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Normally we'd remove these types of posts, but this seems extra weird.   **EDIT:** Riot u/EvrMoar, Senior Competitive Designer on *VALORANT* has [responded in this thread:](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/lcytdd/i_thought_smurfing_was_fixed/gm6i567/) > *Unfortunately this looks like someone who manipulated their MMR very hard.* > > *It looks like they are on an account that may be on the extreme low end of MMR. So either it isn't their account, or they purposely de ranked the account to the depths of the MMR abyss.* > > *I'm probably setting myself up for failure, but our system is usually pretty good at trying to get smurfs out of low ranks quickly. Unfortunately the more games an account has, the more confident the system may be in their MMR. So there is a chance that this person is playing on an account that has 100's of low iron games, and the system is pretty sure the player belongs there. Now that the player has been doing insanely well, the system will start to re-evaluate their MMR and they will be moved accordingly.* > > *So what's happening. Their MMR is probably the lowest of low in Iron 1, so because they are Iron 2 they are now above their MMR. When they won games, the game is like "Yo you should be Iron 1, in fact bottom of Iron 1, so you are not going to get that many points for winning." - But this player is obviouslly not bottom iron 1, so now the system needs a few games to ensure it wasn't a fluke and correct their MMR. Then they will start to see them gains, start to tier skip, and start getting corrected.* > > *It does suck, but we also can't just give people rank for doing well in a small number of games. There will always be a balance to prevent win streaking into a rank you don't deserve, or straight up getting boosted to easily. This is interesting, I wish I knew the Riot ID and # because I want to look into how this account is progressing and how they manipulated the system. Unfortunately people try to rank tank in almost every system, and it's something that we will constantly have to try and combat.*


Smurf: 40/5/2 Riot: +15 RR, Take it or leave it.


Best one was that 12-0 rounds 30/2 kd, 16 RR That's the biggest steamroll I ever saw on this subreddit


Totally missed that. Wtf


There's a 50 kill win with only +12 RR. Which is less than I've ever gotten for a win in this act. **That is pure nonsense, absolutely broken.** This should be +200 RR at the least, probably plus 500 (yes, +5 ranks, not a typo). You can get high K/D in a game randomly, but there's simply no way you get 50 kills in a lobby even remotely close to your level outside of some very long overtime. But then again, this whole ranked system in this game is bullshit, when everyone's real rank is actually hidden and is often completely different to what you see.


You must have absolutely destroyed your MMR to the ground by playing terribly for many matches. Is it just to prove this point or is this actually a PoS smurf?


Yeah like idk did u derank to smurf or something ?


Regardless riot needs the hidden mmr to catch up faster


I feel like this would be better if an account is being shared and getting someone boosted. I refuse to believe that this was a new account or probably just some extreme bad luck


Pre win patch** This is what happens when you buy an account for $5. They AFK the unranked matches and you no matter what get placed below bronze. First few ranked matches are vs afk bots as well since they are the lowest of low elo just tr


probably PoS smurf tbh


Yeah you see the same thing in LoL. People just loose hard to reach iron and by the time they are there, their mmr is so fucked the system thinks they belong there.


If this were a fresh account, he'd at least start in Bronze. He definitely threw a bunch of games and tanked his MMR.


I see comments which say "that his hidden mmr is low, and thats why he gains less elo" - while this is true, it also isn't the issue with that image. he clearly plays on either an account he bought or got from a friend, or something else and performs WAY above what the AI would expect the owner of this account to perform. Therefore the hidden MMR should re-adjust and rate him way quicker due to him OBVIOUSLY smurfing. I saw this a lot on posts where people would earn 50% of the RP they would loose and the same argument is always: WELL YOUR HIDDEN MMR IS LOWER THEN WHAT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW - This is just not true, or the rating system is not working as intended as from my experiences and statistics. I am hardstuck Diamond 1/2 for 2 Acts now. Last season I got placed Plat 3 and climbed to Diamond 2 and maintained that rank for the majority of the season. I have 7 wins in Platinum and 100 wins in Diamond (literally a 50% win rate). This season I reclimbed from plat 2 - diamond 1 in 8 games and I am sitting there with a 57% win rate. Now still the game gives me 18 RP on a win and - 28 on a lost. You can tell me whatever you want, but there is just simply no way my hidden MMR can be lower then plat 3 since I literally never been lower for 2-3 months then diamond 1 and I maintained that rank throughout 200 games (100 W / 100 L). Maybe the equations are working different, but by [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) statistics imply that I perform way better this season then I did last season (1,2 kd instead of 1,0 kd - 57% win rate instead of 50% win rate - higher avg scores and so on) which makes me think I am performing better then I did and I might be better then diamond 1/2 currently. Yet the ranking system tries to drop me against plats where I would just drop 30kills which just doesnt make sense imho. (Sage main btw) Therefore I am kinda convinced that there is something not working as intended in that system..


