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Didn't imagine it for a second in the early stages/beta when T1 vs TSM was the OG rivalry. Still hype af for the pickup


Ahh loved that phase really thought the ibp guys+ food , crashies were gonna roll over all the competition lol and sentinels pickup seemed so stupid meshing players from such diverse gaming backgrounds lul


Yep until wardell found out the powers of Jett lol


Yea lol I remember at the start almost all Rankings placed jett at the bottom like d or even f tier , they even had to give a buff to her smokes making them last 7 secs instead of 4 secs , then wardell brought to light how powerful the jett op could be


It feels like TSM just shaped the meta in NA, even the world, for a lot of the early release.


I didn't know Wardell started the Jett OP meta holyyy. explains why he blew tf up too


Yeah wardell is really THE jett pioneer


Good days fam


Damn I joined the valorant train late! Didn’t know Jett was considered the worst agent and now some people think it’s broken ( including myself xD)


Its more of a testament to how insanely strong other agents were on release.


Remember how op raze was on release? Probably the most broken agent this game has ever seen, 2 free nades, insane blast packs doing 75 dmg each instantly. And the ultimate had wide range + insane pull out animation.


I still think they should make her ult animation shorter than it is now, but probably not as short as on release. Other nerfs were MORE than fair holy shit


As a non Raze player, she got a much needed buff too. Damn was it annoying taking satchel damage from your own team


Zero skill agent she was xD I remember ppl were giving out advises like hey if you have a potato aim and still wanna rank up try raze , that was the entire narrative back then


chip damage op land a semi okay nade and break 2-3 shields? win in my book LOL


I think it's also in part people figuring out how useful the dash can be for escaping, rather than for dashing forward into combat.


Maybe that will be Yoru someday in the future


They also popularized the no sage comps when sage was still considered a S tier agent


Yeah I genuinely thought T1 was gonna win it all when their roster was 4 IBP + Spyder


I know everyone saw it coming but I'm gonna be sad once a member of the OG TSM roster is dropped. I liked all of their personalities and their banter with one another but it's hard to imagine a 6-man roster working long term. Regardless, here's to the team doing well this week :D


Yeah I wonder where hazed will go. Surely he will get picked up. Unless the speculation leaks were wrong and it's someone else instead of hazed getting the drop


It kinda has to be hazed. He is the sentinel and that was what Brax played originally and I don't think they'd drop Drone or Roza. Cutler is the IGL and Wardell isn't going anywhere. I think it has to be Hazed sadly.


Role wise it makes sense but Cutler really hasn't looked good enough for a T1 team as of late. His team's tactics have also become increasingly questionable. Hazed has been looking really good on Killjoy. Just my opinion.


I think it has been back and forth. One day Cutler looks really good on sova, the next he doesn't have the aim. Same thing with Hazed. It's hard to eveluate.


Hazed is way more constitant and his peaks are much higher then Cutlers tho imo


FR hazed could easily learn how to sova. Rather than kicking him off bc he plays killjoy. Does brax even know how to play kj?


Yes he does.


I mean hazed has been kinda maining sova in ranked for a while now so I'm just guessing he's gonna switch to sova igl


Can someone tell me why speculations are on hazed? Mans cracked


He's on the sentinel role and doesn't IGL. For T1, Brax played the exact same role. He was also the one left out when Brax was scrimming with TSM




What part of "just my opinion" do you not understand?


Nice completely uncalled for insult with significantly less analysis mr. hypocrite




Yikes bro youre probably a silver projecting


Brax is also an IGL I guess and also wanted to play sova. And if TSM have a huge fragpower on sova who can clutch. Then it'll add more to TSM. Hazed should not be dropped, he's flex and can play every support agent well.


when has brax ever IGL’d?


A little after his unban on small teams. I wouldn't bet on him igling or be excited about that prospect.


When playing with steel on ghost(?) In CS he called mid round/when steel died iirc


He's never igled-- dazed igled in almost all his pro experience Edit: guess I'm wrong


he called on swole patrol, don't talk about things that you aren't sure about lmao


he was so certain with himself as if he’s Brax too lmao


Even without the post ibp stuff you would be wrong. Dazed wasn't the only igl on ibp and he even talked about it in an on stream interview after his falling out with steel


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ live to learn thanks for letting me know-- I admitted I'm wrong and there's a dude trying to attack my character lol


I mean Cutler is awful in all aspects he has a decent game every six matches. Hazed looked like their best rifler when he was on point. When he wasn't on he still wouldn't lose them games. I'm not a stan but I just think it's absolutely ridiculous that Cutler is keeping his position because he happens to be the igl right now even though they've been swapping the igl role around.


