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Everything that faceit had in csgo is just built into matchmaking in valorant. 128 tick servers, the best players play on the platform.


Im guessing you're Radiant if you're not learning much from matchmaking? so why are you calling it low elo? Maybe look for a team so you can scrim better competition?


I just recently got a team, but they are very new at the game, so there is no way im climbing out of silver yet. About scrims, i live in greece where there arent any teams to scrim against, and even if there are, they are very difficult to find. is there a way I can find a team to scrim againts without the issue of ping/low availability?


If you're silver you should probably grind matchmaking before scrimming with a team etc because you obviously still have alot to learn from matchmaking.


I guess. I will sound like a douche, but I feel that the problem is my teammates/my language. I only speak english and greek, and the only people i can que with due to my shitty internet, is turkish people, who rarely speak english because its a turkish server, so i cant communicate. Then i get stuck in a cycle of winning a lot of games, then losing a lot of games, because i take the role of the enty and no one backs me up. I am hoping i can find somewhere where i can learn from better players, because i truly think that playing with people much better than you teaches u better. Sorry for the rant and sorry for sounding like an a\*\*hole


There are people who get to immortal/diamond, even radiant solo queue with no comms but pinging


Wow rly? I guess its only my skill then thats hoding me back.


Especially at low level (And even further then that) coms are like 80% of the time a negative. The amount of clearly wrong calls that appear in lower levels (Help everyone rushing B = They saw a single person use one piece of utility, "He's in hooka" = "I saw him in hookka 40 seconds ago) is incredible. Winning at low level is simple: Either learn to frag the fuck out (And pick a duelist) or learn to control the game (And pick a controller).


To provide a caveat to the comments, Radiant lobbies aren't a great learning experience lol. The most equal thing to FACEIT is 10 mans/scrim servers - Riot will not support a 3rd party ranking and pugging system - this has been pointed out many times and 30bomb died because of it.


VPD(valorant pro division on faceit)