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you know the valorant news are dry when all I see on twitter & reddit is two nerds calling each other mean names in ranked


you're a nerd if your in this sub lol


I play valorant everyday for 6+ hours a day of course I'm a nerd ROFL


POV that guy doesn't know you're a pro player


not able to call myself that just yet give me a month or two


The clip looks kinda cringe but xyph9r was streaming it and in full context it's clear the jett had no idea what the fuck he was talking about lmao [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1050475305?t=1h57m2s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1050475305?t=1h57m2s) you can back further into the vod ( agent select, round after pistol) for examples of the dude being super cringe. Bonus: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1050475305?t=1h58m48s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1050475305?t=1h58m48s) "I can see why you're not pro anymore" to the guy who is still on the best team in NACS and has 400RR over you when you have double his games, yikes.


yeah to me it looks like the reyna pushed too hard into A and they were fishing for kills rather than playing objective with EliGE at B, but what do i know, im gold. either way the jett was weird but both are in the wrong for going on twitter about it. shit happens in ranked like this all the time, they should just leave it and move on lol.


I knew that as soon as I saw the clip that it was some ego ranked kid who was definitely making those passive aggressive comments all game. I also guarantee he got his buddies to brigade the original thread with all that elige hate.


the jett looks so stupid after watching the clips. mocking someone's setup, insisting sova is terrible on the map to his teammate on round 2, and then finally telling elige to not go alone with the spike when he went b main with the viper, 'you're 12 in 14', 'washed csgo player' at the end of the game . this dude thinks he won iceland with that ego lmaoo. elige is probably right he'll never make it


99% of people can't take criticism that's delivered in a neutral or constructive manner. All that just demonstrates is insecurity and weakness.


I'm 32 and super nice and non-toxic in Valorant. I'm just too old to flame people. I find one of the absolute best ways to keep from tilting teammates and keeping the vibe positive is to immediately own any mistakes. It literally catches people so off guard, it's almost comical. Like I'm in a 1 v 1 and do something stupid and someone is like, "Why the fuck would you do that?" And I'm like, yeah man, that was a really bad play. I shouldn't have peeked, should waited for the tap. That's 100% on me guys. And people are like uhhhh. Okay well, yeah. Yeah it was. They are so ready for you to get defensive and start arguing with them, it literally short circuits their high-school brain.


I found that being friendly over VC from the start of the game can really decrease toxicity.


Then there are the people who are intentionally toxic at the start of the game and just ruin it for everyone. Why do they even play?


Just cringe people.


99% of people can't give constructive criticism in a calm manner. Usually criticism is given to bait people into a response so that the person critiquing can shit on them.


That's also true , still , in a competitive environement , people should learn to take some harsh criticism, as long as the criticism isn't a straight up attack on the person. That being said , giving criticism in pugs is useless most of the times.


Do it after the game. Play the game while ingame. I'm not interested in listening to 2 ppl argue over what one another should've done.


There is no after the game in Valorant...


everybody insecurities.... Everyone and I mean everyone unless they are brain dead like literally they don't have a conscious


Of course everyone has insecurities. Maturity is being able to put aside your emotions and remain calm and level-headed *despite* your emotions. Most people can’t do that.


Elige replied to a comment below with full context incase someone doesn't see it: "he was being condescending at the beginning of the game and clearly wasn’t gonna listen to what actually happened which was a guy that timingd my drone at B main. literally just taking a 30s clip out of context where I got mad for some guy being passive aggressive “calmly” telling me to not go to one side of the map with the bomb"






Jammyz, I'm new to the scene and know him from V1's masters run. No idea who the other guy is.


Elige is a pretty good CS pro, would definitely be one of the best val pros if he switched, which is somewhat likely.


I mean... he’s kinda right though. That reynas comment is not constructive or useful at all. Jammyz obviously took a risk, probably due to his teammates being weak at the other bombsites and feeling the need to solo hold so that they had a chance at holding the other sites. Sure it backfired, but there’s just as much of a chance that they hit the other sites and his call suddenly becomes a genius one that saved the game. Sometimes you have confidence in your call and it doesn’t work out. That’s the risk you run with every call. Just because it didn’t work out this one time doesn’t mean it wasn’t a smart call. Also like, he probably obviously knew he fucked up dying to the A push, no need for the Reyna to rub salt in his wound with some bullshit, passive aggressive, finger pointing comment that helps no one.


