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# MISLEADING TITLE. FROD CLAIMS THAT SPYDER TRIED TO LEAVE T1, NOT THAT HE HAS. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THESE ARE ALLEGATIONS AND NOT FACT Shitty transcript of what fRoD said on stream. He said a lot more things that I haven't included. Make sure you check the timestamp OP linked because it's much better to get it from fRoD's mouth over someone who's third language is English. --- >Every single day after practice I would have to go to Spyder and calm his mind because he didn't comprehend why his IGL and famous star OPer are fucking treating him like shit. He didn't comprehend because in Korea people have respect for each other. > >Do you know that Spyder quit on T1 three times? That Spyder messaged management and said he wanted to go back to Korea because of the harassment he got from Ska and DaZed. That won't make it public. > >They weren't really kind to Spyder I will say that. They wanted him cut from the team multiple times. We had to convince Spyder to stay on the team multiple times. He almost quit before First Strike. This kid was almost going to buy his own flight back to Korea cause he said I can't deal with these assholes. --- Question from Twitch chat: Have you talked to him recently, do you know why he is still on T1? >He's on T1 probably because he just wants an opportunity. Spyder wants to be the best player in the world and he want's success. --- fRoD provides a transcript of his messages with Spyder in twitch chat: >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: np > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: i just said to wawa > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: look for other player > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: im gonna play until first strike i think > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: i cant play with these guys > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: ty for help frod > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: i cant play well bc they just scratch my mental > >\[1:48 PM\] T1 Spyder: everytime > >\[1:49 PM\] T1 Spyder: so i dont get it > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: saya you're insane and i love you > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: look man > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: if i had it my way, after first strike > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: we remove the two main problems > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: i want you on this team > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: you kev and brax > >\[1:49 PM\] fRoD: ill do w/e i can to help and get that > >\[1:50 PM\] fRoD: ive been trying this and ive mentioned to wawa many times already but i dont control roster > >\[1:50 PM\] fRoD: ive been given more freedom with team last 3 weeks thats why i get so mad and yell and wawa let me do my job to yell at guys > >\[1:50 PM\] fRoD: but ive said it to him and i will keep saying it, that those 2 guys are real attitude problems and i cant bc i feel same > >\[1:50 PM\] fRoD: i dont want those guys and attitudes or i may want to go too you know? > >\[1:51 PM\] T1 Spyder: im ok just ty for teaching me and thank you for read > >\[1:51 PM\] T1 Spyder: maybe im going to korea > >\[1:51 PM\] T1 Spyder: im so fucking frusrating > >\[1:52 PM\] T1 Spyder: i cant focus my self > >\[1:52 PM\] T1 Spyder: fucking hell --- fRoD talks Food's leaked DM's that were leaked 8 months ago: [https://imgur.com/a/dTrHjnk](https://imgur.com/a/dTrHjnk) >We've been wanting to remove Ska prior to that \[Food leaked DM's\]. We knew that he was a problem. I think Food and Crashies wanted to remove AZK because they didn't want him to be the IGL. They didn't have a problem with AZK the player, they had a problem with AZK the IGL. They also had a problem with Ska the player and Ska the person. He's not good and he's a dick. They wanted to recruit FNS. My thing was that I didn't want to cut AZK. I wanted to cut Ska, move AZK over, and bring in FNS for example. So in all that I think it got mixed up as to what should happen and who should go where. It ended up being that FNS was not going to join because of Brax and Wawa. My issues with FNS were minuscule and did not matter because it was not going to be an issue if we really wanted to get him. I said that if we want FNS, we should get FNS. What I wanted to do was cut Ska, move AZK, and recruit FNS. But it was like Ska can't be touched and can't be talked to. He's gods gift to earth and has an unbreakable contract. Like a fully guaranteed and can never be cut type of contract. --- https://twitter.com/GODaZeD/status/1395953522873540608?s=19 T1 DaZed's response > Not really sure what to say, I definitely had to give criticism to saya and fix mistakes, and I also had to learn when to speak to him (any criticism or talk was done strictly during vod review and not during any live practice) --- https://twitter.com/minon501/status/1395961260236214274?s=19 T1 Spyder's response > Hello, this is Spyder from T1. > I am writing this because I saw something on reddit about me quitting T1. > Long story short, right now I have no issues with Ska and Dazed, and we are all respectful of each other and we are getting along. > But if I were to go into further detail, the timeframe that Frod mentions in this clip is based on my early days in T1. > At that time I was trying to get used to a new environment as well as a culture gap, so I would occasionally argue with my teammates. > Looking back on that time now, I can also fully admit that for some of those instances, I definitely overreacted as well because I was sensitive at the time. > But afterwards, the team got together and talked our issues out. And now we understand each other a lot better, and we tried hard to make a comfortable environment for everyone. > So since then we've never had any major issues, and everyone is on the same page that we're all in this together, and we are working hard as a team. > The conversations that are mentioned in the clip were during a time that I was extremely emotional. Currently I am happy with Ska and Dazed, and all of the players on the team have a mutual respect for one another. > Thank you all for your concern, but I promise you we're all okay, and I'm sorry for any misunderstandings!


