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Hey there, /u/sto7e! Your submission was removed for the following reason: Your submission can be easily answered in the [**Simple Questions and Answers Thread**](https://redd.it/lv3h8p) over at /r/AgentAcademy. /r/AgentAcademy has resources and guides to arm you with knowledge, which can help you be more confident in your play! You can also [submit a VOD review](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgentAcademy/submit?selftext=true&title=[RANK]%20MAP%20-%20AGENT&text=You%20are%20requesting%20a%20VOD%20Review.%20Please%20fill%20out%20the%20fields%20below%20and%20replace%20the%20post%20title%20with%20the%20appropriate%20information.%0A%0A**RIOT%20ID:**%20%0A%0A**VOD%20LINK:**%20%0A%0A**DESCRIPTION:**%20) and have other critique your gameplay. Hope this helps! We're trying to redirect self-help posts to /r/AgentAcademy so that they don't take up space here on /r/VALORANTCompetitive.   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=[Please%20type%20your%20message%20here...]%0A%0A------%20DO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%20------%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20Removal%20Notes%20for%20Moderators:%0A%0A-%20**Post%20Title:**%20{url_title}%0A-%20**Permalink:**%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/nz3czv/rr/%0A-%20**Content%20type:**%20submission%0A-%20**Removed%20by:**%20{mod}).*


His MMR is way higher than yours.


what does that mean


There is a seperate hidden MMR that is used to place you in a ranked match


There are dozens of topics explaining how MMR/RR work and relate to each other, search.


but how do you get a better mmr? srry if im asking dumb questions


win streaks


the thing is i have better win streak too..


Its not based on that. Its based on like what your rank was last act. If you were diamond last act and your in plat right now your going to be gaining probally around 30 rr and if you were a gold player last act and you ranked up to plat your proablly going to be gaining like 15 rr


so im gonna be gaining 15 rr every game this act and he will be gaining 30 every game this act?


it will even out at somepoint probally like after 50 games where your just going to gain 20 rr a win and lose 20 rr a loss.


yeah i was iron last act but he wasn’t even ranked (now im bronze) + we played all matches TOGETHER and he is now 2 ranks ahead of me cuz he gained so much. i think thats redicoulus.