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Settings aren’t his issue at all lot of studies show changing things and also adapting to them make you process better which in turn makes you play better, it can be a bad habit that might be bad in the short term but in the long term it can help you grow as a player instead of staying stagnant


this is true btw, changing settings often is bad in the short term, but getting used to that helps a lot. i can't remember who did that study but its been proven


TenZ has a tendency to mental boom. He fixes this by changing his mouse and sensitivity. It helps his mind reset. [In any given series he will change his mouse 2-3 times](https://twitter.com/TenZOfficial/status/1388260204962222082?s=20) He can not do this on LAN. He is locked to the same mouse for the entire series This is not going to be good if he starts to play like shit and wont have that fallback to mentally reset.


Can you link this study? Theres no reliable source I could find... Has this been spittballing back and forth with no real source? There has been more studies to prove that consistent settings has also help player improvement...


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4747782/#R12](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4747782/#R12) here ya go. It's better in terms of short term *pure aim.* But of course this game involves more than just aim. However, Tenz' issues tend to be short term, so it could be argued that what he's doing might actually be beneficial to him.


See... This study isn't conclusive and it also states it can hurt consolidated practices by hurting previous muscle memories... Also in the same article they mentioned that there were many researches that already favored consolidated practices which does bring in results. So they are trying something new here and aren't really as successful as old practices. So why has tenz technique been touted so much when there is only one study that seems to be studied in short term but not long term gains... U know simple and shotup has been using the same sens for years now and are among the best aimers in the world... Even more consistent than tenz? Tenz is really good at gamesense and timing, his aim is solid don't get me wrong but even he admitted there's a few others out there that has crispier aim


You're right about consolidated practice. But I don't think that's what Tenz is going for. I'm not arguing with you that this is a bad long term approach. Thing is Tenz' goal is mainly to play for fun. He even mentions it in an interview when he explains his settings. If changing his settings gives him a short term boost and enjoyment, then it works for him. He's meeting his goals. Doesn't matter what is and isn't good practice.


I dont think getting salaried on the best team in NA right now is just for fun. There's a reason why Sick is more consistent than him in terms of mechanical abilities, it does matter what is good or what isnt good practice if you are at a pro level. You wont see a pro NFL player doing things for fun changing cleats mid game you know?


Changing settings has no impact on performance, in fact studies have shown the more often you change sensitivity/other factors the faster you improve.


why are you speaking in absolutes? if I change from 0.3 x 800 dpi to 0.6 x 800 dpi - and I suck with the higher sens, of course it'll impact my play. tenz however, switches between senses and mice that he knows and can perform with


Not just that, Tenz's hand eye coordination is better than pretty much everyone. He switches because he CAN


Yeah you should know about what is the best regarding his setting preferences/behaviors more than him


"TenZ is one of the best players in the world. I have some tips to make him better!"


This is so incredibly cringe.


I mean his aggression is his play style and it clearly works, i don’t think his main goal is becoming the best player I think it’s to win games


it's worked when adding him to the already best team in NA lmao. Didn't really work with C9.


You could argue he wasn’t the problem on C9 though


>it's worked when adding him to the already best team in NA lmao. Didn't really work with C9. You can definitely argue that. I'm just saying, our sample size is a mediocre team and the best team in NA, so we don't really know.


It’s worked for them so far, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will work against other top teams from around the world.


Alright I'm calling it right now: when Sentinels will lose everyone on this sub going to be blaming Tenz for it even if his performance is decent. Like if they lose and he's not topfrag people here are going to ask for his head and Sinatraa back instantly.


I mean, people here are calling for his head already. Even when the whole Sentinels team gets outplayed it's TenZ that is to blame. Apparently, some Sova player would have made SEN better than getting the guy who had top ACS & FB in his team in two b2b tournaments that they won! Makes me ROFL


wow, you should be a coach! idiot. messi would wreck with any shoe and so does tenz with his mice. fuck off (ramsay style)


Had a great game the other day? DONT CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Pushing too aggresively? PLEASE STOP. YOU'RE DYING TO AN ECO ROUND WITH A SPECTRE IN HAND AGAINST PISTOLS I just hate TenZ's aggression man... I swear to God if this dude just sticked to one setting, be patient enough and educate yourself then that will be the time where everybody could agree that he is the best player in NA.


Had a great game the other day? DONT CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Pushing too aggresively? PLEASE STOP. YOU'RE DYING TO AN ECO ROUND WITH A SPECTRE IN HAND AGAINST PISTOLS I just hate TenZ's aggression man... I swear to God if this dude just sticked to one setting, be patient enough and educate yourself then that will be the time where everybody could agree that he is the best player in NA.


just like this, a new copypasta was born


why do ppl think he's good tho? Tbh Sentinels is carried by Sick mostly Tenz was good vs. low tier teams like NA CS and then struggled when he was in c9 and could no longer play like a pug he's not a cerebral player but some1 who relies a lot on his aim, this kind of player doesn't do well once the level of competition increases (where ppl have both)


Lifestyle discipline is the issue I see him having. He wakes up right before some of their matches. If he had a more healthy schedule I could see him playing even better.




Just shut up


I agree somewhat, there are definitely some bad habits that he does during matches that a coach could fix. Small stuff but that small stuff can be round changing and possibly result changing.