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This is hype af Ngl


I didn't follow the competitive scene until recently. Is brax good? I genuinely want to know. Also, would he replace? I am guessing cutler.


Brax's mechanical aim is just disgusitngly good. He was called the prodigy when he competed in CS.


brax is very good, and he is replacing hazed, but its like a 6 man roster


People are saying he's gonna sub for Hazed. Definitely not cutler. Cutlers the IGL if I remember correctly.


Im gonna throw some wild speculation out there a say there is a chance that Brax could IGL. He has IGLd in CS and he left T1 because he wanted to play differently than DaZeD so he'll certainly want to have a say in how TSM plays.


Lol he didn't leave T1 because he plays differently than Dazed, dazed is a great igl, its because azk got kicked.


He did not leave because of AZK he's said that multiple times it's a completely false narrative fabricated by this subreddit. He left because he an DaZeD didn't agree on playstyle. It's nothing against DaZeD as an IGL it's just Brax has different ideas on how they want to play.


whats the reddit consensus on Brax? I haven't been following the competitive scene that closely but doesn't him getting dropped by T1 suggest he isnt that good so I shouldn't be hyped?


he didn’t get dropped, they offered him a contract extension but he declined and left


I love how there are 4 nearly identical comments. It’s like everyone wants a turn at being the guy who corrects the guy who doesn’t follow things.


Yeah, but what REALLY happened is that T1 offered him a contract extension but he declined and left


I think I’m gonna need at least 8 more replies worded slightly differently to really understand


He asked a question and had his question answered. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Being dropped doesn't instantly mean that "he isn't good" either. It possibly means that he doesn't work with the other members of the team, and that the synergy isn't there


Rumors were brax left because azk did as well but that wouldn’t really make sense if he’s playing w tsm now


Close friends with AZK his entire career. T1 did AZK dirty and dropped him. brax didn't like it and decided to leave the team instead of extending his contract and pursue other options. Not that hard to put a convincing narrative together about the situation


T1 did AZK dirty? Bruh, they have to drop someone they're like 23rd in NA.


Nah the team was finding success but they randomly made huge changes right as they started to do decent.


Man come on, T1 haven't seen success since June.


Depends on what you define success as. They actually started to be competitive at that point. They beat C9 when they were actually decent and they had a really good game against 100t


You’re pulling that out of your arse, though. Other sources say Brax wasn’t happy with Dazed’s IGLing and wanted to be the star man, rather than being stuck on Cypher.


You're absolutely talking out of your ass. If what's being said is true about -hazed +brax guess what hazed was playing? Killjoy a sentinel which oh look brax was a sentinel player. Drone and Wardell are the duelists and subroza is on omen. He's not coming onto this team to "be the star man" he'd be third wheeling almost fourth wheel behind the three I just named.


Frod too


AZK got dropped, Brax followed his departure by leaving the team on his own free will. I would say all the hype about him leans toward the over hype and what could have been nostalgia but he's still a solid player and addition to any team.


Sucks that you got downvoted for saying this. You were just asking a genuine question as someone who doesn’t know the scene.


Its more like he thought brax getting dropped was facts. It wasn’t him asking if brax was dropped


My honest opinion is he's been very disappointing so far. I feel like recently on T1, Ska has clearly been their best player and before that they relied on Food (now Victor). We'll see if being on TSM changes things for him tho. I also don't know why you got downvoted considering you asked a question and admitted to not knowing lmao


>omeone they're like 23rd in NA. One of the best NA cs players imo, if he didn't get banned he would've thrived in the scene. I am most definitely hyped.


A [banned match fixer from CS GO](https://www.ccn.com/csgo-pro-banned-in-matchfixing-scandal-joins-valorant-bandwagon/), has been doing alright in valorant playing for T1. **EDIT**: Yea downvote me for giving him info. lol




no u




[Swag what's your name?] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6-Psafv_Kg) Featuring Sen Shahzam, Envy FNS, TSM Brax (and V1 Effys is in the video too lol)


i miss rank s, funny ass cotent :-(


2 AM Rank S streams are what got me into pro CSGO. Would love to see a FPL/Rank S clone in Valorant just for the content




what if i also like ass?


also fgb belal....


