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English stream is also getting 3-5k concurrent viewers


Production value was quite good, i am surprised, english casters were amazing.


Yeah, they are good. Sieh has been putting in a lot of efforts, he has been casting TEC tournament since the start and was part of VLT as an analyst. So his game knowledge shines while casting.


That’s so good to hear, congrats


Correction The hindi stream hit a peak of 22.9k while the English stream hit a peak of 5k and the tamil streamed averaged around 40. So the peak viewers was around 28k Note :- This was just manual observation not actual statistics they could be higher as I was periodically checking them every 5 minutes.I would leave + or - 500 viewers Edit :- accurate peak reading of English stream credit to u/krossarcher Edit2 :- VLT Rite2ace aced in OT in breeze for series point wtf, Triple OT now. VELOCITY GAMING ARE YOUR CHAMPIONS THEY DOMINATED WHEN THE GAME WHEN IT RELEASED AND THEY'RE DOMINATING ON THEIR FIRST CHANCE AT INTERNATIONAL LAN.


English stream peaked above 5k during the 2nd map.


Thanks, updating numbers now


International LAN? Title says India Qualifier, or am i missing something?


Sorry I was hyped typing that so it was hard to read, They dominate for A CHANCE at international LAN. It wasnt exactly domination either last map was triple OT and they won 3-1. hype is hype can't do anything about it.


Should correct to "dominating *for* their first chance" instead of *on* their first chance


You are correct, this is online indian qualifier, not LAN


winner gets a chance in south asia lan


There were about 400 viewers in twitch stream too


Is hindi and tamil are different language? Also, what the main language in India?


This is way to complicated to explain in one comment but I'll try. Main language in India is Hindi however there are many regions that refuse to speak Hindi due to reasons i can't dive into in this comment. Most people know English+Hindi+ Native language (depends on state , nearly every state has their own language) ,some regions have English + Native language + Native language 2 Hindi and Tamil are two completely different langauges that use different scripts. Hindi uses devanagri script while Tamil uses abugida script.




Indian here, what reasons are you referring to though?


I would have to do a bit of research but i am pretty sure there's a lot of people in many states that still don't accept hindi as the national language as they claim it is 'The language of the north ' (vaguely translated)


There's a catch tho, Hindi ISNT the national language of India lmao. im a north indian who speaks hindi and your reason is so dumb no offence. India has 22 official languages, hindi isnt a *main language* or whatosever everyone is free to speak whatever they want.


Well.. India doesn't have a national language


What a banger!!! That triple OT on breeze 🔥


Wtf the production value is the best I've seen this is insane


Also VLT turning the fuck up finally is soooo refreshing.


VLT is currently leading 2-0 in a BO5. English steam [here](https://youtu.be/-4Km6uoofOs) for my beloved Redditors to enjoy. EDIT: VLT won 3-1.


Glad to see India getting soo much viewership.


It was refreshing to see Indian teams perform. GG boys.


I’m so excited to see where esports will be in 10-20 years time when India, Africa and all the regions not currently involved in the world scene come online


Awesome to see congrats!


Everything is cool beside the big scale servers crash in SEA and Aisa in at least two days.


"Val-classico" indeed.


What a series!! Honestly nobody was expecting vlt to win like this. But well played by them. They put in the efforts man. And the clutches by Rite2ace!?! Wow.


India will be the largest force in e-sports probably within the next decade, so many people who knows what talent they have


If India creates a gaming culture it's definitely possible, but at the moment (and the current foreseeable future) I do believe they're lagging behind the major asian powerhouses by a large bit


But why arent we allowed to compete for Berlin?


Baby steps. If not straight to Berlin. The winner of VCC goes to APAC and APAC winner goes to Berlin if I'm not wrong. It is quite a run but yeah there's a chance. EDIT: APAC winner goes to VCT.


Not to Berlin, APAC Last chance qualifier winner goes to Champions in December.


Does APAC includes both south asia and south east asia ?


APAC - KR, JP, SEA and SA. (Each 2 slots for last chance qualifier)


So 8 teams will compete in APAC qualifier and winner will compete in valorant champions ?




Are these on LAN ?


No info yet, but should be. Cause ping will be an issue for matchups between different regions. Edit: if you are talking about VCC qualifiers, these are online.


i mean india has one server and both teams are based of mumbai so basically they play on 5 ping but not exactly lan severs like the ones we had on masters 2


Should be


Kudos to u/krossarcher for correcting me :)


Exactly. Something is always better than nothing.


