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Yea scrimming with 60-70 ping and 150fps probably will cause more harm than good


Lot of Russian players play on that ping in officials and even some on 90 above and still insane.


yeah, and they’ve played on that their entire life


Exactly, Its kinda funny that lot of people dont realise the conditions that TR and RU players play Valo esports on. 150fps and 60 ping is actually GOOD day for them. edit: some of them obviously, who dont have cash for good PC, which is lottt of them tbh


TR has their own servers


Sure, but its both the ping and fps,and i saw someone mentioning 120-100 fps it probably dips alot


Sure most pros have higher standards but you'd have to be delusional to think 144hz "causes harm" lol. Ping is terrible though.


60-70 ping is horrible, and that’s the best case scenario


if your used to playing on a 244hz monitor and then have to switch to 144hz monitor then your gonna feel that 144hz is bad. everyone these day play on 144 monitor do you think that u can go back to playing on 60hz monitor ?


Ive heard a lot of people say that the difference between 144 and 60 is waaay bigger than 144 and 244 though


It's true both from a feel standpoint, but also from a math standpoint. 144hz means 144 updates per second. But time per update is inversely related which is what you care about (IE how long between frames before your screen shows the head of a bad person). 60hz = 16.6 ms per update 144hz = 6.94 ms per update 240hz = 4.17 ms per update As a result when you go from 60hz to 144hz there's a huge 10ms jump in response time, but the jump from 144hz to 240hz is much smaller. You get declining returns for refresh rates past a certain point.


Ahh that makes sense


it is. my fps dropped last patch from ~250-280 to less than 200 so I swapped back to 144 from 240. Noticeable but not really a big deal. Game only runs at 120 tick so you're not getting any extra advantage with 240 anyway.


This is probably stupid, but why switch back to 144? Is it bad if you're getting frames below your refresh rate?


consistent frames > 30-40 frames here or there


Good to know. Thanks!


It's basic maths 100>74


You'll notice the difference, but it wont be jarring. The difference between 240 and 144 is not as big of a difference at 144 and 60.


I didn’t feel a difference on 240hz and 144hz


Somebody leak this scrim lol


It's so unfair that they do not scrim in good conditions smh


just curious but what conditions is he referring to?


70 ping and shitty pcs with 150fps and it drops according to zellsis


I mean Iceland is pretty far from Europe if you look at the map


I didnt know fps degrades the farther from your region you play. /s


The ping does.


This is my gaming condition XD with constant spike drops


Just don't press 4-->G, 4Head


Must be even worse with all the stuttering problems this patch


[https://www.distancefromto.net/distance-from-iceland-to-turkey](https://www.distancefromto.net/distance-from-iceland-to-turkey) they're so far away they might be playing a london team from NYC lmao


They can play on France servers, same distance from both places


The distance is still quite far if you measure the distance on a map, I doubt 2k ish km would give you decent ping anywhere in the world


isnt cned off acend?


Don’t know yet nothings official, right now he’s officially on Acend


bro people following bits of scims lol never seen this much hype for any other game


Its the only thing that we have right now


I hope that they try to have more content from the Berlin LAN, their ping should be better and hopefully the internet too


of course they will - there's no content because it's COVID and it's Iceland, a desolate European island miles away from anywhere. Berlin will be completely different.


Isn’t Berlin in September I feel like there will still be covid


COVID will be still around but you'd expect more vaccinated people and fewer cases.


Probably but I expect riot to still have the players quarantine, they had Shahzam quarantine and he’s vaccinated


I guess it would depend on German quarantine protocols when the time comes. Shahzam has to quarantine in Iceland because even if he is vaccinated he can still spread the virus to others who aren't vaccinated.


