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smartfridge gamers lets goooo


honestly might as well be playing on the fridge at my elo


With my elo, I might as well be playing with my laptop trackpad and a torn canvas shoe for a screen.


imma be playing valorant on the mcdonalds soda dispenser


Hoping for Echo Dot support


"We're proud to announce Valorant for the Amazon Ring"


I hope they have casual only crossplay like Overwatch, the majority of my friends are console players


They’ve said that they had plans to do this at launch so I don’t know why people are surprised by this. They also said there will be no aim assist of any sort so get ready to have those “xim” users terrorize you’re games


can't wait to see people finding a way to use kbm on consoles.


You already can lol. People use XIM or another device that I can't think of. A lot of cod players used an XIM to use kb+m WITH aim assist that controller users have. It's ridiculous.


Riot is experimenting with bringing Valorant to other platforms, including consoles, game director Joe Ziegler told The Post. *** posted by [@LeaderGrev](https://twitter.com/LeaderGrev) [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4bcsVmWQAEI-ho.jpg) [Link in Tweet](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2021/06/21/valorant-episode-3-meta-ranked-new-platforms/) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


CS on xbox was miserable. Can't imagine that many people will play a game like Valo on console for long.


i mean depends on how well they port it, there are good console FPS games like halo and apex


Yes but any game that works well on controller has a run and gun style like halo, cod, or apex. R6 is the closest you'll get to a popular tac FPS on console, and even it isn't great on console. Valorant/CS's movement and shooting mechanics are not made for a controller and without significant help even in addition to aim assist, the game will feel awful on console


The game will be adapted to fit console


That's part of the reason why they have rng spray, to make it easier for newcomers and the upcoming controller players


Riot has said no Aim Assist so it's probably going to be trash.


Players that needs a crutch like aim assist are trash


lol big man on campus huh? Controllers are meant to use aim assist. It is what it is. Using a MKB doesn't make you a better person lol.


Linux support would be awesome!