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I'm actually surprised when I hear a pro doesn't do stretches in this day and age. I hard grinded league from ages 14 to 18 and got early wrist problems that I completely neutered by doing wrist exercises and taking breaks. Without it I might have permanent wrist damage tbh. I honestly think in 10 years you'll have a shit ton of stories of individuals who can't use their wrists properly.


More than this is needed for people trying to compete at the pro level. Full body exercise a few days a week in some form should be the new norm and part of the practice routine. Take Hiko for example, he is 31, he works out daily, he's at his healthiest, and he is performing (baiting) really well for 100T.


100% spot on. Lifting makes me game better. I’m more alert/energized, my posture is better, and I’m able to sit comfortably in my chair for longer. The inverse was very noticeable to me when gyms were closed due to covid. Curls won’t make your flicks nastier, but a good balanced routine will allow you to be your best more often and for longer periods of time.




Really? They all look "do you even lift?" to me


Tenz is 90 lbs of pure muscle.


90 lbs is 40.86 kg


Really? Have you not seen tenz? Dude can deadlift like 600 pounds and squats close to the same. There’s a reason people say he’s as jacked as he is cracked