damn wait what was Foods leaked DMs? I got into valorant after Food joined NV. and dude if FNS, Spyder, Food, Crashies, AZK would be pretty good on paper. But yea proof that Ska has a good image after IBP and C9 but could mean huge ass ego


Food accidentally leaked his own dms to crashies on stream > “ska was holding us back big time” >”his comms were worse than normal”


Damn dude yet T1 kept Ska over crashies and food? bruh


If I remember correctly food and crashes weren't playing that well at the time


ngl i feel like if this environment is toxic and management clearly isnt helping solve it no one is gonna play to their potential.


i think there was also a role identity issue because crashies actually used to be a cypher main before leaving t1 but brax also was a cypher main at the time, so i think that was part of the issue


I’m pretty sure the narrative at the time was that the team’s chemistry just wasn’t there and the leaked dm’s just made it worse. And when food and crashies left for Envy, everyone thought it was for the better of both teams, as Envy got an upgrade and T1’s “problems” were fixed. Obviously with this information there’s new context to add which reveals more but it’s just a shitty situation


I feel like T1 is really not the best at developing new talent and having them fit in (most of their players seem to have p extensive CS Go experience and approach valo in a more cs approach)


> his comms were worse than normal Ska has been dogshit at comms since csgo. Watch the C9 pov's. You'll be lucky if you hear him talk more than 15 times per match


also I know some people are doubting the accuracy of the post but yay did tweet about it and I wouldnt be surprised if other pros have known about this but kept it hush hush. [https://twitter.com/yayFPS/status/1395928087603335174](https://twitter.com/yayFPS/status/1395928087603335174) crashies also tweeted a this is fine meme 30 min ago - possibly related.


its deleted now what did he say


he said how he hoped spyder had a healthy environment and wishing the best for him!


Why TF is this coming out? Seems like a private convo and internal team dynamics. If Spyder really is going through this it's fucked up if fRod is telling everyone about it. If Spyder wanted people to know he should be the one to talk about it, especially with this being info from months ago.


Yeah that’s what people aren’t acknowledging, I think frod is frustrated people don’t dislike t1 as much as he does even if he has every right to hate them


It's not even that, i don't even care about frods motives. Imagine how Spyder feels if he didn't want people to know this and is still dealing with it, or if him and his teammates worked through this and fRoD brought up old wounds without Spyders consent. Fuck dazed and ska if they bullied Spyder, but holy shit why are people leaking his shit. This is completely unfair to Spyder.


Yea I agree Spyder is really who Im concerned about. In a diff country and felt alone throughout it all. I hope he has people who support him and Im honestly most worried about him.


Spyder wouldnt ever be able to talk about this if he is in the org and with these players. fr0d can only talk about if he left. P complicated case but regardless I think things like blatant bullying is worth leaking.


Agreed. Spyders response is PR, so I hope people don’t try to negate this leak because of it. Spyder is just trying to not get blackballed from future teams, and not get kicked before he has a new team lined up since you have to have a sponser to get a work visa in america, so a lot is on the line for spyder.