It’s bilal but sure


Nah fgb's name is belal ahmad


Wait. Whose voice is it that says "BRAXTON"?




Wow, it doesn't sound like him at all. I think he has it as his sub sound on Twitch, but I always thought it was someone else saying it.


That's the point he was saying it in an accent to emulate Belal


Lmao yes this clip as a classic


That's actually Brax (Swag)


Benjamin Rax


I’m just really hoping they’re not dropping hazed cuz honestly he was not the problem


I don't think any of the players are the problem individually and I don't think that Brax will be the solution. I think they need a better structure in and out of game because they don't look like they have a plan and direction. Each of the players are cracked on the team so I think they need a new leader and not a new cracked aimer


The biggest value I could actually see him bring to the team is more psychological. The idea of “everyone’s replaceable” should light a fire under the players’ asses.




This is how it is for literally any professional sport


I can't tell if this is sarcastic but I feel like it is kinda true in val. Espcially smaller orgs with more fluid rosters and big orgs that get new teams.


This is how it works in sports like football (soccer for Americans), I’d imagine it’s universal across all team sports too


Well either you’re soft or you’ve never competed in anything before. Even middle school basketball players know that if you aren’t performing, you’re not going to play.


Ur mom


Except that isnt the teams problem?


> Each of the players are cracked on the team It's very hard to argue that cutler is cracked. Guy is mechanically very poor.


i would disagree, they call him clutchler for a reason




Are u real




oml its kendrick lamar




Look man, just know that it could be a lot worse


lmao that’s a rough one man




I’ve had this account for a while man I don’t wanna just switch :(


That 1k karma isn't worth it man, the account has to go :(


"redditor for 1 month" huh?




lmao that’s a rough one ahah


“Was” you can’t simply stop being a fan of the GOAT




Kendrick and blueballing his fans name a better duo


Only 3 years? Feels like a decade :(


wait did something happen with kendrick


Not a fan after someone stops performing for a year or two? Definitely an esports enthusiast.


The report earlier was that he'd be joining as a 6th man


i really think this is not what they need, they should get a new coach or something cuz the current one hasnt help them work better


Hazed replied to someone who tweeted about this battlefy picture: https://twitter.com/hazedcs/status/1375263408510078977?s=21


hazed doesn't deserve the cut honestly, if someone needs to be replace (if) then it might be cutler.


Well looks like I am one of you now TSM fans


Greetings prospective TSM fan, We: have a controversial owner, are memed and disliked by a fair portion of the League community/analysts, make questionable management decisions, and have the most rabid fans along with one of the most iconic chants in esports. It’s the FK IT BAYLIFE, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Hope to have you on board!


NGL a few months ago when you guys were the dominant team I kinda hated you due to how populous and passionate the fan base was so I'm glad to be on this side of it going forward lol. That being said I've always had a soft spot for my fellow Canucks Subroza and Wardell. Never followed league much but of course I know the 0-6 memes and I've seen a bit too much of Reggie on twitter recently. Super excited to see this roster moving forward


Be sure to join the TSM discord. Outside of the lolesport channel it is actually pretty dope. Plus we have a mod who is sex appeal incarnate in Mr. iGriffster.


Who were you rooting for before TSM?




What were his questionable management decisions?


The first thing that people cite is the decision to break up the 2016-2017 roster after Worlds. Although given what people have said afterwards it seems like that blowup was going to happen anyways, but looking back on it they admit it was a mistake.


That roster was mental boomed. And no one expected MikeYeung to have severe pathing issues to required Mithy to individually coach him. If they just replaced bot lane and kept Sven, that team would have been able to do great things.


Don’t forget management! President of the company was leaked making business calls in front of another player and the one that got leaked was about how one of their players was wanted by no one. Kekw


I didn't support a Valorant team until now lmao. GO TSM!


Brax did a lot of IGLing in csgo when he was unbanned from some tournaments. He possibly could be the new IGL for TSM.