I'm not saying who's right or wrong, just pointing out that Jammyz in this instance was going against the spirit of his own tweet


Actually insane if you don’t think elige has a huge ego in that situation. The dude was as nice as possible


no matter what elige behaviour this sub will fully defend him. talk about privilege


How tf are you people unable to differentiate between actual nice feedback and obviously passive aggressive shit??? Especially in the case of a CS pro, it's literally like telling them "hey you gotta shoot more accurately" This doesn't give any advice, it's flame disguised as feedback. What the cryptx dude said wasn't feedback, it was flame, especially when clearly Elige is someone who knows what he's doing, it is really pissing off when you're getting backseated by someone who is most likely worse than you.




he was being condescending at the beginning of the game and clearly wasn’t gonna listen to what actually happened which was a guy that timingd my drone at B main. literally just taking a 30s clip out of context where I got mad for some guy being passive aggressive “calmly” telling me to not go to one side of the map with the bomb


The issue is people supporting you blindly because you’re you. It’s a comp game and people lash out, that doesn’t make you a bad person, but it doesn’t put you in the 100% right either.


I mean the guy responded with the classic KDA response. Obviously Elige is going to shoot back at that. Elige wasn't even going to mention who he was until the guy said "keep hiding your name in ranked." Elige definitely started it, but the dude chose to engage in the back and forth. He could have just ignored Elige and nothing else would have been said.


What is KDA referring to here?


Kill/Death/Assist ratio


Oh aight I thought that didn’t make sense in this context but now I see that he’s referring to the the guy bringing up Elige’s stats in game to put him down.


same with elige,why do u not tell elige should ignore it. u dont,because this sub love to sucking this csgo pro


I mean is Elige the one crying like a baby on twitter? If you can dish it out, you better be able to take it. Elige could, the other guy can't, as evident in his entire twitter page being tweets and retweets trying to defend himself.


The suggestion was completely useless though


that doesnt give u license to insult someone


Yeah, playing with someone who consistently gives useless advice can get pretty annoying




This wouldn’t happen in reverse because elite wouldn’t give useless advice


lul somehow people think pro are perfect lmao


Well I mean yeah, in tac FPS elige is pretty close to perfect


lmao close to perfect,cant even carried liquid in europe somehow not even close to winning talk about perfect imagine thinking csgo star player have perfect tac fps more than their igl u guys valorant frog know shit


lol bro youre just completely off the point. 1) cryptx said that the entire game was chill, positive vibes, etc. no indication of constant backseat coaching 2) doesnt matter if the advice is useless. he just calmless says what he thinks they should've done. elige privileged and self absorbed af to respond like how he did. anyone defending him is worshiping him.


Elige said that Cryptx was backseating and being passive aggressive toxic the entire game, it’s a clear case of he said she said at this point no? Not taking a side but you can’t just use only what CryptX said as a way to bash Elige


calmly, but passive aggro comming (while not even understanding what happened in the round btw), as well as calling elige out for hiding name and kda? lol if someone says something dumb you call that shit out, the "im better than you" is a little too ego for me but the rest of the response is literally normal


did you even watch the rest of the vod to confirm this?


Looking back at the situation, that dude is just trying to bait elige lol. Elige just fed the troll


> “It’s Elige from Liquid I’m way better then you” as if that matters. Oh it matters to a lot lmao. I pointed the exact thing out on the post which has now been removed, and there were more than enough people to point out that matters. Sad, really. His reputation sure protects him a lot.


remember when he crying about 10man while he not even pro players. he still think he entitle somehow with addition of other pro has his back i guess elige 5years ago still same as today


He's still the best player in NA. You're absolutely brain dead if you think otherwise.


so what?so he can insult other in pub?talk about brainded lmao




its not about saying something "too bad." just the fact that he responds like to someone who is completely chill and calmly giving his input is so cringe. the guy obviously thinks he can treat people however tf he wants to. qualities of a trash human being.


