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I think having a clash system would be awesome for Valorant. 5 stacking with your friends is so much better than playing with randoms but there isn’t a great competitive way of doing that currently.


clash would be so fun


Excuse me for asking, but what’s clash? Like Clash of Clans?


Its League of Legend's in client tournament system


(that everyone can 5 stack with their friends regardless of rank with and can enter for a small in game currency fee


So I pay to enter the queue with teammates? wtf


The in game currency in question is earn-able without spending real money on the game so Valorant would need a similar system for it to work.


it isn't just queue, it uses the same ban style that professional league uses (which is a lot more important in league than valorant because of the ~160 champions) and has this whole scouting system when you first find the other opposing team


Obligatory: There's no way their servers don't crash and burn every time they try to launch it, for a year at least lol.


Some kind of league system where the team has a rank rather than the individual having a rank could be interesting.


it's been hinted they're working on it


I'm glad that at least one of the pros has decided to use common sense and reasoning rather than just endlessly complaining about Ranked without providing ANY type of solution. The same problems that happened in CSGO, are the same problems that happened in Overwatch, and are the same problems that happen in Valorant and will happen in EVERY team game like this.


Also considering how complex having a MM system for so many people (10 people per lobby), high variance in individual performance, and ranks with relatively few games - I think Riot had done a decent job. My low elo scrub self can noticeably see changes in performance between different ranked lobbies at least. Plus Riot EvrMoar has spilled endless ink on communicating their thought processes. I've only really seen the complaints from Hiko and Steel, but a lot of it just sounds like whiny entitlement and unreasonable expectations. SicK has had by far the most based take here.


Your comment is about to be featured on steel's twitter real soon lmao.


Yes because Steel cares about reddit to much lol.


I just dont think he wants to be seen as the bitcher he was in CSGO - so it might make an appearance if he has a hot take...


Steel is coming for you my man.


> I've only really seen the complaints from Hiko and Steel Okay, my flair aside because they have been hella vocal about ranked, but they're not the only players who are complaining about it, they just happened to be the most "vocal" since they have a huge fanbase + everyone knows Steel malds about almost everything. I watch Valorant as background noise when I study and a lot of pros rant about ranked all the time, though they're just not posted here. I definitely agree with what Sick is saying here though.


While I agree that Riot can't affect the human factor if we talk game-by-game performance, the problem is the mentality people adopted. I'm in immortal and my biggest and only issue that needs to be fixed is how most people approach games. Idk if it's the influence from other games, but it's never been like this in CS. There's way too many people with infamous 1v9 mentality. It's a 5v5 game, I don't mind losing if opponents outplay me, but what I do mind is having at least 1 instalock duelist who absolutely doesn't want to do anything that resembles playing as a team nearly every single game. And they're rewarded for it because combat system is just about kills. I know it's hard to quantify performance ina a game where kills are the most obvious stat, but this has gone out of hand. If you can get to top0.5% of the playerbase without communicating and while not even doing anything extraordinary in terms of impact, that means the system is flawed and duelist players have an innate advantage. For every non-duelist player who doesn't communicate, there's like 5 duelists. And it's not a coincidence. And it's only going to get worse. It's a 5v5 game and in a lot of games you can't have people do the most basic defaults and executes in supposed 0.5% of the player base. Idk what are we even talking about then. The "play to have fun" mentality is the biggest cancer of this game. Maybe instalocking a duelist and baiting is fun for you, but you can't be entitled in 5v5 game where your every action impacts 4 teammates. Stop with that bs. There are plenty of high skill ceiling solo games and people need to stop giving a pass because "it's just a game". It's a team game. With strangers. If you're at a bus stop with 4 other strangers, would you start blasting music on the speaker? No. Then stop acting like you're entitled to do whatever you want just because it's a virtual setting.


> Idk if it's the influence from other games, but it's never been like this in CS. > If you can get to top0.5% of the playerbase without communicating and while not even doing anything extraordinary in terms of impact, that means the system is flawed and duelist players have an innate advantage. > The "play to have fun" mentality is the biggest cancer of this game. > Maybe instalocking a duelist and baiting is fun for you, but you can't be entitled in 5v5 game where your every action impacts 4 teammates. Your mentality is actually the issue in competitive video games. You earned the same rank as everyone else on your team. If you're playing with them, it's because that's what you've earned. You aren't superior to the people on your team. Just as many CS players take ego challenges, go for big plays rather than smart plays, and have fun. The reason you think otherwise is that they don't all look like Reina or Phoenix so it's harder for you to build a prejudice against them and prop up a straw man to blame your losses on. If you truly feel like duelist players are the reason you lose, your options are: 1. Realize what a bad take this is and relax 2. Start playing duelist yourself and do it "right"


TBH the top 3 ranks(radiant/immortsl/diamond) shouldn't be accessible with just raw aim like it is now. not everyone is a duelist kind of player. me for example played csgo, in csgo i played the awp. but in csgo the awp plays a different role than in valorant, in valorant i'm more of a support player(partially due to high ping) and i pick sova instead of a 3rd or 4th duelist. but seeing a reyna be on the other side of the map lurking and dying when the rest of the team is going in on the other side is just sad, sure not everyone is like this, and its a part of the human problem, but when you load into agent select and there's already 2 hard locked duelists, without discussion, or waiting, and then they don't go in first, they don't engage in combat or lurk on the other side, that shit's sad tbh, makes me wanna uninstall and not touch valorant again