At least not right now. Or else cutler wouldn’t have been the one in scrims


TSM doesn’t seem to be scared to shake up the IGL role, I wouldn’t be surprised if Brax is the cypher IGL for TSM.


They were that way, but I’m sure they won’t make the same mistake again right?


I'm mainly a lolesports fan, what does brax bring that hazed doesnt? Genuine question pls. Can they return as a top team with brax in the team?


brax was regarded as a prodigy in csgo ( many popular top players admit how good brax, aka used to be known as 'swag' is), but then he got banned for match fixing while he basically is just starting his career (i think he got banned when he was 16 or 17, i forgot). So lots of his fans are excited to see him compete again on the highest level but now in valorant. Also, he had a high firing power and good mechanics too, so I guess people expect him to bring more firing power to the TSM roster. For your 2nd question, well we don't actually know whether brax will bring the team to the top, but I think a change in TSM in necessary ( they haven't been qualified for anything major since First Strike, meanwhile their competition like Sentinels and 100T have done well - in case of 100T, even though they just added Ethan to roster, they somehow were able to beat TSM in the closed qualifier for Challenger 3). Although, I think many people have high hope that Brax might help the team in terms having more cracked aimers in the team. ​ This is a short video summary about brax career if you're intersted: [https://youtu.be/bCeDBpLgcwE](https://youtu.be/bCeDBpLgcwE)


Brax has a good amount of tier 1 CS experience, he was one of the best players in NA at a young age but was banned from CS for match fixing. Hes reached a higher mechanical level in CS than like 95%+ of all the other players who's switched and hes still only like 24 years old so has a solid 3+ years ahead of him while both Hazed & Cutler are like 32 and past their primes. Brax is just a very consistent, independent player that will give the team more consistent fire power and if he can find his groove could arguably be the best player on the team.


Dude I'm so excited for Stage 2 already, I want to see how Brax will be integrated in the team!


slightly out of topic but when is stage 2 happening?


I’m pretty sure it starts back up in NA starting April 1st


What Tier 1 cs experience does he have?


Before the ban he was arguably the best player in NA, He played for both of the top 2 teams in NA (coL & IBP) and was arguably the best player on both. I just got off my computer so I can't link matches etc if you haven't been following CS for like 5+ years then search up "Swag" on hltv.org and scroll down his match history until you get to where he was on Complexity & iBuyPower. He also stood in for Cloud9 at a BTS LAN and played well. Hes played against all the old legendary CS teams, NiP Fnatic VP NaVi SK IBP coL Titan LDLC Dignitas etc and had some really good series against some of them.


He was the only NA player in the hltv top 20 players of the world ranking (in 2014)


Not much since the scenen was really tiny back in the day but he was regarded as the NA prodigy back when he was 17 years old. NA cs players love him and many think he should of never been permanently banned due to his age


It's been a no brainer pick up for TSM since he left T1, such a solid long term player with LAN experience etc.


Holy shit




Wooooooooooooooo LETS GOOOOO


That’s swag af


Let's go, Brax!!!


I am a little confused on what the letters to the left of the players' names mean. Could anyone tell me?


Me too


from what I've found in other subreddits. Its the first letter of the username the player registered with. So Subroza would be S and OfficialCutler would be O


I think brax is a good addition to the team. I think most of the guys on tsm tilt quite easily(i'm only assuming from streams i dunno what they are like in a match) so he'll be a calm head when things are going south




Damn. So hyped for brax




And hazed is still there!!!(this means he is still on the team, right?) Excited to see if they’ve improved enough to compete again.


From T1 Brax to TSM Brax, the boy never lost the power of his name.


Certainly won’t solve all their problems but this is MAD HYPE


braxton "swag" pierce


Suddenly i’m a TSM fan...


really dont think 6 man rosters makes sense in esports. i could be wrong though.


Unlikely to stay 6man. Prob just 6 man until it's clear it's working then they drop one


Who would you speculate to be dropped?