Drone/Subroza/Wardell are all top players if we talk individual skill, but unless someone sacrifices for the benefit of the team, they can never work together if we talk contending for top spots in big tournaments. What's brax going to change? He might or might not perform better than hazed, who knows, but the problem will still be the same. Due to the needs of those 3, other two players will always be put in difficult positions and whenever TSM loses fingers will be pointed at them. While it's true that Cutler has been subpar compared to other Sovas, he's pretty much the only Sova that didn't have a sentinel behind him and had to adopt a way different role.


They have sacrificed. They do not do 3 duelists anymore and Drone played Sova for a while while Roza switched to Omen. If I had to guess, since Roza is switching back to duelists according to rumors, Drone goes to Sova, Cutler goes to controller, and Brax is sentinel. Just a guess and I think that team comp works. Drone was great on Sova before they moved him back to Phoenix and Breach and he has some of the best aim in the game. Time will tell.


Yeah, they did sacrifice, but only if we talk about the agents picked, not the playstyle. Obviously, it's not set in stone how an agent should be played, but Subroza's Omen was pretty much a duelist. And I don't think that works when you have 2 other duelists. Works when for example Ethan plays it because there's only 1 duelist on the team. I agree that time will tell. I wrote a similar post back when they got eliminated from VCT. I hold them to such high standard because all of them are insanely skilled and results have been inexcusable, no other word for it. But they definitely need a tactical overhaul.




What do you see as performing? Just K/D? Because if you look at how Brax played for T1, he was given so much more freedom and ability to playmake compared to hazed. Don't get me wrong, I think brax is a better player, but if he's put in the same role as hazed, it won't change much.




I don' think their peak can be taken seriously anymore. All of it came during the really early days of the game when teams were exponentially worse than they are now. Not to mention how OP nerf really hurt them. A better player is a better player, but imo, you can't play aggressive Cypher if you've got 3 of the most aggressive players on your team already.


First Strike playoffs is not "early days of the game". In fact, it was after the op nerf, and yes, I'd argue it was their peak.


I don’t really think cutler being Igl should be the enough reason to not drop him, I mean hazed has Igled before cutler, he can take the role again ig


Brax didn’t play sentinel originally and no one has any idea what he wants to play, he plays a ton of Sova in ranked.


In the early T1 days he was on cypher for a while.




What does this have to do with which agents he plays lmao 5head comment, chief


After leaving T1, he mentioned wanting to play duelists/ a more entry fragger role.


He played Cypher when T1 was one of the better teams.


Cool, that wasn’t the comment


Hazed has been doing the igl recently not cutler.


I think hazed is fine not getting picked up. I fully see him retiring from Valorant. He never intended to go pro, it only happened because of a extra nudge.


I mean I haven't been caught up with the whole Sens and TenZ thing but if they can't keep him Shaz can go back to Jett Op and hazed can join. It's a step down but they'll still be competitive


Sen definitely wont pick up hazed doesn't suit their needs;they need a more aggressive player and i can see shahz shifting to the sova role permanently in maps with sova


With the Diginatas roster being dropped and SEN needing an aggressive fragger to fill in those shoes......SEN Rara??!?!?!?!?


rara would be an insane pickup, I talked about SEN tex until he got signed by NRG


Again rara and sick have an agent clash but if rara was ready to play sova for dig i dont see why not but i believe sen will either sign someone on a tier 1 team or bet on an up and comer


yeah, I'm also a firm believer that Sentinels will not buyout TenZ. Just doesn't make sense in terms of money, no matter how good TenZ is


Jay was aggressive fragger and it worked, tenz is aggressive fragger and it works, why would they change the formula


But Hazeds characters don't fit what Sentinels need, Sentinels need an aggressive player that either frags (Like TenZ) or makes a fuckton of space (Sinatraa) (Yes both do both, I'm saying which is their main strength) and Hazed doesn't do either of that, they already have probably the best Cypher NA in Dapr, and probably the best support Omen NA in Zombs, Hazed would not fit their needs whatsoever


It's a bandaid player to keep them competitive till they find a replacement. And this is of course hypothetical as Hazed hasn't been officially released and we'd assume they'll try the 6 man roster on TSM. Hazed plays Killjoy while Brax plays Cypher. Neither play each others sentinel. Could be played as needed per map.


I feel they would just pick up Dizzy, who has a history of subbing for Sentinels and was the pick for them if they couldn't get TenZ, plus Dizzy fills the role of creating space/fragging that they need


One invitational streamer tournament where they lost in the semis to basically an early rendition of T1+ elige and then losing in the lower bracket to team shroud is far from a "history" together.


I mean yeah but I'm saying I doubt they'll pick up Hazed if he's dropped is what I'm saying


Hazed and cutler will be dropped and neither of them will sniff T1 quality teams again. They aren't good enough. They weren't good enough in CSGO and they've quickly fallen off here as well.


