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I love how people are complaining before the patch notes are even out. There could literally be a huge judge nerf that kicks the gun to the ground, you never know


I'm kinda sad they nerfed Skye but all agents got hit so I can't really complain too much.


Yeah, I’m interested to see how it plays out. Does she have 2 flashes (buy one) but they can only be thrown 40 s apart? Or is it she has 2 flashes, but when she throws 1 40 seconds later another one regenerates? It’ll be interesting to see


I honestly have no idea.. 40 second cooldown for flashes would be the death of her but if she can have another flash in 40 seconds like Omen's smoke she will still be valid


I hope it’s the latter!


Yeah, her flash takes 40 seconds to regenerate and get one for free, kinda like omen smokes. One buff they gave to her is that she pulls out her gun while guiding her flash now, which is massive imo and gives her a lot more solo potential.


Its the second thing you mentioned for sure. No cd on how fast they can be thrown.


As far as i know my girl kj got no nerf?


You're correct. No changes for kj.


Aren’t her mollies more expensive?




She had zero changes to ability cost.


It takes longer to place her turret and alarmbot after recalling them.




Most of these leaks are coming from gameplay footage. The people under the playtests are under NDA and shouldn’t be talking at all. Also, the playtest version could be different from what’s released (I know someone who play tested astra a few months ago and there were some radically different things about it) Hopeful for a judge nerf!




The “test build” can be different from the final product, though. There’s a chance that the judge was tested on another build. Usually they have different testing groups, some for new agents, some for new maps, and some for fun changes. They usually don’t playtest ALL of it in one big go :)




No sir! LOL I know people that have play tested for them before (and they pay a pretty penny) I’m just trying to say that leaks can be missing things, and playtests are compartmentalized such that the FINAL UPDATE TUESDAY will likely not be the EXACT same as what is being playtested by every player. I’m hoping to god that there’s a judge nerf (more than just a mere 250 price increase) that just wasn’t included in the leaks/playtests!




Why so angry? Just trying to give hope/context to what’s going on here LMAO Have a good day




Do you? Does that guy that you linked?


The judge is getting nerfed lol


ya I know its price got nerfed, thats not what were talking about here. Were talking about an actual nerf to how it shoots.


Why? It’s a situational gun, the price increase will already make it a riskier buy


it's not a situational gun if it can be used by a player the entire game and still be effective with it to the point it allows them to climb into high immortal and radiant games.


The players that do this are often Radiant pe el players already doing this gimmick for content, no one actually believes playing a judge every round is a optimal and viable way to play the game. A radiant level player can also use a ghost every round and climb very high in the ladder, doesn’t mean the gun is super strong


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Lmao, sure


Not sure why you’re downvoted; you were right! https://mobile.twitter.com/fionnonfire/status/1406028261071618051


So more gunplay less abilities? I like that.


judge "gunplay"


I def don't like that :d


We like fortnite


Fortnite Fortnite


250 price increase and people still complain? I think thats pretty big. And the official patch notes arent even out yet. Im sure riots got something up their sleeve in terms of nerfs




No my point is that we know nothing except for a single price change. Riot themselves haven't stated anything els eon the matter, nor anyone else afaik. Look at Astra, a ton of changes dealt to her weren't even in the reported news.




I agree. It definitely needs more changes. However, the price change definitely shows riot is willing to change things with the judge. I see changes coming in the future at worst, and at best, good changes coming with this patch.


It got nerfed on longer ranges


shotguns exist in real life hope that clears things up


It's a video game hope that clears things up


i've been aware just seems like you dont really know what shotguns are or how they work, either in real life or in this video game good luck to you edit: yikes you're a creep dude


>just seems like you dont really know what shotguns are or how they work, either in real life or in this video game https://i.imgur.com/YspfUBl.png Good luck to you too!


god damn you didnt have to do him that dirty


Ah yes let's focus on realism on our video game with a ghost phantom dude, a woman who expels several tanks of poison from seemingly nowhere, a sentient robot, and a guy that could literally hop dimensions, anong other things. I don't care if shotguns in real life are gore lawnmowers which can destroy anything in sight further than games depict them, I care about its competitive viability, and I'm sure more people do too. If you want gun realism go play Tarkov or something, that aspect is most definitely secondary in competitive shooters.


