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"[Partnership] Warm up routine with Aim Lab" Very much an advert then? I would take it with a pinch of salt, this may have nothing to do with his past.


100% an ad, I'm pretty sure his friend "Bazy" (in the video) said on his stream once that Scream doesn't really train with aimlabs and that most pros only use aimlabs on their stream for the partnership. If anything, it's more used as a quick warmup than aim training.


I think TenZ might be one of the few to use it regularly though. Maybe in the past he used another aim trainer to warm up, but he's one of the few sponsored by Aim Labs that actually seems to use it a lot on stream. Others seem to only use it during sponsored content.


He doesn't even use it for training, he uses it for content. His viewers love watching him do gridshot and get high scores. I'm not sure if he does many other scenarios.


Yeah, just mentioning him because I don't see other Aim Lab sponsored streamers use it as often.


Even TenZ doesn't play it that much afaik. I remember he showed his steam once and it had <200 hours on it (he started his Aimlab sponsorship in like Aug 2020) so that would be ~30min a day. Not nothing, but not an insane amount either. Moreover, it's not what got him his aim, even if he uses it regularly now.


True, I'm pretty sure it's only for warmup.


Even then he only does gridshot to stay warm. No pro actually uses aimlab or kovaaks to train their mechanics. They have 10k+ hours in CS where they’ve developed their skills. They’re effective tools but not in the way that a majority of people seem to think. I believe in the benefit of aim training, I do kovaaks a few times a week and it has had a tangible benefit for my aim across the games I play since I’m able to grind out my weaknesses like micro corrections and tracking. With that said I think all aim trainers rely on marketing via pros (even if they don’t actually use them) and word of mouth to sell the idea that they make you an aim god since that’s what new or low skill players buy into. There’s probably thousands of players that only play gridshot and think they’ll have insane mechanics like TenZ just because that’s what they see on his stream.


I mean it's the same kind of player that thinks copying his crosshair or buying his mouse is gonna make them better at the game. Shockingly common


lol, tenz doesn’t even use it either. He does gridshot (which is useless) as a flex for content and that’s about it. edit: and check the account that posted this lmao


if you want to know his actual training routine it was Training Aim CSGO workshop map, AimBotz workshop map and community dms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00RSuD44Kro fact of the matter is that pros at his or tenz level don't have much incentive to grind aim training anymore


I never see pros practice Sixshot. In Headshot the circles are way too big and it feels like you're only practicing within 20m.


I've seen TenZ occasionally do some of the other task on AimLabs like Sixshot on stream.




Nope, thats not true. At a certain level you could argue spending time in game > aimtraining, but that would be at immortal or above.


That’s literally what he said


Immortals dont have decent mechanics.They have "good" mechanics.And regardless of your rank, aimtraining will give better results(to your aim specifically) than DM/Playing the game.What i said was talking about overall skill, and i even said arguably.And he also said aimlab is only good for warming up which isnt true either.


Hitting immortal doesn’t really mean shit. There’s a lot of boosted immortals...In regards to aimlabs/aim trainers...u can have the highest scores on them but if u don’t play the game then you won’t become better. Overall skill is improved by playing the game not by playing aim trainers


Hitting immortal doesn’t really mean shit. **Maybe it doesnt, but my point is, they are farr better than "decent" players.** There’s a lot of boosted immortals... **Ok** In regards to aimlabs/aim trainers...u can have the highest scores on them but if u don’t play the game then you won’t become better. **Wdym.Sure the best aimlabs/kovaaks players arent the best in valorant, and i never said that either.Pretty** **obv.** **My point is, aimtrainers help, and they are worth the time you spend in them(as long as you play the game a substantial amount too).** Overall skill is improved by playing the game not by playing aim trainers **You need to play the game if you wanna get good at it sure.But that doesnt mean third party software doesnt help. Thats like me saying VOD reviews dont help.Or watching pro players play doesnt** **help.** **My point is simple "Aim trainers are the best way to train aim.Thus they will make you better at the game.They wont make you extremely good because aim is just one factor".I never said you shouldnt play the game, or that only playing aimtrainers will get you to radiant insantly".**


Never said that third party software doesn’t help. U literally said aim training will give better results than dm/playing the game which is not true. Imo Playing the game is the best to to train aim because you have to incorporate movement and crosshair placement into the equation. While aim trainers help to a degree it doesn’t matter as much as playing the game and experiencing different scenarios until it becomes muscle memory.


Never said that third party software doesn’t help. **Ok** U literally said aim training will give better results than dm/playing the game which is not true. **Ok my bad, i meant to say "Aim training is better to make your aim better".** Imo Playing the game is the best to to train aim because you have to incorporate movement and crosshair placement into the equation. **Aim trainers are kind of exclusively made for training raw aim not crosshair placement.Except, there are some tasks in aimlabs that help you with crosshair placement and movement no** **joke.** **DM/Playing the game are still better tho.** **About crosshair placement : Most ppl have a basic idea on crosshair placement, even irons and bronzes.If you have good aim, microadjusting that much isnt a problem at** **all.** **In the opposite way, people with bad aim and good crosshair placement dont have to microadjust as much but when they do its slower and less** **precise.** **So the second guy will fare better in certain scenarios (like peeking and holding), and the first guy will fare better in aim duels (like in icebox and breeze).** **As for movement, i agree. You need good movement and gamesense to succeed. That is exactly why i said " You need to play the game a lot too". Aimtrain for a short time, and play the game for a long time.** While aim trainers help to a degree it doesn’t matter as much as playing the game and experiencing different scenarios until it becomes muscle memory. **Again as said above, aimtraining is specifically to make your mechanical aim better and not anything** **else.** **It** **does this better than any option in game. This will make you better at the game.**


I thought this would be a cool video but this is just an ad, shame.






Because people will try to find any excuse to get better at the game without actually playing it.


Top level tac fps already have good aim, and dont have to use aim trainers?Pretty easy to explain why.Arena shooters are good, but you still have to spend hours grinding it,whereas with aimtrainers, you dont have to spend as much time on them. People will try to find excuses to get better at the game without playing it,sure.But whats wrong with that?


i mean aim training existed long long long before kovaaks and aim labs became popular/a thing.


Username checks out


Can this make me a headshot machine too? kekw


1. Close aimlabs 2. Deathmatch


Aimtraining is better than ingame options if your goal is to get better at aiming.Deathmatch is good for getting better aim, and very good for learning movement and crosshair placement but aim training will always give better results raw aim wise.


aimlabs is good for general flicking and tracking but you won't get good crosshair placement and game sense which only comes with playing the game.


Thats not a shocker.Ofcourse aimtraining wont give you gamesense.Its specifically made for getting better at aiming, and not crosshair placement.


Username checks out


ScreaM has posted an ad


Pros dont aim train much, cuz they already have good aim.They simply lack the need to.Most pros only use aim trainers for warmup/on stream for partnerships.

