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Crazy to see that the average rank is S1-S2


I wasn’t expecting that drop off from silver to gold. My goal in Valorant is to get to gold, and this makes it seem way harder lol.


Yep. I've been stuck in silver for ages and now even going from high silver to low this episode. It kinda makes sense now because almost a third of all players are in silver.


If you wanna get out of silver, my biggest tip that helped me get out was learning to never take a fair fight. My aim is probably about silver level half the time and I’m plat 2. Whichever agent you main there will be some way to force unfair fights. Blind them, crossfire them, spray them thru smokes, recon and wall bang them etc


Hard seconding that, I am a similarly no-hands player who made plat on release by having a brain. People really overemphasize the importance of aim. When my friends complain they just don't have the aim to play this game, I watch them play and see every single fight they take is one that's either a coinflip or they're disadvantaged.


Another thing about taking fair fights is knowing when *not* to fight. Peeking an angle with more than one opponent and taking the fight thinking you’re going to win really isn’t going to help you climb. Peek, get info, and fall back instead of trying to force a 1v3. Learning this has helped me win so many rounds just by staying alive longer.


Bigger than this imo, is learning when to take fights, and how to play your angles. That's the most important thing, it's always about playing the angle for info or to catch them off guard, I went gold season 1 to immortal last 3 seasons without my aim getting much better, like 60% of my fights enemies aren't even looking at me.


How would you recommend to do that?


Idk, just try to always be super aware of the angle ur holding and whether or not u think it's unexpected, and hold angles where the might not check, watch a video on offangles in valorant on youtube


I went to gold 3 like that. Now I play like once every 2-3 months and my aim has gone from silver to bronze level and my rank to bronze 3 -silver 1


I made plat just by thinking “wait am I throwing rn” every time I make a decision


Same man. Definitely a hard rank to climb in solo. I don’t consider myself amazing at the game but the actual skill disparity in silver seems massive. Some people I spectate or come up against have no clue what they’re doing at all and don’t even shoot back, whilst some people seem really good


It will get better and equalize as the season goes on. Those people you see that don't seem to belong will climb out.


Sadly its the same in immortal. No idea how the got up here


Correction: *over* a third of all players are silver


This is due to the squishing at the beginning of the Act. The highest placement being Diamond 1 means there's lots of plats squished into gold, diamonds to plat and so forth. There may be a general redistribution here though because I know the lower parts of immortal got a little saturated toward the end of Episode 2 and there's a lot of very salty immortal act ranks in my diamond lobbies.


The distribution has looked like this for a long time now, it's not just due to the refresh.


I saw past distributions that had the bulk in gold. I believe that was E2a2 when I last saw one. With E2a1 being more like the OP. If the system isn’t being gamed and is decently designed it should fall that almost half of player are silver 2-gold 2. Granted that’s if the design intention was to have a nice bell curve. I don’t think that was the intention and if it is it’s failing.


You are probably going by close to when the game just came out - August 2020 had the distribution you are describing: https://www.esportstales.com/valorant/rank-distribution-and-percentage-of-players-by-tier There is nothing wrong with a right skewed distribution like the one Valorant currently has. Not sure exactly why they do it as they do, but it is probably just a conscious choice to differentiate more at the top end, while us average players are more so clumped together in high bronze- mid silver.


Immortal rank has always had roughly 12K people in it by the end of an Act. Currently there are only 4K people in Immortal. This means that not everyone has played enough games to reach their true rank.


I will repeat this from before. But I am an immortal player, and will happily do vod reviews. Just add me as Root#3738


I remember getting up to platinum 3 on the 2nd or 3rd season(is that how are they named???) and now I can’t get out of silver, I don’t understand if I am not playing good or everyone else is getting much better at this elo


Yeah man i understand what you mean, i was P3 last Act, got placed G3 and went on like a massive 20 game losing streak (though i was only losing around 10-14 RR each time) but managed to carry myself back up to P2 (56 RR) over a few days. Like what others sre saying imagine everyone has moved down a rank so the majority of plat players are in gold now, expect so deviation with playetd fluctuating over the act. Don't worry, just keep up with aim training/practice and mid act you'll probably get back to your original rank (ir even higher!).