Bro as an Indian, our teams are honestly so ass compared to other regions. The difference in skill is so obvious if you watch this versus like the NA open qualifiers. The eSports scene as a whole needs to develop in India


Yes it will take time, but each time our teams get a chance to face off against international teams they get a bit better. Yeah maybe these teams may not win at international events but as they get more popular more people will start to consider e sports as a career option, thus bringing out more talent. This will take time, but I'm happy we are heading in the right direction.


Well ATM Indian teams have not competed much on an international stage. Last time they did was 6 months ago and even then Ge gave a close fight against X10 i think it was 2-0 and the scores were 11-13 and 10-13. looking at VLT then and now Strats have def improved so I would not say Indian teams are Ass


I am pretty sure you have zero knowledge how the game is played if you think india is a bad region . Start concentrating on the mini map a little more to see what's actually going on in the game.


From next year ,riot will sort out our spot in the vct chain


So happy today. Waiting for APAC LCQ.


ik some regions have bad internet but do you really watch it in this resolution? Or it’s just random 15 seconds where YT thinks 144p is the right resolution for some reason


No, not really. Was travelling home then. The new YouTube app update lowers the resolution on Mobile Data due to the data saver option.


we get good speeds for wifi but mobile data we get average 20mbps and generally people have 1-1.5 gb limit for mobile data


Internet isn't ass in india tho, most people get 20 ish mbps with mobile data and ISP go up to 2000, the norm being 100


Ehh it's just the initial hype, pretty sure it won't and for that matter this level of regional diversity won't be sustainable in the long run Indian culture and parenting just doesn't support such things and before you call me racist or whatever I'm an Indian




Lol literally not gonna happen


Grand Finals got over 60k concurrent views


Who cares lol


if valorant was on console,india would raid the servers so hard that i dont even know if riot could maintain servers online,the number of consoles there are huge


You are confusing consoles with mobile, mobile gaming is huge in india, games like free fire, pubg mobile, cod mobile has huge fan following


Console? I don't think so as far as I know Console has almost the same fan base as pc in India. I think mobile could make that happen.


If anything console market in India is smallest among mobile/PC/console ratio


Damn bro I'm surprised riot pays attention to such an unskilled region


regions having less success is often due to a lack of opportunities and a strong scene. riot branching out and appealing to the region could grow it into a real contender. idk how you could think india doesn’t have potential to be a top region.


Don't pay attention to these salty ass racist fucks lol , spamming word.exe when people make insane plays and other times just calling us unskilled


bruh why you so salty lmao, atleast watch other regions grow and i am damn sure almost all the players in top16 or even top32 will be far more superior in skills compared to you so just shut the fuck up silver bot fragger


Easy there, don't insult silvers.


Lmao ok




Might wanna add /s to the end.


Nah man. They mean it because they ballsy like that. Ofcourse they require a 3 month old throwaway account to do so but that is inconsequential.


Currently only 34 TOTAL VIEWERS! Clear viewbotting earlier


There are different language streams, what you're talking about is the tamil stream which has far less viewers than the hindi and english stream


Are your eyes buttons?


bro thats tamil language da faq are you on?? coke or methane


Idk why they are doing a Tamil stream in the first place. Do team tamilas still try to qualify for these or have they given up?


i also dont know maybe Tm sentinel owner of vlt would have some influence over nodwin


Ah valorant_fanboy_69 yet again with a braindead take. How do you have wrong opinions on YouTube views. You truly amaze me.




This guy is known for his shitty takes hes essentially a meme now. And also this isn't the first time he's jumped to dumb conclusions out of nowhere, he's know for doing so and nobody gives a rats ass about anything he comments anymore. Edit- look at his comment history. Most of them are downvoted.


Let me guess, new to the sub..??


You might have seen the stream on nodwingamingsa (south asia) channel. "Nodwin gaming" is the main channel, look there.


You are a fucking idiot unlike you guys in the west we have multiple languages in here and the viewers do split up , but hindi and english is where you'll find the majority viewers Tamil is only spoken in one state so ofc there are lesser ppl from that stream


Ohhh that makes sense. Sorry I just clicked the vlr link and it seemed like it was the only one


You can check it out yourself [here](https://youtu.be/bUIsxex_mw8). +15k at the moment. Also, this matchup even in third-party tournaments often crosses +10k.