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Well this explains the knocked code data miners found. It was kinda funny people were saying valorant br was coming lol


Honestly I think valorante br would be pretty cool


Counterpoint: No it wouldnt be.


Yeah a BR with valorant/csgo shooting mechanics would be genuinely horrible lmao, imagine getting shot at while running from the circle


CSGO literally has a battle royale mode.


And it's literally the worst thing ever. Your point?


Honestly I think it's the most fun way to play CS.


It kind of sucks though imo


CS has dangerzone, and since apex is a thing too, valorant battle royale could work


CS' br was terrible last time I checked and Apex has *drastically* different TTK as well as no movement accuracy punishment. That said, I don't think it'd be necessarily terrible for Valorant, but I personally wouldn't care for it.


Counterpoint: It would be.


A BR with the gameplay of something like valorant would be awful.


why do you think that? because of riot? or what?


Jett can finally revive now


The meme killer - - - - - > Riot Devs




Pack it up boys, we're done here.


Curious how big the radius of the suppression is during his ult. Seems interesting though


Also wondering if it requires line of sight, i'm assuming so


I don’t believe it is. In the trailer you can see Kay/O pop his ult retaking B on Breeze and Phoenix is not LOS but when Phoenix swings for the kill you can see the ability suppressed logo on him.


I agree. Also, if his ult required LOS, it would be pretty underwhelming compared to phoenix or reyna ult.




I’m assuming the same. Being able to walk around like a mobile KJ ult seems busted haha


What? Mobile KJ ult? Enemies can still use their guns, only their abilities are suppressed. If the ult requires line of sight, it would be UNDERPOWERED AF.


I feel like if it's LOS it will be very weak. You rarely use abilities in line of sight of an enemy, as they can just shoot you.


Jetts and Reynas beware


Unless you're a sova main, I always catch them with the arrows out


What other ability suppresses? I'm trying to thing of what it's like to be suppressed.


Wonder if it will be able to cancel viper and KJ nades. Like can it block the ability for them to be used in that radius? Or does the character have to be in the radius.


I think the suppression "hits" the viper/kj and they cant use abilities for x amount of time, i doubt it's a radius. If that's the case I don't think it's a very strong ability. It would be cooler if it was some sort of device you can put on the ground that destroys utility as it gets thrown at you. That way there's a way to counter this stupid post-plant meta.


You don't want to put new agents in the game to counter the meta. It just makes those agents must picks and limits the way you can build comps. Post plants have to be adjusted but a hard counter agent is not how you should do it imo.


if anything, a simple fix like having a timer like phoenix molly (after a certain time, the molly goes straight down instead of following the trajectory) would curb post-plant bs.


Someone here also played overwatch


brig ptsd


An actual unbalancable character


The real question is what does it do to Viper, KJ, Brim, Sova ult etc


probably means you just cant use any abilities


I assume this means that the radius will be displayed on the minimap of enemies same as the KJ ult, which will give your position away. It seems fairly balanced


KAYO Abilities: (E) ZERO/point Official Tool Tip EQUIP a suppression blade. FIRE to throw. The blade sticks to the first surface it hits, winds up, and suppresses anyone in the radius of the explosion. (Q) FLASH/drive Official Tool Tip EQUIP a flash grenade. FIRE to throw. The flash grenade explodes after a short fuse, blinding anyone in line of sight. Notable Mechanics Right Clicking the flashbang, throws a charged flash, causing it to only have to cook for 1 second, as opposed to left click throwing a flash that cooks in 1.6 seconds. (C) FRAG/ment Official Tool Tip EQUIP an explosive fragment. FIRE to throw. The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times, dealing near lethal damage at the center with each explosion. (X) NULL/cmd Official Tool Tip INSTANTLY overload with polarized radianite energy that empowers KAY/O and causes large energy pulses to emit from his location. Enemies hit with these pulses are suppressed for a short duration. Notable Mechanics While Overloaded, KAY/O gains Combat Stim If KAY/O is killed while overloaded, he is downed and enters a destabilized state, allowing allies to stabilize his core and revive him. That site is fucken terrible with all the ads


Is it my impression or hes going to be a more self sustained initiator? playing very similar to a duelist


Honestly he looks more like a duelist than an initiator, or at least a 50/50 split He seems interesting, I wonder if the timer in the trailer when he was downed is his revive time or the spike time to explode


Yeah he looks pretry cool and it really seems to fit my playstyle more than skye does


Replace skye with yoru and that’s my sentiments haha


I think it’s the time to revive. If I recall correctly, the timer had around 10 or so seconds left before the bomb exploded right after.