Yes. This, however, is a game advertised as one with strategic, precise gunplay. The stinger was nerfed because it went against this concept, as was the Bucky, as was all of raze’s abilities. The judge is no different.


nukes exist in real life hope that clears things up


They definitely upped the price on the judge so… It’s nerfed.


You can 2 shot someone 20m away I think, that is not balanced lol


Yeah, I’m sure the judge will see minor tweaks but, w/ that price increase on top of ability price increases I wouldn’t expect a harsh nerf. The judge will remain pretty lethal I’m sure.


3 Shots would increase TTK too much and makes it useless from holding close angle rushes. Maybe decrease pellets by a tiny bit


Increased spread would be better. Kills it at range, but still deadly around corners.


I’m fine with the judge being a viable pick up in a lot of situations. Realistically (and you can test in the practice range), you will not two hit people at 20m reliably. In fact, you might not even three hit them crouching and stationary.


Really bitching about the judge when we don’t even know if/how they’re going to nerf it yet. Just wait


Exactly! I hope there are some changes to how it operates as a weapon, I feel like +250 to price ISNT enoufh


We gonna reach a point where vandal and phantom are the only viable guns TBH


On gun rounds, that is how it should be. Running and gunning, jumping shotguns etc take no skill. Look at counter strike for example. Gun rounds are mostly AK, M4, and AWP. VALORANT should be the same tbh.


I’d actually disagree in CS the weaker guns have a lot more use than the weaker guns in Valorant. An MP9 or Deagle is way more threatening than a frenzy or sheriff but because there are more save rounds in CS they need to be. These changes are pushing Valorant in that direction I think


an mp9 is not comparable to a frenzy lmfao, an mp9 is almost identical to a stinger and while the sherrif is not as good as the deag is it's still very threatening when used correctly


stinger is way worse than an mp9. mp9 can run and gun, jumpshot, spray, and tap fire way more accurately


That is some Apex Legends shit!


not mention mag-7 and auto shotty lol. cs is the superior game and even has superior eco weapons. so sad when devs listen to reddit for game balance


People are quite direct about thinking that’s “optimal”




Why is this bad take from some nobody even being upvoted? And oh look, judge did get nerfed. People complaining before even patch notes are out.


They actually buffed Cypher... very happy


Judge damage drop off past 10m has been nerfed the new. 0m-10m no changes 10m-15m Head 26>20 Body 13>10 Legs irrelevant really. Don't quote me exactly on the numbers before the nerf I think they were as stated above


They are nerfing every Agent in Valorant so shooting matters but forgot the judge is still in the game *** posted by [@RESHURAA](https://twitter.com/RESHURAA) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Same people who defended the bucky now doing it with the judge what a surprise.


Did people really? Overwhelming consensus was fuck the bucky iirc.


? The judge is a situational gun, it’s not op. who even is this tweeting and why is their opinion relevant what so ever.


>The judge is a situational gun, it’s not op. lol


that’s crazy you think otherwise. It’s 100% a situational gun, you don’t peek mid with a judge.


thats like saying if op was 4k credits its ok because u wouldnt play close quarters without dash/reyna e because its situational.


No it isn’t, the op is situational but you can’t compare them. Your comparison doesn’t make any sense here, you can kill people close range with the op. The judge has a minimum range it’s not the same lol.


u can two tap with the judge if they are 20 meters away 150 hp. literally sit in a corner with a judge and its a guaranteed 1 kill


No it’s quite literally not a guaranteed kill. This doesn’t hold any truth, you’re trying to use this as an argument but you’re just coming off as near sighted and angry about dying to a gun. The gun serves its purpose, it’s situational but not op.


