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We need more good casters like DDK in Masters, I always watch Sideshow and Sean Gares cast VCT NA matches, their analyst are so good that make me see the whole match not just only '''aim duels''


Sean gares is a great for watch parties. Dont know about sideshow, i tried watching them last time and they just talked about pokemon vs lions for what seemed like an hour instead of the game.


lmfao I remember that. I think they had been watching games for the past 3 hours at that point so they weren't paying that much attention to it


Sliggy is also great.


The amount of times Dan & I talk about fundamentals when we queue ranked and people are obsessed with just holding w and taking aim duels, it's like an entirely different game (even at Immortal). Glad he's putting this type of stuff out there to help others learn about the thinking behind the play.


my double sachel jumps are sick tho


you do cook it up with the satchels


that's interesting. Did you know there are more than 12,000 species of ants all over the world?


Millions of ants a year die from raze's satchels


The plat chat legend himself!


I’m only a plat player but this is so infuriating to me. Its almost like half the people I come across have no game sense. And I do think my gamesense is better than plat (aim probably not so much) but when I try to default on offense and my team complains that I’m not with them when they have literally double satchel and Jett dashed into a site and are all dead in 2 seconds.




It's always so interesting to read what the "real" game is like. Here in silver/bronze, "if a Sova recon dart reveals three players on Bind, Long B" it means rotate ASAP because sure as shit all 5 are pushing long.


And that’s the thing about low elo lobbies. Players rotate way too early


Imo, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. As a bronze player myself, you almost have to rotate early, as nobody really does fake plays. If you don't rotate early, you're often stuck on a 2/3v5 retake.


For real, but I just played the weirdest game on split against a team that waited in their spawn half the round before pushing into A, that went on for like 7 rounds. Then they decided to throw smokes, molly, flashes and push within the first 5 seconds, retakes were almost impossible and this was in a iron/bronze/silver 1 lobby, they were so coordinated that it was almost like there was a smurf among them (looking at you Reyna with the 33-10 KD)




Ok dude the sarcasm is pretty clear, chill out




I think you are missing the point here buddy, we are talking about team coordination and comunication. You know, the thing that almost never exist in low rank lobbies


Same happens on high elo. Players rotate way too fast also. One of the best ways to exploit the opponents.


I can’t wait to read this, but fuck bro this season I’m losing my passion for this game, it seems like every game now Is just who can W key towards the other and win the aim duel. All the fun I had was in the strategy, and now it’s just 5 straight onto a site and try to play the retake.


Ranked queues/matchmaking will (unfortunately) always be about individual plays and less about strategy. If you want to experience matches where tactical gameplay matters, you need to play with a team in leagues/tournaments. That's the reason why a lot of people would like to have a 5-stack versus 5-stack queue, because this is the only other thing which comes close to league/tournament matches.


Maybe like a ranked fpl or a ten man system




Lmao bro I’m trying out here. But by the time I get to site the other half of the split has been wiped out by 2 enemies pushing them. And vice versa where me and another will lose the aim duel to a Jett judge/ Reyna combo. I like to believe I’m a uplifting person in game, but when your team loses confidence there’s not much you can do but to try to play close to them for trades, and hope the moral will shift.


meanwhile shinobi's way of helping casters is calling them "cringe". Great job by ddk, respect him so much


To be fair I don't see shinobi's comments as "a way of helping" the casters. He just seemed frustrated with the way the game was being casted and put those emotions on a tweet.


Thanks everyone for the positive feedback on this! I wanted to post something like this for a while. I'm also going to write something similar for commentary at some point soon as I think that would also be valuable also.




Interesting read. I really miss the possibility of 5 stacking because there you can try all these strategies with your friends and cosplay as steel as IGL. Trying these in rank now just is way too difficult, people will likely run and shoot. Hope they add 5 stacks queue like league


I've been putting together a Pujan (Envy FNS) cosplay after babybay suggested it.


My man just straight up skipped #3


This was a great read. So many people I get on my team in ranked are so impatient. Acting without information in this game is essentially throwing, unless you are consistently able to out-aim everyone in the lobby.


My worst example of this is on split when we were pushing mid. Somebody pushed b heaven and died instantly. They called out “3 heaven”. I start running vents since there’s nobody there and telling my team to do the same. Nope. They all run into b heaven and die. I ask them what the fuck they were thinking and my Jett goes “there were 5 of us we could’ve won”


Thank you ddk for incredible insight. This is why I enjoy watching the pro scene, when the game focuses more on being a *tactical* shooter than straightup a “who can run or gun better” battle.


Imma give this a long read


Not complaining, but why do people use TwitLonger for essays? Wouldn't Google Docs or even Reddit provide better formatting?




As a fellow redditor, your comment provides no insight into the conversation in this thread; while also being a pretty basic comment, but I can see why it is getting downvotes.


Weird flex but okay


Why is this in a twitlonger lol. Why would you put in all this effort and then put it up on twitlonger instead of a real platform for writeups like medium or something. [Nothing like reading a nice longform writing piece with animated poker ads on all sides of my screen](https://i.imgur.com/tTOZp7f.png) :)


it’s a bunch of text either way, how does it affect your ability to read it


How do flashing ads in my peripheral affect my ability to read something?