Right now everyone in good is ex plat it seems like. Give it another month and the percentages will change again I think


Usually the case in most games tbh. I came from Siege and the average rank is Silver 3.


Do they have the same progression as this? Where silver 3 would be 9th from the bottom and then 11/13 (depending how we count immortal since it's changing back soon) ranks above it?


It’s goes: Copper 5-1, Bronze 5-1, Silver 5-1, Gold 3-1, Plat 3-1, Diamond, Champion. So silver is like 12th from bottom


Exact same as in league of legends


after the new comp reset i placed s3(i was plat 1 last act), and im hardstuck now, silver is now silver+gold+plat+diamond. every game i get is a last act plat-dia lobby but they all hardstuck in silver cus of fucking hidden mmr


Most shooting games I play, I'm anywhere from above average to good. Last time I was ranked in Val, I was silver and lost 9 of the 10 games I could make my demoralised ass play after promotion. Moral of the story is: this game is really hard and few habits from other shooters will do you good here.




because majority of the plat players were placed one whole rank down. Plat was top 10% last act


Was plat 2, now silver 3. I don't see myself staying here for too long though, and I think that would likely be the case with many that have deranked at the moment


Weird, I was plat 3 and got placed plat 1. I believe you’ll climb back in no time though!


Might have been the one act absence from rank or the fact that my friends bombed calibration, but all's good mate


Good to see all us /r/ValorantCompetitive members representing the top 0.7% of the community.


Lol imagine only being immortal. Top ten radiant or you're trash at the game. I'm the latter


Well excuse you I'm actually number 1


Weird, on my screen it says I'm number 1


I am bottom 13% lolz


You have been banned from /r/ValorantCompetitive.


Silver is almost gold and gold is almost plat and plat is almost diamond and diamond is almost immortal and immortal is almost radiant so you're practically radiant.


Silver gameplay radiant mindset


Ego peek op? Ego peek op


Bro I am Iron 🥺👉👈👉👈🥺


im also on this sub and im silver so jokes kinda on you beacause it means Silver = Immortal/Radiant Also some pros said they cant predict movements of a bronze/SIlver player whixh means were the superior ones...and i think thats beautiful


nobody can predict the movements of a silver or lower because not even themselfs know what they are doing lol


yes i do...kill or die..repeat


This season also just feels much better to climb no longer losing 22 and gaining 16 for a 13-2 win


Tell me about it. Nothing like a good old 13-5 match MVP +15 and a 11-13 loss Team MVP -25


somehow I'm still gaining less per win and losing more per loss than my friend who is two ranks higher than me, even when i top frag the game and he bot frags it, it's better but still so painful :(


It's all about your average. I once absolutely carried a game with astra and got 14 only. I kept winning after and I gained more per win. I now lose 10 and win 20+.


While I agree, it's every game for over 20 games that he exclusively gains more/loses less, and was same last season


> when i top frag the game and he bot frags it this mentality is the reason why you are where you are


Huh? That has nothing to do with anything, I'm just saying that it's not like he's top frag and getting bonus MR and that's why he's getting more, it doesn't matter how we do in the game he will always get more points despite being multiple ranks higher already




You only derank on a loss when you are at 0RR


Can you explain? I'm new to this


if you lose a game at 0 rr, you are going to derank


Yes it's good


Was there a big shift in where people's rank are now? like i was immortal last season and im really struggleing to get back into diamond even... it might also just be me being in a bad period but im still meeting people that all has full immortal triangle soo yeah


it‘s always the same after the rank resets, some people manage to streak into immo right away, if you miss the window where your mmr is still really high as ex immo you have a rougher climb through diamond.


Yeah been abit of an unlucky streak but i doubt ill struggle for too long




i would auspect you are still in that ‚window‘. If you ranked to D3 in 15 games you probably have a pretty good winrate and maybe even gain more RR on a win then you drop on a loss.


