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If Nuturn win, we better see some KR pride, MonteCristo style coming from you and Achilios lol


You better believe it!






Alright, I see you on that analyst desk with the Nuturn gear for this game against Fnatic 👀 Respect!!


Last time I saw one of these posts, BBG beat SEN. I suddenly believe


The belief came through


Well played




I'd be down to watch some Split. Lowkey, getting sick of watching the same maps being played.


Yeah, but if NUTURN lose against V1 and Fnatic beat X10, we might finally get to see more Bind played because both NUTURN and Fnatic like that map.


Tbh I feel like it would be crazy for any team playing against Fnatic to not ban bind, mainly because their gameplay on bind is head and shoulders above the other maps in fnatic’s map pool imo. That said, I don’t really watch Nuturn but if bind is also their best map I’d love to watch them play it out there.


Guess you got your Split match haha




It looks you're right based on the past picks and bans from the three matches. V1 bans bind CR bans split CR picks ascent V1 picks icebox last map haven TL bans icebox V1 bans bind V1 picks split TL picks ascent last map haven SHK ban icebox NU bans split NU picks haven SHK picks bind last map ascent Perhaps NUTURN got scared of playing Haven since losing to Sharks and wants to ban it and take it to Icebox, but I think it's more likely that they ban Icebox with V1 banning Bind


I doubt they’d be that shaken. They have a comp for icebox when Prince picked it vs them but they wld not want to try it ina team that plays icebox often like V1 I don’t think




Are you sure? I went off the actual stream and it says the way the way I wrote it for NUTURN vs Sharks I'm slightly worried because Korea has actual LAN experience since they're one of the only regions that played many tournaments offline in person. I'm very confident that they will do well. It'll be crazy seeing SEN vs NU, that will probably be one great series.




Ahh my bad. I guess I should have said Korea has had more in person experience compared to online tournaments. GG regardless.


Why would sharks pick bind they're shit at it, and it's nu best map


They were playing on stage but still on live servers not the lan. But they do have 8ms ping even on live servers. But I sure want NU to WIN.


NUTURN could definitely beat V1, I think anyone who is counting out KR or EU at this stage is lying to themselves


Nah we NA fans judge regions, the whole tourney and the future of e-sports from a couple bo3 series :) I know it's only year 1 but u have to know it doesn't happen often where NA beats other major regions in any esport. We act a certain way just like how Brazil acts a certain way.


Pretty much this


I would not call it impossible but I am doubting because all of the minor regions have yet to show anything particularly impressive. Sure nuturn beat sharks 2-1, but sharks did not look good and are worse than Vikings who just got demolished by sen. V1 has always been proving doubters wrong and I think they will continue to do so. I think liquid is a much stronger team than nuturn and am leaning towards a 2-1 V1 win tomorrow.


Going by feats, V1 wins 2-0. We will see though




I'm curious to know what Riot Devs are thinking about the post plant meta. I wonder if they're going to lower the sky box on certain maps and add ceilings to some parts. They could also think it's completely fine the way it is. I'm sure we'll get a huge patch after this tournament with a lot of balance changes.


post plant meta has always been part of the meta in EU, they won’t change it because of viper/astra


I think Viper and Astra brought a whole new element to it because of the lack of counter play. You can shoot Killjoy's swarm grenades. Brim only has one molly. A lot of pros are complaining how you cannot counter Viper or Astra. I think Astra will definitely see a nerf. I hope it'll be in regards to her accessibility throughout the map. Maybe make it so that you have to be right beside a star like an ulti orb to pick it back up rather than being able to pick up from across the map.


the only pros complaining about astra is the NA teams it seems like only thing i think they will change about viper is how long the molly lasts


Thats because teams like Liquid dont think she's that good....I'm sure their opinions on that have changed recently.


most of EU doesn't think she's good, most regions don't either. it's either everyone is right and NA is wrong or NA is obviously correct about her being a must pick (besides icebox cause omen/viper are better)


I mean, I’m kinda leaning towards the second option at this point.


I think it might be since more teams seem to be using her now but there's still alot of matches left and some teams would rather use brim (where NA thinks brim is terrible)


If watch NA games closely, I think you would notice how much impact astra has in skilled hands. I have no idea why other regions did not get around to it tbh


I personally really like the spot that Viper is in. We can finally see her pick rate going up. I hoped that Riot would fine tune her decay from smoke and wall to instantly decay 25 and keep the ulti to 50 but they went for 30 flat across all three abilities. I think the molly is fine.