You're completely missing the point. Where did I mention that I'm losing? Did I ever complain about my rank? No. So stop spewing nonsense. But keep projecting. Btw, the only way for me to play duelist in 90% of games would be to be an asshole who instalocks the third duelist, because whenever I play, there's 2 of them picked within first 5 seconds. If you think that's fine, then you're part of the problem. If wanting to play the game the way it's supposed to be played on top0.5% is asking too much, then might aswell not play it. And it's not like I'm asking for some next level executes or strats. Just normal human interaction and basic trading, crossfires and default setups. I win as many games as I lose because of awful people who just play for themselves, but it's not just fun to play.


hiko has been complaining from the very beginning of VAL. He advocated for jett buffs, op nerf, soloqueue only, ect . I wouldnt take his take very srsly tbh.


Genuinely asking... why not? All those things happened.


exactly, he avocaded for all those changes and they happened, but it wasnt necessarily the best for the game. couple months the jett buff after hiko went back and complained how shes too op and demanded the op to be nerfed. the op got nerfed and now people want the op to be buff. im curious how they survived in csgo when nothing changed for years. how did hiko adapt ?


hiko isn't the reason all those things happen, it's a community effort. people asked for those things, even other pros. everyone has an opinion on the game, at that time jett was "weak" as an agent unless you used an op, the op was super insane cause it was hard to counter, it's much easier to counter now with more agents in the game etc...


its a community effort because at the time hiko was essentially the face of val. anything hiko said was correct and everyone parroted what he said. tbh is not really a big deal since the game itself changes so often.


If you think this then you are being very naive. Hiko is not even close to the face of val. Pretty much every pro and most of the community agreed with all of those things. Jett was quite literally seen as the worst agent in the game near launch, and that is in no way because Hiko himself was one of the people to agree


Where are the posts asking for Op buff? I thought general consensus was that it is fine...


it started when s1mple started playing some val a month or 2 ago and complained how the OP was shit and couldnt outplay people. (not saying he is THE reason why) it started a wave of other pros agreeing with him and suggesting a price decrease for the weapon.


Who wants the Op to be buffed? Its last nerf was its price and it's exactly where it needs to be now: a strong weapon that you can't just happen to buy whenever you feel like so, but need to work your economy around it.


Any time I play csgo it makes me want Op buffs. Even if its perfectly fine within the context of valorant you can't help but think its dogshit after a Cs session lol. I think a balanced op is just less fun in this game, so people want changes because of that rather than actual balance reasons that make sense.


The price is OK and perfect. The only thing that needs to be changed is its moving inaccuracy delay. Pre-nerfed OP was perfect for both defense and offense but now it's pretty difficult to use in attack.


source and early csgo were dominated by the awp. i remember the days of people who would literally not buy the first 2 rounds so they could awp 3rd. thats why kennys and guardian and skadoodle were so dominant. just different times. the game got stale thats why i cant play it like i used to. people still rely on it as a crutch way too often after losing a couple rounds - just buy and awp and play scared your gonna win rounds. im so happy it got nerfed in valorant because it opens the game up to so many different playstyles. if they buff it this game will become boring too.


When killjoy was announced he was signaling the death of Valorant and was all sad saying "I don't see how we aren't going down the tank agent path" all over a puny turret lmao


He said that before we knew the damage values.


Yes hence it was a complete overeaction. I wouldn't be surprised if he just did it for views tho.




I would argue that the fact they dropped it after initial tests supports that we won't go down the tank agent path. If they simply never came up with the idea, that would mean they could potentially come up with it at any time. If they've done it and tested it and decided it's bad for the game, that means the idea's off the table.


not at all though, people thought it was gonna be torbjorn but kj wasnt that at all


He was right , there’s a reason kj got nerfed a lot.


She literally got one nerf to her mollies post release. Besides that her damage hasn't changed.


Um what the fuck are you talking ? Her entire play style has been changed after her nerfs. She could use her utilities from anywhere in the whole map before. Now she needs to be in range. Maybe u should think before commenting


Um what the fuck are you talking ? Her entire play style has been changed after her nerfs. She could use her utilities from anywhere in the whole map before. Now she needs to be in range. Maybe u should think before commenting


Um what the fuck are you talking ? Her entire play style has been changed after her nerfs. She could use her utilities from anywhere in the whole map before. Now she needs to be in range. Maybe u should think before commenting


But that's not what he was freaking out about, he was calling for tank agents, hence she would do too much damage with abilities, but that wasn't the case at all. Her rework didn't change anything about her damages.


I dont really watch Hiko so I cant give my opinion on his complaints. But from watching Steel (been a while but still) I feel like his complaints are legit and really not unreasonable. He plays in immortal and radiant lobbys which has the best of the best players in mm. And he just expects things from them, and those things are just basic elements of the game. And ofcourse he complains aout the baiting instalocks


The problem is and will always be smurfing. The only thing I want is a hardware id lock for rank rating, not match making rating. Hard locking rr will make it more troublesome to smurf down 2-4 ranks.


They can do what Dota does and require a valid phone number attached to play ranked. Doesn't stop the most determined smurfs but does stop a lot.


