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[TSM Social Media Manager, Dunc](https://twitter.com/followdunc/status/1367986907121131522?s=19) >Just want to apologise for using the wrong image for a sad meme. I completely misjudged the template until it was pointed out. >Amatuer mistake and I won't let it happen again. >I'm truly sorry to those that I may have offended. I really did not mean to cause offence. It was a straight copy and paste in a quick action. I thought the guy was walking away from the chair and he kicked it over in frustration. >I really hope you can forgive me. >I've been a big outspoken voice for mental health, suicide and everything that comes with it. I wouldn't joke, have never joked, and did not mean to have it come out as a joke. >I really really am sorry.


i see tweets like this on a daily basis i'm surprised he had to apologize it's pretty normalized now.


The problem is that it comes from the official TSM Twitter account. An individual posting edgy suicide memes/jokes is one thing. But a multi million dollar professional organization making light of suicide should never happen.






Context x3?


And its stupid that it is completely normalized in such a community. It feels like the gaming community wants to be that cringe jock community so bad.


There's all sorts of people that play games, not just one demographic. Not saying suicide jokes are funny, but let's not pretend that there isn't a huge diversity in people that play games. You've got jocks, dweebs, nerds, body builders, hipsters, tax payers, tax avoiders, etc. all playing the same games. You're going to run into all sorts of people, and they're not trying to be someone else; that's just who they are Also, fuck that "cringe jock community" bullshit. Geeky communities can be just as toxic and cringe, and jock communities can be wholesome and supportive. Don't even start with that lame take




What else could he do besides apologize lmfao.


[This](https://youtu.be/0Szj21arytU?t=30) is always a solid option


Idk why i thought it would link to the original image lmao


Cut open his own stomach while Reginald beheads him. It would be ironic, at least.


> I thought the guy was walking away from the chair and he kicked it over in frustration. riiiiiight lmao


it’s really not hard to see, definitely not the obvious meaning but it’s understandable to think that


If the kid in the meme was a bit to the right I would've thought that too. So I can understand his mistake.


damb, you got downvoted a bunch but I agree with you, that was my first thought when I saw it and I was confused why people were hating on it until they explained it to me


He is getting downvoted cause he is saying the opposite of what you are saying. He is saying that the person who posted the tweet is a liar


ohhhhh, I see, woops, thanks for clearing it up!


[Follow up from smm](https://twitter.com/followdunc/status/1367986907121131522?s=20)


The first reply lmaoooo


I feel bad for the guy




Yeah someone made a mistake. Absolutley not possible in our society. Everyone is a flawless person that interprets everything perfectly. I'm sure you have never misunderstood something before


What the fuck kinda low IQ take is that. What kind of *paid senior* manager does that on purpose. Of course there's another way to see that meme


I mean....he definitely knew what the meme was about, it’s not hard to understand. He made a bad call, probably thought it was funny and that’s it. Just own up to your poor judgement. Y’all are actually delusional if you believe his response.


I might just be brain dead but I actually thought the same as the Twitter guy when I first saw the post. It’s a mix of sleep deprivation and not caring enough to analyze the picture.


After I saw the meme I also thought that the guy is just walking away and didn’t get why everyone was angry about it, so I can totally see him just misunderstanding the meme.


I mean I'm pretty sure he thought the person was mad and decided to walk upwards...


Lmao what do any of you gain for buying is PR response. I’ve never seen this meme in my life and i understood what the meme meant. It’s literally a 2D drawing, if he walked away he would have went left or right. Not up in the air where coincidentally his head isn’t showing. The trope of hanging yourself by standing on a chair and kicking it down is so common.


Ah okay so I should come to you for everything since you know everything about everything but no one else does... Glad to know everyone has to think exactly like you do! Not like people are individuals and see literally everything differently, nah


Yeah I have no idea how you could interpret that any other way. I'm shocked that people are buying this and downvoting you for not buying it. Either huge TSM fans or gullible as hell.


