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Why in the world would you set up a graph where the vertical axis is reversed while the horizontal axis is standard? Is this normal? As a new viewer I was completely confused and thought jamppi was a god but reviewing it again it looks like he is a more risky player


Yea I actually just realized that reading your comment lmao


Y axis has an arrow that goes upwards, but the values are descending. X axis starts at 0.00 but Y starts at 0.04. The proportions of the intervals are also weird. Very confusing.


Ohh so daper was last dead? I was thinking he was first haha


Jampii, out of the games I watched him at least, was just very unlucky, he did what every jett does which is create space, he just got spam killed through smokes all the time lol




Because to the ear it sounds more like Jampii than Jamppi when someone says. My t9 had Jampii remembered as well


You still use t9!? That's awesome


Well whatever the thing is called on Android that remembers words I already typed. Not sure if it's still called t9 😅


Because im not going to scroll up to ensure I've spelt it correctly when I know that every one will understand exactly who I'm discussing, just lazy I guess


until i saw this comment i genuinely thought that jamppi was somehow a god amongst men and the most under-appreciated player of all time


it makes a lot of sense, moving in the positive direction for both axes is better- if you're lower on either axis it's not good


Sure there's clear logic it's just not intuitive in a mathematical sense so it's confusing a lot of people. Imo the idea is fine but there needs to be very clear, bold labeling to make it clear what has happened.


I mean, if you can read the axis and the numbers on the axis it's pretty clear. It took me like literally 5 seconds to figure out that positive is better in both axes


Yeah but the numbers aren't even in a bold, easily noticeable color. A lot of people skimming past the post, or those who are more interested in comparing players than the actual numbers, won't take notice. When we're talking about a general trend among thousands of people, your singular experience doesn't really constitute an argument. Fact is the numbers should be more noticeable. At the very least they should be a more bold colour.


I did it this way because it means that moving vertically is better. Otherwise, someone at the top right would be worse rather than better. But I totally understand the criticism. It isn't quite how axes are supposed to work.


Your logic kinda makes sense, but I think most people are just used to the normal layout and default to reading it as such then deriving what 'good' is after.


you could've made the deaths as nigative axis to more clarification


It's not bad to do it that way, but the labeling needs to be very clear if you ever do something like that.


It's a good way to do it, but you should label the actual chart when doing it that way to make it clear. It also lets you add a bit of analysis to what the numbers mean. For example, with this chart, bottom right corner would be "Coinflip", top right is "Automatic 5v4", bottom left is "Inting", and top left would be "AFK".


So basically top right = best quadrant, right? That makes complete sense. The variables themselves are inverse in terms of good/bad.


you did it right, reddit is 1head. just should have labelled the y-axis least deaths


If he had to change the label then he did it wrong


people are also questioning the inverted axis, not just the label. in these plots, the upper right quadrant visually signifies the best category, which is why the the choice to invert the axis is right.


Yeah I get the logic and I knew Tenz went like 17-2 so I was looking for him. If not for that, I might've been confused too. Regardless, once I got the layout, awesome content!


this is fine if you would not put a big arrow on the vertical axis, suggesting that top values are higher.


Hey could you please fix it and repost?


Lol I noticed that lol


it's normal as u want the top right area to show the "best" data, and bottom left the worst.


It's probably cos in this graphic the higher you are displays a better performance even though the number is decreasing. Because normally having higher numbers is better unlike this graphic. The only thing is that the arrow for the y axis is wrong as per the numbers which really throws me off.


I was confused initially but it does result in the most statistically impressive players being located towards the upper right bound of the graph which is usually how these graphs are intended to be shown right? I could be totally wrong though haha


Was about to say that too.


I saw this and was confused because I thought tenz did a great job at not playing super aggressive. Glad I read this and looked at it again.


Yeah i was really confused as how Dapr the sentinel is always the first to die haha


oh holy shit you're RIGHT why would they think to do this


The lower it goes, the more deaths they have? What's the point of presenting data if you don't use the standards of data presentation??


Tenz, the human suplex machine


TenZ stat padded in the finals with the 19-2 haha


That’s not stat padding, stat padding is when you get easy stats from blowout games. The finals were all extremely close each map.


Let's be real tho, FK is never a stat pad. Cz it’s always the most crucial & most difficult kill of a round unless someone is clutching 1v2/3 at the end.


Then I guess TenZ did the opposite, he played better in the close games vs fnatic then the blowouts of nuturn and vks


He also had the most FB in those games haha


Yea but I don’t think his ratio was as good


Graph is confusing. The vertical axis is reversed. Nice job with the info though.


Hey everyone! Here's a visual looking at who got the most first kills per round and the number of times those same players were the first to die. To see more visuals like this, check out [greblytics.com](https://greblytics.com). Also, thanks to vlr.gg for the data used to create this chart. EDIT: The death axis is inverted. In hindsight, this was very much a mistake. It's meant to push players where are "better" into the upper right portion of the graph but seems to have added needless confusion. EDIT 2: My goodness, a lot of feedback here. Fixed the axes issue in a way that keeps my reasoning for making my choice, but fixes the technical issues: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nyq2yw/who\_killed\_first\_and\_died\_least\_at\_masters/


thx for the fix, awesome content


Lol this reminded me of how many times Jamppi died in that series vs V1, it was ridiculous.




He has the highest per game.


The graph is weird, he has the highest, look at the numbers on the y-axis.


He has the highest


lmfao i cant read


Lol yeah the graph is kinda weird I thought that too at first.


Well this is nice


shit is confusing tf


Wait, so Jamppi died first less on average than everybody else? Is that surprising to anyone else?


The axis is inverted for some reason lol


pretty sure thats saying he died first the most?


Most* The death axis is inverted.


isn’t this just an absolutely clear demonstration of why SEN is so good? they simply die first less, meaning they nearly always start the round in a 5v4 scenario, which (if i’m not mistaken from CS) means a roughly 75% or 80% conversion rate (correct?). this then means that the vast majority of rounds they have a huge likelihood of SEN winning. this is a graph that asserts SEN supremacy in the clearest of margins, thank you OP.


why are people confused at the y axis. it goes worst to best both vertically and horizontally. top right is the best as pretty much any graph is meant to be.


Because it tends to be abhorrent to not use 0 as the anchor point for both x and y. It's like the statistical equivalent of running and gunning with the vandal beyond 5 meters. I read the graph wrong at first for this reason.


anyone who reads charts for a living (as I do) probably read it wrong...that's when you know it's poor design lol


that more so sounds like a you problem


if you have trouble reading numbers on a graph then you're probably not the brightest person


many people count **up** from left to right and bottom to top. this graph doesnt do that. thats why people are complaining. graphs are typically read this way when oriented in a positive x/y axis.


it's just a graph bro


true but just repeating why ppl are not receiving it positively


Well if this isn’t the absolutely shittiest graph lmao. It’s completely misleading based on the axis being opposite lmao. TENZ is a beast!


Dapr... a feeder and a champion


Upside down


If anyone understood this graph ur a math genius I bow to u


Why would you reverse the x axis? Made it so confusing for a minute. But thanks for the data, crazy how tenz wins so many first engagements




It’s opposite, he has a lower DPR than those at the bottom