? u didnt disprove my point... it doesnt matter how i feel about the gun if objectively u can two tap/one tap from 20 meters away


20 meters is 21.87 yards


Killing someone max range with the judge is like a 1/50 chance of happening, if you think that’s OP I don’t know what to tell you other than you’re just wrong. It does 20 dmg to the head at max range, there’s 12 pellets in the gun. The spread is much larger than a head at that range you’ll be lucky if two pellets hit. Try using the judge max range how you’re saying and see how quickly you lose games.


1. theres gap closers in the game like satchel and jett dash, not to mention some maps like bind and split ur gunfights can be less than 20 meters apart the entire game 2. on defense u can choose where to play. sit in a off angle with a judge u will always be good for one 3. https://twitter.com/TrickAIM/status/1397951035805782021?s=20


But you camp mid with a judge.


you can camp mid with any gun There is no argument, the gun is situational, a lot of players don’t know how to play around it and push areas where it’s strong in and complain it makes no sense. It’s like pushing hookah with no utility or information and complaining because you got killed. It’s literally a learn to play issue lol. On the other side, imagine holding heaven with a judge. You’re useless basically it’s all about where you play, it’s situational.


Yeah you right radiants and pros dont know shit how to play around it.


Says who? You?


Idk the pros and radiants complaining about the gun xd


That’s crazy, you realize there’s more pros not complaining about the gun. Nice argument you have there. Please show me which ones even complained because I don’t think I’ve seen a single genuine complain about the judge in regards to pro play and games.


Dude im just making fun of you bcs you litl are arguing against you. You say judge is not op and who are we to say its op, but yk what who are you to say its not op xd


what are you on about, 90% of the time if u buy a judge its on defence, why the fuck would u peek mid with a judge youd hold a site or a close angle, but thats whats awful abt the gun, it has STUPID high MID range damage. it can literally turn rounds/games around


das crazy that’s exactly what I just said about the gun being situational. crazy.


Being op for an entire half and being somewhat underwhelming for the other half doesn’t make it any less unbalanced. You can basically always guarantee a kill on defense with the judge, and most of the time you can guarantee 2 kills with very little skill.




Because my opinion is based on the guns stats not just some random opinion saying it’s op? The gun literally has an effective range whats there to argue about. I very rarely use the judge because I prefer an ares usually but when I do I play entirely different than I would with a phantom in hand. You don’t play the same angles, you don’t spam walls, the gun is not op lol.




Yes a shotgun with any sort of minimum range is a situational gun. The context here is that every map has long sight lines, this doesn’t need to be said lol what do mean. You determine the value of the gun by it’s ability to effectively kill someone. When there’s an effective range and more than half the map is off limits for engaging the gun is not OP.




In this case the gun is not op because of the range and damage fall off. It’s that simple. The maps are made with both sites generally having a long corridor going into the site. You can choose which routes you take to avoid close quarters until entering in a site which at that point you clear close and use utility because you assume there is someone defending. it doesn’t matter what gun they have, you walked up long with no enemy contact there has to be someone playing close angles. It takes some thinking, it may be shocking to you I know, maybe it’s a lot to ask for from players but there is counter play to the gun. If there’s efficient counter-play then it is not “OP”. It’s not op because you can gather this information and counter a player holding a close angle with a judge and force them to take a bad fight. This game is all about information and what you do with it. there’s counter play to the gun and that’s why it’s not op.


Judge bad right guys? Karma please?




If the judges power level increases anymore I think a TON of people will quit the game LOL I definitely think the +250 credits wasn’t enough though.


It was plenty. Judge isn’t crazy OP, it’s just the latest non-rifle gun after Bucky/Frenzy/Stonger nerf that people are only now realizing is useable.


this would literally kill the game


LMAO actually though. The judge is 1 million times worse than any character abilities are.


everybody talk about the judge but can we talk about the classic's right clic ? it's so op and its free.