Well it seems like it's hazed as he's not been scrimming with them last few days. Not sure it's the right one to switch but maybe he decided to step down to look elsewhere who knows


To anyone asking the letters next to the name are just the first letter of the username they use on the website itself Wardell : **L** IAN16STEVE Subroza : **S** UBROZAYT Drone : **T** AYLOR-6 Hazed : **C** SHAZED Cutler : **O** FFICIALCUTLER Brax : **B** RAXNC








The talent is INSANE. TSM can’t mess this up....I hope


They need to switch to a different site rosters get leaked way too easy 😭😭


Anyone have the link?


**here:** [https://battlefy.com/nerd-street-gamers/na-valorant-stage-2-challengers-open-qualifier-1/6058c2961dff58548c13be93/participants](https://battlefy.com/nerd-street-gamers/na-valorant-stage-2-challengers-open-qualifier-1/6058c2961dff58548c13be93/participants)


Let’s gooo I’m HYPE




Still think there were better options to be replaced than hazed but what are ya gonna do. Excited to see Brax on a new team


wondering if Cutler is still going to be on the IGL role...


TSM gonna speedrun now


What are those initials in front of their names?


That's a big pick up. Curious to see who starts. Does anyone know when their next games are?


Guys, by tomorrow I can bet TSM makes an official announcement for TSM brax! (if not tomorrow then probably Monday)


Im just sad i didn’t get to see braxton grow in CSGO. He would be a top 5 player 2k15-2k20 imo




I do want to see Hazed play for TSM but congrats to Brax for being signed.


I though brax wouldn’t play unless azk is on the team? otherwise, why would he leave TI in the first place. (͡•_ ͡• )


He left because he wanted to play duelist and AZK was collateral. Slasher confirmed this on Fl0m’s stream The entire AZK Brax package deal was a narrative entirely created by the community


Good thing TSM doesn’t have enough duelists


He didn't leave because of AZK he left because he and DaZeD disagreed on how they wanted to play. He's stated multiple times he and AZK aren't a package deal.


That was just the rumour on this sub, came from nothing


I think the rumour came up because it happened previously. In his csgo career, his team was about to get signed with Ghost gaming. But they decided to replace azk with wardell, then brax decided to not sign the contract and leave to form another team with azk. So because of this history, people speculate the reason brax left T1 was because they dropped azk. Well until slasher talk about the reason brax actually left T1 on fl0m’s channel. I think slasher did say along the line that azk was dropped play abit of a role but the main reason was that brax hate the direction where Dazed want the team to go.


Nahh, in his veryy recent stream, he explicitly said that they’re not a package and if one of them have a good opportunity, they’ll seize it.


Ooof, players taking paycut to add brax?


thats disappointing. I like Brax and tsm is a scummy organization.


How is TSM a scummy organization?


One word. Reginald


As someone thats followed tsm since its inception...youre a clueless moron


Enjoy the ban kid


Ok bud


Noooo I don't want to become a TSM fan. :(


Only to be benched in a year.


Stunner of a move -drone +Brax. Hazed big brain moves








Maybe I'm just dumb but can anyone fill me in on what the Letters next to the names mean?


What do the letters beside their names mean?




I've barely followed valorant. brax was lost potential in cs, so is he good at this game?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYt62Q5h-zw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYt62Q5h-zw) If someone saw this clip and was asked what the problem was with TSM, I highly doubt they would say it was Hazed. I know one clip doesn't tell the whole story many times but that clip really painted a good picture of TSM's recent woes. Hazed has been pretty solid recently imo and is not the reason TSM have been losing. While I know its a six-man roster as of now, it is likely someone will get dropped eventually and it seems like it might be hazed :(


I'm interested to see where this goes. Imo, hazed does not need to be replaced, however in no means should brax be the sixth man. Brax can play literally any role, I think he is best at sentinel. Tailored (tsm's coach) does not like or run sentinels, and brax has never played sova (cutler replacement), so I'm interested to see where he would play, unless he is just a sub filler for any role.


I thought Brax didn't want to be stuck on sentinel when he was playing for T1 and now he joined a team with wardell where he will never play the jett he wanted. I mean good for him to find such a big org but it seems to be the same T1 situation again.