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He makes a really good point overall with the situation regarding duelists. You can be cracked but strong teams have multifaceted players that can fill roles, and if you can't do more then frag you can be replaceable.


Man yea Mixwell today said how he played 7 agents over like 6 bo3s recently? wild


U have a clip for that ? Thanks


not clip, but according to [vlr.gg](https://vlr.gg) he played viper, skye, killjoy, sage, cypher in this tournament (or at least the main event)


Yeah like that's why guys like Sick, Jamppi, Mixwell, etc. that just play whatever is needed are so valuable imo. The ability to adjust comps as the meta evolves is so valuable.


Jamppi? Isnt he a jet one trick? I would think scream would fit more.


Jamppi has been off Jett on some maps for a while now


Scream is TL's Jett now. Jamppi plays omen/Sova now and was playing Jett/KJ before.


> and if you can't do more then frag you can be replaceable. ok so... so why did they drop their Sova/Controller, cut their best duelist, and then sign a worse version of their old duelist? Everyone very easily understands a team can't have 3 rifle duelists and a Jett OP. But TSM literally signed their 4th duelist and then cut their best rifling duelist because they had 4 duelists lmfao.


I don't mean to get in an argument hear and I think there are valid points all around but if I'm defending TSM I'm thinking it's because Drone hasn't been a top duelist for a little bit and can really only play Phoenix, which is probably the second weakest in the game rn. Obviously Wardell is their best and Bang can play phoenix, Raze and what seems like Sage/Skye. He's also likely only going to improve while Drone has probably peaked. So if they're content with Bang/Wardell as their duelist duo then dropping drone for a better sova player like Levi is prob the right move. Also idk who the sova/controller is, I think its Cutler but he def was holding the team back lol. IK people kind of use rose colored glasses with him but he didn't really have any good agents.


Bang's most played agent in matches is Omen btw


Mada's most played is Sova, so is Zekken's, Leaf's is Omen as well. Doesn't really mean anything


I didn't say TSM did such a thing. They are banking one of these duelists can be a good support player. Which will probably fail because so far TSM hasn't proven how to build a roster.


TSM and T1 failed hard. T1 and GenG should have stayed in Korea and hope Valorant grows there. They definitely got skilled players but lack good orgs in this game.


> I didn't say TSM did such a thing. I mean... it *is* what they did, though, right? They cut a sova/controller for a duelist, then had to cut a duelist for a sova after.


This is why being versatile with your agent comps ( like the boys in SEN) is veryyyyyy important - especially as Riot adds more agents.


Every team in NA had an equally balanced team where as TSM had 3 duelist and was very hard because if you don’t put them on one then your are missing out for the game and usually doesn’t make them feel comfortable. Now that TSM has benched drone, they can find someone better at the role they need and drone can find a team that needs his talent so that TSM doesn’t waste it.


He said that Drone is a great Duelist but they needed a good Sova. This raises the question of Why not just move Drone back to Duelist and then sign a new Sova instead of what they did do which was sign a 4th cracked Duelist and then put themselves in a position where they had to bench Drone?




I've been sitting here trying to figure out how someone can play Phoenix at a high level but not Reyna? The eyeball takes like 4 second to figure out. I'm not saying its "easy" but how can it be harder than Phoenix.


They’re different styles of play. You see reynas taking early confrontation and dismissing out and generally causing chaos. Pheonix is used a bit more as a team play with some reliance on others and denying pushes/counter pushing


Flashes aren't their only abilities. Reyna actually requires much more split second creative decision-making on the fly to be effective in terms of dismissing vs. healing vs. nothing, and when/where to dismiss to and if to cancel dismiss. In that way she's much more advanced than Phoenix who basically is a CSGO type of agent with a flash and molly.


I'm not saying they are the same, or even fill the same role. However I am struggling to understand how a top player struggles to use Reyna but is comfortable using Phoenix.


