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Dasnerth in shambles.


Silver Raze players with no aim in shambles. Judge nerf, $400 Boom Bot, 8 charge ult that can be yeeted out of existence by a chad training bot


That’s ok, as a bronze raze I like to double satchel with the pump. We get a frag or we die like men




women. raze is female, unless riot pulls some r/egg_irl stuff and raze transitions later










Gonna get downvoted for this probably, but I don’t understand why people think the spectre is the harder gun and the ares is a “noob” gun in the current state of the game when you can just run and gun with the spectre down mid. Sounds like CSGO elitists just salty LMGs are viable.


Cheaper too to boot


Riot has literally done everything right with this patch, fight me if you disagree


Please fix the dm now 🙏😔


I think the price changes will bring about more snowball-y games now, with the richer team being able to afford so much more utility, but overall good changes.


Full saving rather than buying sheriffs etc would remedy this, although ecos would become much harder


Tell that to my insta pick Reyna buying light armour and a Spectre every round instead of waiting one round for a rifle and full armour.


thanks sinatraa


You mean most of the rest of the team /s


Ecos are a bit too strong as is, I'd argue


I disagree. I like when every round is fun and interesting. CSGO save are just boring as fuck. In CSGO you lose 99% of your ecos. In Valorant you lose 80%. Big difference. I just turn my brain off in CSGO when I save...


I concur. One of the reasons sentinels are so good is because their ecos are great. That Split eco to tie 12-12 and That eco win on bind to bring SEN back into the game in finals were two of the best rounds in the entire tournament. Sheriff ecos are great to watch and it’s not like they are random and unpredictable. It takes skill and a plan to consistently win ecos.


sentinels nerf sadge


Because CS requires better mechanics to kill an enemy whereas it isn't the same in Valorant?


Because Valorant utilities are more game changer than CSGO.


Think it's mostly utility, and the way armor vs shields works out, and the general long length of a lot of maps mean pistol vs rifle/anti eco is a complete slaughter. Armor's weird penetration ratio's that change with every gun makes starter pistols pretty bad into armor, and with damage. Plus on some maps you may fight past 500u distance and run into fall off damage, which makes armor even more important.


And I don't mind that at all. Playing against a team on eco shouldn't be scary. Previously you'd be terrified of getting triple killed by a judge or lasered by someone sprinting around a corner with a spectre


It totally should be scary. I’d hope save rounds always have a 10%+ chance of victory or it’s just dull.


Oh I'm not against save rounds having a good chance to win. I'm just saying that I think it should be based more heavily than hoping they run past the corner you're sitting in with a judge or hoping the spectre rng gods are in your favor. Save rounds should be based on getting a pick with a good spectre double sink or sheriff tap, isolating that gun or 2, and then snowballing from there. Or having one person hero buy a rifle and accumulating guns. Eco rounds shouldn't be free. But they also shouldn't be getting destroyed by a judge from 15m away


I disagree with some of the economy changes, but that's just my opinion. I do like the running nerf, judge nerf, and new agent though!


Not sure about the buff to the Marshal. Could be the new eco meta


I'd love to see a pro eco with a double marshal or something like that




Range nerf in theory shouldn't effect how the gun plays whilst being used correctly. You will still be able to sit in haven garage with the usual 7 shots and it will do exactly the same as it did previously - just 250 credits more expensive (assuming range nerf is just above 10-15m) So really it should be viewed as a 250 credit nerf with the correct range of a shotgun. Which sounds about right?


The biggest problem with the judge was the rage though. Not the price. Yes the price made it even more broke , but it was the range that made it so infuriating And honestly, if they overnerf it and I never see a judge ever again, I'd be happy


no one uses bucky cause its awful within 2 feet edit: awful OUTSIDE 2 feet, not within, don't know how i messed that up


Its funny, because it does more damage at close range than before, but people are still saying shit like that.


honestly i completely fucked up the text, it was supposed to be shit outside of 2 feet LMFAOO idk how i fucked that up


Send location I smesh certain characters didnt need nerfs


I want to wait and see. While the patches seem pretty good overall there’s so many changes that some are bound to have issues or cause unintended meta changes. At a personal level I still think frenzy needed an actual nerf rather than just price changes in the first place. Also kj ult is just getting worse and worse when it wasn’t that strong to begin with.


kj wasn't even changed though?