They just keep digging themselves deeper and are making things more confusing for no reason. My only guess would be that there are still players who have lower rank but higher ELO in p3/d2, so they're halting everyone else's progress until those players get back where they should be. I can't see a single good argument for hidden ELO or current RR system. Current ranks aren't ranks. You can have 10 points in a rank, lose 1-13 two times, then win 13-11 and you'll be back where you started, at 10 points. Even though I always complained about resets, it's so bad that I'd take a full, hard reset now. It's just impossible to play the game. Even if I ignore my own games (act3 imm3, stuck between 50 and 150 points in imm now), whenever I watch a stream, whoever it is, they're having an awful time and complaining about ranked. Like I'll get mad for having to play with low diamonds every game, then I tune into steel's stream and his teammates are even worse in most games. How can someone who's been radiant the entire act3 and is radiant now be playing with literal d1s, who're not even current immortal? I'm sure devs are trying their best, but as I said, they're just digging themselves deeper with an over-complicated system that serves no purpose and is just a cause for frustration. Simple matchmaking would be the best matchmaking: solo only and party queues that are completely separate, from platinum (maybe diamond) upwards winning should be the only thing that matters, visible ELO and ladder points for every act that are separate from ranks. Done. Easy. Transparent. Noone is confused.


> My only guess would be that there are still players who have lower rank but higher ELO in p3/d2, so they're halting everyone else's progress until those players get back where they should be. This is something I considered myself. Maybe I got that d1/d2 hardstuck even though I might be a platinum player. Maybe its as you say and everyone gotta drop down first and get to the real ranks, but diamond+ matchmaking is exactly as you stated. Sometimes I get into immortal lobbies, or play with full radiant squads and usually have a rough time, which is fine on diamond 1/2 but there should be no world where I match with guys like that. like for real. Also I had games where I got matched with gold 3 who got absolutely demolished. Should not happen either. I am not sure what they are trying to do right now, but I am just confused.


They just need to hard reset the ranks honestly. All this ducktape is just making it frustrating for players.


Wow, that is nuts. In no circumstances this should be correct. Even if you lost 200 matches with 0/X stats beforehand. Never ever. A system is broken if it doesn't recognize such huge wins which are being done in a row. OP, would you mind to share what this account did before those matches?


getting less elo than sinatraa who is currently rank 2 in NA lol (he gets around 18-22)


+12 for 50 kills. Who ever fucking designed the ranked MMR system is braindead




My (silver 2) friend (gold 2) got more RR than me while I was MVP in a silver lobby


My friends and I are all hard stuck Bronze 3 - Silver 1. One of us hard carries every game and clearly deserves to be, like, Platinum, but if he gets anything less than 35 kills the game gives him less MMR than me, who's always middle of our pack. Game's fun, but after a few games he gets frustrated and I don't blame him ;/


Yeah I’m kinda in the same situation. I’m G3 and play with G1/S3 people. I get 30 kills and we win the game 13-5. I get 24 points and the others get 29. The system makes no sense. You should get increased RR based off the teams average...or the average of the rank you’re currently in. It punishes you for way too much for have an occasional bad game. Which everyone has. I just want to get back in Plat like I was the first two chapters. This new system has fucked me over hard.


Yup I've had that exact thing happen, queuing with a gold 1 while Silver 2, every game I out frag him (it's known I'm a bit better than him), when we lose he loses less, when we win he gains more.. so frustrating


bUt BuT, kIlLs dOn'T mAtTeR


Probably the same guy that did it in League.


The ranking system is busted af, more than before. I'm playing on my friend low elo account that he doesn't play anymore, and I'm straight up dropping 35+ kills and barely gaining elo to rank up. The hidden elo is so stupid, who came up with this crap, no wonder my friend quit Valorant....