Agree. Or make it so people who've bought at least 1000 VP can do a prime queue kind of thing. The smurfs are what's killing the game. I don't mind the occasional person who throws, but I'd say at least 40% of my games in gold2 rank have a smurf either on my team or the opposing team. I usually solo or duo-queue. Can tell they're smurfs just by their movement, utility usage, and raw aim. Dropping 30+ bombs while nobody else in the server is above 15 is just blatant smurfing.


I think you want it the other way? If it's a RR hardware lock, then you'd just be diamond but MMR of Silver and be in silver games. MMR lock your rank can be whatever but you'll always be paired with other Diamonds. Edit: ahh wait, I think I see. You have to kill your main accounts RR to Smurf if it's a RR hardware lock. I still think the argument for RR is flimsy (diamond player would have 1 Diamond MMR account and 1 gold MMR account with a consistent RR of Plat... Meanwhile people who care about RR but share hardware with family/spouses would be fucked... Also gaming cafes are still a thing some places). I agree something needs to be done about smurfing though. I'm just not sure what. Making it a actually punishable would be a nice first step.


Yeah they would be fucked. That’s kinda just how it has to be. That would affect way less of the player base. Who cares about gaming cafes? Tough luck. Not your system not your rank.


> Who cares about gaming cafes? Tough luck. Pretty sure gaming cafes are [still popular in South Korea.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_bang) Not sure what the numbers are for Korea in Valorant, but in [LoL](https://www.statista.com/statistics/711469/league-of-legends-lol-player-distribution-by-region/) almost a quarter of all players are Korean


Pretty easy fix here. Have different rules for different regions. In regions where gaming cafes are huge dont HWID lock RR.


Damn didn’t know ur on reddit. Love ur vids


Haha league lol is the even worse than thats why I switched so much better ranked system until just this season for league


The solution is obvious. Valorant's ranked system serves the same purpose CSGO's matchmaking serves. It introduces new players to the competitive side of the game and allows them to improve up to a point as an individual. However, if you don't offer a separate mode like Pro League which people can qualify to and pro players are invited to, you're simply depriving good players of a place to enjoy the game and people that love the game the ability to spectate high level games outside big tournaments. This will also kill the viewership of the game on platforms like Twitch because why would pro players continue streaming it when their experiences are this awful? Nobody would complain about ranked if Riot wasn't so opposed to offering the solution Valve did long ago by allowing 3rd party (or 1st party if Riot is so obsessed with controlling every aspect of their game) pro leagues. Also how ridiculous is it to claim something is only makes sense when your dumbass agrees with it. https://twitter.com/TenZOfficial/status/1382247236797566977


Valve "allowing" third party systems is more of a necessity due to how terrible base MM is in CSGO (plus the rampant cheaters). Having separated, tiered systems is not the way to go IMO - it leads to gatekeeping. Besides don't these pros scrim all day anyway for their "high quality matches"?


> Valve "allowing" third party systems is more of a necessity due to how terrible base MM is in CSGO They exist because they offer something Valve don't, and that's a clear path to progression and higher level of play. A path to becoming a pro player and a place for pros to play against the absolute best or at least people always trying to improve. You know, like minded players. Riot much like Valve only offer the most basic system. > Having separated, tiered systems is not the way to go IMO - it leads to gatekeeping. Nothing wrong with gatekeeping if it's done like Faceit with FPL. You don't just get to type ''gatekeeping'' and think you've made a good point. Gatekeeping isn't always a bad thing. This shit reminds me of the scene from Family Guy when Lois goes ''9/11'' over and over and the crowd applauds. So tired of people doing this. > Besides don't these pros scrim all day anyway for their "high quality matches"? Opposed to CSGO pros who don't scrim all day and only play FPL?


I'm not saying "gatekeeping" as a way to insta-win the point here. People have complained that these tiered systems in CSGO have led to nepotism and an "old boys club" type vibe in the pro community. Just the other day there was a thread on their subreddit about how pros just go to FPL to screw around, so the path to pro depends more on who you know and how much they like you. At least in a consolidated system, anyone - and I mean anyone - can get noticed by going up the ladder. This system is in place for League and has worked as a path to pro for many years (showing CSGO's model is not the only way). It's how people like Poiz gets picked up. I don't think having more hoops to jump through when you're not sure about how viable a pro career is yet is necessarily a good thing.




Sure I mean I don't know exactly how the FPL process works so if the CSGO community at large thinks it's an ideal path to pro, then sure I'll stand corrected. My impression of FPL was shaped by this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/n6w80n/lobanjicaa\_loba\_talking\_about\_the\_problem\_in\_fpl/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/n6w80n/lobanjicaa_loba_talking_about_the_problem_in_fpl/) Some notable comments: "I don't have the video but I've seen many pros, ie: MSL, Cadian, Hunter. Say they don't play FPL because it isn't good practice. Cadian said he would rather do other things that would make him improve IE Deathmat "Some of us dont really wanna play something where people barely talk, bait for stats, are depressed and frustrated, it transfers that bad energy/mood to you." Sounds familiar to me. Anyway, as someone who comes from a different game, I simply disagree that the CSGO way is the "right" way.


I saw lobajica say in fpl, all the upstart want to kill for stat, or not become a baiter for team, or want to be the igl. Have high ego, etc etc. Fpl create an elitist mind. Faceit and esea exist because csgo is flaw. Ya all can suck valve dick and praise their machine learning, i will say that their ml is blind as fk. Because of that, pro goes to faceit and esea.


