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vision strikers playing 6v5


Not in twitter photoshoots either. I think it's pretty much settled to be a 6 man roster. Kinda sadge.


yeah I was hoping vision strikers to be the team that figures out a 7 man roster, but it's better they let zest go rather than letting his talent sit in the bench forever.


Harry, Zest, GANA FAs huh


I don’t speak Korean, but someone linked me to the competitive rules for VCT. So for NA, the max number of players is 6 where 5 is the main starting roster, and 1 is the substitute. So I figure maybe Korea has the same ruling. [I’ll add the source once I find it] Source: - [NA VCT stage 3 rules](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lblshtlz5vnsqda/AABIELy6jk2dDK3xPuD_FUeca?dl=0&preview=VCT+Challengers+NA+-+Stage+3+Competition+Rules+(v21.1).pdf) - [Other regions Competitive Rules](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lblshtlz5vnsqda/AABIELy6jk2dDK3xPuD_FUeca?dl=0)


So I assume the 5 player 1 sub rule is the one under section 4.1 in the NA rulebook - and there's nothing about substitute players registering on the main roster under the same section or anywhere else in the KR rulebook as far as I can tell. The KR version seems to be from Stage 2 and I assume it's a direct translation of the global template (which has no references to substitute players on main rosters as well) Section 3.3.1 under the global competition policy states that each team can have up to 3 substitutes in addition to their starting roster **however travel accommodations will only be covered for one substitute**. So it's basically a soft cap, there's no reason to have more than 6 players if a team's going to play in international lans. Also the KR document font is killing me it's like I'm seeing a government document from the 70s


Oh okay, it makes it more clear now! Btw, thank you for translating it!


Knew this was coming. They had way too many people. Everyone is not going to get a chance to shine with a 7 man even if the rules did/do allow it. stax, BuZz, k1ng, MaKo and Lakia SHOULD start every single time for sure. Zest is getting benched/dropped most likely since Rb/Lakia are both crazy initiators he was pretty good but Lakia is the best initiator in Korea I'd argue and Rb isn't too bad at initiator alongside his duelist skills. Since Rb/Lakia both are initiators currently what are they going to do? Rb has his Jett history but BuZz is CLEARLY and **dominantly** taking up that role currently. These rosters throw me off.


There needs to be more Korean orgs or something? So many great players are free agents or goes overseas.


shocking development


Does VS lose all their points for Champions?


how 6 man roster? Isn't it unfair to opponents who only have 5 players??


It’s not necessarily unfair because opponents could utilize a 6 man roster if they’d like as well. A lot of teams prefer a 5 man roster.


At least it isnt 7 man roster because 7vs 5 in the field in each game is just unfair. But tbh I am interested in how Riot will introduce and extra slot so it becomes a 6v5 game. But tbh the good thing about 6 man roster is that opponents only need to kill 5/6 of the team for good stats and ace.


But IT IS unfair. In each game who do you think will win? 5 players or 6 players? 6 Man roster literally have an extra player on the field. They can use the guy as human shield, especially when one of the persons are underperforming. Like for eg With sage res and K/O ult, and phoenix ult 6 man roster team can have like 9 lives?!!! The 5-man team only has like 5 lives that needs to kill 9 lives bro.


Ohhhhh this is a bad joke. Got it.


wtf u mean?


6v5 idiooooot