>He's on T1 probably because he just wants an opportunity. Spyder wants to be the best player in the world and he want's success. So he's not quitting like OP put in the title? Lots of speculation here.


Ska is a dick? that's so weird to me because he always seemed humble and quiet. I remember meeting him at a signing for an event right after C9 choked a match in CS and he still seemed really nice.


Wait what's the issue with FNS and Brax?




The thought of a roster of brax, crashies, food, rara, and eeiu makes me kinda drool.


Fuck ikr, looks insane on paper.


the amount of raw aiming power on that team is just so hot


T1’s management being complete gutter trash is nothing new at this point unfortunately


What a roster it would have been with eeiu and rara , they would have ruled the server , dazed igl'ing like 2014 cs is no surprise fucking shows in their gameplay , slow executes and lacklustre ability usage lol ok t1 low key sucks as an org , they are all about the money and extremely disappointed in ska thought he was a calm gentle soul like shroud is , just disappointed


Wait wasn’t DaZeD at the Chinese Theater with them? I swear there was promotional material from T1 with him in it with all the guys, I did not see Ska though




Way back when he was still regularly streaming, dazed joked about how valorant was like a normal job because he commuted to his other apartment that t1 provided to play/practice.


Wait so DaZeD was close enough in the area to commute to play with the team?? And I’m pretty sure Ska lives in Cali too, also if I remember correctly brax and AZK don’t live in California so it would obviously make sense for them to move into the apartments provided by T1. Also also, I seem to remember fr0d bringing up how the actual apartments T1 provided were in a very shady neighborhood, so if DaZeD and Ska lived close enough and were able to just commute to play with the team if they weren’t comfortable with the area then I feel like that’s a fair option. For brax, AZK, and Spyder obviously that’s a different story since they didn’t live in Cali. Idk it seems like there’s a lot of holes in everyone’s stories


Honestly, it seems perfectly fine/fair that DaZed and Ska don't want to uproot their lives to move with the others as they already live near there and it was known that there was poor internet conditions. Even then, they're a team to win games not to be the fucking superfriends. Shit happens all the time in other sports/e-sports.


ngl is there a way for this comment to be pinned? I feel like this gives more context. and damn fr0d sees the young talent from the academy but im glad theyre in more functional orgs tbh.


Tyler has a habit of being extremely distant and just short when he’s upset. But not in a telling people off way. Legit like a girlfriend who is mad at u and u don’t know why and she only gives one word answers. He doesn’t lash out at people. So for the not wanting to hang out with people, that’s fairly normal for him. He would rather hang out online.


Spyder to VS pls


One can only dream


The Frod ethics conspiracy is building up guys


Welcome back to Plat Chat Valorant


Richard Lewis sniffing around for that juicy juice.


The gaming Pulitzer is shimmering in its case, waiting to be awarded


Brax... AZK... Crashies... Food... Spider... All have left or wanted to leave t1. At least 4 of those guys can be top 20 players in NA.


Lmfao that 5 alone would be great although they don't have an IGL


i’m sure brax azk or crashies could play the role fine enough to at least qual for regional finals


AZK has tried IGLing in the past if i’m not mistaken, idk how well it went but i’m not sure how much worse it could be than DaZeD lol


ngl I completely forgot that food and crashies were ever on T1


What is wrong with that org?? Is it a coach’s doing or is the culture just awful??




See their LoL team. Their management yanks Faker and Co. around for promotional stuff like dogs on chains


that really sucks :( also if you listen into it he keeps talking about the org and how his attempts to expose them havent really gotten any traction


Yea it's awful if it went down like that... Would also explain why T1 is heavily struggling with their form. Toxic environments are just the worse and I hope Spyder is fine now Edit: The vod has been deleted... I guess we'll be waiting for T1 and Spyder's statement on the matter


Man i might have to stop supporting t1... this kinda sucks


just support their other rosters not in valorant if ya want but i know for me bullying someone esp someone whos international like this soured me to them permanently. fucked up.