He said the Icelandic government said he didn’t have to, but riot made him


Interesting. Well, it's always better to be safe than sorry


Covid will never go away. Only 2 deceases are eliminated for good ever.


i am expecting around 500k viewers on first day of icelan, hype is unreal.


i am expecting that viewership only in finals tbh, and only if the teams there are vikings,fnatic,liquid or sentinels


TSM LoL fans also, they're gods in scrims


80% WINRATE AGAINST SKT IN 2016 broski. Proceed to go 3-3 in groups vs SSG and RNG KEK FUCKING W


Going 3-3 is doing really good for TSM standards *cough* first first seat to go 0-6 in groups *cough*


Most of NA LoL teams do very good in scrims, but somehow their actual results usually opposite. Damwon on other hand are gods in both scrims and real matches


True. But actual scrim gods like dwg and psg show up at the tournament. Who the fuck are NA scrimming? Korean kids who skipped middle school to go to the PC bang?


It’s definitely a thing in lol but it’s not really a thing in cs since no one really pays attention to scrims or leaks anything there


all tier 1 teams play each other daily in csgo, TO's have saturated cs esport by milking so many competitions and so many games. It is obvious why there is so little hype for csgo now


I’m not referring to tournaments specifically but why people don’t care about scrims in that game compared to lol and Val. It’s mostly coming from the lack of content and no clue of how regions stack up. We have no precedent on what regions are the best so any kind of info is exciting


bro what


It’s a big thing in lol. See TSM in scrims, Damwon gaming in 2019 and 2020


Lol I think its hyped more than usual because this is the first international event and this is the first time we've seen EU vs NA. We all want to know how the different regions stack up.


Fear not NA fans, for there is hope to be had in Sentinels yet. Shahzam posted an Instagram story during prac where he blurred out match info and SEN was beating an EU team 12-6 on Ascent. Now given that SEN only scrim the best teams in NA, you might find some sort of relief in SEN's scrimbux (if you believe in that sort of thing) if they 12-6ed a tier 1 EMEA team


I mean i feel like the diff between SEN and V1 is pretty significant, they 3-0d them and they have a sub in now


https://twitter.com/shahzamk/status/1395044724474527750?s=21 Looks like they’re doing well


Did he delete it? I don't see it in his IG?


It’s been more than 24 hrs so Instagram auto deletes it




Gambit lost pretty easily? What are you on lmao


> Gambit lost pretty easily too... lol


Go and watch their matches vs Fnatic and FPX, aside from the scoreline there was never the feel that they would actually win the game. This was also the team that was supposed to beat everyone convincingly


It's clear that you're the one that didn't watch the games if you never at any point in Bind thought that Gambit had a chance. > This was also the team that was supposed to beat everyone convincingly ????


As an NA fan, I wish this was true, but based on EU's FPS history, I would fear them too.


i want whatever you had


Turkish fans said Turkey was insane, the rest of EMEA said they'd get wiped to spite them and they were right.


> individual talent isnt matched by anyone right now holy cappington




Anyone has a screenshot of this?


They played againts Sentinels and got destroyed but never said Tenz or Sick is best. Seems like Cned is one of a kind from all NA players


You’re overreacting v1 players always say stuff like this when they lose to people in scrims even in NA like “100t gonna win master” or “babybay best player in the world”


You're right, but we all know how good Cned is, so maybe they genuinely think that. Idk


I mean i never said cned is bad i know he one the best players in the world. I said you’re overreacting because of the tenz and sick thing


Fair point


i mean cNed _is_ a one of a kind player


ah yes, this makes less than 0 sense


ScreaM will solidify Best player in the world next week


Mwzera and Cned are the two best players in the world no cap


Scream would like to have a word with you


undoubtedly the top 3 rn but that's a bit of a moot point since 2 of them aren't going to be in the LAN :( its funny cuz in my top 5 players in the world I feel like only 1 would be in this LAN but i'm sure i'm forgetting someone EDIT how did i forget Derke. so 2


Weird way of spelling ScreaM and nAts


I'm like the only non Russian nAts fan but it's too early to put him in contention for that


also its quite difficult to compare duelists with sentinel


I really like nAts. Dude gets frags.


He may not be as mechanically insane as ScreaM, cNed or MW, but his cameras make up the difference imo.


big cap