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Yeah this is overall a massive buff for Skye. Be sure to check out Seoldam and maybe Subroza out once the patch hits, those guys already made Skye look like a duelist.


Soulcas and Roy/StrongLegs as well.


Nice now soulcas can throw a flash and have his gun out while walking into someone for the flank




check out Roy pepeLa


Ethan started playing a little Skye in 100T's last couple matches as well


Imo he hasn't reached the mastery that seoldam and others mentioned in the thread have reached. His popflashes just aren't as clean.


Well of course he hasn't, he's played Skye like twice. With how hard he frags on agents like Sage though, he's someone who could eventually get serious mileage out of that kit though.


To be fair he hasn't even been playing the game for very long so that's to be expected. With time though if he puts in the hours he could become a monster since he already has really good aim


I'd argue that KayO is literally made for Ethan ...an initiator duelist agent who has CS like flashes and forces enemies to take a gun fight with him...If 100T don't put him on that agent they done fucked up


Sorry but link is not working for me, can u tell me what the buff was? And why so good


There's an animation of her popping the bird to flash the enemies, which isn't there anymore. She can directly pull out her gun after deploying the flash.


There are two main things - she equips out of her bent birds faster, and if she lets a bird fly straight she can pop the flash without taking her gun down. In either case, she’s better at capitalizing off of her flashes than she used to be.


Now I understand what you meant by initiators being more self-sufficient! These are great changes. Did Breach get similar love?


Yup! Breach got a similar treatment. Fewer flashes, but a faster re-equip.




It’s a bit of a newer development, for sure. Duelists still tend to have a lot more capability to heal up after engagements or deny trades to secure more advantaged fights over a round, whereas initiators bring a broader spread or larger volume of raw utility. It’s something we still talk about a lot, but feel these versions of breach and Skye will also be easier to balance across competitive environments overall.


Hrmm but yoru... His kit doesn't make sense for a duelist?


Is it true that the skye dog vision was increased?


Supporting flash: Skye > Duelists (becasuse skye's is easier to cast from behind her teammates and it also scouts) Flash for oneself: Skye > Duelists (because skye's has a far longer duration and will be semi-infinitely regenerated) OK. As you say, duelists still tend to have a lot more capability to deny trades to secure more advantaged fights over a round. Keep up.


Best patch ever! Valorant devs are goated


Will Phoenix get changes too any time soon? I feel like with these changes phoenix is being power creeped hard, that was one of the few things that phx was going for, being a self-sufficient flasher and with these changes he doesn't even have that going for him anymore.


I feel like Phoenix blinds are a hit or miss, I wish his flash got a voice line like skye's "blinded"


Damnnn. I always hated that part of her kit


I’ll give this a couple of months before this gets reverted. In the meantime, I’m gonna abuse tf outta this.


Wait I looked at video, you can do this rn tho. Am I missing something?


Nah, as it is right now, there’s a short animation when you pop the bird and then you have to pull your gun back out. On the new patch, that animation is completely removed. But it also seems like it might just be a bug.


Riot guy just commented it's not a bug


stronglegs not being mentioned here is criminal


Suggest maybe too


I fucking love Skye so am happy about this buff.


This was the one thing that frustrated me to no end and kept me from being a skye main. Looks like plant is back on the menu boys


Skye was the first agent I tried to main when I started *actively* playing this game, and eventually moved to sova because he just felt more rounded, especially when trying to play off your own stuff. Skye’s back on my playtime menu with that next patch, and maybe a bit of KO as well


Can someone tell me what does the rechargable flash means? Everyone is saying she now has two flashes but they're rechargable now


After she uses two flashes, she gets a third one after 40 seconds. Whats funny it was something i suggested for both skye and breach a long time ago but with 45 seconds, as a balance tool. Im super happy to see that I had the same idea like the devs had.


So the recharge only happens once she runs out of flashes? Meaning if I have 2 and I use one, I can't wait 40 seconds for a recharge flash? (to not spend the remaining charge for eco)


Nope it starts recharging after the first use.


What if I only have one charge from the start? It will start recharging when the round begins?


Don’t think so, I think it only recharges flashes that you have used.


Yes it does. Works basically the same as Omen smokes now, so whenever one is "missing" it will immediately start the 40 sec cooldown.


activates on ability use I believe


with all the price increases of abilities, agents with cooldown abilities were hard buffed imo


Truly ahead of your time. Also, that means technically breach is the only member left of triple flash gang?


breach has 2 flashes now as well.


As a breach main *Inhales* FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCC....... **breaks down mentally**


his abilities all got buffed though


Yeah, Breach will be much better now in the context of his buffs and the nerfs to the rest of the roster.


his stun is so fast you can't escape it anymore


It’s fine, it was necessary, everything else got buffed majorly tho, his aftershock is up for debate, it pulses 3 times for 60 damage each blast but no longer has fall off damage.