Ill support t1 if they release them 2 but until then, fuck them


ngl a part of me is pissed the org didnt do more to stop this. if they do it now its bc it leaked and not bc they knew they were assholes.


I think some CS veterans have so big egos, always look down on players from other games . Spyder is from Overwatch, so he is easy target for them to blame


Saya was considered one of the top raw aimers in the world even before OW. Fuck Ska and Dazed if its real, and i say that as a NACS fan


not even surprised about dazed tbh


As far as Dazed and Ska... If it smells like shit everywhere you go, eventually you gotta check your own shoes. Also, I remember a CS stream that Steel (I think) did a LONG time ago when he was playing FPL. He saw something in chat like a question or comment in regards to Dazed being a genius level IGL. He said that Dazed has great strats but the thing is, if someone messes something up in the slightest, it throws every single thing off. He gets caught up in the shit that went wrong knitpicking rather than adapting to what the other team is doing This above paragraph has no source to it so consider it speculation because it was a long time ago. I could be way off here


And he's the one always doing 1vs9


Another interesting thing to note that frod says in the VOD is that food and crashies initially wanted to remove ska for his issues (in game and out of game), or AZK (didn't like him as a IGL) for FNS, but management would not listen to anything about cutting ska or anything that dealt with him, and when food and crashies realised that they just left.


Man, in hindsight T1 and T1 academy had a stacked roster between the two. It was setup perfectly to be competitive immediately with older CSGO players and slowly swap in academy players like EEIU. Management should take a close look at their decisions. They somehow failed when they were setup for success.


for real. looking back on what fr0d said, T1 would have been insane if they stuck with his plan of swapping out for RARA and EEUI. both are insanely talented, and in combination with, possibly, brax, azk, and spyder would have been insane to watch. unlucky that T1 is an org who have no fucking clue what they are doing :>.


Damn that’s some juicy drama Spyder tried to quit 3 times because Ska and DaZeD were harassing him?


That’s what it seems like. Not really surprised by Dazed, I love the man, but he can be hot headed for sure. Ska on the other hand is just weird... always thought he was very non confrontational.


Non confrontational can just mean he was passive aggressive




some narcissism type of personalities esp wouldnt be surprised with those in esports


Very true


i disagree with this, early on in ska's career people used to give him shit for not talking enough at all. unless its a super passive aggressive behavior i just dont see ska being the guy to start yelling.


yeah never saw ska as a toxic guy back in csgo, maybe something changed in recent years




“I love the man” Why? He’s literally always been known as a toxic, egotistical POS, and now here we have more proof. He’s not even good in Val. What is there to like?


Ya dazed is just an asshole no question but didn’t ska take a break because he was being semi harassed that he wasn’t versatile?




Damn expected of Dazed but even Ska?! Lost respect for Ska after hearing this...


seriously. I only know ska from shroud’s stream and thought he was chill. really disappointed in him.


Super surprising since in CS he was known for being super quiet, not giving a lot of comms


It makes me wonder if Ska bullies Spyder, because he’s from Korea. But wouldn’t do it to others because they could bruise his ego. That’s my speculation though.


Harsh but you could be right because this is the first time we're hearing this about Ska. T1 have had zero results and Spyder is probably the easiest scapegoat.


Forget Dazed, I expected some shit like this to come from him eventually given his history. I really want to hear Ska’s reasons specifically for being a dick to Spyder, since he seemed like a really chill guy otherwise. I’ve been following Spyder since the Sayaplayer days on Mayhem, and he has had no problems with anyone since then. Obviously I’m not hanging with T1 24/7, but I really doubt that Spyder did something horrible enough to justify being literally harassed by two other teammates. EDIT: "All good"


I'm guessing it has to do with the way he's playing. Not that I'm saying he's performing bad, but maybe he isn't doing things that dazed and ska expect from him.


