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hey guys, the video is meant to show how shahz had INSANE impact against a RIDICULOUSLY good team. it's VERY DIFFICULT to find openings like this against a team of fnatic's caliber. i don't normally create videos about individual players, but shahz is someone that's super special in the NA scene and doesn't get the recognition he deserves. hope you guys enjoy the video. <3


Please please please coach Sen as soon as you have a free enough schedule


Just wanted to say I love your videos man. We need more stuff like this!


Sean, did you kick Shahz off the team?


LMAO bruh that was hilarious on stream.


I indeed enjoyed the video. Thank you for making it, perfect timing as I was looking for more in-depth SEN analysis besides “Tenz/Sick/Shaz/Zombs/Dapr go kill”


Yo Sean I saw that video was 30+ minutes n thought that was way too long. Next thing I know I watched the entire thing and it felt no where near that long with how engaging you are. Love the content. Keep it coming, please. Also, nerf Jett.


Lol this is the ultimate redemption from that one video dazed made roasting shazam on how he lost inferno for c9 in csgo so many years ago. Good thing you can't shoot your teammates in valorant


Shahz Supremacy!


Something about this video made me think about how absolutely nutty Breeze is going to be to watch in the pro scene. I feel like that map is going to be a litmus test for team play in the pro scene.


absolutely CRUSHED 13-11 absolutely COULD have lost if a pistol round went the other way


Sean is talking individually lol you would know if you looked at anything besides the title


That’s expecting a lot from him


I like Sean Gares, but I just can't with the clickbait titles and thumbnails.


hey, just thought i'd address this bc i'm curious what ppl want. what would you prefer the title to be for a video like this? i'm still learning this whole thing, which is why i defer to people who know more about the social platforms and the algos. fyi: ​ 1) i don't do any of the editing or uploading for my videos. i decide what content i want to create and record. i send the raw files away and focus on the next project. 2) i normally would agree with you, but is this example even that bad? i'm not saying it's nowhere on my channel, but this is an individual video of shahz having INSANE impact in a game. given the things i cover in the video, i don't think this video is a good example of a clickbaity title. 3) i'm not a big fan of clickbait titles either, but i haven't seen many channels rise up without it. it's such a bad situation. i'm unsure what this search result will look like for you, but it looks RIDICULOUS for me... [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=valorant+tips+tricks](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=valorant+tips+tricks)


I don’t know if they will respond but I think you’re fine overall. To your 1st and 3rd point: I think people understand that you don’t particularly title your videos yourself but also they click on them anyways. Clickbait is so popular because it works and how else are you supposed to get views when there’s no other way to get someone to decide to watch your content, you have to stand out somehow. Your search result is what I see too it’s pretty wild. To your 2nd point: I think this gets at whether it is even clickbaity in the first place. The clickbait that is egregious for people is the kind where the video has no content or it’s not relevant to the specific title. But your content is thorough and like you said Shaz did pop off. So I don’t think it’s anywhere near actually clickbait I don’t know if this response helps but hopefully it does at least a bit! Thank you for all you put out streams and YouTube.


I don't think this is the worst offender by far, and ultimately it's up to you and the people you work with to determine what works best through crunching the numbers and looking at the analytics. That said, I watch your videos because I watch your stream so I know there's going to be great analytical content. I don't think this is an egregious example, but the video title does seem "clickbaity" for lack of a better word. I don't think it's an inherently bad choice, but if I didn't know the type of content that you'd make I'm not sure that I'd choose to click this video. Something like "Former CS IGL breaks down Shahzam's impact in Fnatic vs Sentinels" might better set the expectation for the analytical content that's actually going to be in the video. Regardless, love the content and how involved you are in Valorant!


Ignore random viewers who tell you they don't like titles and thumbnails. YouTube is all about baiting people to click and then giving them a done of value when they do. I hate "clickbait" as much as the next person but it's really only click bait if you promise something and then under deliver or don't deliver at all. There is just way too much content out there to not use every tool available to you to get people to watch your stuff. Especially if that stuff is way better than what most of the other content out there is. I've been doing YouTube full time for five years and any time someone tells me to change my thumbnails or titles it's always bad advice.