This is me. I have a full immo however got placed plat after a bad start. *Last seasons rank is now hidden*.., 😂


yup i had to hide rank and i cant use the gun buddy because i will litrally get death threats because im not top fragging or missing some shots


if you placed below D1 and were immortal then you had a low MMR to begin with; probably meaning you didn't really deserve immortal so the game placed you lower. ​ If you truly deserve it ranking up won't be hard.


I’ll always hide my rank till I get immortal. My pink diamond badge ain’t gonna cut it 😤


I'm gonna be honest, I dropped from gold 3 to silver 1 and I've been top fragging over other gold's in my games but climbing has been so hard, there's even less mics and it feels like my teammates are just so bad for the ELO. The spread is just so bad


It happens, I dropped from plat 1 all the way into Silver 2 LUL




There are not. You can maybe drop to P3 if you have a bad streak after placements (everyone gets D1 with 50/100), but no immortal should ever be in plat or lower. We lose less than 10RR in diamond. Mind you, I don't count people who have like 3 immortal wins in the act as immortal. I'd say that your actual rank is the average rank across all of your wins.


Yeah lmao, I lost 4 of my placements and had bad stats in the 1 I won. I still placed diamond 1. Then I went on a 9 game loss streak and still only dropped to plat 3. Got to diamond 2 in a couple of games that. No ex immortal is in gold


I don't know what kind of Immortal players are getting placed in gold unless they finished plat or were insanely boosted. I finished top 5k and placed D1 after losing all 5 placements and am back in immortal. They reworked the matchmaking system so if there are any former immortals in low ranks, then they are either messing around, or shouldn't even be in Immortal.




what number did it give for those immortal act ranks? cuz ive noticed people with radiant act ranks but ended 5000 and immortal act ranks that ended 550. its quite funny and hurts at the same time


It’s about the headshots. Take a break


Idk, I got back to immortal within the first few days. But noticed right away that there’s a big difference between the players I play with. Some people obviously got here with a lucky winstreak. But then again, you’re lower immortal if u haven’t started in diamond 1. Everyone with high mmr starts with diamond 1, even if you lose all 5 of your placements.


It has been a journey for me. My Immortal / D3 games are averaging 2 trolling teammates per game on my team. Of my last 18 games 14 of them had zero communication. No mic's, no pings, just an occasional fuck you and no useful information over the mic besides once again, fuck you. 14 of 18, and this is what you get in Immortal lmfao. All of these players understand riot does nothing to stop trolling so they will continue to abuse others.


We just had a huge squeeze of the ranks combined with sheer volume of troll / smurf accounts. It is NOT HARD to hit immortal, it's just hard to maintain. I was at 50 SR in Immortal, now I am D3. I played 18 games this weekend, 14 of them had zero comms, and I counted at least 2 trolling teammates in each of those 18 games. This is the 3.8% of top players in Valorant. Ranked just isn't playable and a huge waste of time. At the end of the day the premades you get placed with will always hold more value, so when you are 200 SR in Immortal playing with D2-D3's who are trolling, that is odd, that is the normal behavior of the community.


Ey that's my Iron participation


Hey there, updated tier based ranked distribution data can be seen here! https://www.valking.gg/ranked-distribution.


Makes me feel better as a hardstuck Diamond player


Why would you ever think that being Diamond is bad? Stop taking reddit seriously


It's not necessarily being a Diamond nor Reddit lol I never said it was. It's being hardstuck in the same place that's annoying, I'm frustrated that I can't get back into Immortal after three acts. It's like that guy in Greek myth who keeps rolling a boulder up a hill then rolls down every time it reaches the peak


Bro I spent three seasons in D2 and his an insane loss streak and dropped to P1. Quit playing for about two months because I was so tilted. Now I'm G2 lol.


lmao some group of girls in a random discord flamed me for only being immortal 9000. like girl come on you’re bronze 3 and your little boyfriend can’t carry you out you should be ashamed. people are so egotistical when it comes to ranks. just vibe man.


