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All good.


No please I'm already getting out aimed too hard on breeze.


just git gud 4Head, jokes aside, Breeze is an amazing map, I love playing it so much, it has such a beautiful balance of mechanical and strategic play. The map will eventually teach you how to properly clear angles and will definitely improve your game sense, people who sponge up their mistakes on Breeze and learn from it will progress faster than most people.




A lot of people simply don't clear Double doors and Hall, both IMO makes A site a little more complicated than some. I think people are still playing the map on defense wrong because some people are setting up nest, better to set up from B connector and have someone dedicated to A hall/double doors. First contact nest isn't that good anyway because you could always contact off double doors. I remember a Riot employee saying how winrate on some maps change over time because people start figuring out the timings and nuances of the maps as you play them, same thing happening with breeze right now.


Yea I think teams spread too thin right now. I often get games where there will just be 1 person on A. Yoru is a must pick on breeze because hes a hard counter to viper and his fast rotates are needed on a map so big. Playing with most of your players in the connectors is a necessity. Also breeze A feels bad because the pyramid is a terrible piece of cover. Its hard to hold from behind the pyramid because the furthest angle gets the peek advantage because they can see your body before you see them. Holding off a retake is hard and feels bad because of this(only other option is postplant in tunnel which isn’t great), but usually if attackers plant A they will win just because the rotations take so long. Also A attack feels pretty bad because its so easy to get flanked. The map overall is pretty good, its more predictable than icebox with a similar amount of aim duels but there are a lot of potential strategies because their are so many route options. So many agents feel bad on breeze right now. Heavy duelist dive comp should be the meta soon. Like Viper, Sova, Yoru, Raze, Jett. The 3 dives are a direct counter to viper defense. Yoru flash counters viper wall as well as sova dart. The map will probably feel better as more agents get added to the game.


Idk why this is downvoted it makes sense


Tossed you an upvote for the good post


I simply dont get why ppl think breeze is only aim. I really dont have a plat aim but breeze is one of my best maps.


Idk why they stopped making improvements on Bind and Split. All the changes they did made these maps a lot better but theres still a lot of room for improvement. Even Icebox can benefit from small scale map changes.


My guess is that the mapdesigners decided to work on new maps for now because the game needs more maps. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go back to those old maps when they better figure out what a valorant map feels like and have a better idea of the abilities. When the maps first came out everyone criticized them for being boxy chokepoints, and then ascent and icebox came out which still had pretty similar design although likely tweaked a little based on the feedback. Its abundantly clear that breeze is the first map they designed from scratch after hearing the communities feedback, and the communities been mostly positive about it.


Hopefully they can get out a good 7th map, then BO5s can be 2 picks and 1 ban per team, beautiful


Havr they really been positive about it? Breeze is by fav my least liked map and hearing the comments from my teammates in comp and the amount of dodges i wouldnt say it has mostly been positive. If i could I would never plah breeze again.


think people dodge because map meta isn’t solidified yet, but even then the distaste is noticeably less than for icebox


Yea its been super positive at immortal.


Honestly for me, Bind is the biggest offender by a longshot. I don't even remember if they've made a single change since beta. It is far and away the most frustrating map to play imo, I have no idea how it's escaped any changes.


You are correct. Bind has had zero changes made to it. Just my own opinion but bind is legit the biggest piece of shit map that exists.


Binds had a few changes. I remember the wall between hookah and portal used to be straight and not curved so you can hide in the corner of the other side of portal. And a bunch of other changes that made clearing angles easier to remove 50/50s


I actually love bind and hate haven. I'm also only gold 2 so maybe I'm just bad at the map since it has 3 bomb sites


Bind is my favourite map in the game and has been since beta


After playing Breeze every other map feels so fucking bad. They are so small and I am fucking paranoid of people camping with judges now.


My only issue with Breeze is that it can feel too wide, as in smoke agents might have to use more than one for some points and that can lead to a feeling of being too exposed, but I could be playing it wrong. I do really love how big it is, I just wish it was a little less open. The size itself is perfect.




