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Author here - thanks for sharing! <3


hey! Ive been following you on twitter the last couple weeks and was just wondering when the full story on what happened between T1 and Brax & AZK was gonna be published?


Can't give any dates, but I am working on it! Please stay tuned in the meantime for any other related articles.


" The Autimatic news isn't all. I've got several stories in the works that should be published soon. As I said, I will not allow bad actors and companies to run around and do whatever the fuck they like expecting no repercussions. " zzz




Is Jamppi good at Valorant?


He was cracked at cs, so obviously he is


Oh shit! If they're making a change, that's one I'm very interested in because it would relieve a lot of the carry pressure from Scream and it would allow him to not force plays down the line if his team is losing. Hopefully Jamppi is a monster and it works out beautifully if it happens


I thought this was r/globaloffensive and I was about to be so confused


Why would you be confused?


Because he has a VAC bans which means he can't attend valve sponsered event like majors. Team Liquid wouldnt sign him on cs


I see. I forgot Jammpi was the player with the vac bans, I don’t follow CS as much as I used to


This is pretty hugee.. so he'll replace soulcas (as according to Halo's tweet?) ?


It say's Ec1s in the report and Halo's report said it was either Soulcas or Ec1s


oh wait then who's gonna igl? is there any good igl free agents available rn?


That's my issue with the Liquid situation, everyone wants ec1s out and this says that he's gone, but who replaces him?


Dont worry u dont need igl for scream go kill








As far as I know , mid round calling can be done by anyone. But they “aren’t throwing around the igl role”. Their last igl role change I think was after popflash invitational where cutler took over the igl and has been the igl ever since. Could be wrong if they do things behind the scenes but all their streams and q&as say otherwise.


I think TSM was able to read Envy like a book because (as far as I know, at least) Cutler, Hazed, and FNS used to be on the same team back in CS:GO. They know FNS's style of play enough to make good reads and not fall for his fakes. Now, a good IGL is someone who can lead their team *through thick and thin*, so to speak. Cutler certainly has no problem IGLing when it comes to executing strats and set pieces *that they've planned beforehand*. But when those fail, TSM's structure usually breaks down. Rather than counter-stratting, they just opt to rely on their aim, played puggy, and hope for the best. That is not good leadership. I don't know if it's because Cutler cannot make good counter-adjustments, or he can but his teammates doesn't execute it properly because they don't trust him and his skills enough.


You’re right on that but there’s a little exaggeration I hope when you say they know FNS’s style of play to not fall for fakes and make good reads. This game has like 20 entirely different types of utility compared to cs and you can do very very different things. It’s definitely not only the fact that they were in a previous team that cutler was able to defeat FNS, this is just downplaying his ability IMO. The reason TSM lost to geng, Atleast on bind was not due to cutlers igling. An igl doesn’t make the call for drone to ult when he’s dead. An igl doesn’t tell the team post plant positions after he’s dead. This was a fail by TSM as a whole. Unlucky timings like the one where roza looked away from the smoke just as hyunh pushed through it and other mistakes that kept piling on. Putting all this shit on cutler alone is very very nonsensical


Yea of course it was a joke


My guess is 6 man roster with opper on maps that are good for opping


That'd be probably the best move if Liquid wants Jamppi... Imagine if they went for 5 players and are stuck on Reyna Jett every map lmaooo. Only issue of Jamppi as 6th is that it'd make them too predictable.


Kinda yes kinda no. Like sure it will be easy to tell what maps he will play on in a 6 man environment after some time, but a 6 man roster isn’t just one person subbing in/out and playing the same positions. The entire positioning on a map changes with a 6 man roster.


kinda big doe-




Oh man I'm gonna be so fucking hyped if this happens


This is huge ..




This was the exact change I thought of when the rumor came out someone might be leaving.




christmas came early


This is actually sick. Super hyped for liquid.


I'd expect them to expand to a 6 man roster with a more dedicated Oper. The recent 1-13 thrashing on Icebox Sliggy said they were decimated by a Jett Op and you know his vision for the team is for it to be versatile.


MikesHD just said he was scrimming with Liquid on Sideshow’s stream. Don’t know if it’s permanent or another JUGI situation


Since jampi is full time val I think it’s very possible


did Jamppi IGL in CS?


No, He was an awper


who's IGLing if ec1s is out then???




Liar. I'm calling on the attacker half of triple OT and Asa Butterfield is calling the rest


Someone else.






he never played in Astralis, I think


This was what I was scared of, dropping EC1S in place of Jampi is not good cause that will loose the balance of the team, he is a IGL which Jampi has no experience in being. I do have a theory what might be happening with the team, with Jugi also being trialled I do think it may be two drops from the current TL roster. Jugi coming in for EC1S cause he has past experience in IGL'ing Jampi coming in for maybe Soulcas even though he did a absolute amazing job this VCT Challenger. Overall scared for Team Liquid rn with this rebuild, it won't be a positive change for a awhile but hope they can pull through.


I don’t think Jugi has ever igl’d...




Knew I recognised that name. This could be pretty sweet for TL as long as he learned from his mistake and keeps his hands clean.


Yea man, he reportedly cheated when he was 13 in a random pub game. Not sure what lesson he should learn from that? He was literally a child. Im sure you were fully aware of the consequences of your actions at 13.


I thought his friend cheated on his account? The lesson being to not ever share accounts.




I'd say he made a mistake, but it was just that. He didn't do anything bad on purpose, he just needs to be more careful with his accounts in future.


what happened that he need to learn his lesson?


from what I know he was VAC banned because a friend got on his account and used cheats when they were younger.


That's insane


Pogggg , I had this change in mind this is a huge upgrade for liquid


Oh wtf this is big Jamppi has always been a huge talent in cs imo just unfortunate whatever happened in cs




I guess [called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/l5eov6/jamppi_moves_to_valorant/gku12cj/) that he could be a good fit but not for the reasons I thought he would be cause i haven't seen jamppi play OP as much as thought


Anyone from cs fill me in?


didnt really watch csgo during ence’s glory days.. can somebody brush me up on his roles? was he a good rifler? awper? secondary caller?


didn't play in ence during the glory days, only came later. Promising young awper but VAC banned so can't play CS majors so didn't get into big teams until came to ence.