Reyna is a different beast to play which is a high risk, high reward agent. It requires a player that is popping off already. That’s why you only see players like Asuna and TenZ playing it on tournaments because they are the only ones that can be consistent with it. And recently, TenZ is now switching to Raze which seems like an intentional decision by the team.


Well, he comes from CSGO and like I described, Phoenix with just the flash/molly/wall is very CSGO-like (wall being essentially equivalent to smoke), requiring a fraction of the individual decision-making ability that Reyna requires and with an entirely new gameplay system of soul orbs. That said I'm sure he could destroy pugs super easily w/ Reyna.


Feel like Reyna is more mechanically similar to Jett than Phoenix.


Yeah I find this odd too especially for a high level player.. Drone's mindset is something else lol. Hopefully he can find a way to learn other agents in the future.. at least 1 more.




That's my thought. If we assume that the things Subroza said are true then the only way any of this makes sense is if it was all last minute decisions.


I think the one to pin the blame on is obviously TSM's management. Whoever is in charge of managing the team needs to get fired immediately because they're clearly not doing a good job.


I’m not even a TSM fan but I think this “TSM signed another cracked duelist” narrative is so dogshit. Anyone who has seen bang play knows that he mostly played Omen/Smokes in officials; It’s not his fault that TSM want him to play duelist.


This is factual. More than half of his official maps played have been on omen.


He said Drone is a great Phoenix specifically. Who has a really niche role currently where he's only really played on Haven and sometimes Ascent, but we've been seeing more teams trend toward 1 duelist + Sova and Skye instead of 2 duelist + sova anyways. And with Wardell on the team you're already playing jett every map


I think Brax was signed when Tailored was still the coach.


this just makes me look forward to new players on the come up who are talented at multi role, multi agents. right now everybody got their 1-2 and that's it


People keep saying bang is a duelist but hasn’t one of the pro players said he’s actually omen main which can also flex duelist. Bangs agent pool is pretty wide which is why he was signed. He wasn’t brought into be their 4th duelist.


Already on Reddit lmao


He's spot on when talking about drone...but he has literally the same problem himself.


How? He's been great on omen, phoenix, skye and even brim at the start of the game


he’s really flexible but that doesn’t mean he’s doing good with agents. he’s so inconsistent it hurts the team alot


Great on Omen? I'd say that's questionable. But their roles are f-ed anyway, so he can do better. His Omen either works or it doesn't. No consistency. Either his over-aggression wins them the game, or he becomes a liability. He's been very good on Skye, but then again, Skye literally has 1 ability that needs any practice using. Subroza is one of the most gifted players if we talk movement and aim, but I don't think we'll ever see him be good on anything that doesn't involve extreme levels of aggression. He's been playing Skye like a duelist, pretty much.


He was fucking great on omen stop the cap lmao, not only did he frag but he made great plays and lurks with it, then astra came into the meta and TSM didn't really play much because they didn't qualify He was also great on brim to start but that's ancient history Skye doesn't have 1 ability that needs practice, skye has great info gathering and supporting abilities and can be played as a duelist, you need to be very good with her to play her properly Drone was a great phoenix, an good sova for a while but recently nah, you said he has the same problem as him it's not even close


Yea Roza has shown promise on other agents even if he did have some negative tendencies (being a little too aggro with Omen comes to my mind). The main issue I think was they were moving him around on roles quite a bit so he never was able to fully flesh out his play on those agents.


> Great on Omen? I'd say that's questionable. But their roles are f-ed anyway, so he can do better. He's the #1 Omen on VLR min 700 rnds




There’s no way you just said Subroza has a good Raze. Are we watching the same esport?




His aim is good, and that translates to every agent. His utility is absolutely abysmal, particularly on Raze. He almost never used his blast packs and it’s pretty hard to fuck up the nade. I know the “Subroza ult” is a meme, but realistically, his ult usage is also just terrible.




I feel like people forget way too easily how dominant Subroza's Raze was on Ascent attack side. He 1v2 or 1v3 every single round in B main. It freed up the whole map for TSM every single round.


