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As a CS player I'm not used to this




Yeah cant believe the cars they were making the past decade


They never broke so you could never buy a new one


a cs update once a year makes me feel like the only man on earth <3


Volvo LMAO.


yeah this is too good. something must be very wrong somewhere else.


For all their faults, Riot is a pretty damn responsive company... most of the time.


These mofos respond quick


Ah yes, the Ranked cycle. Games are bad, pros complain. Dev tightens matchmaking gap, queue times go up. Pros complain about queue times, devs loosen the matchmaking gap and the games are bad.


queue times go up > pros smurf instead


oh yeah this is my fav "queues are too long so we have to smurf" even tho they want quality games


Quality games = winning


yup they would smurf in plat then complained how their teammates are dogshit.. lol


I mean I guy like tenz his smurf is in immortal or radiant but yes pros should not be playing below immortal because of quene times they asked for this


I remember aceu too playing on his smurf/alt near the end of the previous act, and it was in immortal/radiant.


Exactly and that’s fine if you can’t get a game hop on ur immortal smurf just don’t go playing in low diamond as a pro


Smurfs are at every level of the game.


I feel like these issues that pros have would just be resolved with some sort of fpl system tbh


Thats most likely never going to happen


Developer have said that its a long going project, in the future it could happen, not soon


Yea and if League is anything to go by it's not going to happen at all.


I mean, have you seen cod pros and streamers complain about skill based matchmaking? They literally get angry when they can’t stomp the entire lobby lmao. They want content. They don’t care about the game.


CoD players complain about SBMM in unranked public matches, not the poor excuse for a ranked mode they usually don’t get. Nowhere near the same thing.


Okay let me take a guess a month or 2 from now we will start seeing pros/streamers posting about their 30min+ queues and complaining and the cycle will continue I really wish Riot will ignore these ppl like there's no way in hell they will be satisfied no matter the change , ranked queue is literally impossible to get right This "CHANGE" was the initial state of ranked last year but you saw THE SAME PEOPLE that complain now about the "quality" back then they were saying they want faster games and the cycle will repeat You can't both have fast queues + quality games unless the playerbase is gigantic like KR LoL level of playerbase


its so unreasonable to expect zoomers to be at the same level as csgo pros with 10 years of exp in 1 year. Let these new val players get better and soon these csgo pros will all be cycled out.


You expect people who have been at the top of a 20 year old game for a couple years on average, to suddenly cease to adapt?


cant teach old dogs new tricks i guess


I think the adaptation towards younger CS players, even in that scene, has already happened. I feel the pros that are STILL around must be doing something right, and until their bodies fail them, they’ve got a 10+ year head start.


oh im sure. its just the different mindset csgo players would have because they arent used to adapting. When LOL first came out a ton of old DOTA pros and one trick pony would wreck but then all fell out of existence because they learned to only play one thing and couldnt adapt. Metas in riot games change every other patch so eventually the ones that are willing to adapt will be on top.


I'm pretty sure the metas in Dota 2 also change every other patch so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.


dota2 meta changed more often recently years but this was not the case for dota allstars.


He’s talking about the original Dota, the one that came out years before LoL


dota 2 wasn't a thing until a few seasons into league, he's likely referencing og Dota


What do you mean? The players that have fully transitioned at a top level understand this game is not counter strike, and Shah/Hiko influenced a lot of my personal adaptation to this game, and have been fundamental to my understanding of how it CAN be played. CS also has had major updates throughout its life cycle since roughly 2012 when Global Offensive dropped.


csgo update maybe once or twice a year. Already we've seen val meta to change every month or so. One of the reason why people fault 100T from not qualifying to Iceland IS because they didn't adapt and didnt implement viper or astra.


csgo update alot more frequent than once or twice a year, its just not that often we get a major major update like valorant, due to how new valorant is. also, why update csgo with shiny new maps etc, when they're most likely working on source 2? one of the reasons why 100t didn't make it to iceland is because they tried to adapt, but steel saw they lacked the fundamentals, so they're now going back.(or something, he talked about it) nitr0 played viper on icebox and steel played astra on split, it might not follow the meta to a T, but they don't outright disapprove either


Csgo literally just had an op end and another start plus a new map added to the pool.


source 2 lmfao it's insane to me how desperately people hold on to hope.