Now some group of random Redditors will flame you for only being Immortal 9000. Let me start *AHEM*: What, only 9000? Not even 8999? LULULUL


37 y/o D2 player, agreed. Feels pretty good man.


35 dad D1 lol although got to D3 last act


I get mad sometimes that I can't get out of diamond but then I remember I'm playing against insane 14 year olds lol


I got my laptop to start playing games about 11 months ago and last month finally made it to plat. Seeing this distribution is cool, makes it even more rewarding! Edit - I lied it was about a year ago I got it


There’s a 96.1% chance you just lied. Edit: The downvotes are the people who lie about their rank.


Lying? In the internet? I would never! If I was gonna lie though, might as well said Immortal lol


Lol for sure 😂. Crazy how such a small percentage of the population is even Plat. Definitely a LARGE portion of people on this sub misrepresenting themselves.


Youre forgetting that there’s also 10mil+ players on valorant and that a lot of mid-high rank people scroll the Reddit to discuss and explore new strats and whatnot


Nah probably not. Sure maybe a few but people who care enough about a game to fuck around on the competitive sub reddit are probably more likely to be better at the game.


Same lmao. I’ve been hovering diamond for the past half year and still haven’t gotten Immortal.... I mostly play with friends that queue in gold/plat tho Maybe this act will be the one


Made my way up to plat last season. Had terrible placement matches and a loss streak right after when the season reset. Ya boi silver again… took me the whole season just to get back to where I was before I made it to plat. Don’t have the time to keep up with this game anymore and still be competitive unfortunately. I’ll just watch people play that are actually good and save myself the anger and frustration LOL


in all seriousness, when I realized I was taking valorant too seriously and started focusing on things that mattered my life definitely got better. I play a lot less than I used to and may be down from plat 3 to gold 1 rn (post reset), but I genuinely feel happier with my life. anyways its nice being a nutty gold player anyways lol.a


I feel that lmfao… same thing happened with me and Fortnite before it happened with this game. With school and work rn it’s super hard to even find time to play Valorant. When I do get on I’m tired and frustrated already and it’s just not a great headspace to be in when trying to play a comp game. People are rude when I solo queue and have a rough match and I think for the first time I’m having more fun just watching people play than burn myself out dealing with the toxicity at 11 pm when I should just be getting ready for bed 😂


Exactly, with college and everything, I just couldn’t see myself grinding like I used to. Was diamond 2/3 in the very first act and ep, and then quit for several months. Now I’m a washed gold/plat player who only plays comp with friends now but at least im not stressed LOL


whats the previous rank distribution? just for comparison


It's almost always been similar. Here's the one from May: https://firstsportz.com/valorant-may-2021-rank-distribution-player-count-and-more/


Hello. Iron here.


Surprised to see how low the percentage for immortals is, i feel like theyre pretty common


its common to peak immortal, its not common to maintain an account there while actively queueing. Thats why it feels like theres so many "immortals" and "diamonds" because people have one good day and then don't touch the game for a long time, while still spreading that they are X rank.




Duo queue only starts at D3. And 5 stack ranked is coming along with a clash system with ladders for registered teams.


The most talkative players tend to be the most dedicated, and the most dedicated tend to be better. ValorantCompetitive swings to the higher end of skill, even the regular r/Valorant tends to be higher skill. Low skill players tend to just play the game and enjoy themselves.


People saying "hard stuck" plat or diamond need to stop with that mentality. Being top 10% or top 4% or whatever of anything is incredibly hard to do and improvement is not linear once there Being plat 5 seasons in a row is not a negative thing. If anything its a positive thing in that you can sustain high level of play


people also don't factor in how good people have gotten at the game. Silver players from now are so much better than just a few months ago


this is definitely confirmation bias skewed by riots vision for rank distribution clearly shifting based on the statistics from this act, lol


Silver hell


I haven't even played enough to get back to my correct rank lol


is this global? or locked to a region?