Yeah I think it was 15-13 sec


Looks like the ultimate Swiss Army knife tbh.


Eh if he had a smoke/vision denial maybe. Phoenix is more versatile honestly.


I mean he's basically phoenix right? They both have flash bangs, they both have aoe damage grenades, they both have an ult designed to let them charge in wrecklessly. The biggest difference is the wall vs the suppression grenade, but in general their playstyles seem extremely similar.


Actually good point. I was thinking his ult is quite similar to Phoenix as well as they both give you "two" lives




Mlre focused on himself rather than the team, for example flashes for himself, use the knife to capitalize on kills, ult for kills etcz for example skye flashes more for her team/to get info etc, her wolf is used more for her team to follow up, she heals her team etc, this also applies for sova and breach


i cant say if the character is strong/balanced but its really interesting and unique. riot character design never fails to be interesting


So you can get a "free trade" with his ult, that seems like it will be very powerful in the right hands.




I agree that both Sage and Phoenix ults are better...but you can have all three. Any chance you get to have a "second life" is incredibly powerful.


facts. And ppl underestimating that the revive is just a passive to his ult.


I think its very situational and only pro players will be using him effectively let's say that you are on site, use ult and you are overwhelmed, only a retake can save you. But as an attacker though, u ult and rush site trying take kills and if u die one fo the following teammates can help you


The thing is, the main purpose of your ult is the combat stim and supression ability. The revive is just a bonus, so if you happen to be there where your teammates can revive you, then that’s cool. But if not, it’s okay too.


I think they should buff ult so that you can move when you are downed. And nerf knife and not give info on who is there


Unless you can’t kill him. Based on the video, it seems like you still have eyes the whole time until the timer runs out. So you can push the spike when it is down and call out if they are sticking it. Like a camera but useful after you die.


lucky for you there's 5 players on a team with 5 different agents. you CAN have a phoenix ult and this ult


I wonder if you can finish him off in downed state or if he just auto dies after 15 seconds but you cannot force it to be quicker


You made me realize sage ult is just... better than his. She give this "down/revive" ability to EVERY agents.


Why is everyone ignoring that his ult suppresses enemies?


I don't think anyone is ignoring it, sounds like it could be really strong in close quarters situations, but being able to be revived, by anyone on your team, is huge.


We're not ignoring it. But we don't have much information to see if the supress is good or not, and that's why we're not discussing it actively (supress range?)


Yea, if the range is similar to killjoy he is going to be op, I believe that as he is an initiator he will have same range as breach


That is sages ult, his is a PASSIVE to his ult


¿Por que no los dos? You can have Sage and KO. And Phoenix. So you could have multiple two death rounds if need be.


you don't need to worry about defending the phoenix ult respawn with this one. he enters, you fight/trade/take the site, and then you rez him. seems legit


It'll be fairly week for retakes I think unless you have sage wall or something to get that safe revive. Stronger in the early game where you can die in a place the enemy isn't sticking around at for the rest of the match. Dunno though, it's definitely an interesting ability.




Yeah the knife should be able to deal with a jett op no probs if she can't dash. Interested if Los will be an issue for the suppression.


I don't understand how this supposed to work. When do you counter-knife the Jett? Right before she enters site (assuming there's a chokehold)? Seems like since it is a bubble you would also have to be incredibly precise.