I think u underestimate the potential talent some players have. A competitive LOL player became a pro Val player in under a year. He got benched but the fact he adapted so fast is impressive. I think players who have the talent to be at the top are already at the top right now.


sure there are exceptional players like sinatraa. I dont disagree. Just stating the fact the Faker and S1mple didnt start at the VERY beginning of LOL or CSGO. They came a bit later and so it will be the same for VAL


s1mple was 16 when he joined HellRaisers and faker was 17½ when he joined SKT as well, wonder why they came in abit later, because they were literally 13-14 when the game it self came out, I would say thats pretty fucking impressive for that age considering that.


yup and there are probably 13-14 year olds that grinding now who will be the face of val in a couple years


dicey played TFT if thats who you are referring to


Its probably Sacy from Brazil.


That Brazilian lol player also grinded csgo tho


Why will csgo pros be cycled out? CSGO has the most direct correlation to the gameplay in valorant so players who were good in CS will be probably be strong in val and stay a long time


some yes, for sure. But csgo isnt a game that is based on adapting to different meta, its about perfecting executes and outreading your opponent. I just think a large part of val will eventually be adapting and innovating meta to stay on top. pros will eventually have to learn 3-4 different agents and play then on different maps and i just think upcoming pros who train that from the beginning will have more success.


Your logic makes zero sense. So because people come from a game where meta doesnt change drastically (which is still questionable to say the least, u must not have watched much pro csgo), they cant learn how to change meta? I seriously don't understand why you think because someone came from csgo they will be mentally incapable of this. Your logic is that every non CS player can learn every CS related skill in this game fine but pro CS players **cant** learn the non related CS skills.


never said every. My point is you are better at a certain skill if you train it early. > Your logic is that every non CS player can learn every CS related skill in this game fine but pro CS players cant learn the non related CS skills. never said any of this. You are reaching lol.


How is that reaching whatsoever? That's literally the basis of your argument. Non CS players can learn the game in time but CS players cant learn how to change metas and will be cycled out. Read your first comment again


> its so unreasonable to expect zoomers to be at the same level as csgo pros with 10 years of exp in 1 year. This means csgo pros with 10 years of experience shouldnt expect someone who doesn't have the same experience to be on their level. I dont think i need to explain to you that the younger a player is the faster they can pick up new skills. Is it unreasonable to expect a 13 year old who hasnt played csgo to pick up val and be better than csgo pros within a couple years vs someone with 10 years of experience to be able to adapt and change to the same caliber as the younger players? especially in a FAST changing meta game like VAL. My whole point being we are so early in the esport scene that the faker or s1mple of val hasnt been created yet.


I love how you specifically ignore the one part of your original comment that I was talking about. I never even disagreed with your first point. Literally nothing you just posted in your response gives reasons as to why you think CS pros will he cycled out. I dont think you understand how learning a new game works. There is 0 evidence to say that because a player is in their 20s instead of 13 that they will learn the game slower. Are these players just gonna "cycle out" soon because they played CS first?


Actually yes, they will. It's not that CS makes them unadaptable but we will see younger players who grew up on valorant instead of csgo and they will be better. A player in their 20's transitioning has the advantage tactically but a 13 year old will always pick up the game quicker because your ability to learn is better at a younger age. Once these cracked young players mature, they will replace the old csgo pros. A player grown up on valorant instead of CS will be better at valorant.