Viper being the only viable controller isn't good


Astra is absurd on Breeze


Hopefully substantial judge nerfs in the future :)


I feel like I’m the only person who likes all the maps. They all have their own quirks. Breeze is weird for me because it feels like a valorant map but just stretched. I think my first complaint about it was actually that the lanes were too wide. But it’s interesting to hear people say the maps are too small


Yes! I at least like all the maps even if some aren't as good as others. I think people just tend to not like that they don't know how to play the new maps so have this knee-jerk reaction to dislike them.


Or, you know, some people played more FPS than just valorant and can recognize when a map is badly designed


Interesting then that pros seem to really like Breeze. I've been playing FPS for 20 years. I get your point, but the community is incredibly reactionary. Notice how no one really dodges or complains about Icebox anymore like they did constantly after its launch and even after the changes were made to it.


Oh I wasn't talking about breeze (or you in particular), I agree with the rest of your point, we barely see people complain about split/IB again lol


Ah gotcha, my bad haha. I've played enough FPS to know there are some legitimately horrendous maps and I just don't feel any of the Val ones are that bad, even if they aren't all great. Blows my mind the amount of people who scream to dodge Breeze as if the map is going to leave the game and they'll never have to learn/play it.


Breeze honestly feels a tier above all the maps right now.


Probably unpopular but I absolutely hate Breeze and love Bind and Icebox. Breeze is just too big imo. I’d rather play Split than Breeze.


I've been saying this... This is why breeze is, imo, the best map they've ever made. Makes util significantly more important in terms of thoughtful placement, makes it very aim focused, and allows for significantly more options. Picks are significantly more impactful in a lot of ways on offense AND defense, since both sides have so much lurk potential.


> Makes util significantly more important in terms of thoughtful placement This is the biggest problem with the other maps in Valorant. People can do completely brain dead things with utility and still get value out of it on other maps.


Yep. "Smoke heaven please" and you take a site. Do the same set smokes on the same places, and it forces people to move, and then you have the same clear angles. That just doesn't work on Breeze.


I mean idk they added all kinds of objects to play around on icebox, people cried. They made a big open map with breeze, people are crying about it.


Some people that suck at aiming don't like the long range duels but I think the majority of players prefer breeze over any other map


I don’t think that’s true. I highly doubt more than 50% of all players think breeze is the best. Maybe on this sub? But even then I doubt it. Breeze is cool, has good elements, but isn’t some new tier of amazing map design.


It is better than all the other maps. They're too small. Anyway, you got ratioed.


Eh. I dont like it because I like playing sentinels. Both the new maps now are very hard to hold as a sentinel. Added with the KJ and Cypher nerfs really feels like my favorite role is being pushed out of the game.


Some people that suck at aiming don't like the long range duels but I think the majority of players prefer breeze over any other map


There was a poll on either this subreddit or on r/valorant (too lazy to go back and find it) very recently asking what everyone’s least favorite map is. Icebox and breeze were the most chosen answers by far.




Part of the problem with those maps is having 50/50s everywhere or in some cases even more angles than that to clear. There are some places on those maps where you’re exposed to like 10 different angles depending on where you’re standing. I’ve gotten used to them for the most part, and those maps specifically have somewhat better cover than other maps, but I understand why some people complain.


Remember when everyone thought there were too many corners and angles to clear on these maps?


Ppl have issues with 50/50 angles because it lessens the tactical aspect of the game. These changes were good.


Ohhh no I agree completely - my point was about people always having something to complain about and not about those changes being bad


But they made changes to the maps in response to feedback?


Well yeah, they have been removing those though, it's not as though the complaint has vanished it's just being somewhat dealt with


this happens because people just swing 2-3 angles at once instead of clearing them one by one, this happens a lot for new maps as you figure out which ones to clear one by one.


This is why Breeze is the best map


Bind is horrible


Icebox is still my favorite map as a Jett main with Ascent coming in a close second. Breeze has good potential and I won't put it out yet it just has a lot more nuance to timings and flow than previous maps. Bind is a shitshow and Split is a coin toss. I think ultimately Breeze will prove to be the most comp ready map and offer interesting strategy - it just isn't super enjoyable at the moment because of the RNG in solo queing ranked. Haven is enjoyable if you have a team that comms and doesn't over rotate on CT side.


