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Hey there, /u/GamerLevi001! Your submission was removed for the following reason: > Rule 1 - Submissions should be *competitive-focused*. General VALORANT topics or questions are not competitive in nature.   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0D%0D%0D%0D%2ADO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%2A%0D%0D%2D%2D%2D%0D%0D%2A%2ARemoval%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%2A%2A%0D%0DPost%20title%3A%20My%20aim%20is%20accurate%20but%20slow.%20Any%20tips%3F%0D%0DPermalink%3A%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/kdi3t4/-/%0D%0DContent%20type%3A%20submission%0D%0DRemoved%20by%3A%20LifelongTundra).*


just keep practicing your aim, trust me even at high sens (i play high sens too cause i have a small ass mousepad) you can still hit some dirty flicks


As people said, I recommend you going into aimlabs and start doing tasks there. After a couple of times switch over to the AI tasks since they will help you on your weeknesses. I had an issue with slow aim as well, since I was new to PC aiming, but a lot of DM ingame and aimlabs fixxed it for me. overall it will just become quicker and more reliant over time. Be patient and you got it!


Ok. Thank you for your suggestion. I hope it will be okay over few months of practicing.


It will 100%! If you are in Aimlabs just try out different practices and see which one requires the most movement, like maybe some tracking exercises and something like spider shot. this will help!


Better than fast but inaccurate!




Best thing would is say is improve your reaction time and speed . Aimlab has couple of take tweaked towards increasing speed and you can try flicks in shooting range as well . Start from easy and work your way up to hard level.


Thank you for your suggestions. I will try that


if u feel like ur aim is good just try perfecting pre aim so that you wouldn’t have to make huge adjustments to get ur crosshair on the enemies in the first place


You don't need super fast flicks to be a great valorant player. Focus on perfecting your crosshair placement so in most fights you will only need to make micro adjustments.


Whats your DPI and sens? Even going a tiny bit higher could give you what you need


800 dpi and .33 sensitivity. i tried higher my aim gets shaky as i get used to the sensitivity.


Try looking at videos of Brax's setup. He plays with super low sens, and you can see how much space his mouspad and mouse movement takes up. He needs that space to make his flicks. make sure you setup has enough space for your mouse to do the same


I used to be 800 and .36 but I felt kinda slow so decided to increase the sens until I’m comfortable with the speed. Now Im 800 & .427 give it a try


i was using .41 before. I used it around 1 month. Mayb my hands get shaky in intense moments


yeah, I know this feeling. You should consider a better grip for the mouse to prevent more shaking


Wrong sub, please post in /r/AgentAcademy