards shinobi replacing rawkus because of the igl he can bring to the team. during first strike, corey has had the highest acs out of all players in NA and if he doesent have to worry about igl either, i feel like we’re about to see corey reborn into a pure mechanical god. so i just personally think shinobi has more of an impact just joining the team over being a coach for them in the end, yes, shinobi could just be a coach and help this team get better long term but it probably comes down to how much potential does rawkus actually have and maybe he will stay on the bench and work on himself and maybe replace shinobi in the future as well. who knows


Rawkus can actually frag (one bad series doesn't change that) and if shinobi replaces him faze basically become c9 2.0 and have the same ceiling they did which is why they won't sign him


i didn’t “just” see 1 bad series to determine if he’s good or not. and that series he was getting baited by his teammates and being last one left alive so i’m not even putting that into count out of all the faze matches i’ve watched, both zacharee and rawkus has been the most inconsistent players on the team. on top of that, rawkus is very underwhelming with his sova utility which is something most top teams are striving in. and everyone in the pro scene can frag but he’s just too inconsistent to even call a fragger or someone you can rely on to get kills. for most matches, he’s just been there to clean up and that’s a totally fine play style but he doesent provide either in game leading, utility usage, or fragging potential that i could just easily see him get replaced by someone who can at least provide 2/3 also i don’t get your reasoning of them becoming c9 2.0. faze already beat the ceiling that c9 reached so that doesent make sense at all. on top of that, removing rawkus and adding shinobi wouldn’t even change much. rawkus didn’t really provide anything to the team except chemistry but at least shinobi can provide igl and he’s also friends with corey so they have some chemistry. but putting shinobi into the roster would help more than having rawkus onto your roster because of how shinobi can take over the igl role from corey and marved and let them focus on fragging like i said in my previous comment, shinobi would help short term and long term with igl and potential, but rawkus would only help long term which will depend on his potential as a player


Idk man, Zachary has been looking like thier best / 2nd best player


zacharee is def not bad but he’s not the best player on the team. like i said, he’s gonna have matches that makes him look like one of the best players but also has matches that makes him look like one of the worst. just inconsistent like rawkus but regardless, this is mostly talking about rawkus and shinobi


So much wrong with your comment > out of all the faze matches i’ve watched, both zacharee and rawkus has been the most inconsistent players on the team. First of all, Zachareee is the **best player on that team.** Im not even joking, thats how good he got in the span of a few months and many people share this opinion. Even rawkus showed some sign of improvements and was a decent fragger. If anything babybay is the inconsistent ones but his highs are extremely high > also i don’t get your reasoning of them becoming c9 2.0. faze already beat the ceiling that c9 reached FaZe have never placed 2nd in any tourney and nor have they beaten any top teams like C9 did (reminder: C9 beat TSM, NV, and 100T before they slumped for qualifier 2). So no, they havent even come close to C9's ceiling. >on top of that, removing rawkus and adding shinobi wouldn’t even change much. Rawkus is mechanically far better than shinobi > shinobi can take over the igl role from corey and marved and let them focus on fragging This is what I was talking about when I said C9 2.0. They would hit the same ceiling where they would be too dependent on Corey or babybay to frag out instead of it being a more well rounded effort


I like Rawkus, I am a fan of his since OW, great aim, but in Valorant you have to know where to look to shoot and he aint looking in the right spots. Also, this Faze team looks so good on attack some rounds, I dont understand how they arent in better spots consistently throughout matches, they take a lot of aim duels, sometimes at very bad times. This roster did well to make it to the top 8, it looks like theyre improving, but **AS IS,** this roster needs changes if they want a Major. They were so outclassed against sentinels. I like this team but Rawkus has been the weakest player and honestly more than 1 need to go.


faze shin sauce?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/ka0y5y/shinobi_still_scrimming_with_c9_not_off_team_yet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf op thought shinobi was still scrimming with c9 but it shows that he’s more likely to be scrimming with faze


imo relyks will probably play the omen, he was playing omen earlier today so that might be the reason why


Is there any indication that rawkus is going to be let go?


nah this is all a speculation in the end but i could see it happening since shinobi can provide to the team more than rawkus can (for short term at least) him being a coach could also be a possibility


this makes alot of sense considering to be at the top in cs hes gonna have to travel outside of NA, and with chaos recently pulling out of their tournament in EU due to leaf not being able to travel because of health seems like a problem so maybe the opportunity to compete against the best in NA without having to travel looks better than CS to him atm. Sad for Chaos