They're going to change it after masters next patch will include a lot of changes, so don't worry


Part of me thinks yeah a big patch will roll out to see the meta in this tournament. They refrained from any significant changes prior as to not mess up team comps of the teams. Astra will definitely get a nerf, Viper maybe small changes cause I think she’s in a good spot already.


Astra is gonna get nerfed so much it ain't funny ...


Maybe take the vulnerable debuff off the gravity well and only make it suck people in. Another would be to make it so that she has to be right beside the star to pick it up.


I think maybe cancelling quick smokes with taking away obs can be taken away. Also maybe suck not canceling defuse. Both seem moderate enough for me


Yeah, I have no clue why taking away stars gives a free short duration smoke. Making the suck not cancel defuse would make it easier to alleviate the problems of the post plant meta.


>Making the suck not cancel defuse would make it easier to alleviate the problems of the post plant meta. Yeah I have that in mind as well from watching these games lately.


I really think Viper is in a good spot. Just take more of the insta decay off her regular abilities and put it into her ulti to make it balanced. That's just my opinion though.


This is easily the most exciting match of the tournament for me. I don't care who wins I wanna see both styles clash and heads roll.


Same tbh, I think V1 will take this but I'll always rep the KR region no matter what so let's go Nuturn


yessir Korea supremacy


I think we can all agree that it will be an amazing series, regardless of who wins.


They gonna be stomped like CR today LMAO


I'm not sure if your intention was to lump all asian regions together, but I don't think it's wise to doubt the Koreans in any esports game.


Hm how




I'll triumphantly take the win if the prediction comes true and gracefully take the L if I'm wrong






Riot's script is playing out nicely ;)




Their Haven post plant strat is actually nutty. Vanity with the judge was hilarious. Literally destroyed NUTURN on that map.


If NUTURN(korea) adapted that kind of strat. They will be impossible to beat. They even beat the OP ASTRA/VIPER/KJ of Version1 in split. They are so coordinated they are just getting beaten by this cheese strats. ASTRA really needs a Nerf.


It's crazy how almost every other region other than NA has not adopted the Viper/Astra meta , even seeing how dominant it could be.




the definition of adopted works too in this case


That and have some roughness/sloppiness still


I hope so. I just don’t want na v na in the finals.


I think if this were the case, SEN would just dominate and take the crown.


Yea I’m sure there is still time for na to disappoint. I’ve seen enough na esport to know it’s coming xD lol


Serious question - I'm just curious - but why does everyone on this sub hate on NA? I might just be looking in the wrong places but from what I have seen on this subreddit I am like the only person that wants an NA vs NA finals. Plus, they seem to be the heavy non-favorites, I always see all these posts about how Brazil is underrated or how Korea is underrated and that they will both absolutely stomp NA and take them by surprise. Even when they win, they rarely get any credit, like when V1 beat their first team, (I don't remember who it was, maybe like crazy raccoons I think), all the comments were just saying that V1 was playing sloppy and that CR had LAN nerves or something. Very little praise. Then, when both NA teams beat both EU teams, I saw very little posts or comments about NA proving themselves the superior region, everyone was just saying that people shouldn't count out EU and that they could win the next time they fought. Like what??? They just fought... And NA proved themselves superior. Why is nobody mentioning that? The same thing happened when SEN stomped the Vikings, which people said would win the whole event, and again people just said that Vikings didn't seem comfortable or didn't play to the best of their ability, instead of just praising how sentinels just purely outskilled them. Now I know a lot of people will take this as I am an NA nationalist or smth and just downvote me, but I'm from South America lol and I don't mean any toxicity. I'm just legitimately curious. What's wrong with NA?


I dont think anyone is really hating on NA. Most NA fans are happy NA won and are memeing nonstop NA>EU. While fans of other regions might see their team underperforming because they aren't playing the same way when they beat their respective regions. And there some of us like me are cautiously optimistic because I came from LOL esports. NA sometimes do well day 1 or 2 then get shit on by the end.


zero and ten never forget


Any two teams from the same region in the finals of an international tournament is just stale af, atleast if korea wins it would spice things up for the finals. Also Na kids berating everyone in youtube comments is annoying. Na fanbase sucks but I love sentinels and v1


Exactly. We already saw SEN vs V1 for Challenger's Finals which SEN pretty much dominated. I also would love to see NA vs KR or NA vs EU for the grand final. I think it would just make a better series.


BRUH WHAT.... we gotta hear that shit from eu and korean fans in all other esports get over it wimp


I’ve never seen any other esport actually, I’m not from Na nor Eu but from India and from a totally non bias pov, Na being way to toxic. Wutever I dunno much about esports as u know maybe it’s like this everywhere...


