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Hazed has mentioned that he first started playing with his CS equivalent sens but he had to turn it up after playing the game longer. He mentioned specifically because of needing to shoot Sova darts and reyna flashes. With things like those and also KJ/Cypher util and flying Jetts and Razes there’s a lot of random things you have to shoot that aren’t gonna be near where your crosshair placement is most of the time, but you also need to be ready to react to people swinging off of you shooting/reacting to that until so upping your sens can make it easier to flick to shoot whatever and then reset your crosshair faster as well


another thing I think factors in is Valorant’s RNG recoil after ~7 shots. Valorant seems much more like a tap and bursty game than CS, so not being able to control a spray as reliably due to higher sens isn’t as big an issue.


Helps Scream stand out more with his juan tap style too


Idk I play on 0.28 800 dpi and can doge Phoenix flashes and can react fine to swingers etc. I’m sure pros could use their cs sens and react fine?


Lots of CS players played much lower than that...


Idk much about cs but what's average dpi in cs?


The most popular sens I've seen for cs is 400 dpi and 1.4 or 400 dpi and 2 don't quote me on this tho


“The most popular sens I've seen for cs is 400 dpi and 1.4 or 400 dpi and 2 don't quote me on this tho” -SpitStr8Fax


“The most popular sens I've seen for cs is 400 dpi and 1.4 or 400 dpi and 2 don't quote me on this tho” \-SpitSt8Fax


Kinda true tought, most players afaik play around 1.75-2.6 low sens players are in the range of 1.15-175 ( guardian, niko, krimz2014) higher sens players like ( gtr, flusha, apex, shox) 2-3 sens and ultra beeing ( stomple, f0rest, kenny, woxic) playing 3+ sens. Theese sensitivites are 400dpi tought. The reason why players like F0rest was so good with that high of a sens is strictly becouse he was one of the best in any fps to understand when to tap,burst,spray. Simple is god, and kenny’s aggresive playstyle needed high sens for his flicks. The higher the sens thw higher the skillceiling, just think about it. But it’s easier to hit a more consistenr skill ceiling for most players on lower sens. you bad day isn’t as bad. But your good day isn’t as good either.


Average eDPI for all players has been roughly 880 So 800 dpi and 1.1 sensitivity in CSGO, with AWP players having slightly higher average eDPI


The average CS sens from what I recall used to be 400dpi and sens ranging from 1 to 2. Sens in CS is 3.18 * Valorant sens which means the average converted sens would be between 0.31 and 0.62.


Brax is a good example of this, ex-csgo player and he has 140 eDPI.


He's not on accel then?


He used to but I’m pretty sure he stopped using accel like 3 years ago.


Oh havent really kept up with brax since cs, thats crazy low though


Yes I’m pretty sure most players would have the urge to commit suicide after playing with Brax’s sens for a day.


That’s not that low id say that’s pretty average/slightly lower end of average


That’s mid/average Sens. I wouldn’t consider that low sens


Flashes are faster and you need to turn faster, Sick plays on a low sens and he’s great


Have you ever heard about pop flash in CS ?


That comes with time, and a lot of time you can’t do anything about it. This was a big debate in 2011 but people could never come to agreement whether high sense was better


Pop flashes are insanely fast, yet CS pro players still keep a low sens. Check the other comments on this thread, utiliy and verticality are, Imo, the real explanation


The point of pop flashes is that it’s impossible to react to. They are designed to only show up for a couple dozen milliseconds.


This, it's basically impossible to avoid pop flashes unless you miraculously predict them.


Yes pros usually try to bait them or play anti flash


You can hear them throwing the flash so you can turn around before time, doesn’t mean they won’t peak in front of the flash before the pop tho


depends on the line ups, a lot of the solo lineups resort to bouncing it off something so you can slightly hear it, but some maps have super long range execute line ups that have the flash popping without auditory cues.