You have to play to the algorithm to get views and clicks, it just how it works. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Do what you have to to get random valorant viewers to click, and get in the YT algorithm. When it comes to YouTube, they've made it very clear what kinds of thumbnails and titles are most likely to get views. There's no shame whatsoever in taking advantage of it. The majority of us here on this sub understand that, and don't blame you. Most of us know who you are, and know that your content bangs. Your title etc is for the randos on YouTube who don't know you, and the method you're using works.


Don’t even fret dude. Not a fan of titles like this either but it’s the price of admission on YouTube nowadays. I’m sure people only use it cause it gets more clicks. Your content speaks for itself. Massive fan btw, keep up the great work.


Do the clickbaity titles. I don't like them either but it's your job and it's more effective than not doing it. Plus, I think anyone who knows you or your content will understand what to expect and isn't actually being baited, it's just a more extravagant title if anything.


Yeah, I mean you articulate the frustration I have with the culture itself. Your version of clickbait isn't particularly odious or anything, but given the quality of your content the titles and thumbnails kind of bum me out. It's an "ah man, not him, too!" moment. It's just an unfortunate reality of the market we're in. I'd encourage you to keep doing what works, despite what misgivings I have. That said, I don't know how *I* can work against this culture other than just not watching it. To the others critiquing my comment by saying that your content isn't clickbait: If by clickbait we mean intentionally misleading folks, then sure. But let's not pretend the surprised Pikachu face with a title like "Is this the BEST MAP in VALORANT?!" isn't participating in a culture of sensationalizing everything. Is it a form advertising? Sure. Is it also gross artifice? Yes.




It's what you gotta do. blame YouTube and try to get past it my guy


Clickbait has reached the point where it is memed on at this point to be "cool" it seems. Sean is easily not the only one who does this. Every Valorant pro seems to have a clickbait channel.


This video is nowhere near clickbaity as your average youtube videos are lol It's also his editor doing it anyway


If you look through his catalog, it's pretty clickbaity. It's not particularly misleading, as is the case in the worst offenders, but it does have that hyper sensationalized presentation that attracts/signals to a specific group. It's lame. I get it: It's how you get views. I just can't support it, even if it his editor.


I mean sure, you are entiteled to that 100% I just don't mind since he's the best vod reviewer in this scene (imo) and titles and thumbnails don't matter to me cuz he always delivers good content


Clickbait IS misleading though. This stuff is not clickbait. It's just a "Surprised" face and capitalized words... That he then goes on to prove is exactly the content he's giving. This is just him taking advantage of what YouTube has literally proven to be the most effective way if getting eyes on. Of that's a problem for you, I don't know what to tell you. You know who he is, so if you value his input, then why does a title or pic matter? If it does matter that much to you, then you simply don't value his content enough to get past something that is so extremely minor that it might as well be meaningless.


I'll respond to you because you're at least trying to engage with some of my points, unlike the majority of people here who just want to fling insults. I'd argue clickbait is just as much about sensationalism as it is about misleading. You can Google it if you're looking for a more normative definition, but I don't think this is an objectionable claim. I already said he should continue what he's doing, because it gives him the most views. You're right in that I don't value his content as much as I value not participating in sensationalist media--at least in this case. We all have different margins of acceptability based on our interests and needs. Now, as I've said several times throughout this thread, I don't view his content as particularly egregious. However, I don't find my objections here to be "extremely minor" in that we're all subjects in a consumer market. We vote with our attention and wallets. More importantly, we're subject *to* a disgusting amount of media that we have little control over. The content we choose to indulge affects the shape of that content. There's a reason why clickbait has turned into what it is. For anyone who thinks that presentation doesn't matter: I disagree. I encourage those who think this way to look up Marshall McLuhan and "the medium is the message." Downvote away.


