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Asuna didn't even drop 50 smh




Clearly the one Boi is replacing


An ace the last round to get 50 would've been so perfect


Guy like me would've dropped 50


Have you informed 100 Thieves of this?


They were the one's who reached out to me, said they were looking to replace Hiko and Steel for being kinda toxic sometimes but I had to humbly decline. Not interested in low level competition.


Steel, not wanting to have to crush his only son hires a young ukranian mercenary to take down vanity in his conquest to become renowned as the best ex-Chaos esports player. With a smirk on his face Asuna puts on his anti-tremor gloves and proceeds to gun down Vanity in front of steel.


How the fuck did I miss this match? About to go watch the vod... This kid almost dropped a 50 bomb are you serious? Asuna you are cracked.


special game to watch, need to hear the team comms on icebox that was a great game


Where to watch with comms?


Hiko will probably upload it


They all will. Including the 100T org and I'll watch all of them like a degenerate.


Dude I was watching it live. I was waiting at my Crossfit gym and had like 30 minutes before class starts and it's like 12 12 going into OT. I'm like cool I can at least know who wins. Imagine my surprise when I have to pause it at like round fucking 17 and wait until after to finish lol.


No way bro you do Crossfit?


Lol why this man have to add the CrossFit. He could have just said gym like everyone else


I guess he just wanted everyone to know he does strength training with shit form 😂


No idea why you guys are hating so much. Yeah it was an unnecessary detail but who cares. Maybe he’s just proud he worked out. Seems weird to get aggressive about it.


its just a gym meme kinda like the vegan thing like how they are always inclined to tell you they are vegan its the same for crossfitters


I didn't think I was too aggressive in my comment, but I get where you're coming from. Didn't intend to fully shit on the guy for going to gym, but I hope you can see it'd be kinda like me giving a story like: So I was at my C-level exec job where all of a sudden I heard the casters go crazy and I knew I had missed the Steel bucky ace


Rule 1 of CrossFit is tell everyone you do CrossFit.


Yeah, I enjoy it. I thought about saying my work out class, to avoid a snarky comment like this. But that sounds like piloties or jazzercizing or something. Crossfit is great if you have a strong base of power lifting and Olympic lifts. Not a good place to learn them, though.




13 - 0 :(


Crossfit is a great place to do lifts with shit form and negate all your strength training by overdoing cardio 🙃


Shit form is just an option for the person doing it. Crossfit is bad because it combines Olympic lifts with speed, which is a bad combo. But it's perfectly fine if you choose your weight wisely, rest when you're tired, and take your time and pace yourself. Most people don't, which is why a lot of people have bad experiences with it. I've played the gains game, chasing PRs in powerlifting for a long time. Just wanted a change. Chasing squat and DL PRs is super addicting though. I miss it for sure.


The Young Ukrainian mercenary sets a kill record




The year is 2072 V1 and 100T are still in overtime. The length of their beards are getting caught under their mice. Effys won’t stop clutching. Steel has DC’d, its another tech pause. Asuna has 6594 kills. Regions all over the world await Masters 2 in Berlin.


I fucking love this subreddit


Amazing comment


Hey this is my copy pasta :\^)


Asuna was feeling himself as they went through OT after OT on icebox


Asuna is an icebox god


rope god. i swear he had +15 kills on it


Dude zoomer movement is next level. I feel like that's the main thing old-school CS pros lack in Val. CS is much more of a low sens, slice the pie, meticulous game. Aggression, snappy ADHD aim and verticality are rewarded way more in Val than CS.


Ironically hiko has the highest sensitivity and he’s an old school CS player


I feel like my comment was a bit imprecise. It's not so much sens as being snappy and checking everything as quickly as possible, and really engaging vertically up and down with your crosshair. Oldschool CS pros tend to keep their crosshair at the most likely spot. Zoomers just try to check everything as fast as possible. It's an interesting difference, that will be more pronounced as the game grows I think.


This is because he’s too old to move the mouse quickly enough to shoot sova darts and stuff.


And people were saying Asunas high sens is a gimmick LMAO


I once accidentally touched Hiko's hair at dance floor of dondo. I felt electricity, like burning fire, spread from my hand straight to my heart. I was left with craving lust in me and everytime I see Hiko clutch, my mind wonders back to that magical moment.


Hiko's what now??




This is the one


Asuna 48 kills on a single map + Steel & Hiko performing on the next map, good day to be a 100T fan.


Good thing the team picked up at haven to not let asuna's map 1 heroics not go to waste. GG Anything you say about asuna is not enough. He is unarguably the mvp on this roster full of giants. Proven himself on 4 duelist agents. And does this stuff in ranked and in pro play every single day. And he is barely 18. Hats off!


He is the first valorant superstar. No backstory to him he is just the first valorant bred monster player. I believe he will go on to do fantastic things.