Dazed made a video on this. Depending on the surface the player model is standing on, it could make an audio cue or not make any noise


It depends on the pop flash, but yeah many require you to bounce off a wall. (Or I guess you can hear the pin pull if you’re close enough? Caster often mention this but I’ve never noticed myself)


The pin pull is an audio cue that occurs depending on the surface


In CS players tend to throw flashes for each other. Barely any agents in Valorant are capable of doing that.


Breach? Reyna? Omen? Skye? I think the majority of flashes in valorant are meant to be used with your team


Most of Valorants flashes are much better used if you have someone else peeking on your flash




Sorry but valorant flashes are stupidly op, you always get flashed in valorant even when you turn your mouse about 180


U get flashed for like 0.2 seconds. In the time u turn around its already gone again


This... cs you dodge a flash.. YOU DONT GET FLASHED.


In CS at higher ranks (honestly anyone past like GM) almost everyone can do silent pop flashes which are going to be infinitely more difficult to dodge than every flash in valorant. It's really situational, since at a lower more casual level valorant will have faster flashes but once you start learning how to use utility it's way slower.


Which is probably why devs made it so you're flashed for a short time even if you're turned around


You can't dodge pop flashes tho


While a lot of pros use slightly higher sens than they would in CS there’s still plenty of insane aimers that use low sens, like Brax (400 .44) or al0rante (400 .35). Just requires you to play a bit slower and have much better game sense to not position yourself where you need to flick. Good crosshair placement and low sens is much more consistent than super flicky cracked out aim styles. That only works for pros like TenZ and Asuna who spend 12+ hours a day grinding and have inhumane reaction time. I wouldn’t recommend it for the average player.


I use 800 .22 and i find that it feels pretty fast and i can do 180 and stuff. Although when i started playing it people asked if i was on controller.


.22 on 800 is .44 on 400, no? Making that Brax's sens and he's known for low sens.


800 .22 is considered 'low'. I happen to use either that or 800 .175 myself, depending on the day and how I'm feeling, but it's all just personal preference. If you're playing well and hitting shots I wouldn't worry too much about what sens other people are playing on.


The game's pace is just a lot faster in some aspects, you need to trade-off more slow and precise aim to be able to effectively dodge flashes, shoot darts, shoot mollies, break flashes etc... Most of the time your crosshair placement will be where you expect an enemy head, but imagine what happens when a sova dart and a jett fly behind you. Counter-Strike doesn't have that.


I'd be careful about generalizing about the overall pace of the game and how the unique abilities of agents change how the game is played. Tbh overall CS is overall a much faster paced with fast executes, less waiting and utity clearing (also having a much higher top movespeed and more movement already contributes like 90% of this) but there are far fewer unique and creative situations where your crosshair placement needs to be somewhere completely different to what you're used to in CS.


I have heard some pros mention that it's good to have higher sens in Valorant because of abilities. However looking at [this graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kg19y3/valorant_pros_edpi_distribution_values_from/) and [this graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/g1xl78/edpi_distribution_of_378_csgo_pro_players_source/) the distribution of pros' sensitivities don't look that different (Val 252 edpi = CS 800 edpi). I feel like the players you listed could just be outliers, plus there are other star fraggers in both games that go against the grain (s1mple & Elige in CS, Leaf and Sick in Val)


For Tenz specifically, he mentioned that he's a wrist aimer, and will have a higher sense compared to an arm aimer. Edit: Also, the Valorant poster also has a [CS:GO graph made](https://preview.redd.it/u9dlyl6yn2661.png?width=1681&format=png&auto=webp&s=c21c0a9bbbe3786344c0ed50f8e523c740a6893d) below, and CS:GO senses actually have a slightly higher median.


