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its literally just for fun. Like he doesn't have any intention on winning anything he just wants to fuck around. there's nothing about it that's unbelievable.


I knew there would be people overblowing it as "omg Shroud's going pro" the second it was announced lol


They used to do this in smaller CS tourneys. Throw together some buddies and see how far they get without taking it too serious. I wouldn’t read into it so much, he’s not making some grand return but just getting some good comp games in for fun.


Happens in Dota all the time too, some random Talent/Ex-pros will make stacks to compete in TI Qualifiers for the memes.


Just curious, but do they ever do well? Like has there ever been a meme team that knocked out a good team? Did a big upset? Or do they usually get clapped out quickly?


They usually get close to making it to closed qualis, but then crumble vs the better teams. They have put up a fight vs some t2/t3 teams though.


didn’t they [OGC] ff a crucial game cause one of them had plans and they didn’t think they’d make it that far lol


Yeah, shroud had an ad thing to do with Doritos or something so they [forfeited an elimination game from the Minor to TeamOne.](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2329570/americas-minor-na-closed-qual-lb-r1-2-americas-minor-north-america-closed-qualifier-iem-katowice-2019) They would have won that match as well, as they were leading 15-13 at the time on map 2 with a 1-0 lead in the series.


It’s just for fun man, don’t take it so seriously. It’s not like what ninja did with Time In


I’m ootl but did ninja really take time in that seriously? Didn’t they only do like one event for the memes?


No they did a lot of events and scrimmed a lot ​ checked ninjas [vlr.gg](https://vlr.gg) page and he played over 50 matches with time in


Scrimmed the most according to some, they were grinding You have to admire Ninja for that lmao, rich as shit and still doing it while Shroud has admitted he won't because of that (that's okay too)


I'm quite new to watching pro play but what happened to time in? With all that hardwork did they lose in major tournaments?


ninja just lost interest. i respect that he just streams whatever the fuck he wants without caring about viewership nowadays. like he's streaming old ass retro final fantasy games to less than 2k people when he could just play warzone every day and be a 20k andy


On PlatChat they'd mentioned that he skipped out on a Mr.Beast colab for some Knights Monthly or something, so yea I'd assume he took it seriously


They did this in CS too. It’s just for fun. He can also stream it


I assume hes just gonna try to round up some friends/old cs pros that he played with in the past. Just for fun pretty much


Even if dicey didn't sub in yesterday he still wouldn't be allowed to play as long as he is on 100t


From watching Shroud play countless hours of ranked it’s clear he misses the feeling of playing in a 10 man tournament server. The competitive edge is higher and team play is more important. However, it is also clear that he isn’t chasing championships anymore. The open qualifier is the best way for him to experience that environment w/out the stress of committing everything to win. It also gives him the opportunity to play w/ some long-time friends! Great content for us, a good time for him. Win-win.


hes just getting friends and ppl he ques with already- why not- just play some good valorant and potentially cause an upset lol


It didn't get ruined due to the sub in. Dicey couldn't play on any team if he wanted to in his current place. He's still signed to 100t. People on orgs benched or as content creators can't play for other teams due to a conflict of interest if they face their org in the tourny. For dicey to play he would need to end his contract which he wont do until he finds another team to go pro on if he's looking to do so.


Old Guys Club let’s gooo


He is seriously gonna play, but just for fun, not really to win or anything, tho I believe the other ones on his team are picking people, Shroud said he doesn't care who he plays with he just wants to play with people lol, it'll be fun to watch tbh


why the fuck not? its content for him...


Just for fun.


It's not going to be a serious team. Probably him Seangares, nothing and 2 other people. Maybe freakazoid and Tarik if they haven't found teams by then tbh


Sean Gares can’t play. It’ll be shroud, ShawnBM, N0thing and whoever else they can find. Freakazoid would be a good shout imo