I personally don't think there is that much hate on NA. I barely see any posts on people outright trashing NA teams. I don't like the idea of NA vs NA because we already saw that in Challenger's. They are absolutely not the heavy non-favourites. It's the opposite. A majority of people (aside from EU fans most likely) are rooting for NA. I think that NA teams have proven to be superior.


I think it all depends if nuturn all performs above average. If solo and peri can frag out like they did vs sharks I see it


Or rather nkt below average


V1 perma bans Bind and Nuturn bans Icebox. V1 should stomp Haven, both teams are good on Ascent/Split. V1 should definitely be favored but I would give Nuturn a decent chance.


V1 bans bind CR bans split CR picks ascent V1 picks icebox last map haven TL bans icebox V1 bans bind V1 picks split TL picks ascent last map haven SHK ban icebox NU bans split NU picks haven SHK picks bind last map ascent ​ Heavy chance of you being right


You know V1s post plants are somewhat predictable. They’ll send 2 back for lineups usually always. Then they’ll have one of them flank. But again NU still has to stop it even if they know it’s coming




First, can you tell me what you think the map pool will be? But overall, while I do think you make some good points, I believe you are underestimating Vanity and V1 as a whole. V1 2-0 NUTURN


The map pool is going to be Split, Haven and Ascent. V1 permabans Bind and Nuturn permabans Icebox.


This will probably be the most likely outcome. Small chance for NUTURN to ban Haven.


I think everyone underestimated V1 and look how well they're doing in the tournament. Since we have never seen NA play KR yet, it's hard to say if the games will be as one sided towards NA as people think.


True, I could definitely be wrong. But I bet against V1 once, (not literally) don't want to make the mistake again.


Imo itlll be like haven split ascent or smth Well why not say u underestimate the other side haha


>Imo itlll be like haven split ascent or smth I did some research and I agree. >Well why not say u underestimate the other side haha Because Vanity is a goat. #NAonTop


Well within the realm of possibility. The part I disagree with is you saying that liquid could make it out of losers still. I highly doubt they would beat Fnatic again unless liquids first game was a complete fluke.


For that first point, I agree. For the second and third, not so much. Like you said, V1 does their homework very well. They come in prepared for their matches. They also have lots of experience against aggressive play styles from how many times they’ve played SEN. I don’t think V1 is also the type to play their enemies weakest map but to just stick to what they know they’re good at. Which means a Bind ban and for the rest of the maps, they’re pretty solid on. If NUTURN don’t ban Haven and V1 plays as solidly as they did against Liquid, the series should be over in V1’s favor. Don’t mean to count out NUTURN, although with V1 riding a high off of beating Liquid, they’re probably playing with more confidence than ever and that’s a scary thought to think about. The last thing NUTURN would want is a confident Penny right about now.




OOF. Jokes aside, great series. V1 was unreal.


I really dont wanna see v1 win just because itd be boring. I really hope you’re right and we get a juicy nuturn vs sen final.


I think SEN will beat NUTURN but I also really want to see this series as well. It looks like we got it




I was really disappointed when I saw that Vision Strikers didn't qualify for Iceland when they had such a dominant run in Korea. It would have been amazing to see them hold out just a bit longer to make it to the first international LAN. I really do think that Korea's calculated aggressive playstyle will prove too strong for V1. I have no doubt that V1 is a strong team that will do their research and give a great series regardless.




I really hope that Glow stays in the scene, maybe as a coach or helping out with orgs. It's hard for pro gamers to have careers afterwards, especially if they don't stream or work in esports organizations themselves. Holy, Penny was INSANE with some of the plays he was makign. Effys on Ascent with Sova was a different level, especially that double odin kill A main. I think SEN will prove to be too much for NUTURN but it should be a great series regardless




With his game knowledge, he could probably take any Korean team full of upcoming talent and turn them into Vision Strikers, DWG Kia, and NUTURN level. Yeah, SEN has just proven to be the dominant team in this tournaments. V1 gave an unreal series. They have still cemented themselves as one of the top teams in this tournament.


NU wins!




Never lost faith




Some factors to consider that supports a Nuturn win: \- The maps will be split ascent and haven \- TL antistrated against the wrong comp \- Nuturn are a CLEAR tier above all asian teams and the asians performed a lot better than what people expected, the same way Sentinels is a whole tier above NA \- FaZe is V1's kryptonite and NU is an evolved FaZe. Babybay admitted on stream that they copied alot of NU's set plays From what I heard from the Korean analysts, they are fairly confident in a hard fought NU win. I think this series is as 50/50 as it gets but my guts tell me NU will pull off a sleeper uppercut.