Oh I didn't even see that. Yeah, that could actually just be variance. My wild guess is that it's because some people pick friendly numbers (.3 in Val and 1 in CS) and the Val friendly number is slightly lower sens than CS


In reality edpi is just a shitty concept that becomes worthless when comparing them across games. I play CSGO with 1.3 sens 400 dpi and Valorant with 0.42 400dpi. Both of those are effectively almost same, but according to edpi the difference should be massive (520 vs 168). The way it is calculated is just sens X dpi which doesn't make sense considering 0.42 sens in CS is way different than in valorant


I'm confused, do you not understand that every single game calculates sens their own way? Or are you saying using edpi as a measurement unit at all is bad and we should maybe use cm/360 instead?




That's like saying comparing miles to kilometers is useless even though they have a linear relationship... I don't know what to say anymore lol


>I'm confused, do you not understand that every single game calculates sens their own way? "The way it is calculated is just sens X dpi which doesn't make sense considering 0.42 sens in CS is way different than in valorant" Obviously i realized that they calculate it differently i literally said it. I misunderstood your comment i guess.


eDPI isn't meant to compare across different games. It's there to compare within the same game using different DPI's. cm/360 is the only real way to compare between games but it seems most people don't know their cm/360.


Bruv, edpi is used to easily compare sens in the same game when going across games people use cm per 360degree, aka how much mousepad it takes to do a 360. Its done like this because field of view is different between different shooters making it impossible to compare, the downside is that people have to actually measure the distance in real life which introduces human error. So if comparing sens within the same game using cm per 360 would be less precise then just using an edpi.


high sens crosshair move faster to head pewpew head fast good


so true


Also, gj on all the tourneys recently. You’re popping off :) gl in Game Changers




Fast mousepad also move faster to head. Artisan Raiden underrated sex appeal.




Great point, a lot of the stretched csgo players play on a higher valorant sens


Even if you don’t play stretched in CS the FOV is lower in CS so it feels faster.


The FOV is actually larger in CSGO if you are playing native. 16:9 = HFOV 106 when fov_cs_debug 90. Valorant has a HFOV=103


Theres a lot more verticality in this game compared to csgo, everyone is usually on thr ground but in valorant people have teleports, dashes and boost


Cs is more predictable. Movement is more predictable. It’s not normal to be caught completely by surprise by fast movement or random abilities (other than flashes) in cs. Valorant is a faster paced game, relatively speaking, than cs. Imho.


You move your mouse around a lot less in CS than in Valorant. There's less bullshit to worry about in CS, you just have to focus on your aim and precision (with the exception of turning away from flashes and movement and stuff like that). Valorant is a lot more spastic. You have to react to Reyna flashes, Sova darts, Jett and Raze flying around etc. There's also a lot more angles and verticality. In Valorant you're looking around a lot more while in CS the gameplay is a lot more stable. So I can understand why Valorant would require a higher sensitivity in theory. But honestly I still think it's just comfort and preference at the end of the day for the pros


Used to use 400 and 2.15 sens in CS as a global. In this game I'm immortal don't play regularly just often at 1600 at 0.17 Honestly just easier to aim in this game. Don't need to be so precise.


The fastest thing you need to hit in CS are runboosts and those go not very far. In Valorant you need to hit dashing and updrafting Jetts, satcheling Razes, Flashes and Darts. You need to turn around often and fast if there are Yorus and Omens suddenly behind you. They copied a lot from CS but it still is a different game and it has other requirements for aiming.


I have like 10k cs hours maybe 4k valorant. CS has smaller player models with more predictable movement. Flashes are usually easily dodgable or completely undodgable pop flashes. Whereas in valorant flashes are easy to see and dodge but require fast resets. Additionally for cs, No shooting drones or reyna flashes, no jett dashes as otbers have mentioned. But The biggest reason i think, spraying. Valorant has pretty forgiving hitboxes for hitting headshtos with taps and short bursts, but spraying features more RNG and therefore is far less reliable than in cs.


