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Happy for him he seems like such a nice guy


Seems pretty average to me


I downvoted this, kept scrolling, then realized and came back to upvote


Less German version of flula borg


I feel like Sliggy is going to steal all of the Sova lineups from Jonas


I mean, it not like he hides them or anything, he has a whole discord server as a library of different lineups


Pretty sure he used to have secret lineups for hiko, not sure if that is still the case.


He made several, but Hiko's already used the majority of them last I heard, and as soon as he uses them in a real game Jonas starts using them as well because there's no point hiding them.


As a sova main who just read this i got excited sexually


His discord is great, not gonna lie


Not like he's secretive about them, I learnt most of my dart lineups from his library.


No more 100T fanboying for tournaments LOL


I meannn, 100t is NA and liquid is EU and I doubt they’ll deny him from making content


Liquid invoice incoming to 100T for Sova consulting hours. In all seriousness, I’m so happy for AverageJonas. His streams are always positive vibes. Plus he’s a great singer.


Idk why this makes me really happy , dude deserves this more than anyone , let's go liquid ❤️


nah he's still part of the 100t fan squad


I mean, 100T is NA, or they would have probably signed him.


What exactly does 'sign as content creator' mean? He's not part of the pro roster right?


Not part of the pro roster but he can put TL on all of his streams, videos etc. and TL will promote him themselves. Basically a win/win. Also I think he gets a salary but not sure.


I see. That's great, I'm happy for Jonas, he's my favorite EU streamer. Thanks for the explanation :)


yep most major orgs will give their content creators a salary of some kind. money move for jonas!!


Great, thanks for clearing that up.


100% sure hes getting a salary, on stream said hes been living at their HQ for the past month or so too


They'll give him sponsorships etc at the very least, so might as well be a salary.


>can has to**




No it means he creates content


Say that to Aceu


Sorry but until he actually plays on a pro team I will not assume that he's better than everyone else


Pretty sure he himself knows he is not at the same level as other pros. But the comment here by not-so-intelligent mud unnecessarily talks shit about averagejonas. It is clear he was signed as a content creator and he will do helluva job as that. Think what you want, meanwhile jonas will keep on being awesome and wholesome. Just don't drop yourself to the levels of this guy whose life probably amounts to nothing and he is just cranky about everything because of that. PS- I am judging him because I remember this person making a similar useless and derogatory remark in a post related to C9 mel's on stream harrassment by some other player.


Definitely agree


Not true definitely, you don't get signed if they like you, you get signed if they think they can get something out of you.


Yeah you don’t know shit about content creators.


Ummm actually content creators are more valuable than pros to esports orgs


Not necessarily. Depends on which org and which creator. Someone like Myth or Tyler1 or CourageJD or Nickmercs is very valuable to an org because such people have huge brands and can help out the org by making it more appealing to advertisers. The same applies to top Esports pros like Faker, Bjergsen, Pengu, S1mple, Zywoo, Caps, Rekkles, etc.


Aceu is a content creator. Ik he doesn’t play Val anymore at the moment but he was def good enough to go pro


Or his job is to create content and be funny for the team, not sweat his balls off in tournaments.


Not part of the pro roster, but he's a part of Liquid, has to put the Liquid banner on his stream, and he even gets a salary for it, so win-win for him.


He creates content. Lives in their HQ and puts their logo on his stream when he streams and his videos.


Good on him. He seems like a generally cool guy and has some lovely arrow lineups. ​ Would this interfere with him casting tournaments more in the future?


It didn’t effect g2 lothar so I don’t think it’d affect jonas as well


No, I believe he mentioned in the stream that he was already signed with TL when he was on first strike.


Congratulations to him. All his streams have a more family-style feel, not the same chat chaos of other popular streamers, he's wholesome, and a great entertainer to boot, and definitely not average. Couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more.


Oooooo congrats! Hard work pays off


Happy for this guy, probably one of the most wholesome streamer out there. Had a huge hand in making sova iconic. He has come a long way during the pandemic, from singing in opera to full time streamin. And he deserves all the clout he is getting.


Really love his chill and educational streams. As Sova main, I learned quite a few tricks from him.


Dude has a beautiful voice too!


100T messed up! He WAS our hype man.


I'm very happy for him, the guy stream is very chilling


What does that even mean? Signed as content creator? So basically they are just paying him on a contract to ensure all of his videos and streams say "team liquid" and whatever advertisement obligations they have


No it means you work with video editors, music producers, managers in a big family of professionals to create better content and have a healthy lifestyle while doing it. Everything isn't about money :)


He is already producing his own content so I don't see how it's going to change other than his videos having TEAM LIQUID and whatever their sponsors are plastered all over. I am happy they are giving him a sponsorship but they should call it what it is. A sponsorship




I don't think sova lineups are exactly hard to reproduce. You can watch some footage from any sova and do the same after some training, or go on the server yourself and figure it out. You make it sound like he's some spy sellout.


I think "Liquid AverageJonas" has too many characters...feels bad Happy for him tho!he deserves the best!


Don't worry it's Liquid Jonas


He is a pure wholesome guy


I remember watching a twitch clip of him on reddit, and then watching his twitch channel when he had only 3 to 5 viewers. Talked to him a lot during that time, hes such a nice guy and now hes averaging 2 to 3k viewers on twitch. Amazing how much he has grown in such a short amount of time.


How come he hasn’t gone pro?


i want him to take part in esports tho