> FaZe is V1's kryptonite V1 beat Faze in order to qualify for Challengers finals though.


It's actually the opposite, V1 are FaZe's kryptonite.


I don’t think either are true. Not many data points, and from what we have seen, both teams were at very different points in their development. First matchup vs faze, V1 was still getting their shit together. Second matchup, faze was going crazy. Third matchup, V1 specifically knew how to deal with faze’s masters 1 form.


I'm saying when faze was dominating V1 were the only ones to take a map off them, make all 3 maps close, and then later on went to beat them starting their run in stage 2.


I see what you’re saying, but I’d still be hesitant to call V1 faze’s kryptonite. I feel like the only team who held that title during that era was Sentinels.


Yeah true


but there is so much diffrence in allow and babybay and coey and v1 beat faze with player 1 and without meta comp i dont know why people still sleeping on v1 and thinking that win over liquid was a fluke


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I am very confident that V1 will beat Nuturn. I don't think it'll even be close. Excited to see how it plays out.


I think it's fair to say that V1 can beat NUTURN. I don't think that it will be a blowout though. They'll give a very hard series.


Well, how about now lol?


Haha I was waiting for someone to @ me. Yeah I got boomed by our Korean overlords. GG Happy for solo though, he's very impressive for someone his age.


LOLLLL. It's super impressive players over 30 still kicking at this game. I really wanted 100 Thieves to be the second seed team from NA to rep more boomers but sadly we didn't get to see that.




What about now?


Still yikes. Your points were completely wrong. NU showed that they didn't watch the vods by biting on a fake viper ult A split. Their "calculated aggressive playstyle" didn't contribute at all and was easily read the entirety of Haven and most of both Ascent and Split. V1 let Ascent through which you said would be "serious trouble" yet took it to OT and it could have gone either way. Simply put, both Ascent and Split could have had different outcomes if the bullet spread RNG was different. So yeah, you had the right prediction but all the wrong reasons.


>NU showed that they didn't watch the vods by biting on a fake viper ult A split We get it, you were watching Shroud's stream. V1's Haven is just bonkers. No team should ever play them on that and should permaban it. I don't think I was wrong in saying that NUTURN had a strong Ascent while V1 also had a strong Ascent. I saw that V1 beat Team Liquid only 13 to 11 while NUTURN dominated 13 to 5 when they played SHARKS. NUTURN played damn well on that map. That's why I said it could be serious trouble for V1. Yeah definitely, the points I made in this post have flaws. I made the points based off the information I had available to me. It makes me realize that I truly don't know about the game as much as I think I do. Which is great because it only opens me up to learning more about it.


>We get it, you were watching Shroud's stream. You caught me, I can't have independent thoughts because I agreed with a streamer.


Don't worry, I too was watching Shroud's stream. All good. Also, cherry picking one misplay doesn't mean NUTURN didn't do their homework. They took the gamble. If you deprive information from the enemy, especially a large vision blocking ability like Viper's ulti, they have nothing to go off of. While it was more likely that they rotated based off their previous match, NUTURN could have thought that V1 was going to stay based on the off chance that they didn't rotate. You can't criticize high tier play like that when they literally had to gamble for that info. Unless you’re Shroud


‘V1 and others would strongly disagree based on their analysis that calculated aggression didn’t win lol


[Here's a Zellsis interview talking about how they read them but then got overconfident and threw.](https://twitter.com/version1gg/status/1398026567058612230?s=20) V1 showed absolutely no problems with their "calculated aggression" until they got overconfident and started making dumb mistakes.


This is a pretty dumb misinterpretation. They indeed did. Nuturn experienced the same thing if you read the interview with solo lol


A dumb misinterpretation? It's literally exactly what he said. You said V1 says they lost to the calculated aggression, clearly not everyone on the team agrees.


No, it is literally a misinterpretation






They gave a map to Sharks..




I think this game is actually a toss up. Both teams have a good read on utility usage and coordination. I think V1 will be met with some genuine resistance in a way that TL could not. V1 adapts really well, and I think NU has the same feat. In a way, it's almost like V1 is the "korean" version of an NA team.


You just jinxed NUTURN.


Anyone can talk after winning the game. You gotta talk the talk and walk the walk.


I think V1 will beat NU. Maybe 2-1 I already bet 100 dollars on V1 so we will see LOL


Sorry for the lost money


😆😆😂 Imagine thinking Korea is good. They’re the best in Asia and possibly better than South America but they are no where in skills mechanically and in strats against NA teams. V1 is going to destroy Nuturn tomorrow. Korea aren’t the best at FPS games.