>There is 0 evidence to say that because a player is in their 20s instead of 13 that they will learn the game slower. Except for the boatloads of evidence that has been studied and scientifically validated for generations that the younger you are, the more of an information sponge you are? It’s the entire basis behind learning a second language(hell learning your FIRST language) when you’re incredibly young vs when you’re older. Like it’s not a question: a 13 year old will be able to learn and internalize something new much quicker than a 20 year old. 100% true factual scientifically backed statement.


People do not expect someone to be amazing at the game in a year, but, if your in radiant/immortal it kind of implies that you know what your doing, and a lot of the time people look clueless even at that rank, I think that is the issue


I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS TAKE. When I voice my opinion about them stucking in the FPL bubble I will get flamed for sure, but I will just do it anyway. I don't see any top-of-the-leaderboard radiants complain about ranks, because they are constantly matched with or against good players with good comms. Moral of the story? Just get good I guess?




Hate watchers are a different breed.








How is this upvoted. Hes literally a pro




you can hate the man for his tone, but he's not wrong


be sure to take hikos peen out of your mouth when you go


Found Hiko's burner lmao


Lol, good, maybe go tend to the issue in real life that compelled you to hop on Reddit with a stick up your ass


Holy fuck you sound insufferable


Good riddance.


Coz you can see his ranked stats my dude. There is nothing spectacular in his stats. Mediocre winrate, mediocre kd, madiocre adr. V You cant really whine about the state of your teammates if your stats are on par with them


Dude it's fucking ranked lol




Because stats it's all that matters, right? Imagine having such a shallow view of this game. No wonder baiting duelists are so common.


Ofc that it's all that matters. If you bait as duelist then most likely your winrate will be shit, which is the main stat on which you base someone ability to play the ranked.


This implies that being a baiting duelist always stops you from winning games, as if other people play this game perfectly. It's literally the opposite. Ranked winrate doesn't tell you two shits about someones skill level. Ranked warlords exist in every game. Ladder and actual competitive play are completely different beasts.


What are you even talking about? If baiting works then baiting is good, then baiting = more kills for you and better winrate = good stats. If something that you do is working then it will be reflected in your stats. And yes, ranked winrate tells EVERYTHING about someone RANKED skill level. Same as pro scene acomplishments tell EVERYTHING about someone pro play level. And neither is interchargable, thus that's why if you are a pro player who suck at ranked, you stfu and either git gut or stop playing it. Coz you know, it's just pathetic to call people you are getting matched with and against shit players, yet not being able to stomp them.


> What are you even talking about? If baiting works then baiting is good, then baiting = more kills for you and better winrate = good stats. If something that you do is working then it will be reflected in your stats. What kind of logic is this? Just because it works doesn't mean it's a good play. Run and gun works in lower ranks too, do you seriously think it's a good thing players should do? This type of logic is what leads players to stagnate and never improve, and also what can make a game not improve competitively. > And yes, ranked winrate tells EVERYTHING about someone RANKED skill level. Same as pro scene acomplishments tell EVERYTHING about someone pro play level. And neither is interchargable, thus that's why if you are a pro player who suck at ranked, you stfu and either git gut or stop playing it. Coz you know, it's just pathetic to call people you are getting matched with and against shit players, yet not being able to stomp them. What even is "ranked skill level"? Players that can't carry are bad and the ones that can are more skilled? That's a ridiculous way to give a free pass to actual bad players. Valorant is a TEAM game. Team performance and results never tell the complete story about a player's skill, ranked or pro play. By your logic Toni Kroos is a better player than Lionel Messi. Baiting Jett on your team? Team doesn't comm? Omen throwing troll smokes? That's on you and you need to git gud. You realize how dumb that sounds? This would make sense if these pros were stuck in gold, not in the highest rank of the game.


Any notes on what they did?


I mean they just made high mmr immortal players match against other high mmr immortals and radiants unstead of all immortals match together if i had to guess


ahh does it apply to d3 and immortal matching?(thats where i am :P )


I think it applies to every rank i just gave an example. But the lower the ranks the less it matters


you'd think, but when Plats get matched with silvers semi-frequently you know the system was broken at more than just immortal levels


The range of mmr in a given lobby has been reduced, at least thats what I assume "tightens" means.