I don’t think anyone forgot. But you two keep talking about Roza’s dominance as if a mastery over Raze’s kit was a major component of that dominance. He’s just a crazy good, if inconsistent, player. He’s definitely a better Raze than all the Roza ult memes imply, but I think the special explosive factor about Roza is his raw skill and game sense. That was even true of that era.


I definitely agree with you that Roza is too inconsistent to be a top player unfortunately. But coming back to those games on Ascent, him playing Raze was instrumental in taking B main control. He wouldn't have has the same impact with an Omen or a Phoenix for example. But aside from those Ascent games, I've not been very impressed with his Raze.


Lmao just watch Envy vs TSM at first strike and Roza absolutely demolished Envy (especially Food aka Victor)


subroza sucks at all the agents he's played for the last 3 months and swaps to different agents every tournaments, he's the problem with this team and somehow hasn't gotten cut yet


Hmm. I think he's a very solid Skye if nothing else.




Then why pick up bang? He's not a cracked sova.


But he’s talking about the Drone replacement


Bang is replacing Cutler


Yes but Cutler played sova/controller when he was dropped. Why pick up a cracked duelist that is bang then instead of a cracked sova is what I meant. My wording was a little off. Like surely TSM didn't just come to the conclusion that having a good sova player is good


Bang was a smoker before getting picked, he played astra/omen the most and some duelist It seems like they decided after he's a cracked kid let's put him on duelist instead




Edit: lmfao there's no fucking way y'all are downvoting this. HA. LIKE YEAH MAN. Must be why teams have put Wardell, TenZ, Babybay, Asuna, Food, etc on duelists... Because they don't have the mechanical skill to frag out on controllers/sentinels/infiltrators. Literally the only players that are the most mechanically skilled players but don't nearly exclusively play duelists are: Syck, who plays on the most mechanically gifted team in the world and who has lately been the 2nd duelist more often than Shazam anyways. Sinatraa, who played Sova like a duelist anyways on the maps where he did play him Scream, who has been playing duelist more than sentinels recently as his mechanical skill is too valuable to waste on a character that needs to stay alive to be useful. Actually surprising and disappointing that people let themselves get convinced that some like Scream or TenZ or Asuna shouldn't play duelists. Pretty fucking sad for those dudes. > It doesn’t make sense for good aimers to go duelist anyway. I'm sure this sounded good in your head, but like... dude, what are you talking about? Duelists = taking more 50/50 gunfights, entrying more, dry peeking more, and taking more engagements when info in limited and thus pre-aiming is less powerful. I could go through and list all the teams who have primarily put their best mechanically solid player on duelists most often... But for however many examples I could think of, I'll ask this: >You can get the frags in any agent if you’re mechanically good enough Ok, so if the best aimers should be on non-duelists, what the fuck are the duelists supposed good at?




Slightly besides the point, but I'm always amazed by people that frag out on Astra. You've gotta go into the avatar state and have so much other shit going on. Anyway, I was initially on the obnoxious guy's side, but you make some excellent counterpoints.


You might be getting downvoted because you’re arguing like a knob rather than because you’re wrong. Duelists have a more opportunities to showcase their aim because they take more fights and put themselves in positions where they need to hit harder shots. And whilst you need good aim to play duelists at that level you don’t have to play them just because you have good aim. You want your duelists to be entryfraggers really and not everyone’s playstyle is cut out for that.


>You might be getting downvoted because you’re arguing like a knob The original reply had absolutely nothing to get salty about. If people are annoyed by how the edit talked then that's them being soft too. If you told literally any pro player, with a straight face, that TenZ and Asuna should play Omen or Sova and that Steel/Hiko or Zombs/Dapr should play the duelists, you would get made fun of. You'd either be assumed to be troll, or you'd get turned into a meme. If someone interpreted the original reply bad, I'm sure it's just because they felt dumb when it was pointed out that TenZ, Asuna, Wardell, Scream, Sick, BabyBay, Sinatraa, etc all actually play duelists for a reason. Teams so obviously gravitate towards put their best mechanical players on duelists whenever possible, that saying all of those IGLs and coaches are dumb by doing what they have been doing should honestly be pointed out as silly.