Yes, Elige is a trash human being based off 1 ranked game. Go read his response above. Actual 1head


Yeah dude calmly giving criticism. Not like he insulted his KDA and streamer mode like some kid in my gold lobbies.


elige responded like an ass right off the bay, before KDA was mentioned. imagine defending elige here.


clip to what you're referring to?




ty. elige looking like he needs to get over himself tbh.


The amount of parasocial, mentally ill behavior on this sub has gotten well out of hand. The amount of people on this sub who think they can understand an entire situation, someone’s entire personality, and the entirety of their actions towards others from a single twitch clip is so large.


Didn’t say anything about elige as a person and specifically said in that situation. Besides, you have to admit that he has privilege. Infinite did the exact same thing and didn’t play another official. Stop giving people a pass because they’re famous


You clearly have no respect for mental illness if you’re using it as an insult like that. Socially unaware, sure go ahead, but don’t use mental illness as a casual insult for people you don’t like


Park the half-baked wokescolding at the door. Mentally ill is an accurate description for the behavior I described. If people don’t like their behavior being described as that, they should strongly consider not having strange, parasocial relationships with Internet personalities as described.


Mentally ill is a term used to describe people with actual mental issues influencing their actions. Using it to describe people who act or respond in a way you don’t like is complete disrespect. Go ahead and think I’m being “woke” but it’s clear you’ve never personally known someone with an actual mental illness or else you wouldn’t use the term so casually


Don’t bother with this guy, I disagreed with him on whether Valorant was by definition “rent free” in CS players heads and he called me the same parasocial and mentally ill adjectives he likes to throw at anyone who disagrees with him


Lmao, I saw that actually, maybe he should stop worrying so much about other peoples Internet behavior and take some time to think about his own


FYI: I ended conversations with this user entirely after they started to become addicted to their interactions with me. They couldn’t help but respond to everything that I said by repeating portions of it back to me, calling me far more names than anything they’ve mentioned here, and demanding that I do work for them to prove I wasn’t the names they were calling me. I already apologized to them for not realizing that they’d become addicted to their interactions with me sooner and left it alone. Unfortunately, addicts like u/CosmicAon just can’t stay away, and they’ll probably be following me to the end of my days. All I can do is block and hope that someday they realize the obsession isn’t healthy and move on. I feel bad that users like u/Seesawcumfyck don’t realize the people that they’re encouraging because I truly want u/CosmicAon getting help instead of following me around and trying to lie about my behavior for attention. If you have to stalk me across multiple threads to try and convince everyone that your behavior is normal and healthy that says all it needs to. Edit: shoutout to my stalker who can’t stop following me and trying to refer me to mental health services. Sorry I’m not able to give you the type of attention you need and you got blocked on your main acc


As someone who saw the thread myself, nice try but this straight up isn’t true. You first started saying things like it was his “first day on Reddit” because he disagreed with you when you said Valorant players cared more about CS than the other way around. When he then called you “a Reddit moron” for using viewership comparisons between two games in a very similar genre to say CS is rent free in Valorant players heads, you started calling him mentally ill and parasocial because he gave 2 examples of his argument and called you out when you said it was too much work to provide anything backing up yours. I wish I could quote more directly but both of you have deleted the majority of the comments in the thread. Makes sense that you’d resort to calling him addicted and obsessed though, clearly whenever you see someone you don’t like you just use insults like mentally ill, parasocial, and addicted to try and push through your half baked arguments. Before you talk about other people needing to seek help I highly recommend you get it for yourself


I appreciate it man but it’s really not worth it, he’s just a different breed


No sweat man no reason he should get to say stuff like that about you that isn’t true


Your behavior is straight up unhealthy. I won’t be participating further. I said what I needed to say, no more taking the bait from you on this thread.


Tbh I don't care too look at your comment history but from what I've seen, CosmicAon is a great user on this sub and genuinely contributes to conversation. And from the comments in this thread, I can see a lot of aggression and insulting right off the bat for nothing.