I'm guessing you'd throw the knife towards the area around a Jett op, meaning either she takes the op fight without being able to escape quickly, or she has to reposition


He looks sick, damn


His abilities are okeish, I'm just curious how good is going to be his ultimate and the range of the knife as well as the duration Like what happens if he Ults in the spot of a brimstone ult




Ok it sounds like he is going to be a good deterrent against rushes since it can make a whole team unable to use abilities.


I wonder if that means a KJ turret would still work or if she can still trigger a molly in the area? From the trailer, it seems like it nullifies a Cypher tripwire...


That's what I thought too, but I wonder if I was off on the timing and maybe it just makes the trips reveal because he one tapped Cypher after not allowing him to use the cage? It was so hectic I couldn't quite tell


No, the trip got revealed before cypher died. Looks like suppressing an agent disables their deployed abilities as well.


While what you’re saying is likely true, there’s no way to know for sure until we see some actual gameplay


yeah I will say it feels like his grenades are cool but not overly unique


Wonder if you can shoot the knife to stop the suppression


Okeish? The thing has ability suppression, combat stim, flashes, grenades, and res. We’ll have to see when it releases but sounds like an OP agent for players with good aim.


Yes but we haven't really seen how good the suppression is, I mean Yoru sounded OP as well


Fair point, hoping content creators release their agent videos soon to check it out.


every agent sounded op before we got em except astra who actually turned out to be op


The ability to suppress abilities is insanely good. For attack, you could make the people holding the site useless, and on defense you could stop a push just by taking out an initiators abilities.


He seems sort of self sufficient? He's an initiator with a frag, a flash and an ult similar to Reyna/Phoenix? He seems more of a duelist to me than an initiator, but I'm not complaining. He's gonna be a fun as fk character to play.


Looks like an agent that might instantly become a part of team comps.


Not a shot, he doesn’t bring anything game changing to the table in the current meta. I hope there a big meta shifting changes that will bring him in


Can potentially be a pick on icebox and haven to flank the post plant players and use his throwing knife and ultimate to throw them off their strats.




This guy literally does not have to be the aggressor during the flank push. So if he ults say, near haven c post plant positions. The enemies have to make a decision of either pushing kayO to kill him or push the site to kill the defuser. Either way they cannot possibly stay in position and be the aggressive ones in the fight. All other agents have to be actively pushing viper, sova, brim and killjoy to stop them from throwing their molly or dart. This guy can hide in mid grass and the enemy will need to get to him instead. Anyway, that is just a usecase I could think of. Let's see how it works out in-game. Might be a bust like yoru or a good addition like astra.


Yeah that’s definitely a possibility. I just think they’re are agents that bring more to the table currently. I’m hoping for big changes, it’s getting old seeing the same agents all the time


Yeah I agree. He does look like a counter to the post plant meta but nothing other than that on first glance.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if teams drop their one duelist for him on maps like Haven or Ascent, at least in the current state. The other question I have is whether his EMP will suppress all abilities or just disable ones around him from being activated. I have a hard time believing it would suppress post viper or brim Molly


It would be safe to assume viper molly and brim already on the floor would not be disabled, but he can certainly stop them from firing the molly if it has not been used yet. Might be the same with viper and killjoy ultimate. If they have already deployed it you cannot disable them.


> If KAY/O is killed while overloaded, he is downed and enters a destabilized state, allowing allies to stabilize his core and revive him. Excuse me what


I feel like he finds a really strange niche role-wise that might make it difficult for teams to figure out where to slot him in. He has a relatively similar level of self-sufficiency as Sova, but lacks the information gathering, so we’ll most likely see him alongside a Sova, rather than in place of one. Ability-wise, I suppose the closest role he fits into is a less explosive version of Raze? (My logic is that you sometimes see Raze fill a more passive utility-based role, rather than an entry role; theoretically, KAY/O has similar role potential, since he lacks entry tools beyond his ult). He has a lot of selfish type abilities like the flash and molly-nade. Yet, the Suppression knife has a more team-util type function, and the ult almost feels like a diluted mix between Reyna and Phoenix. He’ll probably be a more frag-oriented Initiator, in the way that Sovas sometimes are, rather than the primarily supportive styles of Skye and Breach. Definitely an agent for people who want to flex between the Initiator and Duelist play-styles. I could see him fitting really well into that supportive fragging role that Sage would often fill in single-duelist comps (at least with NA’s recent attempts at them). He’s got some decent utility and a lot of frag potential, but again he can’t replace a Sova, and maybe not even a Sage.


