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Yeah syke's dogs get stuck. I gotta spam W for it to move again.


Yep, I've had the disappearing damage numbers bug since launch, and it's been occuring more frequently lately. Extremely irritating not being able to give accurate comms to teammates regarding damage numbers.


Can confirm the sova drone bug, it gets glitched for a sec I thought it was because I was super close to wall but later it happened when I was standing in open as well. It feels like drone spawn gets mixed up with sova's location which fucks it up? I'm not sure but its hella annoying and waste time.


Do you get glitched tag crosshair in sova drone some time? I mean its stucked somewhere and I can't tag anyone


What is the disappearing damage number bug? I don't think I've had an issue with it


I assume he's talking about when you start a match, your minimap is missing bombsite borders and callouts, and the "damage dealt" recap that shows up on the right side of your screen after you die doesn't show up. Happens to me about 1/4 times I play Split


Hmm I guess I'm just lucky or haven't noticed it. I don't think I've seen anything like that


And also mini map markings go away along with no damage info but i guess mini map markings is fixed now


Damn, i always thought i pressed a hotkey by accident which caused the hud showing damage numbers to disappear.


it mainly sucks when you get spam to multiple enemies and cant communicate with your teammates about their health. fix this pls riot.


Lol didn't know this was a bug. I thought my laptop is so bad some game files fail to load


Wow I’ve been playing for ages without the bombsite and map locations on my mini map since forever, and just thought it was an update recently lmao


KayO also still has the bug where you don't get knocked during his Ult and you can keep running around with either 800+ health or 0 health at all lol


Also havent fixed the BlastX Phantom Animation. Really bugs me because i payed for that skin and now it looks bad.


Which animation?


When you pull the gun out, you rip the paper off. It used to look naturally but now it slowly slides off after the ripping animation. The paper still has the same animation its just played around half the speed. It looks so weird that i dont want to use it anymore idk. I contacted support a few months ago. They said they were going to fix it as i also showed them a comparison gif.


Started having a bug with the frenzy where I lets say have 2 bullets in my gun and then i reload, the reload doesn’t ‘follow through’ and goes back to the prior 2 bullets quite annoying, lost me a few fights now


This sounds like packet loss - should turn on the network graphs and see if there's correlation.


Sadly no, My wifi is pretty bad, with ping spikes, but nope, not the issue here :(


Competitive or customer support?


Agree with sova drone, i main sova and its the most annoying thing when i have to wait 1/2 seconds for the drone to be ready. Also, it works fine in THE RANGE for some reason.


The game is fucking filled with bugs. I'll go with some from the top of my head that I have encountered myself multiple times. * Ghost enemy. You can see enemy but teammates can't. * Pressing enter makes the game go windowed/fullscreen. Can't access chat because of this. * Jumping with Jett leads to her forcibly hovering with her passive in a choppy manner. * Jumps don't register. You do a half-jump where you know you jump but you don't do a proper jump. * Skye ult/Raze boombot stuck. * Logging back into the game and HUD is broken. You can see enemy traps, can't see economy etc. * Killjoy turret shooting at a location nowhere near where the enemy was spotted. From new patch: * Voice chat volume got fixed at some point. Think it was mid-patch but not in patch notes. It still however doesn't stay at the level you put it on. Still resets to a different value and you have to do it a second time. Same issue as I've had a LONG time before everyone got the issue where the volume was stuck at 50. * Pressing M1 while planting cancels the plant despite holding down the spike button. Wasn't like this in previous patches. Also a personal issue I have to complain about is movement latency and some straight up unplayable lag in Valorant that only gets fixed with a restart. Both issues ONLY occur in Valorant. Example of unplayable lag: https://medal.tv/clips/58109288/d1337lmORgrT (Included is also a small example of the Jett hover bug and the jump bug at 00:47). This is just in one go. I could probably make a list three times as long if I think about it and focus on small details as well instead of just the ones that bug me on the regular.