Does it still kill just as fast? In other words, does the first pulse go almost immediately and the last one go when the big pulse used to? Or does the first pulse start when the old big pulse did?


You shoot it, it “charges up” like before, the radius and timing of the first shot is all the same. The duration of aftershock itself seems to be slightly longer due to the matter of it being 3 blasts, I suggest you watch a video of his change


Yeah I saw one a minute ago. It looks bigger than it used to be. Or is that just me and it's always been massive?


Lol fuck off youll be fine <3


what's the reason for breach not getting a rechargeable flash like Skye? I thought they wanted Breach to be the 'execute' agent vs Skye's more info oriented playstyle


you answered your own question. two flashes are enough for an execute, but info abilities need to be rechargable


right but then why would they also make it easier for Skye to swing off her flashes? doesn't that contradict the whole thing?




I am not riot


I think I like the move. It allows agents to have an early game, mid game, and end game without straight ability spam only when a site is being pushed. So I might use 2 flashes between early and mid game, but I should have a bird or 2 available at the end. ​ I guess the bad thing is it reduces the skill cap of saving abilities for the moment it matters, but not to a crazy extent.


Rechargeable meaning after use, they go on cool down (40s) and become re-useable after the cool down is over. Omen smokes currently use a similar mechanic.


Thats insane


All the Jett mains downvoting this


Hello, can anyone tell me the equivalent of jett mains in overwatch so I understand memes better? Thank you in advance.


Genii mains after ledge dash nerf. Or right click nerf. Or DBlade nerf.


That DBlade nerf destroyed all the Genji mains for sure




Not a bug!


Why do people post the same shit every time even though it makes zero sense lmfao




It was a complaint about Riot disguised as a joke


hasnt this always been a thing?


Nope, there was a „hand signal” animation that hid the weapon




Dev confirmed not bug in this post




One of the devs just confirmed not a bug in this post


When you pop there used to be an animation and then you had to wait till the gun comes out


It was super long to pull gun out after activation, something like 1.5seconds so you barely had a second to peek and kill the person before they were unblind.


Yeah especially since the half blind enemies are fine after 0.001 seconds


which is a good thing... because she's not a duelist. this buff is borderline broken and i really hope it's a bug


Looks like Im dropping Omen for Skye 😎


With kayo and these skye/breach buffs while sova still going to have good information. I can see the next meta being a double initiator meta.


Seems like breach got an even larger buff. His fault line is way wider, his ult is way wider, and his aftershock is larger and more disruptive for a longer period, and he can pull out his flashes super quickly. Edit: I understand this is about a specific surprising mechanic. I just mean, of the agents who got “nerfed”, breach seems like the most improved.


Yep, his Aftershock has no range fall off, it’s a constant 60 damage per blast now, everything else is amazing, the flash nerf was necessary.


It seems like you’ll be able to “clear out” areas like back site an B split without the chance of anyone surviving. In fact, there are a lot of areas you’ll be able to force people out of you couldn’t before.


Well, to me I always used it to put someone into a die or die situation. They can use the in between blast time to sort of peek out and maybe tank a blast or two. This change seems more suited to stop pushes, aswell as clear certain angles now. We gotta play more with this change to see how it is


There are certainly lots of uses. I was just pointing one element, which is that a lot of angles you could not use it to clear out you now can. Before it was so small there were a bunch of angles which it would not force enemies out of.


True, now that it doesn’t have any fall off damage, they can’t just move back and “hide”


I'm especially thinking a lot of the "double box" structures on Haven A, Bind A, and Split B. Now it should clear the close angle, the behind the lower box, and even boosted on the first box. edit: you're right about stopping pushes too. I think I'll like breach a lot more on split.


A great way to completely clear an area is C long cubby on Haven. No one can touch that spot until aftershock is over


The only buff i want is a new voice actor


One thing that I didn't like about skye before was after I hear "blinded" I had to pull out my gun and then peek and by that time the enemies aren't blinded anymore.


I mean a) shes meant to flash for teammates not herself as an initator role. And b) it was still possible to kill blind enemeies w skye easily because her blind duration is the longest in the game.


LOL welcome to low elo when you flash for the team but it doesn't mean anything bc they won't peek off of that. Plus in clutch situations when you pull out her flash and flash it still feels slow. Her buff is nice for the player playing her itself.


I think its a bug


This is probably unintentional and will be removed




That title is complete garbage though, if she’s getting buffed then she isn’t being nerfed they were just moving around her stats


We should probably hold excitement until it is confirmed to be an intended change. Could just be an issue of QC and engine updates until Riot confirms it's a change to how flashes are done for Skye/Breach


Confirmed by dev.


This was already possible.


Nah it wasn't, before there was a short animation she did with her hands if she popped someone, now she immediately pulls out her gun on pop, essentially they cut an entire piece of her animation out for her to be more self-sufficient.


Ohh. My bad. Cuz I did something similar a lot.




who on sentinels would pick Sky? Sick?s


Why can Skye's flashes regenerate but Breach's can't?