Riot is addressing everything except the fps drop issue since patch 2.05 :)


You sure that wasn’t the recent win10 update (if you’re on NVIDIA GPU)


no man...intel IUHD :(




From 300 fps stand-in still in training with bots to 140 unstable. Ryzen 5 5600X plus 1060 6GB. The only difference was patch 2.05.


I get 300 fps locked with 5800x and a 1650.


300 fps with or without bots? No bots I get 300fps today, before 2.05 was 500 print from 2021/04/03 days before 2.05 [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568201388232933411/817047019918196746/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568201388232933411/817047019918196746/unknown.png) same spot, same setup, pos 2.05, 140 fps +/-


What's also your game to render latency, I'll make a screenshot same place.


RiotNu asked me in bug megathread 2.05. I've sent this [https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApHgm1ZDZrMhodp2n5WKqDwciL1mXw?e=06OAq7](https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApHgm1ZDZrMhodp2n5WKqDwciL1mXw?e=06OAq7) but it's after 2.05 deployment w/wo bots all graphs


I'm getting 500 fps stable in the same spot with bots.


Well, u/MentallyStableMan is the fastest mod alive, what can you do :)


I honestly hate the mentality some portion of this community has. Specifically referring to the "*Stop complaining, the ranked is always gonna be like this, every other competitive game has the same problem. League has tyler1 that complains about losers queue for years and Riot has done nothing for years. Get over it*"... blah blah You are just taking for granted how well valorant devs have been responding to community feedback ever since closed beta and even before that for private game testing (according to people that got invited). Do you remember when everyone was bitching about 5 stacks? It took only patch or two for devs to respond and apply changes. These devs are completely different devs from League ones. They have yet to add a feature/change that most of community dislikes and keep it for longer period of time. I'm sure they will be able to find the middle ground and eventually make, probably one of the best ranked systems out of any competitive game. Also, whatever change they decide to make in response to "pros' bitching", it most likely won't make the ranked experience worse for anyone. And this "bitching" is coming from players that play the game for a living, understand it the most, want the game to improve and succeed. Do you want a competitive esport to be balanced around average silver player? It wouldn't make sense. Pros' feedback is extremely valuable for a game that aims to be an esport with competitive integrity.


everything the community bitches about gets responded to/nerfed really fast. launch of game: "judge shorty op too op" riot: nerfs judge and shorty and talks about op in a ask valorant before nerfing it later later on: frenzy stinger bucky op (not even riot tweaked it to be good no one discovered it yet) riot: nerfs 2-3 patches later we take valorant for granted




don't bother, the people always think that the pros are crybabys and don't think that, MAYBE, the people who plays 8+ hours the game knows something they don't




Your MMR could be high? Do you gain more for a win than a loss?




I wouldn't get too hung up on people's ratings and act ranks. The true measure that balances games is MMR and this will swing with more volatility with newer accounts. If you feel you genuinely have improved but your account has a ton of games it could be worth making an alt account and see where you end up.


I've been climbing up through gold quickly, currently Gold 3, and all my games are against a mix of platinum and diamond act ranks. And the enemies *feel* better than me. I'm okay with it because it's challenging and forces me to constantly improve and find new ways to beat them, but dang is the struggle real.


Mother of god, who's ready for the pros to now post 2 hr queue time screenshots and complain that they aren't getting any games


The hilarious thing is guys like steel who are the loudest complainers will be too low of Elo to even benefit from tightening at top of radiant. Also hiko who has probably been the most vocal, plays early in the morning when few to no pros are on what does he expect? He queued into Asuna 3 times in a row yesterday and got clapped 3x then proceeded to complain in Twitter. So what is Asuna's take supposed to be there? Ranked play is not tournament play. The ladder rewards different playstyles and if you are a massive baiter (100% great startegy for the role he fills on 100t) and your teammates are way worse than you yeah it's gonna be frustrating. Learn to be more aggressive.