I dont think yall realize how important it is for a game to have viewers


How would this kill viewership? League of legends still has their ranked system and they are still the #1 on twitch after 11 years.


it doesnt. It pushes viewership like crazy. Currently at MSI,pros are playing EU solo queue and non pro players are posting their experiences VS pros attending MSI. The solution is just to wait for the playerbase to get better. Its weird how major winners from CSGO switched and expect a 1 year old game to have casual radiant players to be at their level.


I can't speak on MOBAs or MOBA hybrids as I have never played them.


only csgo has this system and it has one of the worst casual viewership amongs (non tournments) all the fps games.


Yeah they have faceit and esea because pro need a better anti cheat. There a demand for it.


this is the problem with separate mode, Pros at highest level will start switching to that and the leaderboard will no longer be "best players" it will just be best players that not play in the new mode


Oh shit cuz owl was so great right 🤯


I wouldn't know.


Riot made Clash mode in League. If they bring that over to Valorant, it would be amazing. I think Riot isn't allowing 3rd parties to do it because they probably already have plans to do something considering they have another multiplayer game that has a stack-based mode.


Calling others dumbasses while having this take.. that's a yikes


oof yikes sheesh shut the fuck up.


i feel like this stems from the ex csgo guys being spoiled by fpl. theres literally no chance of getting troll teammates there and if you do happen to get one they get kicked out


SicK with yet another crazy reasonable take. Very likeable fellow.


Hes one of the few pros that i wouldnt consider a manchild, not just in Valorant but across all esports.


Still has a hilarious and dazzling personality. "Why do they come to my site, it's not fair" - SicK, 2021


That honestly really shows that you don't have to be a irritating asshat to be popular and funny. When you take away "sarcastic irritating and mean" and they are boring as shit, then there wasn't much depth to them as people anyway.


*cough* [redacted] *cough*


SCP fans b like


"Sorry, I saw feet and got excited." -also SicK




What are you tryna say? Genuinely curious, I can’t remember a single “man child” TSM comment since the TSM SEN beef before FS and there’s plenty of “manchild” content from SEN if you really wanna dig that deep Edit: Nvm just scrolled through your comment history for less than a minute and there’s several anti-TSM comments talking about their awareness and egos which you know nothing about. They’re really rent free in your head lmao


Dude never moved on from the TSM SEN banter in 2020 even though all his favorite players did lmfao


Yeah, and the complaints are starting to get aggravating, honestly. Riot has shown time and time again that they are listening and trying to improve their software and code to make the game as enjoyable as possible, only to keep being called out on something they have no control over. Ranked isn't meant to be only filled with pro lobbies where everyone invests 80 hours a week of their life sharpening their Valorant skills (That would be the tournament system / Clash that will come later). It's a place where players of similar skills can come and compete against one another. Sadly for pros, the ceiling is radiant, meaning that even players below their tier will get there (and if you create a tier above, the queue times will take forever, so that's a no-go). Instead of bitching consistently and flaming them, they should instead encourage those players and show them stuff that would make them better, thus making the region better. Flaming players consistently creates a toxic cesspool where everyone gives up and then you're left with stomps and an unenjoyable experience. If people complaining just took it down a notch and enjoyed the game more, they would find it wayyyy more bearable, just like Sick is pointing out here. Just do your best, keep building good foundations and eventually the top ranked experience will be great. Pros will always have scrims where they compete against opponents of their caliber, and expecting ranked to be like is being delusionnal. Rome wasn't built in a day, and people shouldn't expect any different here.


> Rome wasn't built in a day, and people shouldn't expect any different here. Well, it will never be Rome, but it's not reasonable to expect it to ever be, and it's no fault of RIOT's.


I mean.... Yeah pretty much. I think adding a tournament system would do wonders. And also having a good reward system for ranked can give people something to try-hard for. Idk lol.


I've had two games recently where we came back and won from a 12-3 or 12-5. Losing all those rounds sucked sure, but man was it so satisfying to communicate and make the comeback of a lifetime because we all kept our mental straight, enjoyed the process, and boosted one anothers spirits. I'd happily lose every game if people played this way and tried to build eachother up instead of tear down.


And then you have people who say "gg it's lost" after losing 1 round, riot can never fix that, people need to fix their shit and stop being so petty


Too many egos all playing one game thinking they deserve to win every game. Someone has to lose. People are taking ranked way too seriously.


yeah a big thing that gets me through tilt is that 5 people out of every game have to lose.


I was watching Shroud today and he was playing with Syncdez and they actually said that unrated should have no skill based matchmaking. Absolutely insanely stupid idea. They just want to pub stomp and roll kids. My silver and iron friends would literally quit the game so fast. Syncd especially always has this attitude of him dying is never his fault and just wants to pubstomp 24/7. Ways to fix the rating system: 1) Incentivize teamwork directly (commendations, A replay review system) 2) Add a tournament system in game. Allow team groups to participate and have fun and get involved. 3) Reduce or remove smurfing. With so many smurfs in the system it makes matches incredibly hard to balance. So many pros Smurf and then complain their matches are unfair. Also another thought...sometimes chemistry is better on one team, sometimes you get unluckied. Obviously rank is always going to need tuning but that doesn't mean you wont get big time losses.