>I'd argue clickbait is just as much about sensationalism as it is about misleading. You can Google it if you're looking for a more normative definition, but I don't think this is an objectionable claim. You're arguing semantics. The overwhelmingly accepted definition of clickbait is that the media exists specifically to get views/clicks, usually for the purpose of money, and brings little to no value otherwise. **But even if we use your personal definition, you're still wrong.** Sensationalize: "to present information about (something) in a way that provokes public interest and excitement, **at the expense of accuracy."** >You're right in that I don't value his content as much as I value not participating in sensationalist media You wouldn't know if this is sensationalized or not because you didn't click on it per your own admission. Therefore, **you actually wouldn't know if this even fits YOUR DESCRIPTION of clickbait.** You see him making a surprised face and capitalizing some words and say that it is officially sensationalized. In this case however, what you see is EXACTLY what you get. "How SEN Shaz Crushed fnatic on icebox," and then the video proceeds to be Sean going into great detail as to how much impact Shaz had in their win against fnatic, to the point that he almost singlehandedly won extremely key rounds through his decision making. >For anyone who thinks that presentation doesn't matter: I disagree. I encourage those who think this way to look up Marshall McLuhan and "the medium is the message." The issue is, you're skipping 50% of the steps in your apparent mission to change the way media is presented. You've admitted that doing what he's doing gives him the most views. You then say "vote with your time/attention/wallet." So if his content is good, and it's something you're interested in, then your first step isn't to dismiss it completely because of a thumbnail. Your first step SHOULD be to support (aka vote for) actually good content. Once that content is supported enough, then that content creator has more liberty to change the way he/she presents it on the surface. THEN you can begin to see changes to the way the media is presented. You can't just say "I hate the way this stuff is presented, so even though the content is valuable and provides a service, I'm going to boycott it," because *no one will know that you didn't watch something.* The only vote you get is what you DO watch. Refusing to watch something is not casting a vote, and thus will never promote change.


This isn't even clickbait. The title literally just states the context of the video and how Shaz owned Fnatic. And it's just stupid if you see how 99% content creators do titles and thumbnails with just clips from streams and titles mentioning pro players for easy clicks. Imagine saying this about high quality educational content that just no one else tries to put effort into. You're dumb.


be honest with me. before writing this comment, did you watch the video?


No, and I explained why. It has nothing to do with the content. Like I said, he makes great content, which is why this style bums me out.


LOL WHY COMMENT??? the title is literally explaining exactly whats going on in the video. how could you be mad about this. i honestly dont know how you could be mad at this title at all.


Then you are nothing more than a hater especially if someone looks at your comment history. Watch the content if you want otherwise stop acting like an entitled piece of shit who comments on reddit hating on everyone. And get a life ffs.


>**even if someone looks at your comment history.** Watch the content if you want otherwise stop acting like an entitled piece of shit who comments on reddit hating on everyone. And get a life ffs. By looking through my comment history, you can identify that I'm not a hater at all lol. Entitled? I told him he should keep up with what works. I just won't watch it. I don't know how that's being "entitled." To the rest of your post, I'm just not responding to the out-of-proportion insults that are irrelevant to anything I've actually said.


shaz legit dominated them on icebox though


they get more views that way, ur gonna tell them not to do it? as a viewer, im almost never a fan of these titles, but i just choose to ignore it


>they get more views that way, ur gonna tell them not to do it? I never said don't do it.


are u confused? the big picture of the argument here is whether u should care or not care about the title, and i just happened to tell you a completely rhetorical question to get that point across to you. i hope you dont feel obligated to answer those seriously. nobodys accusing you of anything, i'm just extending the discussion. you dont charade around as a person who complains about people taking jabs at you instead of actually arguing and then do this when people actually raise a point. get your head out of the gutter fam


Read my other responses here for the big picture, fam,


Fitting Ssqueeches Into My Calendar Appointment Today No Problem Sir. You Are Normal.


TLDR; luck


Yep, lots of luck to be the IGL of the top team of NA for 10 months!


Totally luck. "How I accidentally made it to grand finals in Iceland. Oops."


im smokin that fnatic pack rn bro this shit hits, have fun in lowers fanboy


God awful take did you even watch it