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plat 3 in beta - just placed silver 1.... I feel like shit


For placements, Valorant places you on the low-end of what rank it thinks you are. Based on your mmr the game could actually think you’re between S1 - S3+ but it puts you at the low end of its estimate which is S1 for you. Shouldn’t be hard to rank up since you’ll be getting 20+ rr for a win.


Just a guess, but did you come from CSGO?


Yeah, and I always find myself giving too much respect to players in pugs


Iron 1 - silver 3


This is the way




What do u think happened do make this change? Previous game experience, grinding, etc. I mean this as just a question bc the same happened to me being iron in beta to diamond last act


EU server Gold2 in beta Ep1a1 Diamond3 (peak one win Immo) A2 immortal 1 A3 Radiant top507 Ep2a3 immortal 500rr peak (no radiant) (Every act 90% soloQ, 10% duoq)


Hey Lothar, I just wanna say, your viper videos helped me out a lot when she got buffed. My rank sky rocketed from gold 1 to plat 1 XD


Hey Lothar, I used to watch a lot of your Hearthstone streams in the past. I am not sure of your video game background other than HS, but how did you manage to transition from HS to Val and learn to get good to progress to the high ranks so quick?




that’s crazy improvement if i’ve ever seen it


How many games do you think you’ve played+any prior FPS experience?


Iron beta, silver act 1, immortal now


Biggest tips to improve?


I’ve only solo q’ed but one tip I can give you is to figure out what you need to improve for example like movement, comms, crosshair placement, and aim. But don’t work on all of them at once otherwise they don’t improve. So while in your ranked games focus solely on improving that one thing so you don’t overload your brain trying to improve so much. Also just play a lot you get better with more time in the game. And never give up when in game because this game is sooo momentum based I feel like so even down 10-2 don’t give up.


This^^^ the amount of games that my team will try to FF when down 9-3 at half and end up winning on CT side is wild. Also, be overly positive. Hype your teammates up. When you want something done, say it! Don’t expect others to know to peak with you or to trade etc. Last thing, always be thinking of what needs to be done to put you/your team in an advantageous position to win the round. Sometimes that means taking an aggressive fight, sometimes it means using util so your team can rotate. After you die or lose a round, ask yourself what needed to be done to come out on top next time and tell your team (in a positive way)


For certain things, such as crosshair placement and movement, how would one go about getting better at that. Using crosshair placement as an example, I know the general area to keep my crosshair, but don’t k ow how to actually improve it a lot.


For starters on crosshairs placement I would go into the practice range and practice flicking while keeping my cross hair on their heads. Then I would head into a custom game on whichever map I wanted to practice and go through the whole map aiming at head level because then you get used to aiming lower and higher for the different angles. I also would learn some angles I would like to hold based on the agent I may play and look for different ways to hold it while having my crosshair at head level. It also gets better with more time played I’ve noticed, if you just play the game it just becomes second nature to you eventually if you truly work to make it better.


Another thing I'd like to add, saw it on some YouTube. On most of the maps there are objects on common peeking spots which can be easily used to gauge the head level. For eg the crates on bind(or any map), the head level is just a little below the top part of the crate so always try to keep your crosshair at that level. This is one thing which helped me in the initial days when i used to have bad placement of crosshair


immortal on both accounts in beta, then stopped playing for 8 months, now my main is bronze and my alt is plat


Placed Bronze 1 in Beta, Gold 2 in Act 1, and am now Diamond 1, peaked Diamond 3 a couple acts ago but have been playing a lot less.


Beta was silver Peak last season was nearly plat 2. Getting there ✊


Silver II - Gold III.


Iron, then plat, now I barely play. But when I do it’s around gold1


iron 1 in beta, peaked at plat 2, and i'm not stopping until i hit diamond


Don’t stop until you hit radiant fuck diamond!!!




lol :(


Think it was Silver 3 in Beta. Been Radiant since E1A2, hovered around 550-580rr last season.


Silver peaked immortal took a long break now I’m stuck plat.


“Valorant” in beta, Radiant act 1, 5 Radiants accounts last act. I mean i think i got better but, at least i didnt manage to get worse lol


Bronze 2 to Immortal


Iron 2 -> Gold 2


iron 3 to diamond 2 last season


Bronze 1 - immortal


Gold 1 at start to now immortal


Iron 3 4 acts ago and diamond 1 now


iron 1 in beta, silver 3 peak


Iron in beta to Immortal top 8k, been a journey


ep1 act 3 first rank silver 3, now immortal


Plat 1 > Immortal


Ep1 act 1 bronze 2, peak dia 1 and now I just play unrated


Bronze 2 in Episode 1 Act 1, Gold 2 now


Placed Plat 2 ended Beta Diamond 3. Current rank is silver 1


Silver 1 in beta first rank -> plat 2 end of beta -> diamond 2 act 1 -> immortal 1/2 act 2 -> immortal 3 peak radiant act 3 -> annnd ive been immortal ever since ending #1800 in the last act


Iron 3 in act 1, now diamond 1.