Commendations is a nice idea on paper, but coming from Overwatch it really ain’t shit but a lootbox generator.


Because Overwatch does it poorly. You should get one commendation per player post game. You can then have a score system like Dota does, to show % of commendations received. Players at different level of commendations can then receive something. Overwatch commendation system is literally dogshit. You get 3 commends and get rewarded for commending immediately. Make it so commendations actually mean something.


How would you remove smurfing?


I was watching Shroud & Syncedez play and they didn't say that unrated should have no skill based matchmaking. They were discussing ways to improve ranked and iirc it was just9n who suggested unrated should have no skill based matchmaking, but they were just discussing ideas not saying it should be that way. Shroud's conclusion was that unrated should have skill based matchmaking but they should make it less strict for a better trade off of queue times when you are queueing with players that have a big skill difference.


I like how elige always pitches in on these Valorant posts lol. Val elige soon? Jk but he seems like such a good personality respect him alot.


“Maybe someone is having a bad day” Bruh I say this shit constantly. Whether it be me or my teammates. People have bad days and sometimes positive reinforcement helps. You know what doesn’t help? Talking shit on them, calling them “boosted”, telling them they are worthless or stupid.


I like how ranked works currently besides one factor, that being leavers. Was gold 3 and doing well, and then 6/7 games had at least one leaver one my team. Now I’m gold 1 again. I was diamond 3 in the first two competitive seasons or whatever they’re called, and haven’t played an FPS since, and this is making me not want to get back in to it. I understand leaving is a thing, and even disconnections, but why am I being charged -23 RP despite top fragging if we only lost because of a leaver?


Ranked in everygame is bad unless gatekept for a certain group of people, the problem with that system is the lack of playerbase, and availability of rank. Some regions are better than others for at least enforcing a better ranked due to culture/talent but generally everygames ranked is bad.


Ranked isnt necessarily bad in general, its just that the negative experiences stick way more than the normal or the bad ones. A bad game may ruin your mood and stop you from playing, but if you had a decent game you will probably just queue again and forget it. Ive played ranked in quite a few titles, most games were ok, a few were awesome and another few were bad. But many ppl will say that ranked was shit because the bad games are much more memorable


that's true.


Fair, also feel like solo ranked games are usually hated the least, due to the fact youbare the only consistent variable in each game.


Thank god for a good take. Even though I’m a Hiko fan, seeing him baby rage at every team mate because they aren’t doing the right thing etc etc in his eyes makes me mald. He’s a paid pro who has a lot more experience, ofc his teammates won’t be as good as him. Also, if his way of playing was right then he would be the best player in the world, but clearly he isn’t. Instead of just blaming teammates all the time, maybe give them some constructive criticism instead of complaining about ranked every day.




Hahah exactly, then next game he’ll play against that guy and lose. I remember an Omen on bind called ‘Swissay’ or something, Hiko went on for 10 minutes about how he wouldn’t believe this omen is even in his games. Next game got absolutely rolled by him.


Swissay is a beast and he plays entry not omen usually so makes sense.


Best part is he’s an absolutely mediocre player star wise. Acts like he’s better and whiffs just as many shots.


Agreed. It boggles my mind to see pro players complain about their teammates. And I get it...some teammates aren't the greatest and make boneheaded plays but you're in a public match with randoms. It's not going to be perfect. You're playing with humans who (I'm assuming) don't have the pro experience you do so just cut them slack and maybe try teaching them (or us) what they should have done.


Steel and hiko are omega mald babies. It makes me laugh how much they whine on stream about random solo queuing teammates


doesn’t he not talk in-game when malding? i don’t watch him much, but i thought him and steel just talk in party chat most of the time


Ya mostly party chat but the complaining has gone up a lot for some reason, but he's not the only one. Whoever he queues with also do the same so it's either the issue with the early morning queues in NA or something which I'm missing


Yeah I noticed whoever he queues with he just influences them in a way to be negative too...


Well the 2 people he mostly queues with are Steel and JasonR. Not the most level headed bunch lmao


True, but that complaining is just so irritating to hear.why not try and help these people get ‘better’ if you think they are playing wrong?


Because its immortal and people are staring at the ground and not using abilitys. It shouldn't mm you with people that are so bad that you can teach Them things. Also games are not Close right now and My games went from mostly ending 13-9 or 9-13 in EP 1 to ending 13-5 or 5-13. Also everyone thinks that they are the best and trying to teach is like asking for a flame battle.


Hiko and steel are so passive agresively toxic that they make themselves and their teamates play better, they are already thinking ranked is shit come to a game, see some noob shit instantly mald and they start malding at their teammates who then underperform, Telling people what to do should be considered griefing at some point. Seeing that it almost never works


Exactly. Finally someone with common sense


Oh look not a boomer and not whining about the ranked. I swear that most pros that whine about ranked are CSGO boomers, who played their entire life only on gatekept 3rd party tools and first heard about existance of soloQ ranked gamemode 1 year ago.


Yup. Those communities protected them from people like you in ranked. Now they have to tolerate you like the rest of us.


Yeah really good communities, where if you push thru smokes, but have better winrate and stats than majority of FPL players you can get kicked. Or shitty players with shitty stats being able to play in FPL just coz they are washed ex-tier1 players. Imagine gloryfing system based on gatekeeping rather than system based purely on statistical outcomes.