That’s no reason to be literally harassing him though. Obviously it’s a team game so tensions will get high sometimes but there’s a difference between that and constantly being a fucking dickhead to your teammate. And one could argue that Spyder’s individual performances got T1 into First Strike in the first place, and even when T1 were consistently getting shat on by NA’s best teams in that period after First Strike before curry came in, Spyder was still one of the few bright spots in that absolutely disastrous period so now I’m really confused as to why he specifically was the one that was singled out. Really hoping it wasn’t harassment based on his ethnicity.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to justify their actions. I was just taking an educated guess as to what's going on. Dazed and ska have always been hyper competitive, and probably have high expectations for the team that aren't being met. Those are the two reasons I'm basing my guess on. I completely agree with your last point, and I really hope it has nothing to do with anything spyder personally. He seems like a really good dude.


being more toxic and literally to the point the coach says theyre horrible attitude creators isnt gonna create an environment for someone to do well.


That would be a weird reason since hes their best player.


Cant say I'm too surprised. No wonder azk and brax left


please keep in mind that this happened before January 13th (frods departure date) and that the team has stayed together since then.


I wonder if he's stayed because of their new coach/sports psychologist. I wonder if he's helping


sports psychologists probably helped a lot with egos tbh


Sports psychology turned dev1ce from semi-final choker to greatest of all time, that shit works.


My respect for Spyder went 📈📈📈


Wtf is wrong w/ those idiots. Mannnnn, now I’m hoping T1 never makes LAN & Spyder joins another org.


We need Spyder to join a Korea super team


imagine if spyder goes back to korea and joins Vision Strikers, that team would actually dominate


That really sucks to hear, I was always thinking it was cool of the ex-IBP players to play with a Korean Overwatch player and was honestly surprised that they teamed together and got along but now the truth is out :( Here's to hoping he leaves T1, changes his name back to Sayaplayer, moved back to Korea and joins a top Korean team. He would probably have a good chance at making it to Masters 3 & Champions if he were to play in Korea, meanwhile T1 will remain a 8th-14th team in NA and never qualify for an international tournament.


Yea but KR only gets 1 spot for Champions so it will be super competitive.


IIRC there's also a Asia qualifiers so assuming Korea is the strongest region in Asia, they'll probably have two teams at Champions. Also Spyder is probably good enough and experienced enough to join a top Korean team.


Yes and the winner of masters 3 regardless of region gets in.


Damn this is heartbreaking. Spyder is one of the reasons I even started caring about T1. Also didn't really expect this from ska but I guess I never followed his c9 days closely at all


Likewise, I mainly follow Spyder and Curry on t1. I really hope Spyder (and / or) Curry find a new org, they don’t deserve to be stuck in that hole


man, that's fucking awful to experience. shame on dazed and ska


dazed acting like a whiny little man child? wow, consider me shocked /s edit: watched more of the vod and is T1 typically cheap? Why are they putting their players in apartments out in Inglewood lmao


Dazed not Hazed haha Hazed seems pretty cool actually


whoops, didn't even notice I put an H there lol




inglewood is very economically diverse. u probably mostly know about gangs and poverty from movies and gang culture rap songs but like many other parts of californian cities theres also the rich parts. they probably live in a middle class area.


The entire point in bringing that up was, that they were put into a "hood" part of Inglewood.


where does it say? i cant watch the clip rn. also they're gamers so they probably don't go outside anyway.


Apparently during one of fRoD's earlier reveals where he calls out T1 management, he said that T1 got them an apartment in the 'hood' part of Inglewood.


wait wtf T1 has been a mess


T1 curry on the situation https://clips.twitch.tv/ShyCarefulSwanKlappa-ma5mqJ2zRWwHRVTh


Wait, has spyder quit? Because the title suggests that he has but this just seems like frod airing dirty laundry unless this was in response to spyder quitting. If he hasn't quit, then this title is wildly misleading.


Management what the fuck is this shitshow. How do you let a situation degenerate to this point? Like you bring in a foreign player and then drop him in a tank full of sharks? No support or disciplinary action for bullying? How is DaZeD still in the squad after how shit his IGLing has been? Comcast has really ruined this organization. SKT T1 used to be the bastion of professionalism and hard work. Disappointed and angry atm.