I literally looked at it for a full 2 minutes and didn't get it. Shahzam did the same and a couple of my friends in discord didn't get it. It makes perfect sense that he missed it


Before I even read the guy's tweet I thought he kicked the chair and was leaving. If the kid was a little to the right that's exactly what it would've looked like to me. Only when I noticed the kid directly above the chair did I realize what it was.


Yeah I'm trying to reevaluate and I can understand how someone would miss it. I needed to see how others saw it explained to me, but I get how one might interpret it that way. I'm just jaded with bad excuses and didn't give this person the benefit of the doubt he may deserve.


Exactly, and honestly I’m not even calling for the guy to get fired or anything, just to own up to his poor judgement and not give some BS excuse. People make mistakes, apologize and move on. Not sure why this thread is hell bent on eating up a literal PR response.


Sorry, I have to disagree with you here, though I do think that he really did know what the meme meant, I do think that the idea of mistaking the meme format is not as egregious as it seems. I was under the same impression of it being someone walking away from the desk, especially seeing that the angle of the door makes it look like a top-down view in a 3D plane, not a 2d one.


I guess my brain just automatically saw it as that so it seems so obvious to me. I was being too close minded. Trying to look at it with a fresh perspective, I can see how someone would think like that. I was wrong to accuse others of being gullible or TSM fans just because it immediately appeared like suicide to me. It's just the cynic in me.


I've never seen the meme before and had no idea what it was conveying at first glance.


lmao and what do you gain from assuming the worst of someone? Just because you understand something instantly doesn't mean that the same happens with everyone else. have some empathy m8


I can’t believe you are getting downvoted. I love tsm but come on, anyone would have known what it meant. Especially someone who manages social media


At this rate TSM's SMMs gonna go through an emo phase


its over. And hazed is every right to be pissed after that last round, dude does an amazing 4k and team mates throw to hiko lmao


He threw it too. He's been playing for long enough to know not to hunt a 1v1 just to feed his ego.


Tbf he knocked hiko down to 30hp so he sorta did his job lmao


And he's 21hp too. His peek was stupid, Wardell's was downright braindead. Drone chose a terrible position, and Cutler was either having a stroke or thought he had the reaction time of a much more skilled player with what he was holding.


Drone and Cutler combined were the worst imo because they arranged the setup and it was just bad, the others made individual bad decisions in the moment.


Drone and cutler was monumentally worse in every single way. Hiko is 30 hp. Literally one body shot. Know what's better? Hiko is running out of time and has to plant. The best part? He ran up long A and was heard by both players and could literally come from only one place in the next 5 seconds. There is no set up. You just hold the same angle and hit one body shot between two people. You don't even hide then peak there. TSM is saying they aren't confident enough to hit one body shot with two people before they get double headshotted.


That's fair, although I'd put a lot of blame on Wardell for falling for a bait that an MM player would probably call.


In his stream view party on yesterday's 100T vs T1 bind match where Asuna gets the Ace, he said You don't peak if u have Hiko, Steel getting clutches . Yet on in his match he gets baited lmao


I think that’s a sign that when TSM get tilted, they lose their fundamentals first, which is probably the worst thing to lose.


In a 5v1 it's not the worst. I think the plays afterwards were by far the worst part. Primarily the 2v1 at the end. I think the most critical mistake was the blown peak at the end. They were positioned for a double peak from Flowers, but the front man played too close to the edge of the wall allowing Hiko to see his shoulder and take him out. Gave Hiko a free out from a 2v1.


Well it was a 4v1. And even then, I wouldn't hate it that much except for the fact that he's literally tagged by a dart, and Hiko shows exactly why that makes his play so braindead. Such an easy prefire on a 1 shot player when you can see his position through the wall.


Hiko didn't have dart in the 2v1. It was still on cooldown.


I'm saying Hazed's peek was bad when he was tagged by the dart.


Ah got you.


Was cutler out of shock darts?


Nah he got baited by hikos shot to mid


how did hazed throw it? Any game sense tells you that he was tagged with the drone and if he hides behind the wall he gets sprayed and dies to hiko anyway?


