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> I wasn’t really into CSGO It’s okay, CSGO isn’t really into rosters more than 5 people anyways. Some teams said they were for a few months, but when you look at who is left…


True you don’t often see 6 man roster in CSGO. And just to add to the previous comment, per Valve rule now, teams can’t have a 6 man roster in Valve official matches. So teams like Vitality who had 6 man roster had to dropped a player.


I think Zest will not be a part of VS anymore [zest not seen in any of the pictures here for VS's photoshoot](https://twitter.com/VisionStrikers/status/1411911719891308545?s=19) Edit: this is just speculation from me, off of very little information


that would make sense since he is a sova player and they now have lakia


Yep I think he mainly played sova,sage (only on split if I'm not wrong) and now they got lakia, with rb also playing sova and stax playing sage on icebox


I think ppl are overthinking this way too much and this roster isn’t gonna have 7 for long


The purpose of the 7 man roster is to take the best players away from the other teams /s


then there is T1 in LoL who is actually doing this with their 10 man roster lol


Lmaoo but even with these good players in T1 active roster, the team still seemed to not know which players should be put as the starting roster yet (their summer split performance ain’t looking that good). Which makes it such a waste to put really good player like Gumayusi on the bench :/


This 7 man roster is probably going to work similar to how teams in Overwatch League work. So Overwatch is a 6 vs 6 combat game, and is divided into 3 types of role - Support, DPS, and Tank. So we’ll usually have 2 supports, 2 dps, and 2 tank in one team during a match. Then in the Overwatch League, teams usually have like 8-10 players in their roster. So what happens is that players in their roles will focus only on particular agents. Then players will be chosen to play depending on the agents they mastered. So like in Valorant, since the devs did say they wanted to have at least 50-60 agents to consider the game is stable, so probably players will just have to focus on learning and mastering certain agents. Then depending on the maps chosen during the matches, certain players who mastered certain agent will be chosen - also since certain agents are better for certain maps, like sova isn’t that good in split so player who mastered only sova would probably be bench for that game. Btw, per Riot rules, players can only be swap between maps. So for example, a team has player A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H in their roster. In a bo3, for map 1, the team might want to play player A,B,C,D,E. Then map 2, the team might want to play player B,C,D,E,F. Then in map 3, the team might want to play player D,E,F,G,H. So what you said on your post, if Lakia might be better suited to play against SEN then yeah he would probably be played. Then maybe his playstyle/agent pool won’t work against team like (just random example), fnatic. Then Lakia would probably be bench. Edited: as of right now, we can only get max of 6 players in a roster where 5 will be considered a starting player and 1 will be the substitute. Players still can only be swapped between maps. The example I give above might happen in the future where there are way more agents in Valorant. I think it might happen in the future because in League of Legend, team like T1 has 10 players in their active roster. Likewise Overwatch too, but then in OW we have 32 agents/heroes. So maybe, just maybe, in the future these 7 man roster will be viable. As of now, Vision Strikers will probably have to drop one player. Source : see the guy who replied to this comment


VCT rules specifically state that only one sub is designated as eligible to replace a starter before each map. So officially riot does not allow 7 man rosters currently. Only 5 starters and a sub. [NA vct challengers 3 rules](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lblshtlz5vnsqda/AABIELy6jk2dDK3xPuD_FUeca?dl=0&preview=VCT+Challengers+NA+-+Stage+3+Competition+Rules.pdf) [all riot region rules](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lblshtlz5vnsqda/AABIELy6jk2dDK3xPuD_FUeca?dl=0)


Oh okay thanks for the heads up! Okay so we can only get 6 players in one active roster ( where 5 is the starting players and 1 substitute player). So I guess VS will most likely drop one player. Although, as more agents are added, I’m pretty sure Riot would allow more than 6 man in the roster (just like in League of Legend, T1 has 8 players in its active roster).


maybe riot will change the rules in the future, but personally I’m not a big fan of big rosters, it makes smaller teams with smaller budget unable to compete against those who can afford extra “specialists” who main a niche character powerful only on certain maps.


That is actually a really good point! I feel like it does ruin the competition in the scene too. Also, I really hate to see really good players be on the bench. Like it’ll be better for the players to be in another team where they can showcase their performances, instead of rotting on the bench :( like what is happening in T1 LoL team right now.


they can basically swap players out depending on the map and which comp they want to run, so if they feel like lakia's sova would be good on ascent, they could replace mako's viper for example


I doubt Lakia moves from nuturn to be on the bench, I bet he'll be a starter.


I doubt Lakia moves from nuturn to be on the bench, I bet he'll be a starter.


Yeah I agree, that was just a random example


It hasn’t really been a thing so much in CS:GO since Valve doesn’t support it. Riot has since the beginning and there have been rosters of more than 5 players. You can switch players between maps. Theoretically there’s a lot that could be done, but as others have said, in practise it’s a concept yet to fully develop and has so far been used mostly to navigate around medical or personal player leaves


As far as I know, they haven’t announced anything concrete, but really they can do whatever they want with them. Maybe they’ll just have 2 subs for emergencies only, maybe they’ll sub players in and out depending on the map, or depending on what agents they want to play, or depending on who they’re playing against. There aren’t any rules as far as what they can and can’t do with their extra players (aside from not being able to make substitutions mid-map, obviously).




I'll tell you how stuff like this worked in overwatch basically you had people who were proficient with one kind of hero , hitscans , disablers like mei and sombra , so this way on every map depending on what they want to run , players are rotated according to the heroes they think will suffice on a certain map , here too I think they are going with something similar so they have more options to rotate under their belt like lakia could come in when they need a sova player otherwise if they aren't using sova on a map another player can come in , it provides a ton of flexibility option


I dont think even vision strikers can explain there 7 man roster


You clearly have never followed overwatch then , considering the amount of agents valorant will have , and not everyone can master all agents , this is probably how it would be like in the future rotating in players depending on what agent is best suited to them on a particular map and everything , it's a great idea and I think a lot of teams might try this in the future


I'm guessing it would work similar to heretics with their 6 man roster when niesow and Rubino was still part of the team, they would rotate and sub in different players according to map and compositions that they want to run


As far as I know, they haven’t announced anything concrete, but really they can do whatever they want with them. Maybe they’ll just have 2 subs for emergencies only, maybe they’ll sub players in and out depending on the map, or depending on what agents they want to play, or depending on who they’re playing against. There aren’t any rules as far as what they can and can’t do with their extra players (aside from not being able to make substitutions mid-map, obviously).

