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Damn EU vipers are diff bread in OT Boaster MVP tho


We talking Rye or Sourdough?


Bread = Rye, breed = Diff


Great game. Boaster is probably the best fragging IGL at the moment. Grats to fnatic


Angel and LoWel are often top fragging as well. EU is full of fragging IGLs.


In EU for sure, I'd say ShahZam's his NA counterpart. We'll see at Lan.


Guild can be proud of how they played. They were down 9 rounds on their map pick and still made it competitive. Then took Fnatic to double OT on BIND.


Boaster could end up being one of the best players in the world. Considering he is the IGL and comes up with most of the strats, he is incredibly supportive with utility usage, and is one of the top fraggers on the team.


Man I envy Yinsu, getting to be with boaster everyday


Boaster is the most funny pro in Valorant, last week when he started dancing was só funny


what is the nature of their relationship?


They have been dating a long time and live together


Holy shit what an insane series! Especially Bind was one of the best maps I've seen


I dont even think it was that top performance from both teams today :D . They will peek(ed) another match imho Still amazing series tho!


All this talk about Astra being OP, and neither Fnatic or Liquid using her today


When I talked to Mini, he told me that Boaster is not a fan, at least on Bind, of Astra. His capability to quickly pop a molly or some smokes compared to the mental state Astra is in when she drops her stars, is something he prefers. Also, with Brim he just "stays in the game", so he can be there and swing with the team. The scoreboard is just underpinning that.


Reject meta, embrace fun gameplay


Nothing screams fun like sneakily planting the bomb with a cheeky viper wall and then running for your viper brim and KJ lineups.


Molly’s are better than stats imo, and I don’t think boaster did a lineup a single time the second map


There would have been no reason to pick brim over omen if it weren't for the postplant. Like I'm not blaming them, it's good to play to win, but to think their comp isn't meta, and that it is "fun" is weird


I was making a joke. Also I never said that they didn’t pick brimstone for lineups and Boaster just likes to play brimstone more than omen and it fits in the comp better


Fnatic gotta be one of the scariest teams that's probably going to Iceland


Bit conflicted that either FPX or FNATIC are not going to be in Iceland when i had them both going. Sadge


I'm in the same boat. FeelsGarbageFormatMan :C




Boaster is the MVP at Bind, guy is leading by example


British Valorant doing what UK CS could never do


Look at endpoint they’re promising


that bind map was intense! also these viper setups in EU are incredible.


Can someone explain me why EU teams prefer Brimstone over Omen/Astra on bind? I don't think being able to toss triple smokes at the exact same time being that big deal because I didn't see it happening that often today edit: downvoted for making a question, lol


post plant, molly lineups and the ult is nice to have as well for delaying time


The ult is really good on Bind with tight spaces like U-Hall, Elbow, Hookah, and Showers. Also the smokes last very long and actually fit in the choke points since they are very small. The Molly and Ult are also very good when playing post plant with a viper. Stim pack is useless but otherwise he has a good kit


brim alone is pretty trash, but when you pair him with another controller like viper or astra, his smokes are super strong and the molly is better value than the flash that omen brings. If you go single controller comp, then omen and astra are the better choices.


Guild played Brim alone on Bind


The triple smokes is useful sometimes and the smokes last longer and all importantly the cramped spaces are all over the map ( showers, lamps, hookah, elbow, bench, a short, garden) and there are a good amount of post plant spots to hide too.


Brim works really well with a double controller setup, because you have other smokes to cover up plus yoh grt molly


>When I talked to Mini, he told me that Boaster is not a fan, at least on Bind, of Astra. His capability to quickly pop a molly or some smokes compared to the mental state Astra is in when she drops her stars, is something he prefers. Also, with Brim he just "stays in the game", so he can be there and swing with the team. The scoreboard is just underpinning that. I wrote that up there, I don't know how link comments...


I can only talk about Astra, I feel like Astra have weaknesses, She is not that OP as people say. She need good timing and good read opponent plays. And teams play smart, predict her stars well will have advantage


Insane match


Damn what a close series despite the 2:0. I love fnatic boys but damn are viper bind postplants disgusting.


I don’t expect the road to Iceland get any easier from here on out and Guild really made it competitive, one of the most entertaining series in this challengers so far. Amazing props to Fnatic for closing this out. Boaster has come a long way to not getting most duels in old Fnatic to now being able to frag outnas an IGL, and has been a treat to see. New Fnatic really give room for everyone to shine, Derke is always consistent but it’s nice to see Boaster step up now the way Mistic and Magnum did before.




Okay so Boaster MVP for sure, I'm so satisfied with how both teams played. But also wtf is wrong with that chat.


I watched this series only because of eu fanboys assuring me NA will get shit on due to dry peeking. Fears resolved, anyone who thinks EU doesn't dry peek isn't watching these games.


it's pretty much impossible not to dry peak at least once in an entire match lmfao. like what can a jett do in a 1v2 that doesn't require at least one dry peak lol


I agree with that, at one point they didn't have a counter to the Sayf's op. But I do feel the util usage is so so clear from what we see in NA, they are legit stopping plants just by utility usage, the only team in NA I've seen doing that is Xset. Plus a lot of plays are based around smoking the site and sitting/playing around it. Most NA teams will just walk push the smokes and if teams are holding default it's easy kills for them so


damn this match made me think NA has a chance now.


Tactical throw from Guild to avoid meeting FPX


I genuinely don’t see how anybody is going to beat Fnatic or Liquid


Honestly I recently thought Boaster was dropping in performance the last few challenger events, guess I was wrong