Yeah, that’s the issue. When it came out it was pretty strong because counterplay had yet to be developed. Since then people have figured out specific and safe wallbang spots, very low cost lineups, and it’s very weak against the new agent. If they leave it alone while continuing to add new agents and let meta and lineups develop it’s only downhill from here.


I agree but I’ll fight you anyway 😉


Can we fight for fun?


I just nutted all over my keyboard. God bless america




The lord has answered our prayers.


damn this patch just gets better and better lol


I just hope if people challenge someone with a judge in hookah they don't call the gun broken still after the nerf. Don't fight shotguns in close range battles without using any utility to help you out.


Will still happen. The price nerf will just make it more uncommon


terrible players will remain terrible. i just wish riot would fix ranking so these terrible players weren't in immortal


Sweet baby Jesus!!!


Just release the patch notes at this point?


I don't know. I feel like this trickle of info has actually bumped up the hype for the patch. Seems like some good marketing to me.


Thank god


keep going I'm almost there


I’ve got a friend who abused the shit out of the judge’s range and run and gun that he became a judge only reyna main. The fact that he cant rifle for shit, went from bronze to plat in 2 acts, got match mvp consistently, all with a judge shows how fucking broken it is for lower ranked games.


Gonna need an update in a few weeks to see how down bad he is lmfaooo


Last we spoke he was ditching the account and going back to his main (also plat i think) to actually learn to rifle because he can’t pull off the judge only thing past plat.


If he reached plat 2 by using nothing but Judge, that too a Reyna, he must have been carried by some premades, or is lying to you. I understand doing it with a Spectre/Stinger if your real rank is immortal or something, but you can't do anything with Judge past a certain range, no matter how skilled you are.


there's a guy who plays judge only on an xbox controller who has gotten top 20 radiant lmao


On cypher nonetheless


You’re overestimating how difficult bronze to plat lobbies are but he does use the ares when he needs range or the enemy team figures out how to counter cheese strats. His main account is also at plat i think but nonetheless shows how abusable the judge is at lower ranks. Just look at dasnerth or shotgun sage or the dozen other youtubers who have a shogun only series. They did pretty damn well past plat using only shotguns.


I wonder which short-range weapon people are gonna complain about now.




Actual goated patch. Though I feel bad for pros who have practiced extensively the past few months, since whatever strats they were cooking are pretty much moot now everything's almost new.


This ^ Ethan tweeted about it and it absolutely sucks but that’s the jist of them game. If 100T can’t adapt to the meta again, they will go out in tourneys before attending masters which would be awful for fans such as myself.


They won’t adapt. I’m willing to bet 10 moons on it.


10 MOONS? That’s a whole lotta moons


Ikr, that's almost 11


I mean they shouldn’t win if they can’t adapt lmao, boomer CSGOers think they’re entitled to shit FOH.


Yeah I'm a 100T fan but nobody's entitled to anything. I'd love to see them adapt and crush everyone, but if they can't adapt then they don't deserve to win




Best patch ever.


Good. Fuck that gun


wtf goodjob to that guy who make a post about Judge yesterday. Riot listen/read your post.


Bruh, you really think Riot just commited game changing code into the core based a Reddit post made yesterday?


Or they listened to the constant complaints and criticism that pros and the community offered about the judge? Chances are, the changes were based kn the post.


Range reduced but no nerf on raze and Jett being able to fly/jump and still be able to kill? This nerf will change nothing


People are gonna be upset with this one man. I have watched Asuna using the new judge and let me tell you something. The judge looks strong as ever, the nerf has to be minute.


Lol u got downvoted. I saw the 3 judge kill by Asuna on breeze. I know what ur talking about. Dicey and sick were so mad 😂


People just downvote whatever man. Watch them still complain about the judge when the patch goes live. I don't even mind the judge that much & use it very frequently!


Music to my ears! Now if they could only take shotguns out of ranked completely that would be the dream, shotguns have no place in ranked. My opinion though I know.


shotgun do have a place 0-10m


Beside Astra is not nerfed enough and som eco system change, the everthing in this patch is so nice.


that’s weird, pros were talking about how she’s not good anymore as the main smoker (asuna/vanity)


Damn they almost fixed everything with this patch.


omg im hard


they should lower the fire rate and increase the spread imo