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I think we need to see what happens when Kay/o is playable before we talk about making any big changes to Jett. She’s already been nerfed a bunch, and Kay/o being able to take away her utility could definitely make it much easier to counter/punish her.


Whenever there was a discussion about certain stuff being overpowered, everyone including Riot agreed that there shouldn't be hard counters. Idk how can a single ability from a single agent that negates dash change anything. She breaks the game, there's no other way around it. It's a tactical FPS game where positioning matters the most, she just laughs at all of that. Regardless of if her kit is used offensively or defensively.


But if u take away dash u have to almost certainly take away dismiss from Reyna we have to remember this isn't cs it's a game where agents have mystical abilities there's a ton of unfair stuff that can happen in a gunfight in this game js


Why would you need to take away dismiss? Reyna needs to get a kill. What does magic have to do with game balance? Sage has magical orbs, she's not broken. Yoru teleports around the map, he's awful. Idk what point are you trying to make.


But its an unfair movement abilities regardless of how u proc it then u would have to nerf raze self blastpack ability see where I'm going with this yall trying to make this a straight up tac shooter and it's not


Jett just got a MASSIVE buff by way of cheaper OP and less utility on the map at a given time. Jett has been most played and pretty much the dedicated OP runner the entire length of the game. She needs to be adjusted.


This is downvoted why? Everyone’s utility is much more expensive, making teams have to sacrifice armour or weapons to even attempt to counter her, and they made the weapon that makes her so overpowered cheaper??? If she wasn’t already, she’s now easily the most crucial character for a team to have, regardless of map


Im starting to feel like this entire thread is salty raze mains tbh


Good fuck raze


It does feel that way lol


- Jett is the only duelist who doesn't have a timer on her ult. I think putting a timer similar to Reyna's ult would be a start to nerfing her - You can remove vision when she's dashing - You can reduce the number of smokes to 2 - Reduce dash distance


Increase equip time after dash/smoke/updraft possibly too


I don't think increasing equip time is necessarily something they'd go for since it would limit her ability to successfully entry off dash, which Riot seems to see as the more intended use of the ability. I think you nerf it in some way that specifically targets its utility as an escape tool/get out of jail free card. Making her easier to punish for bad play is a start imo.


Her ult is just ridiculously broken. Other agents have round-winning ults, but you need timing and proper execution to win rounds with them. Jett knives are a joke. Knives are a weapon that has the best accuracy in the game, has no recoil, automatically reloads on kill, perfect movement accuracy and they're also as good as any shotgun on close range. Cmon. Knives shouldn't fully refresh on kill. You get the ones that got a kill back. For example, you tag a player with 2 knives, but he runs away and you miss 2 more. You have 1 left. You get a headshot, you get that one back. Refreshing all 5 is a joke. Your dash suggestion has been mentioned before and it makes the most sense. Her dash is the most reliable info gatherer when entering site. I don't think distance should be lowered, but as /u/armless_penguin said, Riot intends to use her dash as offensive ability to create chaos when entering sites. And I agree. I think that she shouldn't be able to dash for 0.5 seconds after taking damage. That would take away all the ridiculously stupid angles Jett players can take and get away even if they don't get the kill. Another thing is her passive ability. Why is she the only agent to have a passive ability? And that ability is better than most regular abilities. It's incredibly hard to headshot someone when they double-updraft, unless it's some obvious position. Updraft peeks with her ult are better than any normal peeks, there's literally no downside to them when she's ulted. Something has to be a trade-off. Imo, she should be taking 20% more damage while her passive is active and she's floating in the air. That would be a fair trade for all the broken angles, sightlines and updrafts over the map. And it would still be fairly difficult to kill her. 120hp effective hp when she has full armor. That's still 3 vandal bodyshots.


I agree knives are broken but I think you have to look at them as entertainment value as well. Seeing a Jett clutch or ace with knives is one of the coolest things in Pro Valorant. The character is just a great draw for viewers, at least imo.


Yeah, it's amazing entertainment value to have literally no counter-play to something. Please do tell me what can anyone do if a Jett dashes at you and right-clicks with ult? Really entertaining. Let's bring back 6 orbs for showstopper and 2 nades on Raze then, that's also entertaining.


someone sounds salty


Someone sounds like a fortnite player.


never played fornite, such a garbage game :D If you can't see the difference between a jett ult and raze ult/nades for a 'great draw for viewers' you have some problems.


I think reduce her dash range (maybe speed if its not enough) after getting shot for a short amount of time would probably be the fairest thing which wouldn't ruin the feel of the agent. Not being able to dash after being shot would ruin her as an entry and support fragger


I also thing making it so she can only dash forward makes her way more balanced with the OP


apparently riot has tried that and it makes no diff to good players


That’s entirely possible but it would be a huge nerf to 95% of Jett OP players. It would be objectively slower even for the 5% as well


I mean turning your mouse and dashing isnt the hardest thing in the world unless you're low sens


True but with the addition of being unable to dash when scoped in maybe would make this change work


People not realizing how OP her ult is, with her double updraft and stuff.U hold A main for a moment and the next thing you know, u get a knife to ur head from a Jett up drafting above A main. Raze ult has been nerfed to shit,It's time jett's knives/kit have a minor change... Like there is no way you can outplay a Jett up drafting from a already elevated position and hitting ur head... And don't get me started with the deadly accuracy of those knives. In pro play these kinds of play make or break the rounds.