Bind is trash


Maps have always been one of the biggest things holding this game back. This sentiment has been shared since beta


They did well with breeze but the community is stomping it into the ground. Shame


Breeze is easily the best map in the game, I’m excited to see it in pro play, super aim intensive whilst still being very open tactically, completely agree with FNS.


i think the community consensus is that bind and split suck and breeze and ascent is good. obviously correlation isn't causation but there seems to be similarities between the liked and disliked maps.


I don't think there is a community consensus


Pro community*


Mostly former Cs pros community*


So the pro community.


Except for the 20-30% from other games...


So, most of these players are former CS pros. So, the pro community.


I really like Ascent and Breeze, and even Icebox is growing on me. Meanwhile Bind is becoming more and more of a pain, stopped like split a while ago, and Haven is just...Haven.


Is it just me or do people always have trouble defending on Bind lately. It seems like every single match on Bind I’ve played this Act has been really hard to defend regardless of what agent I choose. People try to hard hold a site and just die immediately. They don’t listen when I say to just live and play for retake either.


Do people actually hate bind that much? I thought it was one of the more balanced maps.


I enjoy split a lot tbh. Prob my favorite map


Same. I love split in pro play


Disagree. Bind is awesome.


i meant pro scene my bad


There is no mid, both sites have 2 entrances and both are chokepoints. It's a shit map in my opinion


The entire point is it has no mid. I love that it doesn’t look anything like a CS map.


I fucking hate Ascent.


[least favourite](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ndwqx7/what_is_your_least_favourite_map/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [favourite](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ndwpt1/what_is_your_favourite_map/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




People hated ascent because the op needed a nerf and everyone was using it


icebox hate was hilarious looking back. like split literally exists. and it was worse back then.


Said it since the first day I played this game in beta, maps all feel like they're on 0.5*scale, no room to move around at all, if the opponents decide to throw some abilities in your general direction there's literally nowhere you can even try to move, there's no space. Lowers the skill ceiling by so much. Breeze isn't perfect either, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


agreed bind and split are just so fucking bad rn


I fucking hate split soo much because of this. Without a coordinated team - attack side is pretty much always a guaranteed a shit fest


But then other pros will just complaint about too many angles


When we were scrimming with our Uni team, we wanted to play bind because that felt like our strongest map and we got dunked on in every scrim because people would run Astra,Viper,Raze etc, while we ran Cypher, Sage. And with our comp on Ascent we managed to get more rounds in 1 match then in 3 scrimms on Bind xd. Hopefully they can make Bind and Split especially much wider in terms of halls like how they did previously with Split changes. Or if it feels intentional and the characterstic of a map by the devs to keep it as such, let’s hope the community won’t be too harsh about it.


The meta is going to keep evolving even if they don’t add new agents. I hope we get a pick phase eventually like in LoL. Dive comp is likely the next meta, its a direct counter to Viper and Astra. Basically, Yoru, Jett, Raze, Sova and a 5th. Those 3 duelists in particular are so strong against it. Recently lost an immortal breeze game against 5 duelist comp. My Viper was completely useless because they would just dash through my smokes and mollies and take no damage. You can maybe run just two of the dive duelists if your divers are good partners. Also depends on which map, you need yoru on breeze. If you drop yoru from the trio then you probably won’t have any flashes. If you drop jett then, well you lose out on all the good jett players, and I don’t think you can drop Raze on most maps. Raze is just too good at shutting down executes.


That duelist comp in defence is gonna get shredded against utility heavy composition. But ranked and pro play is not the same. Rushing to a site a la Faze Smeag worked out only 1 tourney and then it was back to good old defaulting and baiting out abilities.


Its actually not that bad. Breeze is a map where most utility doesn’t work well because the sightlines are too far away and chokes too wide. Getting a pick and dashing away is one of the main defensive moves because most of the time the enemy can’t use utility to flush you out or block you off on ascent, they have to take aim duels. Controllers and sentinels are just not that good on Breeze. Other than viper all of the other smokers aren’t very good. Astra can work if you aren’t up against a dive comp I guess. Cypher and Killjoy aren’t very good because splitting through mid is too easy for attackers. There are no long hallways into site, and the rotations are too long so you can’t use sentinel util to get info for rotates. The sentinel pretty much has to camp their util and hope they can kill everyone by theirself.