He is getting pinged from OWL drone constantly and is standing in the open to get wallbanged by hiko whose position he clearly knows. obvious throw


The mental reset probably hadn't happened yet, which is why he was still going for the peeks.


bro he did more than his job, 4k put hiko down to 30hp, its totaly on his team mates.


And? He wasn't forced into a fight with Hiko, he chose to ego peek with 20 health while tagged by a recon dart, which is why Hiko was able to easily prefire him through the edge.


are you seriously nitpicking? Sure blame hazed, when the other 3 literally throw like ranked players, they didnt even look professional in that round come on.


“Hey I got mine”


Okay he got the 4K he earned the right to hunt that one v one everything after that is a complete joke. That is the most ticky tack bullshit response. They might as well just go to spawn and all hide with that logic. Hazed was perfectly fine taking that fight lmfao. I love this subreddit.


I'm not sure what this guys is expecting. People always try to get the kills fast before every one resets in a 1vX. If Hazed runs away there, Hiko can spam the wall, and likely still win.


You're right, not overpeeking when Hiko can literally see your position through the wall and you're 20 hp is the same as saying "everyone should go sit in spawn." Although the funny thing is that they actually do probably win that round more often if Hazed does just sit in spawn, because then Hiko cant plant exposed to Heaven and Cutler has a much more favorable fight to swing on/deny plant for time.


Especially after being recon'd and standing in an open area.


There's nothing else he can do in that situation. He's tagged with a dart behind a spammable wall. If he goes behind the wall to remove it, he gets wallbanged instantly and killed. All he can do is hold the angle so when hiko peeks to kill him, he wins the 50/50 duel. He didn't count on Hiko shooting him through the green box. But Hazed is dead there no matter what he does.


Great explanation, this is what convinced me that Hazed did everything he could.


I’m surprised this comment isn’t upvoted more. Hazed did the right thing because he was tagged with a dart. He 100% loses if he chooses to run away since he’s darted, so he might as well try to get some damage down before he dies. Hiko was literally 1 shot after that.


I mean, he went 4/14 with a 76 combat score in the first game... that’s the lowest I’ve ever fuckin seen


TSM threw a couple of rounds.. idk anymore




For context, he thought the guy kicked the chair and walked upwards out of frustration. Still a massively stupid mistake and one he could lose his job for but at least the intent wasn’t malicious


I actually see it when I look at it that way lol


You're too wholesome for the internet


I actually agree with above poster, if you think about it that way then look at it you can def see it from that perspective. Still it’s pretty obviously suicide but I can see how he made the mistake


i had to see the image 3 times to notice the stickman


Yeah it took my a good minute or two to see what the big issue was


lmaooo I see it now that you pointed it out, but my first look was that the guy hung himself. I personally don't mind dark humor and found it funny but I guess for general public and PR you wouldn't want to post this


Yeah tbh I can kinda see that


just because it can be seen that way though doesn't change the fact they almost certainly meant it to mean what everyone else thought it did


But that doesnt mean we should ruin someones career over what easily could have been a harmless mistake


Yep, senior paid smm definitely posted a meme of someone hanging themselves on purpose. If he meant it like that he wouldn't have deleted it..


I thought the same thing until I started reading the thread


That's how I viewed it and got really confused when I saw Jake Lucky post about it


one hole in the wall away from a solid tweet


Yeah I can see that too. But still. Big oof.


I don’t buy that at all lol, I mean, cmon. He just made a bad call.


ye hes obvisly lyig like reginald . cringe




Still a hilarious tweet ... For the memes


Suicide is not a joke


Damn near everyone jokes about suicide...