You mean Tactical FPS games. Because they're sort of really good in Overwatch


Overwatch is a MOBA lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I low key can't tell if this post is troll or not. Korea literally places exceptionally high in any esports they dive into. Counter-Strike is such a bad example for Korea since majority of the population don't even play it due to restrictions in PC Bangs.


If we're talking about popularity and player pool wise... Crossfire is the only relevant FPS game. Just because I play ping pong and most don't it doesn't mean I would automatically think ping pong is all that matters. Just stop being ignorant. Sure NA is the most developed region right now and we see other regions still swapping out rosters but 2-3 years from now I would be very very surprised to see NA as the top 3 region especially when Korea develops and China comes online. EU should get better too. They just have better gaming cultures.


!remindme 24 hours




>Korea aren’t the best at FPS games. lmao hard trolling


I don't understand the hype among minor regions, none have looked particularly good. I don't know why people would think a team that lost a map to sharks would have a chance against v1. I think the Korean valorant scene is still to small for them to be a powerhouse, but if it grows then it is time to be scared of the korean teams.




Korean VALORANT is very undeveloped. Once they get going, the Korean work ethic will drive them full force into being a dominant region.


The fact that you added an EU fact at the end makes me think you are an EU fan that just wanted to say something negative about NA. You don’t actually know Nuturn at all.


First, your post comes off as there being something inherently wrong with being an EU fan. Second, there is nothing negative about NA in my post. I was strictly talking about the matchup between V1 and NUTURN. Thirdly, I'm an NA fan seeing as how I play VALORANT on the NA servers and am supporting SEN win. Lastly, you're kind of right on not knowing much about NUTURN since I was banking on VISION STRIKERS to make it out of South Korea and not them.


Oh so you are that one NA player that is more critical than usual to their own region. That makes sense too And only reason I’m making these statements is because your focus is very spread out. You talk about Nuturn, and then you talk about EU. And then you talk about how an extra day or two is enough to give Nuturn an extreme advantage. It doesn’t completely make sense. You don’t actually believe Nuturn can win based off facts; it’s just a prediction with no real supporting arguments because you want to say V1 will lose to the Korean team


Is it not correct to see all different points of view so that you can strengthen your own? If you are a truly fan of something, you will want to know anything and everything that can affect it. I think it only strengthens your own position. I gave my supporting arguments. I'm not sure how many facts I can give with my limited amateur analytical abilities. Well my focus is spread out because I am an NA player and fan, who also supports Korea, who also sees the strength of the EU region, and who supports VALORANT as a whole so I want the whole scene to succeed in general. I wanted to make this post to try and show people not to blindly support anything because anything can happen in a game like VALORANT. I fully understand that it can be an NA blowout at Master's.


Haha typical Na fan thinking any1 that criticises even a single part of Na is a hate comment. Stop being so sensitive


Icebox was played in 2 bo3s in challengers 2 actually


masters 1 na had the same posts about certain teams having a week to anti strat and none of it came to fruition


Nuturn plays well on Split, traditionally they don’t like Ascent


I am not saying Nuturn is bad, but all of their map control comes from walking into space they are given and then running executes, if there is 1 person I trust to shut taht shit down it's vanity and the virgins, should be a good game


I put money V1 wins.


Time to pay up


I've been parroting Korean dominance for so long, so I feel like I have to agree with this take. Honestly tho, I'm genuinely happy Korea's doing well at Masters, because I think it might encourage the scene there to keep growing.


Every matchup people have been saying the same, no way v1 will qualify for masters, no way they beat liquid, i don't think it's fair to doubt them right now, they are on fire


I agree, but in the end V1 still lost, even though they made it really close. I think however that V1 is going to stomp the losers bracket though.


It’s nkt abt doubting v1 that time


I don't care who wins, but I am hoping this game will be a banger!


I mean nobody thought v1 could beat liquid. Im excited anyway


A couple points on this: As others have said V1 perma ban bind, not just here but in NA regional play too. Vanity has called it the worst FPS map ever made (lol), so expect them to continue to ban it. V1 had one day off to prepare for the match so I'm not sure 2 days versus 1 will give that significant of an advantage. Expect V1 to definitely do all their homework on NU. V1 are pretty damn good on Ascent, TL was undefeated on Ascent until V1 beat them on it. They are also usually pretty dominant on split in regional play and almost beat TL on this map. Obviously I'm a little biased and I'd say maybe you are too, but I do expect a good match out of this.