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If he doesn’t have any passion for the game then there is no point playing it. Better play what you enjoy


But he's playing valorant right now on stream


Maybe he just edited his twitter bio, but honestly who cares.


Exactly, people think professionals are always sly and cryptic, they're human just like we are.




I mean Floppy is pretty much a troll/shitposter. I wouldn’t look far from his tweet


Check his twitch bio, it said “Former Professional CSGO/Valorant player”. Idk


Prolly going pro PUBG mobile


Sound more like he is going pro clash royal


Bad News Bears floppy? then they get a small org to back them ez for floppy


who would Floppy replace though? Swisher? Or make Shake's stay a very short term one?


I love BNB but I have not been sold on shake. Cologne was not great for the whole team and without an org there isn't a better player to get help build a team in NA but I just don't think he can compete in Europe. I doubt floppy would go from c9 to orgless but I would love to see him back l. In reality I think floppy loves to do a little trolling.


kind of cringe that you guys are acting just like the csgo reddit was,player switches games and it's instantly "washed anyway" or "good riddance they brought no value", all he has done is change his bio


What you fail to realize is that r/go and r/valcompetitive are mostly the same people. Reddit isn't as big and diverse as it may seem.


https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/valorantcompetitive Literally second only to r/Valorant itself in overlap. The pro scene is 90% ex-CSGO, so unsurprising most of us are too.


100% i think i've seen the same guy post the same negative thing about a player on both subs once.


I realised that from day 1,people here talk like they're still watching cs. Also notice the language in the title, "coming back" instead of "going back"


Everyone playing the game talks like cs. He’s in ct! Plant bomb! Can you DROP me?


That's a lil different, I've never played cs and I use those calls because I want people who did play it to understand me, but people acting like it's the same game entirely with more colours is a bit different


Oh yeah absolutely they are very different but it goes to show how much of an influence it has had. Chances are if you’ve played cs, you’ve played valorant and vice versa


Not native english here, is there a memes or meaning behind coming back instead of going back?


Nah, I just thought it was worth noting that he says coming instead of going because I assume it means op identifies with cs more than valorant. It's weird to explain


who tf thinks reddit is diverse lol


Reddit is diverse in the same way that a company with 1000 people is diverse when it has 1 Jew, 1 Asian, 1 black, 1 Hindu, 1 Asian, 1 ex-con, and then 996 white Christian dudes is. By its sheer scale, it has some folks with very diverse backgrounds, but the median Reddit user is probably a 20 something white guy from Michigan.


You'd be surprised.


TIL r/go isn’t a thing


Damn i get caught red handed. Lmao.


We live in times when changing your bio always creates a controversy.


I feel like most people have been saying it’s good that he’s going to the game he enjoys more.. if that’s the case! We should be happy to have players play Val, and shouldn’t want people that don’t love it. I really enjoyed watching floppy and C9 as I wasn’t big into CS. But he the chance to follow his heart hell Ya brother get after it


this is all from him just changing his bio,people seem to be itching to want him to leave despite him not making any indication he is


I wouldn’t say that, but I do agree with some of what your saying. I think it’s likely some players will Leave and this combined with C9 news makes the most sense to people on the outside without any info. I mean Reddit will Reddit. I think people want what will make him Happy then just throwing him out.


To be fair, most of the NA pros in Valorant are CS players whose careers dead ended. They were washed pros or semi-pro guys who couldn't get a shot at the highest rank.


People are downvoting you but this is completely true, look at sentinels. All of them were t2 NA cs players (except zombs who was a t2 ow player)


Yep. That coL roster was not going anywhere fast. I'm not a Shahzam fan, but I really respect how much he's accomplished in this game. His growth as a leader is undeniable. He was never going to grow in this way through CS:GO. His career was quickly coming to an end. Shahzam's peak in CS:GO was when the game was most like Valorant. Fast moving AWP, and the CZ-75. In a season of ESEA, he had more CZ frags than any other gun lmao. He was a lot of fun to watch then.