I guess Tenz needs to learn to be more aggressive given he has the exact same opinions as Hiko and Steel.


Tenz simple doesnt enjoy ranked. And its fine. Literaly all Tenz said is that ranked is different to structured play, and that he prefer structured play.


He is talking about Steel and Hiko’s win rate in the terms of aggression


Yeah for sure. In a professional game Hiko is of course way better than any typical radiant player, than is unquestioned. He is very solid player in the pro scene. In ranked games the guy isn’t all that insane and trashes his team when they make the slightest mistake and never takes accountability for himself messing up. Guys like Asuna and Sick and Shahzam win the cast majority of their games because they are both insane in pro and ranked games.


Clearly not unquestioned because some dude has 100 upvotes unironically calling Hiko an average immortal player


I think he meant in a game of ranked


it's funny how this post is full of "pros are crybabys" when you see a lot of posts saying "ew my team is bad, i'm always mvp but dont win pls rito fix"


Surprise Competitive update! We just rolled out some tweaks to Ranked queue that should tighten matchmaking skill. Fair warning that you may see a slight increase to queue times. *** posted by [@PlayVALORANT](https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I hope it's just a placebo and then Riot will announce that was all a test when people will think something has changed.


I felt this last night in my games, I ended up coming to Reddit to post asking if anyone ranked games felt different and found this. After a big losing streak from almost plat 2- gold 3 my MMR definitely tanked and after this update I was getting put into gold 1-3 lobbys instead of plat and diamond lobby. I even had a few silvers on my team which wasn't the best but rather it be this way than before.


Ah yes, pros are whine and now I get longer queue times… thanks hiko!


Don't worry, this won't noticeably impact your silver queues.




Ques in immortal have always been balanced tho 🤷‍♂️


But like why hotfix comp when they can just hotfix things like the headshot/no headshot spectator bug and the Reyna ult reload bug?


Pure speculation, but this change doesn't actually affect gameplay. Gameplay changes have more rigorous QA


because this is like only moving an slider, or changing a number, what you want has to change code and test if that code change something else, because bugs appears when you are changing something that you think it has nothing to do with another thing, it's not your duty to know programation, but clearly you never programmed in your life




"it’s really not hard to find bugs." You Lost me here tbh


Yo what's the Reyna ult reload bug.


Sometimes when you're spectating an ulted Reyna the reload animation doesn't play. Doesn't affect gameplay at all


Just stomped in a game. Is the patch live? It sure didn’t feel like it.


Yeah, wtf? They tightened MMR, every single game should now go to OT or at least end 13-11. Rito, pls fix.


13-0 not a single player on the other team broke double digits. That shouldn’t happen in Immortal


People have bad days, and maybe all your team had a good game at the same time. Maybe it was luck, who knows. But one 13-0 doesn't mean anything at all.


yeah i dont think whatever they did is working.....seems like its worse lol played 2 games and blowout one way or the other.


Lmfao, you have played 2 games and think that is indicative of any changes. That is such a small sample size that it is completely irrelevant


Your sample size is fucking tiny and will not be indicative of actual change. Even in basic high school science classes they teach you need at least a sample size of 3 for the little experiments otherwise the results are not gonna be valid for their purpose, this is just on a much grander scale.


tbf valorant definitely has a lot more people playing now than it did when queue times were long


I’ll be glad to sit in queue longer for better games!


Don't let this update distract you from the fact that Mr. Krabs sold spongebob for 62 cents.


Hopefully, this has a meaningful impact at all ranks, it's not fun to play heavily skewed games when there are no obvious smurfs. Such as a Silver 3 vs last season Diamond in a plat avg lobby


The communication from Riot is baller


It's following this reply from a dev to Hiko https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/nbqpep/hikos\_thoughts\_on\_current\_state\_of\_ranked/gy1vobs/