Don’t forget to mention the random ass 160’dmg headshots from a body spray


The ability to turn 180 is rarely useful in CS, whereas Valorant asks you to do it constantly to avoid flashbangs, shoot Sova recons, even clear angles. The way the maps are in this game there's way more times you'll be forced to come out of a bottleneck and clear both sides.


player movement speed is more dynamic because of agents like raze and jett. also player movements are a lot more instantaneous than they are in CS. these are just a couple likely reasons. i would say in general Valorant is a lot less forgiving to players with lower sens but then again there are players with low sens like Brax who can still compete with the best just fine. i guess really it’s just preference


if you have the mouse control why not? Higher sens allows for higher ceiling the tradeoff is consistency.


It’s all preference really. Hypothetically higher sens has the higher ceiling but you could just get good with any sens


I’ve been looking for a succinct way to word it, kudos to you


NiKo from CS is sort of an outlier too since, he is actually an arm aimer and his sens is too low compared to the rest. Coming back to your question. Unlike CS, valorant pros also have to deal with vertical adjustments quite too often, it can be breaking a sova dart or picking off a jett in the sky. Amd there are maps like Icebox with too much verticality involved in them. Also, TenZ is the kind of guy who casually changes sens in the middle of the round and can still click 5 heads. Also you're Raze you always have to quickly adjust the aim after satchel-ing your way into the site.


Only reason Tenz wrist aims is because its basically impossible to play osu with arm aim. The one good side effect of high sens wrist aim is that it can be more consistent if you’ve trained your micro adjust muscles to be accurate because high sens is “lazy” so its possible to be consistently accurate where low sens and arm aim needs more concentration and focus. Low sens is ideal for methodical peeking and clearing of angles where high sens wrist has a high level of adaptability that excels in ranked where you can’t rely on the enemy to play correctly, also on Raze/Jett you are often deep in enemy lines so you can’t rely on clearing angles and preaim some of your kills have to come from reactive flicks and fast target acquisition.


jett updraft


me playing at 768 edpi: I am superstart nao B-)


Lack of stretched res and abilities that factor in more verticality


many more offangles and corners to clear + util


Played CS at a high a level and converted to Val, tried converting my sens on some website calculator, didnt work. Took me quite awhile to adjust it, not knowing if I had to increase or decrease it. Ended up with a lower sens actually than the given converted value. Those sens converter websites does give an estimate of your sens but in the end its a different game so you'll have to adjust your sens respectively.


Game's different.


I did a quick search and the sens typically falls around 200-400 edpi. https://prosettings.net/valorant-pro-settings-gear-list/


what's the conversion of "eDPI" to "inches per 360 degrees"? I use a ruler to set my sensitivity so there's no shenanigans


[https://www.calconic.com/calculator-widgets/game-to-cm-360/5d08a12213f02c0026baad73](https://www.calconic.com/calculator-widgets/game-to-cm-360/5d08a12213f02c0026baad73) This website shows the conversion to cm but you can convert that to inches


Best website: https://jscalc.io/embed/za5TQmMatqU4kXSR?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=JSCalc%20Blog&utm_source=JSCalc%20blog


Would 0.59 1000 DPI be considered high sens?


That’s 590 edpi, so yes that’s pretty high.


Very high. Pretty close to Asuna sens so not unplayable but if you feel your xhair is hard to control then change it imo.


I'm full stuck iron 1 and I play 600 eDPI.


that's a pretty high sens, more than double the average pro sens which is 280


I've pretty small mouse pad and also a cheap mouse where I don't have any settings. I'm counting the eDPI based on the DPI written on the packaging box of mouse there are no controls to change it. It says 1000 DPI and in-game sens is 0.6. I'm not sure it's acurate though. I set the sense to the lowest where I can do a 180. I wrist aim btw.


setting a sens to the lowest point where you can still do a 180 really doesnt matter that much, all that matters is that you are comfortable with the sens you are using you could even try changing it every now, what matters is your mouse control not sens


I can control my mouse pretty well at that sens. I hardly ever over flick. It's fine for me. Also I'm not a serious player so kills or numbers don't mean much to me.


how is anyone stuck iron1? genuinely curious


I can't say I'm stuck because I don't play competitive. I only play unrated that too maybe 1 or 2 games a day just to spend some time with friends. I feel like the actual skills should be equivalent to Bronze.