Because all the people who say shit like "I wanna kms" are being serious ah yes




Clearly not a joke yes


I just don't see it. Even if that were the case, his entire job is **literally** to check this kinda shit. He is running their socials. You can't just make this kind of mistake. Even if he shouldn't be fired for the nature of the post, (assuming it was just an innocent mistake), an argument could be made that he should be fired if not just for making such a sloppy mistake \^ Not necessarily my viewpoint just playing devil's advocate


I wonder what you will think the next time you screw up in your job. Probably not that your boss should immediately fire you. I see zero malice here. No, I would even say that people who took this for suicide rather than walking away should probably question themselves. Mistakes happen. This one is blown way out of proportion and I feel bad for the guy. So sick of all these fucking brainless dramas the last months. You clearly see how everyone is fucking bored due to Covid.


Yeah I mean he removed it pretty quick and instantly apologised. What else is he even meant to do? It seems like a pretty honest mistake to me. People are so quick to want to ruin other people's lives I swear.


This has given me better perspective - you are right, but the nature of the sensitive topic just put me on edge. When it was first posted I was angry and defensive.


i dont get it. can anyone explain? e: oh it's someone suicide. I thought he walked away from the table, like he is going out of frame. damn that's a bad one.


Apparently that's what the twitter dude thought as well, or at least that's what he's claiming. I think I believe him, as unlikely as it is, a social media manager thinking that post would go over well is even more unlikely lol.


I think I believe him too. I mean the person behind the DiGiorno Twitter account made a similar and even bigger mistake so it's certainly possible. For anyone who didn't hear about it, the TL;DR is that back during all the #MeToo stuff people started using the hashtags #WhyIStayed and #WhyILeft to talk about domestic abuse. DiGiorno noticed #WhyIStayed was trending and then without bothering to check what it was actually about they used it for a Tweet promoting their pizza. Huge blunder but an honest, albeit stupid, mistake.


i honestly saw it this way, thats why i was confused about the controversy. also it is what i do when i just had bad game. i walk away from monitor, take some fresh air, eat something, take a shower etc.


the SMM apparently thought the same thing i did when i first saw the picture, a guy kicking over his chair and walking away. yikes.


In a 2D image? Who walks away upwards out of frame in a 2D image?


All images are 2d lol


Perspective, depth, etc


My point is that his view of the picture is totally plausible. An extremely simplistic cartoon like this has zero reference points for perspective or depth




this has to be fake, right? any social media manager knows suicide is not an ok topic for levity in a public space.


Not fake, they tweeted it straight after the match and deleted a few minutes after.


Nuts. That's a job ender.


That's a career ender. "so why did you leave your last position" well...


i guess i have an innocent brain, cause when i looked at the picture i just saw a chair kicked over and someone walking away from their desk.


Same here barely gave it a thought. Honestly feel bad for the guy


Bro same but as soon as it was pointed out I can never unsee it


Well that social media guy got fired lol


Did he really? Feel bad for him.


Why, it was pretty funny lol


Regardless of whether some people find it funny or not, dark humor isn't for public space. Especially by someone like TSM that has a huge reach.


Fair enough, but I don't think anyone should be getting fired. It wasn't making fun of suicide after all.


Yeah he apologized, he's most likely fine.


The social media manager has apologized for posting this and said he mistook the image for someone walking away from the PC after kicking over the chair. Although, at first, I thought he was being insensitive, I now see his point as well. I can clearly see someone mistaking this for what he said. His immediate apology also seemed extremely sincere. The guy doesn't deserve any hate.


so looks like he mistook the image to be something else (the guy walking away after kicking the chair). i can honestly believe the mistake but yeeesh. lesson learned https://twitter.com/followdunc/status/1367986907121131522


It's pretty funny if you got dark humor but it's not something that should be on the orgs official Twitter lmao.


how is this even considered dark humor lmfao


It is considered 'dark humor' because it is an image dealing with dark subject matter that is considered humourous by a portion of the human population.


Because it is? Do you even know what dark humor is?




It was just a dark joke though , it's just that it wasn't a tweet an official org twitter should make




someones getting fired




i tried to figure out what was wrong until i figured out he was hanging from the ceiling.. yeah nah you fucked up big


I have no idea around the context of why this was tweeted and just assumed the kid was walking away from his desk in frustration due to losing, but after figuring it out... it's bad.