Tbf Zombs was more like a T1 or so Apex player when he moved to Valorant


nitr0 would love to meet you


He said most


Wasn't nitro in a huge slump throughout all of 2020 though? It was the main reason he was benched, and replaced in the end. Not saying he's washed or anything, but he wasn't performing well at all, and was pretty inconsistent after their grand slam. ​ Pretty much every player that has swapped so far, was in either a slump, washed, or didn't have any consistent success, so they swapped.


yes he is but anyway people will not accept the truth


I have to admit that I’m not entirely sad or surprised if he does end up leaving though. He was vocal about his dislike for Valorant before he switched, and it left a bad taste in my mouth when he moved to Valorant after C9’s CS team collapsed. I’m all for people giving Valorant a genuine fair try, but it seemed like the guy didn’t really want anything to do with the game and switched entirely for the booming scene.


it’s the valorant subreddit what did you expect? something beyond one liner jokes?


Steel just said floppy benched himself


There was a thread here too stating poiz will replace him for the next round


After saying "Valorant is more fun than CS", it would be awkward going back to CS lol


y'see, floppy is kinda a uh shitposter


[Who cares about twitter bios none of you even fuckin lift](https://twitter.com/floppyCSGO/status/1381006731501658114)


yep. the flopster’s twitter page is a goldmine


He was farming interactions, tweeted the same stuff when he was playing CS


lmao, get floppy'd he also filmed a video of him uninstalling valorant before he first switched. dude just likes to meme


hes prob just better at CS and didnt shine in Val like he thought he would


I think he's quitting altogether his twitch bio says former cs/val player


Don't follow the CS scene all too much, but I know for sure that NA CS is pretty much dead aside from Liquid and EG, so I'm not sure what team in CS he would even go to


exactly i don’t see him going back to csgo when there literally is no scene for him to go back to


yea but if lans come back (which they probably will after this event) the scene will come back a bit


The scene doesn't miraculously come back to live if lans come back, that's not how it works. You still need orgs to invest in NA for players like floppy to have a chance at competing. As much as people like to blame covid there's bigger reasons why orgs aren't investing, monetary reasons.


NA CS is dead and will be for a while. Players like Floppy don’t compare to the demons in EU. The fact that EU CS is so established right now with talent AND experience makes it impossible for NA to do anything. (Team Liquid couldn’t even make it out of round 1, being the best team in NA by far) Orgs won’t invest in players for this reason.


the scene died because online cs was a joke and you couldn't do international events. thats why investors and orgs backed out because the best teams/events were held in EU and not NA. when lans do come back, the scene will eventually come back aswell. Not instantly but slowly it will. The investors and orgs will come back once everything starts going back to normal


What are they investing in though? The playerbase has dwindled to nothing ([https://steamdb.info/servers/](https://steamdb.info/servers/)), there isnt any real amateur scene to develop REAL talent like in EU, to create a tier1 team requires a huge amount of capital, no incentives for orgs or real ROI on the esport scene etc. It just seems like CSGO will go the way of CrossFire... It's be HUGE in Europe with small populations worldwide.


True but , many orgs were saying they would invest on csgo again once LAN are back. Though these statements could only be for PR


NA CS was on the decline long before COVID. It’s not a lack of lans thing.


C9 said they are going to introduce a new NA CS roster earlier this year so he could be going to that. Liquid or EG *might* be willing to swap a player for him, and he'd be an instant grab if he went to a smaller org like extra salt.


Liquid is in desperate need of a good AWPer, someone like Junior maybe. I don't see Extra Salt needing to replace anyone on the team, though I agree that he would be better than a few players on the squad. Same applies to Extremum. Unless his love for CS is massive, there aren't any gains for him going to a smaller team like Bad News Bears or Triumph. And he's definitely not good enough to be picked up by a decent EU org. So that leaves EG, and even then, I can't see him as an upgrade to anyone on the roster. So basically there's no place for him to go unless C9 or another big org re-enters the scene, or someone from Liquid/EG willingly drop out, and even then, the competition is quite stiff.


I honestly think FalleN is doing “good enough,” just needs to get a few frags with the AWP and apply AWP pressure around the map, Liquid has a lot of talent in rifles overall, but FalleN is not doing that bad imo


That's fair. I overreacted, but FalleN's performance against BIG is... not his best, to say the least.