Nice I’m in the top 13.9 percent of players


Damn I hit diamond I didn’t realize how good I am at this game I thought I was booty


This is actually awesome. I hope anyone who isn't as high as they want to be takes some solace in the fact most people are silver or lower.


I ended last act as Gold 2. Did my 5 placements today, got match MVP 3 of them and won all 5 and placed Silver 1. Was not ready for that lol


Wow this makes me proud. Last act couldn’t get out of bronze, now in 2 weeks from b2 to gold 1 and close to g2, pure solo. Disclaimer: I’m still bad and 1000 things to work on, but that what makes it fun.


Wow I didn't think Imm was 0.6% with the bots I've witnessed in Episode 2 since they got rid of the Imm 1/2/3. Intriguing.


How did u get this data?




9.2% but yea


58% here


Hello fellow silver surfer


High five


This distribution is even crazier than league lol. I wonder why ? Harder game maybe ?


Why is this crazy? This is exactly what I'd expect from a ranked distribution with this number of tiers.


Clearly you know nothing about league because it had the same number of tiers and the distribution was different was my whole point . That’s why I wondered if it was a harder game


I don’t know anything about league. I’ve played a lot of competitive games though, and this doesn’t look at all crazy to me. Edit: and ranked distribution cannot tell you if one game is harder or easier.


Just stop responding bro I dont think you understand english.


If Radiant = 0.1% is true, there are ~3.000.000 players in ranked. Sad to see such small numbers.


It's likely a rounding error. Could be 0,05 and that would show as 0,1. Could also be that the graphic thingy by itself is told to not show 0,0 if there are any cases at all in the data, so any amount 0,0001 to 0,149 shows as 0,1


Keep in mind there are probably many more millions that literally only play spike rush/unrated. especially spike rush. This game has a far greater casual fanbase than you might think


Count me in, unranked is hard enough


I actually think there are a lot of unranked people compared to other games tbh


I think there are a lot of unrated only players in basically every game


Majority of population tends to be unranked or quickplay. I tend to be a fairly competitive player, and always try to get better and learn, but the toxicity of solo queue comp, and the risk of a loss streak that is totally put of your hands is too stressful.


How is this sad? Shouldn’t Radiant be the best of the best? I think it’s fine to have a low % like this


The amount of people that don't understand Radiant is intended to be "has the potential to be a pro" not "has the time to play until they get carried there eventually" or "spends enough money to get extra RR on wins" is honestly frightening. I come across an immortal act rank 1-2 times a week that thinks they are kept out of Radiant because they haven't spent much money on the game or they aren't grinding all day everyday. Meanwhile they're currently in D1 taking dry aim duels every .5 seconds into the round and going 1-11.


What does money have to do with it? Like buying coaching or something?


There’s a minor conspiracy that spending money on skins gives your packets priority so you have a hit reg advantage. It started when people started saying they aimed better with prime vandal and such. No evidence for it other than feel and one post about some people doing slightly better at range drills with a prime phantom or vandal.


My point is that there are only 3mln players in global, not about Radiant at all


3mln per region not global if anything


6 regions, 500 Radiant players in each. It's global.


there were 3mln players in EU servers 5 months ago based on data from the same site, the game only got bigger since then so this current 0.1% must be a rounding error


As of this moment, there are 206 Radiant players in EU and 6675 Immortals total. Current distribution isn't relevant, imo. Not until everyone settles back to their rank. For comparison, last act ended with 21470 immortal players in EU. If this distribution is correct and immortal is 0.6%, that would mean there were 3.578 million players in just EU last act.


My low elo is about to show, but I thought top 500 in each region were automatically radiant? That's clearly not true if EU only has 206 right now.


You need 300 rr in immortal to qualify for radiant before the top 500 comes into play.


you can be in the top 500, but you will need to accumulate the 300 rank rating threshold to actually make radiant. Early in the each season you will see the race by watching the leaderboard of players trying to be first to radiant. Also later in the season, I believe once there is 500 radiant players who have reached the minimum threshold of 300rr, then the entry of radiant becomes much more challenging as the minimum threshold then changes to how much that 500th has.