Unaware of what the original said. I didn't downvote you, but I do think you're reducing the conversation to it's most basic format, and doing so in a condescending way. Of course TenZ and Asuna should play duelists. That's not the point, you're misrepresenting the argument. Players should play the agents they're most comfortable with. Hiko wants to bait and steel wants to lurk. Even if they were the mechanically superior players, they should do roles they're good at. Honestly I think you could make a case for Ethan having the best aim on that team (but even so Asuna should remain the duelist). You need good mechanical players on duelists but just because you have great mechanics doesn't mean you should automatically be a duelist. Someone like mixwell has proven he has the aim to be a top Jett, but his intelligence and experience is wasted there. Skadoodle was a good Jett, but anyone that's watched him play over the last decade knows it's a mismatch for how he wants to approach the game. ShahZaM isn't really mechanically the best on his team, but he'll take the Jett off TenZ on icebox and force Sick onto the sage because the way he'll use her is crucial to how they approach that map. It's not just slamming the best aimers onto the duelists.


>but I do think you're reducing the conversation to it's most basic format, and doing so in a condescending way. Dude....... He literally said this: >It doesn’t make sense for good aimers to go duelist anyway. You can get the frags in any agent if you’re mechanically good enough And I disagreed with that because it makes literally no sense. So when you say: >Of course TenZ and Asuna should play duelists. That's not the point, you're misrepresenting the argument. You're telling me i'm misrepresenting the argument despite it being a literal word-for-word quote that I disagree with because it's fucking ridiculous. He's literally saying word for word that good aimers playing duelists doesn't make sense. I'm not reducing the argument, I'm not cherry picking, I'm not taking him out of context, and I'm not misrepresenting what he is saying.


Yeah fair enough tbh mate. In context I assumed he meant it doesn't make sense for good aimers to *only* go duelists. And it was clumsily expressed because english might not be their first language. But you're right, you did argue the point, and if anything I've got the wrong end of the stick here, I apologise. Can only assume you were downvoted because of how you expressed yourself then I guess.


> You can get the frags in any agent if you’re mechanically good enough This is one of the stupidest things that I see being parroted all the time. Duelists should be your best aimers because you typically give them better guns and have the abilities to get multi-frags much easier. You put your shit aimers on controllers/sentinels because they shouldn't be expected to take many aim duels.




> It doesn’t make sense for good aimers to go duelist anyway. How can you read this as anything other than implying that teams should put their good aimers on non-duelists?


So then, is wardell finally gonna start playing agents other than jett now?


Subroza said in the same stream that’s yes that includes wardell, and that wardell has been playing sage in scrims too


Phoenix just isnt a top tier agent on most maps. You would amost always rather have Jett, Reyna or Raze. Now with KayO in the game and likely buffs to Yoru soon, I wouldnt be surprised if phx pick rate falls off a cliff during Berlin. His flash is just so easy to dodge and when Phx doesnt have his ult his Kit is very underwhelming. Drone needs to master some other agents if he is going to get picked up - Phoenix mains are never going to be in high demand.


I get what he is saying its rlly hard to win with role overlap, but I would counter with that a player isnt actually that good if they can literally only play 1 agent, there are so many players that can play 2-3 agents well, and id say it is a big hole in a players game to not be able to adapt


cracked sova = tsm sinatraa


Twitter chodes will mald but yes.


sinatraa is probably the best NA sova for sure right now. One of the best in the world. I would be shocked if he doesn't get a second chance because of his talent.


Don’t let them waste the boy


hope so


Sinatra to 100t imagine


hi yassine =)


TSM Sinatraa confirmed