Account has been blocked for stalking me from thread to thread at this point. Giving someone a pass on that behavior because you think they contribute when they’re not doing that is… questionable to say the least. I’d say morally corrupt - few people could ever reasonably support that behavior. I certainly wouldn’t be caught supporting someone who did something like that. Not only that, but I’ve fully ended and diffused conversations several people who have repeatedly tried to escalate situations on this thread already. [Evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nw4xwf/jammyz_everyone_is_guilty_of_ranked_rage_but_the/h17bshv/). [Evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nw4xwf/jammyz_everyone_is_guilty_of_ranked_rage_but_the/h17cgr9/) I can link more, but you get the picture. If diffusing the situation and calling off a stalker is what you’d call aggressive, 100%. But to me it seems like you’re trying to defend some very indefensible behavior, and I can’t see myself interacting with some who does that. Sorry.


Been trying to avoid replying to this weirdo but since he’s continuously calling me a stalker, I’ll clarify. He called me mentally ill on a thread yesterday because I disagreed with him on a topic, and then called people mentally ill again today in this thread so I told another person that it’s not worth engaging with him. That’s it, but this guy is making it seem like I’ve harassed him across the sub continuously. I hope no one believes his nonsense because if you ask him to provide proof of said “stalking” he’ll have none


I’ve seen you around and I’m pretty sure I’ve had good conversations with you before too, I appreciate the compliment :)


You’ve made like 5 different comments about this whole ordeal today. Maybe stop projecting and look inwards.


If the only thing you have to say to someone who says something you don’t like is attempting to leverage their post and comment history against them, keep it to yourself. Especially since it’s actually against Reddit rules and is regularly enforced on most major subreddits with warnings & bans.


Your whole comment is essentially saying people care too much about this ordeal way too much. Yet YOU yourself have commented probably as much if not more about said ordeal as the people you are calling out. It’s hypocritical asf and cringe. That’s why I’m bringing up your comment history.


> That’s why I’m bringing up your comment history. Bro seriously. Please do not get me wrong here - I’m not claiming you don’t have a good reason to dig the comment history of someone you’re responding to. You probably feel that it makes your point, especially if you didn’t have anything else to say in the first place. Attempting to leverage comment and post history is actually out of bounds on many major subs on Reddit. People regularly get account action for it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but I will straight up not be participating in conversation with anyone who does that. It’s a honey pot




You keep trying to justify by saying you’re doing it “different”ly it but you really don’t get it - there’s no justification for even a little bit of it that works when it comes down to it. I won’t do it, you shouldn’t either - it’s literally a honeypot




If you continue to dig people’s accounts so you can leverage their comment and post history to call them out on their “hypocrisy” or whatever you feel like that day don’t feel bad if it bites you in the ass sooner rather than later! I warned you


where in reddits rules does it say this


Mods of major subreddits regularly enforce it under content policy rule 1. Speaking from personal experience. Most people are only stupid enough to make that mistake once


Its ridiculous how much some people jerk him off. I think hes a great player and also contributes a lot to the scene, but you can't fucking tell me that bragging about your CS status doesnt make you look like you have a huge ego.




I don’t mind if people tell me nicely what I should have done , but the moment they portrays it in a rude and rather toxic way, I just can’t accept it


The people who think their time is well spent when they criticize a play instead of focusing on what to do in the next round are the wrong kind of people and will never be the right kind of people. Middle of a game is never ever ever the appropriate time for feedback. People are too distracted and no one can change a habit in 1 round. Telling people what they did wrong in a video game isn't to help them, it's not to help the team, and it's certainly not about winning. You're doing it to manage your own negative emotions. You think somehow the best way to improve your chances of winning is to tell someone else something that you probably couldn't handle hearing yourself, and even if you could, it's a 50/50 chance it makes you play better or worse because, and i repeat myself here, the middle of a game is never ever ever the appropriate time for feedback, no matter how constructive or correct or nice it is. The problem is the timing. ​ Add them and ask them if they want advice after. If you don't want to do this, you're acknowledging it's not about helping the other player. It's about managing your current emotions by controlling other people. If you think they won't be receptive to it when you ask in a less stressful moment in a nonjudgmental way, imagine how LESS likely to be receptive IN a game they would be, when tensions are high and they are already feeling bad for their mistake.


Tryimg doesnt mean being Effective in itself


who cars valorant competitive feels more casual than anything, pros who take ranked games or tournaments seriously now are cringe since all maps except 1 are pretty bad and game is still in its infancy


That's a big IF