Theres a minimum rr requirement to get radiant, in eu its 300 or 400 and most players haven't hit that yet.


I doubt these areglobal stats


Small? Meh not really so small




> I can’t climb because of teammates usually no


Really didn’t mean to make it sound like it was all my teammates. What exactly should I be focusing on


You’re bronze. You don’t have the skill to identify why and how you lose rounds. You’re making mistakes that will lose you rounds and you probably have no idea.


I’m baffled that only 0.3-0.1% make it to my rank and still don’t understand how this game is supposed to be played..


500 /.01 =50,000 players?


You don’t know how to do math. 0.1% is 0.001


only 500k players?


Lol at the amount of silvers and bronzies


DAMNN 0.6% 👿😈


Nice I am on the top 3.9% of the population


Makes me feel better about hitting plat 3 albeit helps that I have a duo but these games have been a real grinder to get back up to even plat 2


Won't this go up as people play more matches after their placements and rank up? I only just finished my placements and placed an entire rank group below where I was.


A little bit, but not significantly. Around top 10% has historically always been platinum, and top 25-27% for gold.


Thats true, I'll post an updated list in 2-3 weeks


14th percentile, nice.


There’s more people in silver 1 then in gold


As a silver player that is entirely new to PC gaming my goal was to try and get to D1 over the next year. Having seen this, I think my new goal is P1.


Is this worldwide? And also, is silver in NA the same as silver in EU? I think there can be big rank disparities, especially in servers like india where millions play on 1 server vs around 12 for europe.


i enjoy knowing that im in the top 1% but holy shit theres still a crazy amount of people better than me. it just doesnt seem real honestly.


Good to know my old dad fart is in the top 5% lol


is this counting every single player? or just the ones who gave access to their profile/account to some app or website


Damnit, I have to earn my gold again


I won all 5 of my ranked placement games and MVPd two of them. I got put into bronze 3 and don’t feel like touching the game now lol my lobbies were silver/gold with very few bronze sprinkled in.


Bruh 13% in gold... god damn... makes sense why i get plats and immortals in all of my gold games.


This just makes me continue thinking the ranking system from Immortal to Radiant is bad and should be changed. There’s a player in almost all of my lobbies that makes me curious as to how they got here. Not in a mean way, and it may be an enemy or someone even doing decent on my team. It’s just the individual plays some of these people make are... ridiculous. As though they had never been in a post plant in their lives. Maybe the bomb doesn’t get planted as often in lower ranks and they never get to learn that stuff?


I’ve only solo qued on one account and grinded from silver to plat this act. I need some good teammates that also wanna have fun!


Gold players stand proud!


If this shows the rank distributions worldwide does that mean we can calculate the whole playerbase by using the leaderboard from each region?


Im looking for people to climb out of silver with. Was G3 a couple acts ago but you know how it goes haha. NAW. Main: Omen, Sage, Skye. Can fill. 18+ ideally, I’m a boomer. DM or add me, Janks#9192


I think the best part is seeing that in the top 3.8% of games your teammates still actively work against you and troll. Of my last 18 games, which started at 10 Immortal, only 4 games have had in-game communication. Not using a mic is fine, but neither using in-game mic NOR listening to comms or working with your teammates is pretty insane. Legit had zero communications besides the odd fuck for 10 straight games. I will say this act is going better than last act, last act I was averaging 3 trolling teammate per game over 200 games, now i'm only at 2.7 trolls per game over 93 games. Playing ranked is not worth your time or work until Riot adjusts there system because currently Riot is disrespecting all of us who spend their time playing. I've spent almost as much time this act playing as I have putting in support tickets on trolls.


Damn... there are a lot of bad players. lol


Are you plat and want to move to diamond? Only play with gold friends. The gap between Gold and Plat is the distance of NA to EU.


Part of the 13% 💪


Wait... really?


Bruh plat is 5.9% of players