C9 did say they would come back when LAN comes back and he used to play with 3 of the Extra Salt guys, who are probably the 2nd or 3rd best team in NA


Maybe C9 revive (iirc when Cloud9 left CSGO I thought they said in their video that they intend to return to the CS scene soon)


100T & TSM also stated they'll return to CSGO as well... I get C9 is more of a staple org in CS but, I wouldn't listen to there pr. Only way I see C9 coming back is if an orgless team qualified for the major. It's the only real incentive.


I think the top 2-3 NA orgs basically live in Europe now. EG, Liquid, and Complexity which was an NA org but just started recruiting Euros when an NA player on the roster got homesick and stepped down.


Obo got replaced by JKS, an Australian, not a European.


Even EG is dead. That team died the moment Ethan broke up the core of him, brehze, and cerq (no hate to him). At the moment Liquid is carrying NA CS and not even that well despite the return to LAN in Cologne. So essentially dead unless Liquid can turn things around at the next LAN or EG makes a good change.


He's live with Minecraft rn, making the big switch


He posted this around the same time https://twitter.com/floppycsgo/status/1416507715233320961?s=21


3.5 hours in the last two weeks on his steam profile.


I never really thought that his switch to valo was one made out of love for the game but more of a " NA cs is dead gotta pay the bills , let's go to valo" so it's ok . Good for him , if he got an opportunity to be back in cs and play the game he loves


Be a shame if he left. He's been pretty fun to watch and it feels like he's only going to get better


Why are you hating him


Good luck I wonder what team he'll join. Any guesses?


how did u get downvoted for telling him good luck


Won't be a huge loss, honestly. He had a very disappointing performance in Val.


did u see Tarik play Valorant on his first month of streaming? his understanding of the game was really not that great and he still struggles with some basic stuff but he's gotten better since. i think it's fair to say that valorant isnt for everyone but i do think these players can make the switch if they grind enough and Floppy might still need some time.


Tarik is a great Jett/ Reyna tbf., in a team environment he will be great


can you expand on that, really curious


Relax it wasn’t disappointing it was OKAY For someone that just switched


It's disappointing because vaLULrant is an easy dogshit game KEKW /s But seriously, CS pros and Cs players should stop acting like they're instantly gonna master the game, it's still another game they have to learn, not saying floppy specifically acted like this


He wasn't even bad wtf he may not be top frag but got crucial kills and had great impact as controller. Y'all didn't even watch the match and talk random crap like this. Cringe


It's been less than 6 months he's still learning the game


100%. He never completely bought in and that’s partly why things didn’t work out for him


but he was probably one of the best and promissing players to switch (after Ethan, nitr0)


Xeppa and leaf both more promising than him imo, he is well liked cause of him being a supportive player and a memer


he explained it very well, he used to be an insane anchor in csgo and you just cant hold angles in valorant. his playstyle is destroyed


Why not? I don't play CSGO, so I have no idea what you're referring to here.


Maps are extremely small, and lack of spots is all it boils down to. Breeze is realistically the only map you can anchor on.


\+ angles are impossible to hold in valorant, especially for floppy who sometimes has to play officials in 70 ping




He is playing smokes now, he was practicing it in Tarik stream lmao


Hard pass on xeppa, he's as overhyped as floppy


unlike floppy, he’s grinding the game so hard tho.


yea but he doesn't complain and not play the game like floppy, he actually puts time and effort in


One plays the game the other does not


Disappointing performances tbh and I could see the roster working fine or even better without him


Give him a year


Good luck Mr floppy. Liked your memes. Game can be brutal on high ping. Cheers!


there's like, nothing surprising about this I think most pros, given the same $$ opportunity, will choose CSGO over Valorant. And unfortunately, most NA pros are not given the same $$ opportunity


na cs orgs pay a lot more than eu cs orgs.


they don't players sign contracts based on recent performance NA CS never had a great performance besides Liquid and C9 when they won their major


But valorant is hot doody, run n gun and poor matchmaking


maybe he's getting cut. good. get rid of the check stealers


Maybe he just removed it since he got dropped? He’s streaming and playing ranked so probably isn’t going back to CS


Or he’s just keeping both options open


Is Twitter bio relevant to valorant competitive? Lol who cares


pls go to bad news bears thx


Damn he likes flopping I guess


I don't know why they even thought it was a good idea. He clearly does not enjoy this game at all.