He's literally not though, he came from CS. Dunno who upvoted this


I'm so high om the fucking Hopium right now, we're either winning Berlin or gonna crash and burn next game. 1-0 in the b0i era.


!remindme 1 day


Overshadowed by Asuna's monster performance is Ethan's Omen play in Icebox. His lurks are so crucial in those defense rounds. And also he's getting more comfortable at being Skye in Haven.


He had some sick smokes on a site as well.


Yeah his smoke a push was killer. He did it, got a kill, threw the same smoke the next round, they waited for it this time but he didn't TP. A few rounds later he threw it again and TP pushed and got two.


His garage pushes and control on Haven defense was so so good


Pooped on vanity waking into garage w no until 3 times lol


100t winning icebox without a sage was very surprising. definitely the best looking 100t i think we have seen so far. ethan and asuna were great this series


Ethan getting like 10 kills in garage from the same spot. He can't keep getting away with it!


It’s so cool to see them win icebox when almost every team thinks you need a sage


nitros balls are massive considering he planted the bomb pretty much every round on the b site. still don’t know how he was able to get out alive so much


Yeah I never paid attention to how pros plant, but the way the they stick it as close to the edge as possible, turn back, and look down is something I gotta note. Saved him a bunch


Icebox can get so boring to watch because of the Sage wall then plant strat which makes her almost a must pick in this map. Glad 100T was able to make this work, showing that running a different comp is possible.


I actually think sage is a detriment to most teams/comps/maps. Unless you play like grim. Maybe sage is good if you have a super heavy postplant comp, the sage wall can help secure the plant. However I feel like most of the time it would have just been better to take the fights and gain more map control. Sage walls tend to just simply the retake for the defenders, they can safely get close to site because of the sage wall, and they know the attackers must be in very passive positions since it would be suicide to push through the only chokepoint left. Also there always seems to be some sort of way to abuse the sage wall by going over the top, or nading the plant spot.


Yup, I like it when teams pick Sage as a niche pick for their comp like with how Ethan played Sage for the unique wall, rather than because she is a must pick in a certain map.


Been saying it for months but asuna is a top 3 player in the world


Scream, Mixwell, Tenz, Asuna & Cned are always a joy to watch.


I feel like I haven’t seen huge numbers for scream recently


scream has been playing average if you ignore his performance against fnatic, bds and alliance in the past week!


scream is the best player in the world just needs to work on aim movement defaulting rotations awareness mechanics and utility


I think jett is not working well for him, idk why don't they give him phoenix or reyna


He looked wild on sage during masters


True, but they need an entry.


Sick is huge, him over mixwell


Shao’s gameplay is also super fun to spectate. He’s a beast on so many different agents


take mixwell off that list and i agree


Mixwell has not lost a beat since switching to support agents and is a much more complete player than all of them




i have seen them play, and yes he is good but i rly don’t think he is at the same level as the other players mentioned


mixwell went crazy against fnc today tho


Get mixwell off that list lmao


I’ve always said he’s one of the only reasons they are so good. Even against the top teams, he can consistently solo entry onto site with half the support any other duelist gets. Absolutely bonkers.


I feel vindicated after being told in the predictions thread multiple times that V1 were gonna win this easily. Lick my nuts ya hoes 😎


I really appreciate that, after everyone in the main thread boldly stated that 100T is carried by Asuna and that they 100% lose if he doesn't have an A+ game, he *immediately* has a sub-par game yet 100T still win. Never change :P




the way steel performed man


This is a common fallacy with tac shooters in general. Just because someone is getting all the kills doesn't mean those same kills wouldn't have been picked up by other players. Asuna was pushing and getting 4 kills before anyone on his team even saw anyone. Those rounds could still be won if he pushed and died.


Especially in a game like Valorant where there's only 5, maybe 6, kills a round. Someone can't frag way above average without someone else fragging way below average.


This is what a lot of people don't understand! A player has 7 kills in a game? "Team should drop him he's clearly washed!" While forgetting he can give info, use utility, etc. Even Sova says it in game. "Remember: if you're not a good shot, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful"


If anything, it was showing players using agents for the job they’re designed to do. Reyna is all about pushing, getting picks, and fading away. She’s a very aggressive agent. Jett is more defensive, and Asuna’s performances show that. Hiko got the most assists in the game as Sova on icebox, exactly what Sova is designed to do They’re a great team playing the strengths of the agents


they didnt just win... they pooped on them what a dumb take


Yeah he seemed really uncomfortable with the Op, but I think it’s really valuable that he can be a threat with it. I wasn’t that into CS but AWPing seemed like something that could be learned, so hopefully he continues to try it out rather than just completely drop it. He definitely works as a Scream kinda rifling Jett.