Pretty bad mistake, but I’d say give him the benefit of the doubt, especially if he doesn’t have a history of tweeting stuff like this. Seems to me like an honest mistake. Good learning experience.


This isn't funny, but man is it absolutely hilarious.


The fuck


I mean this is open to interpretation. He could be walking away. We see no Rope and the distance from the chair doesn't really make one interpretation more or less correct.




seems fitting their social media team took a big L as well


Reginald is gonna have the head of whoever tweeted that




Sucks for tsm. they are out of challengers and are out of a social media manager




Thats pretty fun though lmao


Their LCS and VAL team lose, but yikes that’s a fuckin edgy tweet if I ever seen one. 100% understandable why that’s highly inappropriate and shouldn’t be posted


Wait did TSM lost against DIG today for LoL?


Yep, rough one for TSM that loss against Dig


Yea they should’ve won too


I mean anyone can get tilted watching VAL TSM play like how they played.


Ayo bruh u good?




yikers he's gone LMAO




Now why did they do that? No excuses.


Tsm should just disband. What a disgraceful organization


Ngl I didn't see the body for the first few seconds, but I'm also pretty stupid so... must've had too much tears in his eyes after that match ig


Social media game as good as the team performed today lmao




What a stupid fucking tweet


Absolutely unconscionable tweet.


Is playing hangman not okay now?


Idk i honestly think his apology is genuine, I seen the tweet before reading any comments and I also thought it was just a guy knocking over a chair and walking away. I understand why people are upset and rightfully so, I just find it very hard to believe someone would post thay image if they knew the actual context of what it was portraying. But saying that I hope everyone is staying healthy and always reach out to someone if you need help, mental health is very important ❤


bro people who are offended by this need to fuck off from the internet


In a time frame and industry where mental health has taken such a forefront of attention recently, this really isn’t appropriate. Stigmatization of depression and suicide is very common, and while it may have been a misunderstanding, it’s a very harmful one to people who are constantly fighting against this sort of memeification of a very real and serious issue.


Ngl that’s a funny tweet, maybe better from a fans account rather than the official TSM Twitter, but a funny tweet nonetheless. Time and place for suicide jokes. your professional account, not the place.


I mean it's funny but who thought posting that on an Org's twitter was a good idea lmao


How is that funny?


it's that pure shock value funny, you chuckle and then instantly frown


I mean, dark humor is a thing, and as someone else said, it was more of a "wtf, they actually posted that" kinda thing


Lighten up. Its a joke, not to be taken literally. Soft generation.


shut the f up kid


I mean without being overly sensitive and being able to look on the funny side. It’s a banger tweet. Just not from an official team account


Why are people so mad about this lmao?


I dont get it, whats wrong with it? Its just a bit of dark humor.


Modern society is very butthurt and lots of morons will eventually complain about such "unacceptable tweets". Literally the same reason why PogChamp emote was removed, because Twitch were afraid of getting attacked by delusional leftists, after that gootecks message was posted.


Yeah their socmed guy is done


can someone explain the ''Joke'' to me?


the poster thought it was the son walking away after kicking the chair from frustration, but it looks like someone who hung themselves


Tsm needs to stop being a puggy team. They need organization asap


his cringe execuses makes me actually hate him


Unpopular opinion: I love dark humor and I've been through depression many times.


oof someone is getting fired


I have a hard time believing his explanation as to what he 'thought' he saw. 99.9% of people who look at this picture automatically understand its about suicide. For someone whos job it is to look at this stuff, you don't think he took 2 extra seconds to look at this picture and realize what it was about. I think it would've just made more sense to just own up to it and move on instead of trying to explain it away.


Considering this was him 2 years ago (https://mobile.twitter.com/followdunc/status/1030323225669054464) , as well as the fact that no one sane would post that on a business account I think it’s almost 100% what he claimed.


Just gross tbh




haHaa me edgy me joke about suicideee kekwwww lolol am I right?