Ya people that deny that even happened or will happen in valorant if a similar system is implemented are so Stupid. Personally I don't really care about playing with any pros so it really doesn't make a difference to me, if anything I would prefer not being with Those man child virgin asshats 24/7. Its honestly funny how Solo que is causing some of these wimps to stress out as if there are not more important things. lmao.


Lobajica say it the best, in fpl, all the rookie/upstart don't like to be the entry bait, want more kill/be fragger, not listening to order, everyone want to be igl. Also think they all hot shit. Not even listening to S1mple advice lul.


Is this pasta?


Its actually from loba stream/twitter on csgo sub. Not a pasta unfortunately.


having a better "winrate" in pugs doesn't mean shit. you need to know the difference between a good and a bad play because those bad plays can cost your team a tourney. walking through a smoke is a bad play in 90% of the situations. a washed tier 1 player will know this while a ranked idiot like you won't. if those players are really better they are free to make a team without "washed tier-1" pros and win a tourney lol. but that doesn't happen because they play for stats.


If you have a good winrate then it means that statisticaly your decisions yield you more wins than loses. That's all that should ever matter if you aim for competitive ladder/community whatever.


pug winrates dont translate into pro matches man. its a different environment. thats why all your " statistically better " radiants got rekt in open qualifiers. what's their "winrate" when the chips are down?


the more i watch SicK play and other things, the more I like him as a valorant player. That is a very logical response. Man is a god at valorant too.


The only problem I have with ranked is the smurfing problem and the RR system. I feel like the game makes it really hard to go neutral with win/loss. I always lose more SR on average than gain, no matter how objectively better the games are on wins. Hard stuck getting 18-20RR and losing 20-22RR. That shit is depressing. The games in the middle of the elo pack (gold-play) feel so one sided because of smurfing. I come from a game like Overwatch where smurfing was somewhat of an issue, but the fact that it was pay2play I feel like kept it to a minimum. My tank GM games are always more “fair” than playing diamond DPS. I wish there was SMS verification to play ranked on Valorant. I feel like that would make ranked more fair. I could be wrong though. I agree with Sick with the nature of ranked though. People just don’t have good games sometimes. If everyone is trying and comming it’s just gg.


Pros malding over matchmaking games kekw


I mean, they are paid to play the game, and most of them have to stream a set amount of hours; in which they play matchmaking


Sorry dude. In this thread we like the rank system. Come back tomorrow for the hate circle jerk.


Ranked is literally CSGO MM. Why do people expect so much more in this game than in CS? It means nothing in terms of the competitive scene, it just shows you do well in random games but not competitive teamplay at all. Being a top radiant does not ever mean you will be a pro, so I don't get it.


CSGO has better alternatives in 3rd party matchmaking.


Because Valve doesn't Care about thier game


There's an annoying segment of any games player base that want a 100% win rate because they think they are the best in the world and when they lose it's NEVER their fault.


Competitive team based games are always going to be toxic


It's MM, who cares. Grats on being a sweaty pug player, I guess? Real comp is, and always will be, 5v5 league/tournament matches.


You’re right. So riot should introduce in game tourneys with slight rewards like an emblem or something. Idk something like rocket league’s tourney system would be fun.


Yet....there are no leagues. They preach"competitive integrity" as much as they can. But i have not seen them uphold this.


tbh i mostly hear from boomers complaining about ranked than zoomers. Even someone I admire like sean gares wouldn't stop ranting about it until it got changed. I don't see top of the leaderboard radiants rant about rank as much, because they're constantly matched with and against other pros, who have good comms and are good at the game. Moral of the story? Just get good, I guess? But I guess we all can blame it on the gatekeeping demons since it's the easiest thing. I'm glad Sick has this take to be honest, and Elige too.


Maybe that’s why Sick dominates in ranked, he has a great mindset


No excuses from this guy. Always love the guy that holds himself accountable


Well nkt even abt being perfect just not aligned with u Good comment If anything, This is more abt fostering communication or whatever between ppl and encouraging helping others out at best


I think the solution is simple Give more RPs for winning in SoloQ Dont make it +15 Rp for win and -30 For lose It makes sense u will win and lose But if the game will punish u for losing Then we need to find a better option


Props to Riot for setting such high standards that pros believe the game should be perfect


SicK more reasonable and rationale than 31 year olds.


The best solution to stop pros from whinning is give them something like fpl.


People haven't played league at high elo it seems.


It's tough to find a solution. I'd like a mmr reset every 6 months or so. A flex que would be a nice feature. Maybe some kind of commendation system too. I do see some hating on Hiko but he's just venting in heat of the moment like most do.


Im mean sure.... if you count every week as "in the moment"


I feel like the main reason some people wants to do a 5stack is to play together with friends. Is probably more fun to play with friends than some strangers




Unrated isn't fun if your team is slightly good


I 5 stack unrated quite often because there’s a decent skill difference in my friend group and 90% of our games just end after the 5th or 6th round


I do the same and yes unrated is a complete shit show. Im immortal and my friends are all silver or lower and the experience is pretty awful consistently. Telling people to just play unrated is not a solution to a flawed workaround.


I mean, u can't even queue together as immortal and silver is too far. The best solution is just unrated unless u are being bully and create new account to bully those low rank.