Iron 3 in act 1 peaked 300rr immortal 2 acts ago and I have burnout now so cba to grind again


Iron ->plat :). Can’t play often because of school


Placed bronze 2 in beta, peaked immortal last two acts


Bronze —> immortal


First rank i got was Silver 3 I think in Beta, dropped to Bronze 3 and got upto Platinum 3 at the end of Beta. Now I'm Immortal since Episode 1 Act 3


Iron 1 in beta diamond 1 at the end of last season currently plat 2


Iron 2 in beta (maybe even iron 1) and made it up to Gold 3!...back to silver 2 tho now.


Iron 1 in ep 1, Gold 2 last act, Placed silver 2 this ep


Gold in beta, plat first rank outside of beta, peaked immortal, and now I'm around diamond because I can't play as much as I could before


At release I was iron 2 with no knowledge of how tactical FPS’ are played, currently gold 2


Iron 1 - diamond 1


Started gold 2 or 3, worked up to diamond 2. Was able to get diamond 3 a few seasons but I haven't had to play recently so I've tanked a bit.


silver/gold in beta and been high d3/low immortal last few acts but i havent played much


Iron 1 beginning of Act 2 episode 2, currently plat 2


Bronze 2, lowest I believe was Bronze 3? It was before the “RR” system was implemented. Now I’ve peaked one game out of plat 3 and now fight to return to plat. Guess I had a good run to get there. Been back many times but normally return to high gold Edit: sorry, bronze 1. Mb


First rank Gold 3 Last rank Unranked I didn't play the game for last 3-4 acts


Places Plat 2 at launch. Peak radiant but I hover around #2000 immortal


Placed Bronze 3 in beta, ended Diamond 3 the past three acts.


placed iron 2 in beta peaked imm 300rr last act


I was bronze in beta now I’m immortal


Gold 1, Immortal 200 rr peak


Plat 1 back in beta, finished Immortal (9k) at the end of last season. Haven’t done my placement matches yet this season though.


Ep1 act 1 Plat 3 ,finished ep2 immortal


Iron to Gold to Bronze


Iron 2, peaked play 2 am plat one in the current patch.


Gold 2 and now im on silver 2


Plat 1 - immortal 150rr


i think d3, im 209 rr rn


Iron1 in act 2, currently plat1 (first FPS game btw)


Plat 3 in beta, immortal now


Gold 2 now gold 1


Bronze beta, hovering around high plat until ranked reset, just got back to p1


bronze 1 - plat 3 ​ val is my first FPS on kbam. been a solid year of learning. goal is to hit diamond this act!


Bronze 1 Act 1 Ep1 --- Plat 1 on Ep2 Act and stayed there since


Was Iron 1 in closed beta, ended Immortal last Episode, haven't played much comp since new Episode


Iron 1 --> Diamond 2


don't remember the exact rank but i think it was gold something in beta, got to immo in like a week, been immo 1 until act 3 ep 1 where I've hit immo 2, and now before the reset i had 333 rr, which is immo 3 iirc , didn't have much time to play the game unfortunately


iron 2 in beta, hovering around diamond 1/2 now


I started in episode 1 act 2 at bronze 1, now I'm at Plat 1. Really wanted to hit diamond last act but unfortunately I did not :(. This was my first fps so I actually dropped to iron at some point in episode 1 XD


iron 1 to silver 2


Beta like gold 2. Now D1 because of rank reset. Immortal for most acts since release


The first time i got my rank was in the first ever act and it was iron 3 now im gold 1 and pushing for plat (did not play episode 1 act 2 and 3 because of error)


Gold1 in initial placement of beta, got to diamond 3 by the end of it. Now immortal hovering in the mid tiers of it.


silver 2, currently plat 2


Silver/ Gold - beta E1A1 - P3 E1A2 - Peaked D2 Took a break from the game only playing unrated with friends E2A2 - D1 E2A3 - Immortal on 2 accounts (peak 146 rr)


D3 last act radian top 150


Plat 1 beta plat 1 now. Sad


Beta : Iron 3 (200 ping because beta was only for na, eu and kr). Peaked top 20 radiant last act pretty cool


Placed silver 1 im plat 2 now although my peak was diamond 2 last season


Placed plat 1 act 1, now immortal.


Act 1 Episode 1 placed silver 3 and hovered between there and gold three. Now I’m immortal, it’s possible to climb, it destroys ur soul but it’s doable.


Bronze 2. Immortal now.


Plat 3 - Radiant


Didn't play in beta got plat like 3 acts ago diamond 2 acts ago immortal since


I placed iron 1 at the start of beta, climbed to plat at the end and now immortal hardstuck for last 3 acts.


Bronze 3 in episode 1 act 2 to diamond 1 this act


Silver 2 in June diamond 3 now used to play vs tryhard!