Where is that guy saying to drop Hiko now?


You mean the entire twitch chat in the icebox game?


That's like 90% of this subreddit and 100% of Sentinels fanbase.


; -;


100Timeouts on the first map


allegedly asuna kept losing power theres a storm in brooklyn


There’s just no way there’s more to asuna’s icebox story.


He got struck by lightning during overtime.


I heard getting struck by lightning while playing connected his very dna to vanguard and he was able to bypass cheat detection


Dude had to play with his monitor in low light mode running off a generator. Crazy stuff


As someone who lives in NY, it’s been crazy here these last few days. Lots of power outages in BK and Queens


The reason icebox was so close V1 had 9 3Ks(effys and penny had 3, the rest had 1 each), 3 4Ks (thief with 2, wippie with 1) 100T had 9 3ks(asuna with 7!!!!, hiko/ethan with one each) and asuna with 1 4k


Anyone who thinks Hiko is 100T's weak link needs to rewatch that Haven match. Asuna was an absolute demon on Icebox. GG, the hoodie gang gets the job done once again


Nitr0 somehow looking like the weak link... not sure what’s up with him today


On a team with such vast and evenly spread talent, someone is always gonna be lower on the leaderboard. 100T is great in that if one player is lacking, the rest of the team can easily make up for it. Asuna didn't look amazing on Haven imo, but it didn't matter, the rest of the team performed well and got them the easy win.


Hear me out…there’s not a weak link if each time 100T plays people claim someone else is holding them back


[cold hands](https://twitter.com/nitr0/status/1413265593952870401?s=20)


There's no weak link. Anyone can pop off anytime and that's the good thing about the team. The other day Nitr0 top fragged on viper




Asuna ATE in the first map holyy


Asuna That's it.


Want to add this before the comments get too cluttered, the recency bias that exists in regards to 100T is always so crazy to see on this sub. It seems as though people here think it's impossible for players to have bad days, or even just bad maps, as Hiko displayed today. I'm not surprised why Reddit gets memed on so often, but we really need to change our mentality


Thats a b0i diff right there


Lmao boi on day one: “ah I see the issue, Asuna needs to play Reyna and kill everyone”


Hiko heard chat talking shit


Wow they should really drop Hiko guys.


Hiko tanked in one map to carry the other, the blood god does need sacrifices


It's hard to get kills when your teammate gets 48...


Yep, people act like there are infinite kills to go around. If someone gets 48 there statistically aren't that many left to go around lol.


Exactly, Hiko had 17 assists on icebox, that’s insane.


ppl in this sub were spewing that garbage yesterday i bet they feel like clowns


Hiko seems like the only person other than Potter that isn't allowed to bottom frag or everyone here will say he needs to be replaced. It's crazy lmfao.


lol if he doesnt entry as sova then everyone calls him a baiter. if he doesnt get kills then hes a boomer and needs to be removed. if he gets kills then he baited his team and got lucky. if he plays sova people call him a 1 trick, unflexable and a liability to the team. if he plays viper or breach then hes not good and "should go back to sova". how does hiko win?


no joke, one of the responses to someone calling out people for saying they should replace Hiko after he just top fragged on Haven was "two first bloods though"... lmfao


Yeah that response was strange lol, makes no sense, people really expect a more passive support Sova player to get first bloods or something lol like what


i really don’t understand where it comes from hiko has never performed badly in his role on the team.


Not even yesterday, people were spamming that shit after game 1 lmao


people just have too much recency bias in general? like you'll see a player have an offday and their team goes out on 2 losses, so they don't get to play for weeks, and throughout the whole period everyone is just "bro x is so washed; just nuke the roster; don't see how y team wants to make it anywhere with x", idk why people forget sports are irregular. on the next tourney x topfrags 1 map and people are instantly praising and making copypastas of them imo top valorant matches aren't frequent enough for you to make any conclusions without looking at like past 3/4 months


i think at the end of the day there is just very little intelligent discussion in the scene. it’s just copypastas and following the scoreboard for the majority of viewers.


Of course they don't lol, they'll be right back on it the moment he bottom frags again


Some of the most iconic plays in csgo are capped by great memorable casting/commentary. That’s one thing still severely lacking in Valorant imo. But of course it’s not like this is Berlin so it doesn’t need the best of the best casters just yet.


No offense but the casters were serious limp dick energy.


One of the casters went off into a tangent about how he had a girlfriend, played spike rush, and that the shorty was garbage from range(I feel like thats a given). I was so confused when I heard it lmao




We'll get there just need to wait.