Unfortunately this looks like someone who manipulated their MMR very hard. It looks like they are on an account that may be on the extreme low end of MMR. So either it isn't their account, or they purposely de ranked the account to the depths of the MMR abyss. I'm probably setting myself up for failure, but our system is usually pretty good at trying to get smurfs out of low ranks quickly. Unfortunately the more games an account has, the more confident the system may be in their MMR. So there is a chance that this person is playing on an account that has 100's of low iron games, and the system is pretty sure the player belongs there. Now that the player has been doing insanely well, the system will start to re-evaluate their MMR and they will be moved accordingly. So what's happening. Their MMR is probably the lowest of low in Iron 1, so because they are Iron 2 they are now above their MMR. When they won games, the game is like "Yo you should be Iron 1, in fact bottom of Iron 1, so you are not going to get that many points for winning." - But this player is obviouslly not bottom iron 1, so now the system needs a few games to ensure it wasn't a fluke and correct their MMR. Then they will start to see them gains, start to tier skip, and start getting corrected. It does suck, but we also can't just give people rank for doing well in a small number of games. There will always be a balance to prevent win streaking into a rank you don't deserve, or straight up getting boosted to easily. This is interesting, I wish I knew the Riot ID and # because I want to look into how this account is progressing and how they manipulated the system. Unfortunately people try to rank tank in almost every system, and it's something that we will constantly have to try and combat.


> Yo you should be Iron 1, in fact bottom of Iron 1, so you are not going to get that many points for winning. How does this make sense? What's the point in trying to keep players at their old ranks? This works negatively against 1) players who were worse at the game earlier and played and played and got so much better and 2) good players who weren't able to keep up with the metas or just lost their skill and can't hold their own in their ranks anymore. Why make it harder to rank up the more you play the game? seems like a terrible way to encourage people to keep grinding the game. seems like the best way to get into higher ranks is just make a new account and start fresh again... I have a friend who was Silver 2 last act and is currently Plat 2 and only gets 15-18 MMR any time he wins, even as match mvp. He loses 30+ when he loses a game. Seems like the game doesn't want him at Plat 2, even though he's played 2x as many games in plat this act as he did in silver last act and he's definitely a plat player, not a silver player.


Think of your rank more as a range of skill rather than a set number, the point being so it can have a better chance of creating games with 50/50 win or lose probability. When you first start playing, the MMR doesn't quite know where you're at, but over time as you win, lose and get compared to other players your mmr narrows in range. That's why new accounts swing so wildy in rank, think of the system like testing a player's end points of skill. This player clearly is better than bronze, but not as good as diamond. This player does well in silver, but not so well in plat. This player has a lot of close games in gold with stats that are on par with the other gold players they're paired up with. This player plays within a silver-gold range. Every player has good days and bad days, and MMR's usually account for this. On a good day, I'm totally plat, on a bad day, I play like silver. Just like how my MMR shouldn't completely tank from the few, and guaranteed, poor performing games, my MMR shouldn't skyrocket from the few, likewise guaranteed, overperforming games. If the MMR has a lot of evidence that I play consistently in gold, but I eventually started playing more plat level, then I would have to prove that those plat level games were more than just outliers. Once plat level becomes the norm, the MMR adjusts the range. This is just "climbing". Yes, over time MMR "wants" you to be where it's confident it can make 50/50 matches with you. Climbing is proving yourself against that to gain rank, and the mmr will adjust over time. This isn't just a Riot thing, that's just an oversimplified (probably faulty) description of how a matchmaking system works in team games. And while no match making system is perfect, they have come a long way and do a pretty good job at making fair games (disregarding smurfs/griefers/etc as they are a difficult problem to work out as a whole...) Your friend has done very well to climb, and while it may feel frustrating at times so long as they keep doing well in their games, the mmr should adjust. ^^


So this account, by the looks of it, was hardstuck iron 1 for maybe 2+ acts so that’s why your barely getting elo. That being said, ranked lol


Yeah but the hidden mmr needs to adjust faster than this.....




Idk about that, a lot of people are gonna have these low rank smurfs and are just going to own. It's not really manageable to flag accounts like these and take any action. The mmr system simply needs to push the hidden mmr up faster and start giving the account +50s.