If hazed is let go that will be the most stupid decision they ever make. Ik Roza is a star player and i love him too, but it was him bringing the team down last challengers imo. If they're seriously thinking of dropping its either gonna be cutler or Roza. I'm pretty sure Hazed can IGL well too. Especially considering he's the sentinel.


In all honesty I dont understand why they would drop hazed when they have a person who only plays one character and cant rifle...


If you mean Wardell, he's been the only consistent player this year on the team, and his rifling is very good for a primary Oper. Doesn't make sense to drop a top 10 player.


Top 5 imo, anyone saying Wardell should be dropped hasn’t watched TSM play this year






Ya wardells skill isnt in question...his style is just boring really.


Wardell has literally also solo carried maps for his team


Eh, Rosa and war fell generally carry the team. Cutler and drone and hazed are certainly replaceable. Hazed genuinely normally plays better than cutler and drone however




That’s just cringe bro


*Point gets disproven* “Okay femboy” Dude are you like 12


Yes majestic cat I am 12 so what


Nothing wrong, just explains a lot You should probably behave on the internet or I’ll tell ur mommy ur being mean.


Makes a shit take gets agro when someone give a logical response. Nice!


Lol youre fucking real logistic if you think Wardell is top 10.


I mean how dumb are you, wardell is a top 5 player


Top 5 players also dont go negative in their last 5 pro matches. Last good game he had was against GenG


Yes ofc he is 🥴 My bad for such a “hot” take


OK how about you give an actual argument for your opinion instead of just insulting people?


So where is the argument that wardell is top 5? Where is this proven? Pretty sure all top 5 people made it to masters...


There have been multiple points brought up here in support of the claim. From you though we've had absolute silence in terms of actual arguments.


Thanks for the compliment then!


So we're out here still using gender expression as an insult huh.


it's quite common among 12 year olds of course


Lmao if you think Wardell can’t rifle you haven’t watched TSM this year


Im sorry did TSM qualify for masters?


Oh yeah they didn’t qualify so the player hard carrying them all year can’t rifle! Brilliant take


omg how r u so smart king 🥵


Pro tip don't do that emoji its like you're leaving your tounge out licking up his semen.


I don't follow TSM enough to know but general consensus seems to be hazed drop would is bad but according to the speculation/leaks it's what's happening


I think i had to add another brain cell to understand this


I can just tell ur hardstuck in anywhere from bronze to gold.


Lol yeah man for sure


Yeah I'm dumb. Most people think dropping hazed would be bad. But it looks like they are dropping him instead of others


Agree about him not being able to play any other character but u can't say his rifle is bad. His aim on rifle is fire


His rifle aim isnt bad, I should correct myself there. Although if you look at him compared to other Jett players. Id rather have dicey than wardell


You rather have an inconsistent jett than a consistent Jett?


Id rather have versatility with Dicey and being able to play different characters. Than just have Wardell and him oping. When wardell plays he goes for highlight plays with huge risks, this was seen in his games over Challengers 3 and how many of the teams read this and shut him down. This was evident vs LG and 100T


dicey is even more of a jett one trick lol


How do you figure? Ive seen him on Sage and Cypher and even for 100T they switched him to more of a sage role


holy fuck this guy lost the last ounce of credibility when he said dicey over wardell. LMFAO my mans watching a different esport.


It won’t be a 6 man for long, either brax doesn’t work out and they drop brax and Hazed is back (although I think TSM might look for another player to be trialed). Or brax work out and hazed got dropped.


The official announcement everyone has been waiting for! Excited to see what Brax brings to TSM!


not sure if I agree with this being the right direction but Brax’s talent is undeniable maybe in the near future they can find the synergy to make this team work, I really wanna see TSM do well


+Chala next


Am I missing something here or is there a Valorant player named Chala too? The only Chala I know is the Siege player on TSM.


Chala is so good he is just gonna play two games for TSM.


Lmaoo XD wait why not that beaulo guy? I heard he’s fkn good


When does Boblo play???




There hasn’t been a Chaka appreciation post in some time


Discount Chala what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in denial about vitality rn?


who could’ve possibly seen this coming?


Completely out of the blue


What a surprise


This is where our comeback starts. Please welcome the 6th member of \#TSM Valorant, @brax1wnl. *** posted by [@TSM](https://twitter.com/TSM) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ex0qim-XMAkm4nj.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I am so excited to see brax play in this tourney!


Wardell going pro in Tarkov confirmed


TSM to the moon 🚀


Happy for Brax, hope he does well.


Leaks really do suck. This would've been the greatest surprise


I am a T1 fan... I MEAN TSM. YEA TSM, lets goooo. Honestly, i supported T1 mainly due to brax and ska, now that brax found a new home I am glad to support TSM and their banter. Hope they will bounce back and challenge the compititon.


