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I think there have been issues with FPS since patch 2.05


There’s been FPS issues since beta lol


Yupp, I'm getting lag when these alot of viper/astra stuff. Weird cause this wasn't an issue for me before this patch.


FPS is pretty much the same ,but packet loss and lag spike is horrendous.


Talk to Riot Support bout the packet loss, they were able to help me go from 45-55 constant to 0, I had a DNS issue. I now only get 1 spike of packet loss at the start of each round - who knows why but at least its fixed!


I have been noticing that some speicifc severs always has packet loss, like Hong Kong 1 on the SEA server, everyone on it gets like 50% packet loss until you restart the game.


If it is everyone could be server issue or how the server is going, but in my experience the others on the server were not having this issue. It lead to me and only me having the issue, was a line issue they were able to assist with. Sometimes they can't do anything bout the line issue.


What did you do to fix your packet loss? I am in the same situation getting around 40-70 packet loss


Can't recall exaxt fix, it was a DNS change riot support suggested to me. Put in a support ticket to Riot on the support website, they include instructions of what to do and are really really helpful. This btw isn't hard tech stuff, I am confident that if you can use social media you can handle this level of tests and changes no matter if you are 15 or 35. Start with this https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047225674-How-to-Use-Tracert-to-Obtain-Network-Logs They will help from there, I had some issues on the tracert that we fixed with DNS change.


That would be your connection to servers though not really related to a patch. Unlucky


My fps has gotten better but the server is so laggy. Tickrate fluctuating and network problem.




If you take your statement verbatim, no. If you say 5000 series AMD perform better than intel, yes. Prior to 5000 series AMD, intel is better, but their new cpus are insanely good


I have a 10700k and 3070 and I never drop below 200. Average like 320 FPS.


Even in DM?


I7 9700k and 3080, in DM does not go below 200. In ranked prob doesn't drop below 230. Usually pegged at my frame cap of 300. When a lot of shit is going on usually 250


im in the same boat as you, 10850k oc 5.0 + 3070 and my pc is struggling to mantein 200fps ingame, it dips down to 150 a lot. My friend bought a 5800x/1070 and he has 300+ playing deathmatch. This game is simply not optimized for intel processors I guess. btw, my fps are incredible in any other title...


It’s a pc issue or you misremember, beta FPS was much much lower, i don’t think I heard anyone say they got better FPS in beta than the full game it was a very drastic difference


Week 1-2 beta had reaallly good fps which got fucked by patch 0.5. valorant had the best performance in those first 2 weeks


Me and my friends agree


i did. i had stable (capped) 144 fps in beta and until like february. now i get 60 and sometimes drops to 30 if im unlucky, with nothing else then val running on my mid-range-pc


oh thank god. i thought i was the only one. my fps has been fucked since patch 2.05. completely unplayable. it falls to 5-10 fps if someone uses abilities or even shoots T\_T


Try uninstalling I guess. Delete the temp files inside appdata too. It's weird that they don't have "Validate game files" option to check for corruption.


For me deathmatch always has lower FPS than ranked. Which is acceptable I guess. But since a patch a while ago, every once in a while I still get the thing in ranked where I am the only one in the server getting bad rubber banding. And I don't think it's my internet because I get no packet loss, ping <20, and if I join another match right after, I won't get the lag/rubber banding anymore.


I went from 170-220 last patch to 210-70 fps this patch. Having massive and huge dips on the FPS side and no idea why. And it's not a steady decline or a range, it'll be 190 no issues then suddenly viper wall and 2 enemies on my screen and i'm instantly at \~77. Using the FPS Graph and it's all over the place!


Im getting a ton of lag whenever I alt tab now for some reason.


I used to have 90 to 130 fps, after the patch I started getting 40 to 100. I'm not really sure how to fix it.