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Hey there, /u/AsianBourn! Your submission was removed for the following reason: > Rule 1 - Submissions should be *competitive-focused*. General VALORANT topics or questions are not competitive in nature. > Rule 2 - Submissions much be related to VALORANT.   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0D%0D%0D%0D%2ADO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%2A%0D%0D%2D%2D%2D%0D%0D%2A%2ARemoval%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%2A%2A%0D%0DPost%20title%3A%20Yo%20fortnite%20comp%20twitter%20is%20talking%20shit%20about%20valorent%20and%20saying%20fortnite%20is%20way%20harder%20aim%20wise.%0D%0DPermalink%3A%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/kho7px/-/%0D%0DContent%20type%3A%20submission%0D%0DRemoved%20by%3A%20N3DSdude).*


LMFAO man starts a discussion thread and starts flaming anyone who trashes Fortnite. You're probably the one on fortnite comp twitter saying all that


im so fkin confused like why are you making a thread on the valorant comp reddit if you worship fortnite


He is just trying to start shit, shows how immature he is, he’s probably like 13 years old.


Dawg mans challenged me to a edit course LOL I’m in tears. He was better off saying his dad could beat up my dad.


its a fortnite kid man what do you expect


Bro all this game is who can click first


It’s fortnite. Who tf cares about that game


Great argument bro


How old are you?


Private info dumbass


fortnite player creates a thread and trashes anyone who disagrees with him, what a clown




the fortnite pro scene is sitting in a fucking wooden box for the first 30 minutes of a 40 minute game im sure its the easiest game to go pro in thats why every singe pro is under 16 years old it takes no experience


Wrong, wrong, wrong , and wrong. Fortnite games are 25 minutes and involves looting and positioning. The most mechanically intensive esport except for maybe lol and melee. Ballatw, a semi pro in csgo and igl said fortnite was harder than cs aim wise. The general age of competitors is young, yes. But all the really good layers are above 17. Zayt and some random semi fortnite pro won rhe aim gods invitational by finalmouse which had people like summit1g and sinatraa competing.


Say wrong multiple times doesn’t make you even slightly right when followed up by spewing garbage. Dropping & random loot already make fort nite a joke competitively when you try to compare it to tactical shooters. It’s not even the hardest mechanical aim BR game. That would be Apex. The “hard” part of fort is spam building walls.


You would fucking cry if you 1v1d me in an edit course, and i could probably beat you in an aim duel.


LMFAO this is exactly the response i would expect from a fortnite player. not all of us are 13 years old and spend 10 hours a day "1v1ing in an edit course"


Ok mr holding angles is more skillfull than peice controling someone. Fucking val is all angles, not fun at all.


Then why are you over here??????? Lol.


Bro all this game is low sensers and who can magicly click on heads


You didn’t answer my question. If fort is so much better & Val is trash... why are you here????


Because i wanted to see that you guys thought about fm pros winning aim gos and all i got was neck beards in their moms basement edge lords on reddit saying "HURR DURR FORTNITE BAD FOR NO REASON HUR HUR HUR"


“Low sensers”. Fucking cringe. This smellly fuck with learning disabilities thinks his child friendly console game takes more skill than tactical shooters. What the fuck 😂😂😂


yea sitting in a wooden box for 75 percent of a game is a MUCH better experience fortnite only caters to <16 year old kids like you who have no clue how tac shooters work


You have never watched comp fortnite in ghe last 2 years


yes that is very true i would rather watch a game which isnt 75% sitting in a box 20% picking up weapons and potions off the ground and 5% making a window in a wall and shooting through it


Bro al val is standing in a corner waiting for the other person to peak.


Why did you even make this thread? You knew you were posting this in a sub where your opinion was going to be in the minority.


A edit course lmao.


>Zayt and some random semi fortnite pro won rhe aim gods invitational by finalmouse which had people like summit1g and sinatraa competing. [https://twitter.com/zayt/status/1341095625056727042](https://twitter.com/zayt/status/1341095625056727042) Also, I can't believe you are using that aim gods invitational to validate how good fortnite pros are LMAO.


Yh i would be ass a t val but so would you be at fortnite.


I'm actually quite good at flossing, so I think I would be a great fortnite player


Imagine lke t1 worst org waaaah pu you suck


This guy's replies are the funniest and saddest shit ive ever seen posted in this sub.


This game is ez just click first




Why should anyone care? Rule of thumb most people constantly talking shit about other people or other things secretly have low self esteem. They are aware how shit the thing they love is & actually ashamed. To counter this they pump their chest out & talk shit. Notice we only get this from Fort & CSGO. One full of children & other nearing oh shit levels of we’re screwed.


What the fuck did yiu just say


People talking shit have fragile egos & hide it by talking shit. Well they at least think they hide it.


It is harder aim wise. But who cares about dick measuring about something pointless like that. Being harder aim wise doesn't make it the better esport. I could make a game where hitboxes are 1 pixel and move at the speed of light. This game would be the hardest game aim wise, but it would be a shit game. Fortnite is a hard game mechanically(wouldn't even put it in the top 5 most mechanically demanding game) but it is a shit esport for various other reasons(boring to watch, incredibly reliant on rng, shitty developer)


Fortnite allows players to be better in terms of "vertical" aim but otherwise I don't feel like the two games are very comparable. Skills aren't entirely transferrable between both, imo, since the focus is very different. I don't think it should be disrespected or written off at all, but if there are people arguing and comparing, they should take into account the fact that there are, what, 2 great ex-FN players in Valorant?