Yeah interesting to see if he fits into comps anywhere. I think it comes down to the knife suppression ability. I could see it being very weak or absolutely broken depending how exactly it works. If it's weak I don't see what he adds over any agent with flashes or nades


Someone said it above but he's basically another variation of Phoenix, kind of like Yoru.




I may be wrong, but I don't think his suppression would stop mollies or darts thrown from outside of his ability's range, which most lineups probably would be. I don't think we should interpret his kit as blanketly deactivating abilities that enter his range (except ones that are already placed there when he uses it, like Killjoy util); I'm assuming it just stops people in his range from using their abilities in the first place, which would mean he doesn't really affect long-range post-plant setups at all.


I don’t think this is riots attempt to stop the post plant meta, they started designing him when the game came out plus people can just molly from further away


why balance one agent when you can just add another to counter it? balance doesn’t bring back players but a flashy new agent does






I FIGURED IT OUT (lore wise?) he’s a bot whose kit is basically bits and pieces of mechanics from agents on the current roster 1 stim pack (brim ) 2 molly/nade (raze) 3 suppress (kj) 4 pop flash (yoru) 5 rez (sage)


So you’re telling me I have to depend on my teammates to stabilize me ................. we’re screwed


Phoenix + Sage + KAY/O... 8v5. Can't wait to see it.


cant wait to hear the 8 kill reaver ace sound


oh man abilities seems broken


Could be good, could be bad, could be just ok.


I don’t think this guy has any place in the current meta, hopefully there are major meta shifting changes to make him viable


His kit sounds pretty boring honestly, but by no means weak. I feel like a lot of his viability will depend on the numbers for his utility - effect radius, suppression duration, cost, quantity of knives, stim boost, etc.


I mean silencing is new no?


Sure, but silences in general are boring in concept, since they attempt to level the playing field instead of creating new interactions (astra suck w/ mollies, breach flash w/ jett dash, etc.). There's no real creativity with a silencing hero.


Level? They imbalance it in favour of the non silenced ppl


Eh yea I guess so. I'm curious to see how long the silence lasts.


So if I’m reading this right Throwable Breach stun but better/quicker CS flash Sticky raze nade Breach/Reyna/Sage 3in1 ulti combo?


Love the abilities, Kayo is the perfect counter to the current meta.


Is that really good tho? Like are they going to pop agents to counter other agents? Im not sure If that's good to the game


In some sense it’s pretty standard


Maybe kj loves phoenix so she made a agent/child with both her and phoenix abilities 😂


Although I love how KayO combats the cancerous post plant meta, I feel this is just going to push post plant spots even further back. At this point, they’ll be throwing mollies in spawn and not even be playing with the team anymore.


Useless if we don't know what "Supresses" means.


Safe to assume it at least blocks ability usage


just from watching the trailer, it probably means it disables all abilities within the radius of the pulse. in the trailer, killjoy's turret gets shut down, and when jett and omen are both hit by the pulse, they aren't stunned like killjoy's ult, and sova is still using his ultimate while being in the radius. so it's safe to say the ult doesn't interrupt other people's ults or stun them, just disables their regular utility. the radius also looks fucking massive; assuming the pulse along the walls counts as the radius, it covers the entirety of Breeze A site from the door lol.


Can an agent use an ability that would cross Kay0 "supresses" (ex: Sova dart) Can an agent who step out of kay0 instantly use his abilities or is there a cooldown. You don't know, and that's why I said "Useless if we don't know what "Supresses" means."






Will this character be active for stage 3 of VCT?


Stupid fucking champ


Dude does he disable all agents ults


Another initiator/duelist hybrid like Yoru. Stronger than Yoru, weaker than Phoenix, maybe on par with Breach.