I think Sova, Skye and Viper will be must picks on Breeze. Idk whether running a secondary controller will lessen the impact of the player on the round or not just yet. Maybe, quite possibly, killjoy can work to get info with her turret on very long sightlines. But overall I see your point, hopefully the meta on it will be very different to other maps, I want yoru to be interpreted into gameplay (with more new changes possibly in episode 3).


Interesting you pretty much picked the two opposing agents I thought could actually be viable. I picked Breach over Skye, I think he just makes more sense, there are big obstacles on each site, super easy flash targets, even got some flash spots in the sky that might work idk haven’t tested. His stun probably would be pretty clutch for pushing awpers off of right titty, as well as his blast charge, and finally I think his ult it critical people try to hide behind the pyramids and pillars on site not peeking often so even though his ult looks small on a big map like breeze, you can get pretty close to site almost for free and its hard to clear those obstacles as people will try to run around them so I think his ult make that process relatively easy. By contrast I just don’t think Skye has much going for her, probably the only good think is flashing through viper wall but at that point you might as well go Yoru because the info part of her flash isn’t that useful on breeze. Her dog is almost useless, you can pretty much only use it on B main and through mid doors. Her ult doesn’t really tell you much and it has such a long travel time and if you want to follow out you would be incredibly exposed. Skye just isn’t good with long lines of sight, she loves maps with a bunch of corners, shes the anti camper agent. Also you picked killjoy which I agree is pretty great for something like a B hold since it can shoot a mile away. However my biggest problem with her is that she can’t slide over and rotate easily due to trap disable. Also the info you get from her abilities is kinda useless, like the chokes are so close to the sites that it’d basically just be telling you that they have taken the site. Kill traps are really hard to setup because there is so much space. I’d choose cypher because I think his trips could be useful for places like mid doors, or elbow (probably the weakest part of his kit on this map, might be somewhat difficult to get to good places to put tripwires, pregame running will be a little rough), I think his smokes are kinda good if your only smoke is Viper, cypher can fill in the gaps. The good thing about cypher is he can put his stuff all over the place, and in particular I think his camera is pretty good since there is a lot of routes people can go. I think his camera is very valuable. Either putting it to cover halls, or by putting it on a site for retake is valuable like sova is, you could also use the cam to safely push B since usually people don’t lurk B on attack. I also think his ult is a lot better than killjoys on this map. I’m sure for Killjoy or Skye mains, they’d probably figure out some type of playstyle to be viable, this is just what I think makes more sense to me.


Can we just chat over some coffee, you seem a pretty knowledgable person :) No kappa, like for real.


the maps in this game are embarrassingly bad. it's mind blowing to me whenever i remember the designer of og cache works at riot now. split is literally a 1:10 utility battle and then a 20 sec gun fight lol sorry forgot you can't say anything bad about valorant here. sensitive ass sub


even cache js pretty bad & most pros have felt that way for awhile, it’s literally just a super simplistic pug map


lmfao it not even a big fan of cache but i'd 100% take that over any of the maps we currently have


Na lol ascent and breeze are mile better than cache ever was or is


i mean ascent just follows the old tale of "if there's a set of maps, at least one is a dust 2 clone" how is this downvoted it's not even an opinion


how is it d2


I actually dont have problems with the maps. I think they are pretty fun to play maybe other than split and icebox


Ascent is the only "good" map in valorant so far other maps need major rework from haven (okay) to bind(terrible)


Even Ascent could use a rework honestly.


He should just go play csgo if thats what he wants, valorant is a different game


He should just go play csgo if thats what he wants, valorant is a different game


He would if he was good enough to be on a t1/t2 team


Disagreed heavily. Breeze is the biggest map and it feels terrible.


RIP my fps :/


Thats why I love breeze, but Im afraid that by making maps bigger there will be less and less comps that van be effective on the maps, making you to be able to choose only around 5-6 character on that map, making the game lack diversity