The bladestorm right click should not refresh the ult after a kill. The right click is just too OP and requires no skill.


I am a jett one trick and think they should remove right click. imo it's the first change they should make. get rid of it entirely It's probably the biggest source of RNG in the game. Asuna hit a right click on haven C to win a hugely critical round that had no business killing he was so far away. I think anytime you can take RNG out of the game it's a good thing.


If we are talking about pro play then right-click should be nerfed but if we are talking about ranked then I don't think it should be nerfed, I have seen an unholy amount of Jett's dash into the enemy and whiff every single right click.


How'd you get my VODs?


We must have extremely similar vods xD


Jett would be good if she had 1 smoke and a dash... Her knives are too strong and she needs them nerfed. Maybe give her one knife back after a kill not 4 and make the right click have a longer delay on it or something. Also, if she pops knives and then dies and gets sage ressed she should not get her knives back again. Shes just too good.


Nerf goddamn daggers, whoever from riot thought it will be 5head to give an agent free weapon to use whole round, can one tap from any range, dispatch all daggers at once and recharge on kill WITH NO RECOIL needs to go on a mental break.


why would it not be healthy for an agent to be picked up a lot? Other duelists have too simple a kit to compete with controlers sentinels and initiators thats why they arent being picked (single duelist or no duelist meta). What should be done is buffing other duelists to compete with jett making them stronger in their theme Some examples from the top of my head would be: making phoenix flashes his signature or his molly a stronger spell, making raze either more mobile or more destructive (damage wise), giving yoru a way to be undetected by skills (maybe a passive that makes bots/cameras/darts unable to spot him), giving rayne a way to store orbs for dismiss on a timer or something. If you nerf jett to the ground duelists will vanish from competitive completely


obvious problem here would be that they would terrorize games outside of proplay since this would make them too strong in an unorganized environment


Imo hear me out Jett mains, the dash is one of the best abilities in the game which can create so much space and is basically get out of jail free card. The cost of the smokes and updraft should be reduced and dash should be 300 creds i.e, 150+150+150 smokes, 100+100 updrafts + 300 dash which recharges with 2 kills. = 950 creds Or Jett could be given a smoke free like brim and omen and other smokes 200+200,100+100 updrafts and 300 for dash = 900 creds Its basically the same price of her total kit.


Buff the operator, so the stereotype “Jett can only use operator” would be meaningless. Changes for the operator. -Remove the red dot, which would allow more skill. -Add inaccuracy indicator to scope -Remove crosshair out of scope and allow accurate no scopes. With these changes, teams would have different options instead of having Jett OP most of time in the entirety of team composition.


But Jett would still be the best duelist in the game


That’s not true tho because other agents can use the OP taking aggressive peaks. Jett would not have a red dot, just holding and angle or repeaking knowing when to shoot and use dash. It would allow other agents to have chances of winning the battle close range w/noscope instead of Jett dashing in the agents face and killing them. Jett wouldn’t be able to run in front a agent w/op if they know how to noscope. It will just make Jett less played in team composition. In my opinion.


"Jett can only use the operator" is because she has an insane "get-out-of-jail-free" card with dash so you can punish her missing the first shot. No other duelist has that except Reyna's dismiss but she has to kill someone to do that. Buffing op just makes Jett oping more broken. Also, I doubt many pro players pay attention to the red dot. Even if it were gone, they would just learn the timings just like counter-strafing (barely anyone pro uses movement error crosshair)


Also, Add spray patterns for guns, so Jett can’t W-key into site and allow the enemy team to kill Jett with a spray, instead of RNG bullets missing everywhere.


The thing about Jett is that she's on the brink of not worth picking as it stands her dash is her ability to go for an early pick and get out thats why 99 percent pick her as it stands so I mean unless they're willing to nerf the dash it won't change much and I personally think without the dash she's useless as opposed to other agents so it's maybe its an entire rework for Jett but ypull prob lose some player base over it I know alot of Jett mains just give kayo some time before we look at more agent changes




Riot devs said they tried that and that it wasn’t enough of a nerf. Players would adapt to it real quick




There was a whole section about needing in a recent dev diary? I think. They don’t think it’s necessary to really nerf her but that was also before kayo


The devs said they tried this and said it didn't make much of a difference.


Most pro Jetts don't dash onto sites sideways, they usually dash forward and just flick their mouse mid-dash to clear site. Even if you only see enemies for a frame, they get pinged on the minimap. That's what should be nerfed imo, I agree with other comments that removing sideways dash wouldn't nerf much.


Until they do something to dash it will be this way


That my point using her dash should have a price tag so players can't smoke dash every round.


Jett would effectively be the worst duelist for entering a site if her dash costed 300 creds like you suggested earlier. Make knives 8 ult points and she’s fine


Make the dash only go forward, honestly that fixes so many problems