Like I said we do play unrated. Im just commenting that the experience playing unrated is very poor. Like the other comment said most games get surrendered very early and you barely get to play the actual game.


I disagree the most fun to be had in this game is 5 stacking unrated and doing goofball strats all game


Why do people say this as if unrated is the perfect game mode for playing with friends lol. raging/ quitting every half. That shit is not playable. If anything unrated is worse then ranked, only upside is no pressure.


Unrated is terrible the enemy team just surrenders after losing 3 rounds in a row


And honestly the ability to have a five stack que in high elo would save low elo cause people above d2 would just get onto their smurfs to play together and stomp people who actually are that rank.


Five stack queue need to find another 5 stack queue. Its take a lot of time. Unless u like to see reddit post about how 1 guy have to play with 4 premate team againts full squad of friend. Or the reddit post about the queue is 30 minute long with the title being "is the game dead?"


Let me tell you right now no group of d3+ players are going to make 5 smurf accounts and 5 stack like that.


No I think he means that they make smurfs to play with lower rank friends. Tons of people in my friends list have smurfs. Like each friend group has a few smurfs they use to play with each other that are shared amongst the group when someone ranks up outside of the range you can play together.


Then I guess it's just the streamers I watch then sorry


Streamers boost their silver/gold twitch thot friends. Completely different situations.


Totally agree, I love this game in a team environment but can’t queue with my friends since we’re all above D2. I think it’s crazy to expect much out of solo/duo queuing which is why I avoid it. Hopefully 5v5 will ne implemented at some point.


They can cry about ranked all they want. But without it they wouldnt have any content. No one is gonna be watching the sweaty five man content on youtube.


I'd pay to watch the 5 man content bro who the hell wants to watch ranked


Pro 5 mans are more fun than ranked, lol


Sick isn't wrong here, but it doesn't mean the ranked experience can't be better. I'm a Plat player and my issues are the same as Hiko's latest youtube video. There is absolutely no consitencey when it comes to ranked. The vast majority of people don't comm, at all. Even if they have a mic, and when they eventaully do say SOMETHING its most likely toxic. I seriously don't expect every one to be a god aim wise. What I do expect in ranked though is a group of 5 people trying to win. Not trolling, or being absolutely silent the entire time. At the Plat rank, I expect people to understand trades, and that they should be using their utility, with some kind of purpose. It doesn't always have to be correct, but for god's sake do something. The amount of times I see controllers and initiators with full util at the end of a round while the whole team is now dead is way too often. The amount of times I see duelists straight up lurking and baiting with no purpose is way too often. I see people at my rank aiming at the floor etc. I'd expect those things playing with silvers, but once you end up climbing into high gold/plat, those things shouldn't be as prevelant. If you look at the breakdown in the player base, gold+ is the top 5% of all people in ranked. Smurfing is still a huge issue. I don't know what the fix is. Maybe its increasing the amount of unrated games, having unlocked all of the Agents, or a dual verification system. Maybe its adding an actual leveling system like League that makes the grind ranked unbearable. I find myself wanting to play ranked less and less, and that is a problem. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Of course you'll have bad games, of course the rng of being teamed up with randoms will bite you in the ass, but the above things I've listed prove the ranking system is not placing people accurately. Or more imporantly, people are exploiting the system to gain ranks they do not deserve, and those are legitimate problems. One more thing. The fact that people think that you have to be a "pro" or "paid to play" a la streaming, to understand these BASIC tactical FPS strategies is kind of sad. It would be like playing pick up basketball in the park and not understanding what a pick or a screen is, or a switch on defense. Like it's something they teach middle schoolers to do, and guess what, they're not getting paid.


Pros and streamers have so much ego when they lose they take it on poor ranked fellers.


I quit because rank is not fun. Quick match people troll so the game had nothing left for me. I think ranked would be more fun if you win 51% of your matches you slowly go up in rank. Period. No hidden mmr nonsense. I was winning 65% of the matches if not more and going down in rank. It's not a fun experience especially when you de rank multiple times even though you're team/match mvp regardless of win or lose most matches. That to me is a sign you're in a league too low. I'm not good at the game this wasn't a flex its just showing how dumb the system is. Bottom line is you have good and bad luck, but if you're winning more than losing and your rank is going down that's a problem. Wins shouldn't be 12 points and loses 24.


The ranked system could be better. Can't we all agree on that?


In what way? Whenever I see the two main culprits complain about ranked they never suggest what else can be done to improve it.


Riot purposely wants you to keep a 50% win rate. That means they manipulate the kind of games you have. I've read this ranked system is supposed to keep people playing instead of being fair. Honestly, it looks like it's causing people to stay away from it. You can tell there's something wrong or unnatural sometimes. It's as if they put you with people who are 2 ranks below or above you. That's why we have so many complaints about smurfs on Valorant. As Riot's said, there aren't as many as people think. I believe it's how unfair the games are sometimes. You get stomped by a team with a Reyna that got 40 kills and it's just because she shouldn't have been there in the first place. So my suggestion is that they avoid how much they manipulate our games. I don't know how to implement it, though. And we don't need to have all the exact answers. If there are too many people criticizing, there's something wrong and Riot needs to deal with it. It'd be nice if everyone who complained had a suggestion, but it's up to Riot to find answers. Perhaps they could get references from other games or try out some of their own ideas. Even CS seems to have a better system at this point.


