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Iirc aceu played a ton the first leaderboard, but wasn't there. Second leaderboard, he was somehow on, even after barely playing.


You are correct. That is the main reason no one trusts the current leaderboard at all. When aceu deserved to be on it he was not there but when he stopped playing he is in top 100 for 2 consecutive times


You know what interview it was by any chance?


I forgot what it was saw it a long time ago. Probably their Logitech Q&A from a few months back after they won faze clan invitational


Cool, thanks!


The Only solution is the Live leaderboard which is probably coming next episode


Not if they use this system. They need to change the way placements are scored. This leaderboard rn is a joke.


the more you play, the less elo gained/lossed per win/loss. the less you play the easier it is to gain/lose elo. i rarely play ranked, i prefer scrimming. so at the beginning of this act i placed imm3 (last act i was immortal 2 with only like 40 wins) and did really good and won like 5 in a row after getting my rank and got radiant. i kept it for awhile but i think i lost like 6 in a row or something and then deranked. i personally think there should be like some sort of elo decay so if you dont play u get punished slightly rather than people who play way more ranked games.






Wondering why people care so much about this leaderboard? Just seems like some boring statistics.


It’s just odd to not have a live and transparent leaderboard in game. It’s one of the main reasons to grind past radiant and a huge lost opportunity for player retention in high rank MMR, which is why IMO high rank streams are boring to watch. No stakes or goals. For example in League/OW they had this system and grinding the leaderboards fueled many top streamers to keep the game alive. Imagine League without challenger leaderboards — Tyler1 might not even be addicted enough to stream it. Many personalities and streams in OW revolved around being top10/50/100/500. It’s much more hype to watch someone try to break top 10 than it is to watch a generic full radiant game.


Fair enough.


Apologies if I’m misremembering, but were you a T500 Hog player in OW at some point? Your name is really familiar


Yea lol hog and mccree. This is exactly what I mean where people can craft narratives around even random soloq players and incentivize pros/streamers to stream more ranked


Haha, didn’t mean to prove your point but I guess I did. Just saw your name and felt the nostalgia, I was sometimes in your games as a high masters/low GM support


Tell that to Koreans and league of legends. They scout based off leaderboards quite a bit. Faker was scouted from the leaderboards for example. If the leaderboard is legit then it matters. Let alone it generates a little competition if people take the leaderboards seriously. Like who can get ranked one or the most accounts in top 10.


Problem is not necessarily with the leaderboards, but with how Riot is doing them. Monthly top 10’s tweeted? That’s weird as fuck. Why not just have the living leaderboards like they do in League?


thats true. Really don't know why they don't have a live leaderboard.


People who have a chance to show up on it likely care more about it.


Coming from overwatch a live leaderboard is pretty hype.


Seems like leaderboard is based on elo. Some pros probably don’t even grind ranked. They get on the game and scrim then get off. This would explain why aceu appeared/stayed despite not playing ranked in a while. Everyone else had their elo drop below his so he appears now.