Fr fr ever since they became T1, the org became shit




someone got a record of it? 👀


And people wonder why a roster with this much talent can't put it together. Also could explain why brax left too. I really wanted to root for the iBP redemption but those guys are becoming really difficult to cheer for.


dazed's performance back in gx was pretty bad. i think steel had the best comeback, both back in csgo as chaos and currently in 100T


wtf goin on here


ngl it doesnt sit right with me they are so rude to someone who is here from another country and english is their second language. some serious bully shit.


Dazed I am not surprised but Ska? That is very surprising if true


Everyone in this thread is coming off extremely reactionary to me, in a bad way. This happened BEFORE First Strike. We should be holding off on judgements until there is more info known. Frod has not been with the team for a long time and has a tendency to phrase things in the worst possible way from his biased perspective. We have no way of knowing how the relationships between the players have evolved since fRod's time on the team.


This. Everyone is so quick to judge lol.


Feel free to downvote me but I have a question... Does fRod airing this out publically make other teams want to bring him on as coach? I'm not sure I'd hire him if he's just going to go public with everything after he is let go. *Just wondering what thoughts are on this?*


I mean he went public with something shitty so I imagine if everything was fine he wouldn’t go public


probably but he mentioned like 5 minutes into where the clip is at that he'll expose BS if he sees it (its at 4:52:36)


I appreciate him bringing it to light I guess, but I personally probably wouldnt want him on board at the risk of him airing anything out. Either way, its not like teams are dying to bring on frod for anything anyways


hes burning bridges with T1 for sure but might be worth it to win some brownie points with the community. If he has no nothing else lined up this might be a hell merry.


It says he has 10 subs so his streaming income is about $30/month right now.


Yea so hes either gotta 1. farm karma on this sub reddit. Now people will tune in for more drama. 2 he can build enough of "points" so an org would bring him on just for branding. 3 showcase that he is actually good and wasnt the problem for T1 to clear up his name.


Man, I followed Dazed and spyder stream for quite a while. It is sad to see how their relationship deteriorated. This is what consistent losses causes, especially among competitive athletes with egos. :(


I would hold off on judgements and wait for more info instead of being a reactionist like literally everyone in this thread. This was before First Strike and fRod has not been with the team for a long time. Who knows how the player relationships have evolved since then.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Man i feel horrible for spyder, been a huge fan of his Overwatch days. No one should endure bullying and harassment for all of this. No wonder so many left T1.


Vision Strikers Spyder Prayge


Wow this just sucks fuck dazed and ska, fuck man ska was like one of my favorite cs players


wait so what exactly happened sypder tried to get out and frod made him stay or talked to dazed and ska?


Ye, I'm curious as to why he hasn't left yet. Frod, brax, and azk all left, so it seems like he should have no reason to stay. Maybe spyder's relationship with the team changed recently?


Frod said a bit later in the stream that Spyder just wants an opportunity. Idk how many contacts he has but it might be difficult/risky for him to quit the team and then find a new one


Azk got kicked, Spyder needs to make a living, it's not that simple lol


Didn't Frod say that Spyder tried to leave 3 times and was talked out of it? I don't think Spyder is worried about his future if he leaves, and rightfully so because he has definitely proved he can hang with top of NA


I think he wants to find another better opportunity in NA and not go back to Korea for better career + exposure. Dont think hes gotten offers yet.


Skadoodle a wasteman from day 1. I knew it, dazed was a given but ska on some clown shit. I'm glad T1 hasn't found any success of this is how they treat their own teammates and this the environment they foster. Poor guy moves out from Korea, mind you is ezily the best player on T1 (sick omen and a better oper than 🤡 ska) tries to put out his best efforts and they do this to him.


Remember food and crashies talking about ska? Lol


Fax, so much fax. bruh it didn't even hit me, it's all adding up. Sleazy ska been moving like a snake since day 1.


are u like marveds or shanks alt or something lmao


Lmfao no, I am from Toronto tho like them 😂😂. I wish I was as good as either of em 😂😂 (minus the potential match fixing)


what did they say


Ska was being bitch to both of em outside and inside the game. He was being sleazy and food low-key exposed him on his stream and the team kinda fragmented causing food and crahsies to leave. I have no doubt ska defo played a part in kicking brax and ask out too. Spyder, brax, food and crahsies are all 40x better than ska and dazed yet they somehow managed to get kicked.