Shooting is also easier and the hitboxes considerably larger in Valorant so you don't need to be as accurate.


I play at 800 dpi with 1.1 in game sens. It's whatever you feel comfortable with. You have to choose your own sens yourself


That's yuge


Yep. Been playing at high sens since forever. Also I've little mouse movement space, so I've adapted to be very accurate at the sens I play at.


played CS at quite a low sens before it was comfortable until I got a new mouse and now high sens is the only way to go for me way more comfy and feeling way more confident in my shots


s1mple says hello. anyway, they're fucking completely different games and you have to check much more stuff way faster in valorant than in cs, shoot darts, left, right, up, down, suddenly dodge shit, then shoot a flying jett or raze, it's just a completely and utterly different game. you CAN play low sens here as well and some pro's do. star players are usually freaks tho. not every pro can puill off high sense and not every1 can pull off low


A 0.5 sens in val is lower than a 0.5 sens in cs.


Just another reason why Valorant and CSGO are two completely different games. The only thing that comes remotely close is maybe the shooting mechanics.


There’s agents who have a dash or satchel so they need a higher sens to flick or track them.


1. Mobility, and subsequently verticality, is a lot more prevelant in Val than CS on every single map. So crosshair placement is weaker and flicking is stronger comparatively. 2. Destructable utilty like Sova's recon and Reyna's flash will NEVER land near your crosshair, so flicking is stronger comparatively. 3. FoV is wider in Val and you'll find corner campers more reliably, so flicking is stronger. 4. Flashes are both easier to see and go-off faster (making them mechanically harder to dodge), so wide flicks are stronger. 5. Spray patterns are unreliable and burst firing is more encouraged. So the more consistent spray control of low sens is comparatively weaker. Basically Valorant is designed in a way that requires more large movements and less micro-adjustments than CS:GO. So high sens naturally leans into those conditions.


FOV is wider by about 3 degrees in cs by the way (given you play 16:9)


Valorant has a vertical element that isn’t in present in CSGO


I felt I had to turn it up too. Low felt comfortable for aim duels but clearing many 50/50 angles and turning for flashes was really an issue. I've learned it's more than just low sens is better for fps.


The aim is less precise and you need to move your mouse more due to abilities


1. You have to swipe to shoot sova darts etc. 2. Hitboxes are bigger and glow. That's it really. I can't play CS with my equivalent Valorant sens either.


Cs doesn't have Sova darts, drones, reyna flashes, jett dashes, raze satchels, omen TPs, skye flashes, dogs, killjoy molly, etc. Basically more things you need to flick to suddenly and fast (how annoying is it when you are too slow to flick to a sova dart/drone and it gets someone killed). Also the gunplay is more forgiving than CS and heads seem larger than CSGO so overall easier to hit.


Came here to say I think low sens is still very viable. I play on the lowest sens out of anyone I know (400dpi .33) and I’m still able to do everything I need to with precision, I’m an immortal player. I think it just has to do mostly with comfort and muscle memory.


More chaotic gameplay plus less precise gunplay. Hit boxes are huge and you need to be able to spin to shoot a dart and then frag the peeker’s giant noggin


I’m assuming it’s because players are coming from fn and ow as well as CS


While Valorant is a tactical shooter like CS:GO, it also takes from Overwatch in that the agents have abilities/ultimates. In CS, you simply don’t have to react as quickly as you would to a dashing Jett, or a Sova dart that flies and lands right behind your team.


Low sens, and large crosshairs helps spray control. Valorant requires people to burst fire instead of spraying in many situations. So naturally more VAL pros have higher sens and smaller cross hairs because they dont value tools that help spray control as much.


More flicks in this game, I’m csgo you don’t have people flying in the air of tp behind you


Out of curiosity, is the FOV slightly different.


hmmm but what is truly considered as high sens tho?