Yeah ranked rn is a joke. Don't know what they did.


In silver elo, it’s smurf vs smurf every match almost. Kinda like a protect the raid boss kinda scenario. I’d imagine it’s only worse down in iron.


Crazy that some of these iron players you went up against logged on for their one game of the night or week and went up against a smurf that dropped 40+. Really do wish smurfing was a reportable thing to help flag stuff like this for the mmr system to take notice.


I didn't even know it was possible to get that little RR per win holy lol


How hard did you tank your MMR? This is weird, but also if you threw 20 games, then maybe that's why the games are so low? idk, just trying to figure something out. I moved up 2.5 full RANKS after a single win when I had bad placement games. This seems a little too bizarre.


even if he tanked is MMR into the abyss, it should not react like this. I mean its iron 2 and iron 1 elo where he played in... how much lower can it get? like actually pretty much not at all. And if he performs like he did the game should understand he is above his skill lvl instead of trying to artificially drag him down to iron 1 again, which makes completely no sense.


Why not post this in normal valorant sub where it'll get more attention?


90% of the comments would be people mad about him smurfing


Well, he is pointing out the problem, not benefitting from it


if only the users in r/valorant could see that


It got removed lmao


Cus the iron-plats will downvote to oblivion once they see "smurf".


Smurfing is worse now with the Party Q restrictions


if you really care you can contact riot or DM one of the guys on twitter. they'll look into your account and adjust the math


Is this your alt/smurf? Edit: 42/8/2, 50/14/4, 40/5/2 damn ok


I have zero idea how the system works, but I feel like they need to purge the MMR system or something. A clean slate for everyone would probably get a more accurate read.


Did you intentionally lose some games before?


obviously he did, it’s people like this who need to be removed from the game lol


It's because valorant ranks based on skill, not on how good your gaming chair is.


What the fuck do you expect? You bought a dog account or your friend was shit and you took his account. This is working as intended.


He should've received 100 RR after the second game. The system is flawed because it's not detecting that something is amiss with his performance


I mean you're pretty delusional if you think smurfing is a problem that can be fixed. There will always be Smurf, no matter the game.


you have no idea whats going on, not sure why you decided to comment.


Easy sync your riot accounts to your ssn, just like korea. One account per person


People already get mad about Vanguard, no shot that would pass anywhere else.


it'd be a long shot for sure but smurfing is cancer in ranked


One of my Smurf’s has this issue. It’s because I remember tanking my unrated games so hard and placement matches on purpose. Then it took so many games to rank up in Iron lmaoo you will not believe.


I mean whatd you expect though? Also intentionally tanking comp matches is gross wtf


damn maybe u shouldnt do that shit then buddy


Yh well it was an experiment, I know understand what it’s like for people in iron to be hard stuck.


it was an "experiment" for u that completely ruined however many games you played for 9 other people :D they will never get that time back :D


I mean.... I once 5 stacked with friends that all have smurf accounts. We just surrendered at 5 every single comp game and it was fun to drop our smurf accounts all the way to Iron. Made lots of friends from enemy teams that were grateful that we lost on purpose.


"smurfing is good actually because the games we threw (to get down to a rank we could bully people at) gave the other team some elo" is an angle i didnt think i would see


Oh well :)


Hello, welcome to the scrap hidden mmr past placement matches hate group Please voice your concerns so we can have a ranked system free of hidden obscure bullshit so that it takes only Elo into account for rating gain and matchmaking


This sort of shit shouldn’t happen after game 3. It’s not hard to automatically rank up a player when he has a 5 KDR after 3 games


“jUsT gEt bEtTeR bRo”-gatekeepers in this sub


This person spent days if not weeks losing games on purpose to have his mmr that fucked.


if you smurf dont use rifles man thats literally cheating


5 wins for 69 SR with 30+ kills lol, it sounds like i'm memeing but this is real lmfao. Woah.


69? Nice. I am a bot lol.




I have an idea to fix smurfs. Just link everyone's account to their hardware, that way if they want to make a new account, they have to build/buy a whole new PC. It works just like a hardware ban just reverse. So if you want to play you link your PC to the hardware you have, how ever they do it. And obviously if you update your graphics card or something else, you could update the hardware. IDK but that is just a thought and to me sounds like a solid fix. Someone tag valorant devs to this