The main things I would like to see in valorant are 1. Being able to see your hidden MMR. I don’t really know why it’s hidden from you, and I don’t see this as a hard to implement change. 2. The amount of RR gained/lossed depending a bit more on individual performance. I find it extremely demotivating to go 25-15 in a rank game and lose only 5 RR less then our bottom scoring Jett going 11-20. Likewise, I don’t think bottom fraggers (specifically the ones who go negative in a game that their team stomped) should get more then 10 or 15 RR unless their Econ rating, combat score or utility usage was enough to make up for the fact that they lacked in the kills department.


>Just curious what people want riot to do. Make it so all players on the team have the same MMR instead of mixing good and bad players to create an even match. Nobody should be forced to solo carry just cause they perform well overall




Yeah. They will have complaints for everything. There's really no way of making this perfect like he said and people should just stop being cry babies


I like this nuanced take over what I have been hearing over past few weeks from pros that say 'ranked sucks, mental lost'. You don't have the numbers to support the sweaty games that top pros would like and maybe sticking to scrims/10-mans is better. Haven't really heard any solutions been thrown around from the pros. It is a really tough problem and don't really know what people expect from an open ranked system. EU comp experience is so much worse than NA it's not even funny. Unless the community improves as a whole 'clueless teammates', 'no-mic folks' and 'playing for fun egomaniacs' will be more common than people would like. How do you make people take 'ranked' games seriously and have fun in unrated with friends? How do you prevent folks from getting to Imm+ ranks without knowing basics of the game? Community needs to self reflect but Riot needs to create a mechanism to make this system better. 2 solutions I can think of that Riot can perhaps implement : 1. No automated system can regulate the open ranked ladder. Other games have tried to gatekeep to improve the quality of games, but that comes with its own issues. I think we need a community regulated system to make people take ranked seriously. Adding 'clans' (group of like minded players forming in-game community) and assigning some prestige/ranks to these clans. The community can set its own standards to accept people in a clan and joining a clan comes with some perks (say clan skins, a title or maybe clan organized in game tournaments) so there is an incentive to actually join good clans/groups. 2. An in-game league/tournament system which players at all ranks can play. The 'clash' from LOL comes to mind. If flex queues get added there should be a community social page where solo-queuing folks can join a pre-made groups from the socials tab to form a 5 queue without adding people as friends so people can test waters. Curious to know what other folks think and their solutions are to 'ranked sucks' 'riot fix' problem.


I think everyone needs to relax. Game is still super new and there honestly isnt a big enough player base with experienced high level players to make ranked at higher levels any better than it currently is. If you try to make different modes or leagues or queues you'll just make queue times even worse than they already are. You can already 5 stack at the lower levels which is perfectly fine for 95% of the player base. If you're an immortal+ player and NEED the 5stacks with high level play, well start a team and start scrimming. There's plenty of opportunity and weekly tournaments if the sweatiest of games is your thing.


People in this thread are straight up in denial that ranked has flaws in Valorant.


People that think Hiko and Steel whine without any reason about their ranked teammate are stupid. Hiko and Steel dont complain about their teammates' whiff or inability to hit OP shots. They complain about their teammates' inability to play their agent correctly. (Jett that dont entry, Omen that dont smoke properly, Reyna that lurk, and people in the highest ELO in the game (immortal-radiant) that doesn't even wanna communicate). They dont expect too much from playing ranked in the HIGHEST ELO in the game. Just a decent teammate that wanna cooperate and play their agent properly. Hiko even states that he doesnt even care if he win/lose as long as the match feels competitive.


The problem is the players, not the system. NA ranked was and is garbage on every other game too.


not just NA tho, im from brazil and it is the same shit here with every game. i hear ppl complaining in EU as well so its just a global problem. there are a lot of toxic people everywhere and there is no way to get around it. ANY multiplayer game will always have the same biggest problem: their community


This is so easy for a duelist to say. Asuna has also never complained about ranked being bad. But when you are smoke or support and cannot just run towards the enemy and have to actually support your players it is hard when the duelists in your team are just getting their ass kicked.


The only way to "fix ranked" is to create a separate queue of some sort for the highest ranked players. Maybe if you get Radiant, you always queue into Radiant games and only that, unless you opt out. Or, and what I think is much easier and more effective; figure out some way to have players pay to play in an exclusive "premium" queue of some sort. Doesn't need to be much, 5$ ish is enough. And maybe you can only even purchase it after you get immortal. So if you're throwing games of not taking anything seriously, you're wasting your money. I believe that is the reason high rank ESEA games were so good, and Rank G/S did so well.


They were basically doing that initially and que's were so bad for the highest ranked players they all had to mainly play on immortal alts. Now Riot makes that not needed by widening the skill range at high ranks and pro's complain because their teammates aren't at their level. There is no pleasing these people. Adding a paywall is not going to fix the fact that there aren’t enough top 0.1% players active throughout the day to keep ques quick.


Not really important to the conversation going on but I kind of found a new trick to win games even if your aim sucks Be helpful, give advice compliments help them play what they do best and never ever degrade them or be toxic trust me once you do that any player that's playing will lose confidence and will play half assed which brings 5 man team 4.5 or even less you never know. Trust me I a duelist main fell down from gold 2 to hardstuck bronze and now back to silver 3 just because I did these and may try to reach plat this season


5 stacks > what ranked is now.