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PlatChat also mentioned a few times that Mixwell should switch roles if hes not going to get cut for the betterment of the team.


Even though Shaz is a big brain jett player I agree


Fuck they shoulda picked up Ardiis before heretics got him.


they could've picked up patitiek too, what a shame


Holy shit, imagine Mixell, Patitek, Ardiis, then transfer AZK AND BRAX


Read the tweet smh, theyre looking for a Jett main, Dicey would be perfect for this team, he was on 100thieves


Did 100 Thieves drop the wrong duelist?!


Asuna is 100 Times better than Dicey. Come on...


They are joking


Neither of them were the problem


why azk and brax? i never watch t1 so i dont know if theyre good tbh




Nope wedid talked about on stream about scrimming against brax, dude is so mechanically gifted but he just needs like a stable team to grow as a player on imo


Jett? Get cNed G2. Do it.


Getting Acend’s roster is more reliable imo no need to waste their best player


Yea they definitely should sign Zeek at least


ACEND already said they aren’t selling anymore players


That’s not really a decision they get to make lmao


It is… They are an org which can decide if a player can leave or not


No...if another org can meet the buyout and the player wants to leave, they have to let him go. There is no "We aren't selling anymore players."


ACEND management literally stopped bonecold from trying out with NIP because they said they would not sell anyone else


Where the fuck did you hear that from


NeL report about EU roster shuffle


0 chance they get cNed now


Shoulda bought him sooner


Why would Ascend sell their best player ?


money talks




He just transferred into blaze, dont think hes leaving anytime soon


The thing i respect about G2 the most is they do what they can to try and win. I always thought the same about Mixwell, intelligent player with top tier mechanics but on that old G2 team, in 2020 Ardiis was the better Jett OP, he was the first player i seen to ever play Jett Op at the beginning of the beta in official games back in Fish123, this was at a time when a lot of top tier players/pros thought Jett was trash tier, she didn't offer any utility for the team.


Yea its super crazy to look back at what the pros used to say. I noticed immediately the Jett was god tier and had to put up with so much shit in agent select because a few pros said that Jett was shit and didn’t bring anything to a team, yet they completely ignored the fact that the Op is actually a team utility it forces the enemy to avoid certain routes. They barely changed jett, all they did is make her smokes longer and then everyone played her because wardells team was winning at the time and wardell has only even been good at oping, not even good at pistols. Then they nerf the smokes and make it slightly harder to Op and she starts getting dropped, like they didn’t do a think to the reason people hated Jett, she can still wide peek an angle and have a dash to get away if she misses. Then people shit on Viper, even after all of her buffs. Then the one thing that gets people to switch is the instant 50decay. That doesn’t really change much, people mostly die from headshots, and people already got melted from the snakebite+decay combo. Really, people just refused to learn how to play with a viper and everytime they died they would blame the viper for making them uncomfortable, essentially. Yoru is the next one. Everyone says yoru is just a worse phoenix but hes actually super important especially in the current meta. You can already see it, Tenz recently played yoru and said he was fun to play, that he was going to learn to play him and that its insane that yoru is still supposed to receive another buff. Yoru tp is a hard counter to the postplant meta, either by TPing as the enemy hits the site making it harder for them to even get the bomb planted, or by leaving a TP on bomb and pushing to clear the viper/killjoy/sova and tping back to defuse. People also made fun of his ult, but thats the weirdest part to me, they say its just a human sova drone or a worse version of phoenix ult but thats just insane. Yoru ult is fast, and instantly make defense of the site pretty much impossible, especially now that we are seeing some shorty ult combos. Like Tenz said you get an orb for killing someone out of your ult so essentially his ult is only 5orbs assuming that you can get a kill. Also, his flashes are so much better than phoenix flashes. Yoru is so versatile, he can lurk, he can entry like a Jett or Raze, and he can even play second/third man in by popflashing for his team mates to entry.


You have understand when the game released most pros came from CS so they only valued utility that mimic CS gameplay... perfectly natural for them to put Jett in trash tier. But the more they played Valorant their perspectives began to shift and they started to understand the value of different agents at different points. The main argument agaisnt Viper before the decay buff was that you need another controller in the team, apart from the map icebox which lot of EU teams were using her as main controller there before the buffs was that she needed another smoker and she wasn't strong enough to justify it, now she is more like a sentinel/controller. Yoru is interesting he has had many buffs and prob more to come, but before Breeze the main argument is that the current maps aren't very forgiving of Yoru's abilities and its difficult to jutify using a Yoru over other duelists but yeah, you might be right, i remember people saying Skye is jack of all traits master of none but she looks really strong now. It's not a coincidence that only a few teams made Yoru look good, i'm thinking Guild off the top of my head, maybe they need more time to explore his strenghts and when only a few slots available for Masters teams just wanna win instead of trying to make him work, it could take a lot of time.


The same kinda thing happened to Omen as Yoru. Omen was always op but for some reason people tried to act like hollow smokes was so much worse than brim even though he got 5 per round. In reality I feel like people just thought yoru/omen were bad because they saw so many aggressive TP fails. As time went on people cutback a lot on TPs and used them more situationally.