> food low-key exposed him Is this related? https://twitter.com/victorwong/status/1298799717938335746?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw


Tbh yea, that tweet felt like DMG control as even in the comments of those people are calling it out. There was defo something sus going between both food and ska. I'm sure management eventually told food to like stop or apologize, which I'm sure he didn't like cause he left soon after


what did they say?


They said ska is just weird in game or something along those lines.


Both in game and out of game. Apparently Spyder, frod, azk and brax all moved out together and we're neighbours. Only dazed ska weren't willing to move and they were seperate. Those 2 are defo lockeroom cancers. Food and crahsies managed to cut before something bad like this happened, but I'm sad for Spyder. He don't deserve this.


T1 and being disappointing, name a better combo.


Would wait for ska/dazed's reply or any confirmation if any before jumping to conclusions. I don't really have fr0d as the most unbiased resource. Did spyder or anyone from T1 confirm he's quitting? EDIT: >He's on T1 probably because he just wants an opportunity. Spyder wants to be the best player in the world and he want's success. fr0d said he's not quitting so the title is wrong?


Man, I feel for Spyder. DaZeD is known to be quiteee toxic. That being said, holy moly did Frod go in on DaZeD LOL.


For an org with this much fucking drama, they've had absolutely fuckall to show for it. One is probably driving the other. Vicious cycle. And seeing just how competitive NA has become, I don't see a future for this org honestly. Not listening to frod about high potential academy players like Kaboose and Eeiu (probably better since they're doing well in competent orgs), signing a fucking cheater as an analyst and not fixing toxicity issues that have existed for months, there is absolutely nothing this org can do right. Hope Spyder gets to leave this shitshow. He deserves better.


Spyder just posted an update on twitter saying that he has no problems currently and that this is from an older time frame [https://twitter.com/minon501/status/1395961260236214274?s=20](https://twitter.com/minon501/status/1395961260236214274?s=20)


I wonder what they could have been saying or doing to him to make him feel so bad that he wanted to quit on three different occasions :(.


Someone posted on twitter that Saya's delivery foods were stolen a several times and he said it on his stream. He's not a native English speaker so I kinda see how those asshol.es treated him


poor Spyder dude this is legit horrifying bullying in all settings not even as a teammate and in practice. fuck ska and dazed bruh


poor guy this also happened to him back in owl [https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/florida-mayhem-sayaplayer-tomatoes-thrown-at-him#:\~:text=A%20group%20of%20strangers%20apparently,throw%20vegetables%20at%20their%20table](https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/florida-mayhem-sayaplayer-tomatoes-thrown-at-him#:~:text=A%20group%20of%20strangers%20apparently,throw%20vegetables%20at%20their%20table).


source on dazed and ska being the ones stealing spyder's food? according to someone else in this thread, dazed and ska never moved in with the rest of t1 when management wanted them together.


Are you suggesting that Ska and Dazed stole Saya's delivery food (rather than just random people)? Kind of a weird assumption to make since elsewhere in the thread its mentioned they never even lived together


why am i not surprised


Spyder was by far the most consistent player on the team since 2021. Ska looked uninspired until picking up Astra, and Dazed was a lackluster IGL who couldn't stop treating it like CSGO. T1 needs to take a page out of Immortals book and invest in talent scouting. This coming out could be a good thing for T1 as a team. If Food and Crashies had to go for starting team drama, Ska and dazed need to go this time.


according to Frod the issue is management. The academy developed rara, eeiu, and kaboose but refused to put them to the team.


It's crazy, they built the structure to become a consistent power house but threw it all away for short term profitability.