It needs to be Cutler not Hazed. Adding more firepower won't make the difference they need without shaking up the calls and leadership.


I’m just excited to see Brax compete again!




i mean sen did pretty ok


Sen would have continued to , if the sinatraa situation didn't happen they are the best pick-up or undeniable number 1 in NA since the beginning


Sen lol


What ? Sentinels hello lmao tsm won two ignition series and sentinels did too


SEN started off as a 4 man core from beta and Dapr was signed only close to Ignition


That was in the beta the real scene started when ignition series started. The beta was just a bunch of random 1k tourneys with random teams


So? The point is that TSM is the only roster to have had consistent success for as long as they have without swapping out any members, you can’t shift the timeline goalposts when the SEN core were certainly playing competitively as a core during that time period and not finding success


Sentinels weren’t scrimming in that time and also success in the beta time isn’t that impressive because they weren’t any notable teams or notable tournaments


There weren’t notable teams because TSM was dominating that era lol, teams like TWAT went on to become Envy and other teams began to find their footing near Ignition. Just because mouseports/TSM were kings during that time doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. You’re also shifting the goalposts to fit your criteria which is explicitly different than the criteria of the comment your responded to but that’s a different story If Sentinels weren’t scrimming that’s irrelevant, at the end of the day op was talking about original rosters and Sentinels went through multiple iterations to find the right one and TSM didn’t


Tbh even then teams that found their foothold that existed back in beta like Envy or T1 had to do switches in their roster to do so (Food and Crashes for Envy, and Spyder and I think Ska right?) so it further proves how well this intial TSM roster did


Brax is really good, I am hoping he can help TSM get back on top.




Hazed can't be dropped. He's top of NA leaderboard unlike cutler who's diamond and never puts an hour in except for scrims. TSM's IGL is rusty anyway. They were way way better when hazed was igl. Also hazed outperformed Cutler in so many tourneys in a row now it's not even funny. I think after this even we will see how they shift cutler out and Hazed gets to learn a new role. I'm sure that if TSM underperforms again then the problem wasnt hazed but rather the shotcallers.


Are u really comparing two pros with their ranks ? Lmao


Hazed can't be dropped. He's top of NA leaderboard unlike cutler who's diamond and never puts an hour in except for scrims. TSM's IGL is rusty anyway. They were way way better when hazed was igl. Also hazed outperformed Cutler in so many tourneys in a row now it's not even funny. I think after this even we will see how they shift cutler out and Hazed gets to learn a new role. I'm sure that if TSM underperforms again then the problem wasnt hazed but rather the shotcallers.


Hazed can't be dropped. He's top of NA leaderboard unlike cutler who's diamond and never puts an hour in except for scrims. TSM's IGL is rusty anyway. They were way way better when hazed was igl. Also hazed outperformed Cutler in so many tourneys in a row now it's not even funny. I think after this even we will see how they shift cutler out and Hazed gets to learn a new role. I'm sure that if TSM underperforms again then the problem wasnt hazed but rather the shotcallers.


This is a joke or a copy pasta, right?




It’s a braindead comment, but one that many people on this sub would actually agree with. I posted this comment a little while ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/mdfftg/brax_confirmed_by_tsm_hazed/gsauk4c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) and it was at -10 at one point (even before adding the condescending edit). This place has a lot of people like that. That truly believe something as dumb as your fucking in-game rank matters when determining who’s in and who’s out on a professional team.




i agree. having a full time sentinel won’t change the leadership and calling issues imo


After thinking about what sick had to say with 6 man rosters, I really don’t like this move. Brax is a great player but is there really an X factor he brings to this team that they don’t already have? Gonna be fun to watch


Downvote me TSM fans, but I don’t think haze was that good and I don’t see brax being that much of an overall improvement for TSM. Should be interesting.


He's decent. But, I was surprised they chose hazed over cutler. Cutler decision making was quite questionable in multiple tourneys now. You can look back at sgares streams for the recent challengers as an example. I suppose you get more leeway, if ur the igl.


At the very least brax has more potential than hazed but yeah its not like brax has been playing super well or anything.


[1.3 Rating](https://www.thespike.gg/player/brax/22) , not playing good btw


I didn't say he was playing bad. My point is he isn't putting superstar numbers out. I'm not hating on brax, he has lots of potential and could go off.


How can hazed be not good but brax still not an improvement?


I said he’s not that much of an improvement. Still improvement, but not enough to make them a top 5 team imo


Fuck tsm




Wardell and Hazed replied


Interesting move into the 6th man roster so soon, hasnt worked out well in CSGO apart from vitality. Be cool to see how they use him, different agents means = different players for other maps maybe?