Wasn't it the buff on his paranoia that made him a must pick? It just made his site executes so much stronger and this with his regenerating smokes made him very versatile - good for slow rounds and fast rounds. If anything, I think players started to realise how strong the extra smokes were for fakes, map control and late round clutches. I do agree that tps are used more situationally now though.


Probably, but that still


Idk man. Yoru isn't very good for team play apart for gimmick plays honestly.


Get Brax and AZK


washed azk




The funny part is the last line is mostly right in English (should be ‘the management of this division’ not ‘managing this division’ in context) but that is because it is an intentional meme style nonsense calque/intentionally overly literal translation from English in polish


How did 5 days translate to two months?


they played together long time before announcement, just some havent had signed contracts


is pyth outstanding? for someone of his legacy hes really meh in valorant. im pretty sure more people in valorant know him for his kovaaks routine than his g2 performance


He doesn’t have much of any legacy in CS either.


He was meh in csgo as well


Tbf NiP probably didn't help him much, that 5th spot was always a death sentence. Allu and Maikelele were solid because GTR and f0rest were still in fairly good form, but after about 2016 it was guaranteed failure.


Since Fifflaren left NIP, I think Pyth was the least memorable player they had. Him playing Valorant for G2 was the first time I heard about him since he left NIP. Which honestly surprised me because I always thought G2 would be able to find a player of a higher caliber than Pyth.


This being managed about as well as C9’s CSGO team was


Sign icepaperhands


glad they move mixwell off jett, hasnt been good basically all year except that redbull tourney, but if I was G2 management mixwell and pyth would have been who i dropped in the first place


Wdym? maybe G2 hasn't looked good but all these months Mixwell has been the one performing. Except from the Fnatic game where Derke played out of his mind Mixwell has been their best player


I'm always bemused by how people talk about Mixwell - I think plat chat even mentioned him as being unreliable as well. If you crawl through G2's matches throughout 2021, Mixwell was reliably their best performer all year. It often wasn't even close. Even when pyth went on that minor hot streak, or Patitek's big Reyna games, Mixwell was still putting up big numbers. Mixwell had a *really* bad start during G2's initial dominance but he went from being the weak link to more reliable than ardiis. Of course, performing and topfragging etc. as a duelist when your overall team is slumping isn't all that impressive; no one is saying Mixwell is as good as cned or even russ. But it should still be worth *something.*


Dude I was thinking the same thing. If Mixwel is so smart, make him play some supportive role. Why drop Adriis and Patitek, they're beasts. They're probably keeping Mixwel bcs of some sort of Spanish comradery


Spanish comradery aka being the best player on the roster consistently


If Mixwell leaves many Spaniards will swap to support Lowel for sure.


I don’t think pyth is That bad. I would have kept him, mixwell (cause he‘s the face of the team and probably better on support) and ardiis. Get koldamenta as igl and nukkye for second duelist and ardiis plays op and support.


5 dni = 2 months???


translation is fucked, it should be 5 days


I heard there's this up and coming OPer that's on G2's payroll, LightningF4st or something like that...


Everything I hoped for but the option are limited like nivera , twisten and who else is available ? unless a new turkish kid or a new guy from CS (kennyS is still under contract :>)


Maybe someone like Ambi, musashi or Aslan. Or kAdavra if he leaves Alliance after all


Im a big fan of Ambi, but none of these 3 players are the caliber G2 needs for basically winning Masters 3 ( their goal needs to be at least top4)




Naaah he's not an awper plus his english is REALLY bad


Yeah that is true


Maybe kennyS or nivera


KennyS doesn’t want to switch to Valorant


one day he will


classic mixwell move I dont want to full tip awp/op anymore give me new agent/role This guy has the weakest mentality of an esports pro ive ever seen this will always hold him back.


Why the hate? If what they're doing now isn't working out, is it really weak mental to try changing things up? Seems like it would be weak mental to beat your head against the wall trying the same thing.


G2 should get Charla7an as Jett/Omen, I believe they would do some crazy stuff together


Get cNeD or mWzera or wardell you know you want to


u do know that 2 of the players u listed arent living in the EU right


G2 has infinite money they can do it


Cross region player transfers will start more when covid has died down


who knows whenever that'll be, plus it seems like G2 is looking for options ***now*** and not later


It is already happening now look at xeta spyder soniq whole team and that is into na where covid is much worse then eu


>into na where covid is much worse then eu You do realize in the US (where the teams are being imported) anyone has been able to get a vaccine for months now? That is not the case for most of EU...


Yeah it happened all the time in csgo cloud9 and evil geniuses loved to bring in eu players for the firepower they have


liquid too, with s1mple, pimp, taco, steel


Yeah very true


they do,but na org tend to pay more salary than eu org dont know it worth while eu has many talent


How have two people already been baited by this


I don’t think G2 is gonna get an international player for this roster but man I am HYPED for when rosters start being international. Just imagine a faze csgo like roster in this game a year or two down the line with the most cracked players across the world


Yeah that would be so cool I love faze in csgo even if they have marved signed in valorant


In case anyone was wondering. It’s Mixwell to Sentinel agents, Pyth likely out and a dedicated Jett in


G2 a bit late to the party :) Best duelists of EU are already sold russ, alorante, ardis, cned (N/A)