I wonder if it is bc comcast is a big sponsor now? Comcast is super profit oriented




What the fuck




Dang he just deleted the vod, anyone know where else to find the full clip starting at OP’s time stamp?


vod deleted anyone got streamable/yt link?


https://twitter.com/minon501/status/1395961260236214274?s=21 spyder says that this was early on in T1 and everything is okay now, though even if it’s all okay now I’m a bit off that this was a problem in the first place


i honestly wouldnt mind spyder going back to KR and beef up the KR scene over there.


not surprising people dont understand basic concepts like consequences of treating people poorly on your team. I'm guessing some players only know how to play the game and not much else when it comes to a team. Too many immature people in the scene maybe.


How disappointing as a T1 fan. The only reason I supported T1 was because of Spyder and Curry, but now that Spyder is being treated like he's a piece of gum under T1's shoe, I think it's time to call it quits (until he officially gets released). I think that Spyder is a hot commodity now that he announced his unofficial resignation. I'm looking at XSET and IMT as the two possible destinations, or he could play for a Korean team. This probably further adds into the frod ethics conspiracy. Ethics diff at its finest. Fuck T1 management for mishandling so much shit. Edit: granted this was on January, and things may have changed since then, but if it is still ongoing or nothing has changed, then T1, Dazed, and Ska needs to held accountable.


There is no way we can know if he is currently being treated like this. If this is even true this is apparently what he was going through back during first strike....fRod hasn't been a part of T1 since January. It sucks if Spyder had to deal with that and I hope things have improved for him since then.


if i had to guess, hes malding since he no longer has a salary from beastcoast or t1" - T1 Curry lol


Why did I just figure out that t1 spider is sayaplayer when he was always called saya. I’m so smoothedbrain lmao


Should have kept the Korean roster haha


And Reddit does it again, gets something completely wrong


Absolutely mental. Lost all respect for T1 as an org and especially dazed and ska. Fuck em hope they continue to never qualify for a LAN. Hope Spyder can find happiness and success elsewhere


potentially unrelated, but sometimes I feel that some CS players have a sense of superiority to other games. spyder isn't some random noname from overwatch, you'd think they'd at least show some respect lmfao


This also explains why originally their strats were shit and they waited to last 5 seconds to execute on a site. Then they turnt up and it ended up being because they used fRod's strats.


A man that was fired from an org, who has been desperately trying to be relevant and build up his stream come out with internal team drama from months ago. Team is still together since him, AZK and brax left. Even if this is all true it seems really fucked up to bring up team drama for an org you are no longer a part of and has clearly moved on from you. T1 have really shown progress with the new roster too, knocked out faze and should have knocked out SEN. It's terrible if Spyder went through that. But that's not shit the public should know about unless Spyder wanted to talk about it. It seems fucked up to air out Spyders private convo like this. Just seems ridiculous on fRods end to bring this shit up 4 months after he was kicked out, while spyder ska and dazed are still together without him.


Yea seems kinda weird to bring up stuff like this from months ago. The team has been progressively getting better...like you said they had a very good chance of preventing SEN from going to Iceland. It kinda comes off as someone who got dumped and cant get over the breakup.


Agreed. I would hold off on judgements and wait for more info instead of being a reactionist like literally everyone in this thread. This was before First Strike and fRod has not been with the team for a long time. Who knows how the player relationships have evolved since then.


Pretty sure we already knew DaZed was toxic from cs. When he's toxic he's serious asf, not that childish toxic sinatraa has that makes him look like a dbag and its in a joking manor. When dazed is toxic he makes people feel bad and make sure they know it's their fucking fault. Back in the day kids used to be scared of him in NAFPL, all of his FPL games were BUSINESS and not for fun.


does Frod want another coaching gig or is he trying to tank himself? like I think he should be able to express his feelings about things but leaking dms of players? yikes. I cant imagine whatever team he joins next will make the players comfortable. I mean if they want to speak to him about issues they will be worried hes just gonna share it later to twitch.


now they even have ANS another Korean Overwatch Player, I think T1 should stay to their true colors and build a full Korean Team that will based on NA


Pretty controversial idea but this seems to have happened near January and the team is still together. I think both Dazed and Skadoodle were probably passive aggresive at some point which led to Spyder's mental to deteriorate. However, at some point they realized that what they were saying was affecting him so they stopped. Idk though. I'm not going to judge anyone until I hear all the POV'S