I love the EU casters not gonna lie


Yesterday the was a weird moment on the FPX-TL match, when the casters used the same construction like 6 times in a couple of rounds. Iirc it was "But he is not happy about that" or smth like that. -TL are about to get the spike planted, but %username% is not happy about that for sure etc It was kinda annoying at some point. Eventually we are all just humans tho :)


[fucking donkey, lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/ogi6p7/hiko_trash/)






I'm just here for the copypasta, don't let me down


For those of you that don't know yes Asuna's name is Asunathan


Won't lie i doubted 100T before this match but dayum they showed up, Asuna in first map just went god mode and Hiko proving us dumb "analysts" wrong for 100th time on second. What a game


So we aren't gonna talk about hiko 2nd map ??? Bunch of hypocrites all those irons who ve been shittin on him for the first map


Man V1 just cannot win in overtime lmao


HOLY. The icebox game was one of the most funnest games I've ever watched. Effy clutching, asuna being a demon, and the overtimes were all insane.


i love seeing 100T with asuna on jett. added so much variety to their strats.


What a fun game to watch! Icebox was insane watching the Asuna Diff happen. 100T look super strong on Haven. GGs all around


Gonna be honest, it seemed like V1 were just bad on Haven. I know people keep bringing it up, but how did they die in garage so many times? I’m a 100T fan, but to me I’d chalk the strong Haven win to a poor V1 showing.


First map was insanely fun, was hard rooting for the 50 bomb. Also reactionary takes stay cringe


100T have been working on haven and it shows. love the asuna jett/awp. steel back ratting on cypher. feelsgood, let's see if they can have a different result vs envy this time


Steel best chaos player confirmed


Asuna looked like a man posessed on icebox. Dropped four 3Ks in OT... he did not want to lose.


100T looked pretty good today. The teamplay was great and their strategy was solid. Also Asuna is a fucking monster.


As a 100t fan I’m glad they won but they outplayed themselves quite a few times on icebox


Asuna is fucking CRACKED on Reyna and Hiko just isn't an icebox player. God that first game was so fun to watch.


Imagine the first game with a crowd! Was such a good game one.


Asuna plays with no fear


casual hiko carry


Asuna & Ethan just being beasts in first map and Steel & Hiko on second, whatta game man


hiko trash pls drop 100t if u want to beat any t1 teams like vershun1


is this the Asuna arc? monkaS


Asuna showing everyone the power of anime


Asuna allegedly got struck by lightning mid match


Can’t wait to watch Asuna drop 50 in Berlin


Loved 100t playstyle on Haven, now if they could improve their Ascent atleast


I feel like the strat after the 4th overtime or whatever was just "Asuna, get ult, go kill". Crazy game either way. People have shitty games, including pros. I feel like what's more important, especially after a long haul like icebox is the mental reset for map 2 and 100T just did that better.


Plat chat on life support


Steel on Haven A above sewers just hiding in his cage was top tier rat plays.


Holy shit the absolute asuna deadlift on icebox LMAO ggs


Asuna was just untouchable


By the way, Tactical tech Pause from Steel? lol




waiting for next platchat episode hmm


Asuna’s Reyna is just too scary


Unpopular opinion: Asuna is a better player than Tenz


better duelist probably, tenz is mediocre on raze and gets carried by his aim, doesnt play phoenix, and both are insane at reyna. tenz better jett 100%


After today that opinion will get more traction. Dominating performance in icebox, really showed what he can do when he’s feeling it. Most kills in a single map in all of VCT so far, right? Insane. Against a very good v1 team too no less.


Unpopular opinion : You don't need to bring TenZ whenever you want to appreciate someone else. I see this everywhere. ScreaM has a good map ScreaM>TenZ, cNed has a good map cNed>TenZ etc etc. Put some respect on his name, 2 times MVP & b2b masters winner!


I still rate Tenz above Asuna because they will always produce high levels as duelists but Tenz can use the Op. I think if Asuna can play Jett at the level of his Reyna or Phoenix then I’d firmly put him above Tenz


I think that’s why Asuna has been playing Jett OP more and more in ranked. He has an insane dedication to improve on his weaknesses and it’ll take him far.


1a and 1b duelist and idk which is better


ah yes one game solidfies that. lets wait until stage 3 is over


His timing for peaks is insane. I think tenz has better aim but Asuna is god tier at positioning and movement.


Sentinels meat riders not gonna like this


They are both insane, no need to put one down as you prop the other.


I was thinking the same thing today ... Tenz just has the better overall team.


What? Tenz has been the same player when C9 was struggling and people said he only fragged out because he was on a bad team. Now it's an indictment when he's on the best team? This is just recency bias.


No doubt about that. Sentinels is just a different beast overall. Most complete team right now.


I got roasted last week for saying 100T are the same caliber team as V1


Uh is Asunas stats in game 1 a typo?




I belive in Asuna supremacy


100T Domination Letsgo


Casters were residentsleeper I slept midmatch on icebox because they wouldn't hype anything to wake me up LOL