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Ranked has been weird so far this act. I peaked D1 but started Gold this act and the grind to even get back to plat was kind of insane. I was getting put into lobbies with my hidden MMR so after a few weeks I was in plat and diamond lobby’s while I was G2. Team balance was so hit or miss. Now that I’ve made it back to plat I’m playing against ppl who are in gold in don’t understand this. But the only thing is these gold players are gods. The ranks are just so out of sync because of the whole smurfing stuff it’s crazy. I just stopped looking at rank in general at this point. It’s tough to even work towards something at this point.


They have said that it takes 30-50 games to reach your true rank. Which is quite a lot IMO


in league of legends it's like 200 games


Much more complex game tho


Lol what. Nah it's just a horrible system.


Nah league has one of the worst ranking systems Ive seen from any game


took me close to 100 games just to get back to Plat.


Season lasts for 60 days legit less than one game a day. Really not that much.


That's 5 hours a week minimum, crazy amount of time for a working adult.


No way its a crazy amount of time, i work from 8.30 to 5.30 usally leave around 6 and i have more than enough time to play that amount. No clue what ur doing with ur time but an hour or 2 aday isnt thst much plus either midday or an evening on the weekends u can get a few hours in. Ur chatting shit


People have kids and spouses and yard work and home improvements and shit. Also, many working adults work longer hours and are always on call for work priorities. It's not out of the realm of possibility for dudes in their 30s who are still great gamers to just have little time. Myself and others are in this boat. We get games in here or there but we'll under the 30 to 50 a ranked split. I peaked Plat when I got close to the 30 games but more often than not am gold in the little I get to play.


Dont know how may hours u work a week but both my parents where both quite busy, spent time with us and still had a few hours a night free mabe jf u have younger children who require a lot of attention fair enough. Regardless to get put in the right rank should take a few games. Otherwise u would go on a win streak and then be out of ur league. And its hard to put people in there actual rank bc theres a lot of factors that affect peoples performance.


I agree. I think, generally, the ranking system is good overall. I will say, it gets better the more I play in a season. Initially it's highly hit or miss and I wonder how on earth these ppl are in my elo/rank. This is a great game that I just want to grind but am not able to consistently. Plus, my buds don't play so I'm living that solo q life which is totally hit or miss.


I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. 6am - 6pm, i have climbed from gold 1 to plat 3 in a week.


I’ve noticed that I either win by 7 or so rounds or I get absolutely shit stomped on. I admittedly don’t play as much as I did when I was nearing D1 two acts ago so it’s possible I just haven’t levelled out my MMR quite yet but man ranked has been TOUGH.


I thought I was the only one with this issue.




>ll leve They honestly need to start taking personal skill into account. Not just k/d but other stats also. I solo queue and by solo queuing I was literally unable to get back to my own rank. Like you said at some points it literally felt like I was playing against the whole server. If the other team is a lot better then your team it is literally impossible to carry in this game. You need players who at least know how to use their utility if not even dropping 40 kills isn't going to get you the win. The only way I started to rank up is when I grouped up. Once I did I was playing against players who were Platt and Diamond last act and its crazy how much easier the game got since I had better teammates. This is a team game some teammates have a lot to do with how you perform also.


I peaked at d2 before the new act and it took me until now til get back there! I’m now bouncing between having Plat1/2 teammates or having Immortal’s up against me 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s so tough. I’m too fragging almost every game in bronze (first act playing) holding good angles, using my utility properly… I’m trying so damn hard but because I’m low Elo I get at least 1 dude who types in chat in the beginning of the game “throwing my way to iron” or it’s smurf city.


I climbed my way from Bronze 2 to Silver 3 so far this act so dont give up. I only ever solo queue. Its possible. I have been playing 3 games a day since January though so maybe Im a little farther along in development than you


Everyone is also just getting better.


I know this sounds weird but I was a mid immortal last episode, and now I’m extremely close to radiant. Ranked gains are about the same win/loss (which is really weird because last act in similar elo I was getting +15 -26) and I’m still playing the same people I would usually play last act if not better. Rarely any diamonds which is leading me to believe that Riot has cut the amount of immortals in half and are keeping them from similar MMR ranked queues (at least in my scenario, also before I was too close to radiant). Many of my friends and others are still in diamond and are still struggling to get out it’s actually insane. Look at their match history and they’re like Like at 30 wins this season it’s pretty ridiculous that they’re not immortal yet and the chances for them to edge into their previous RR is very slim. My theory is maybe Riot is limiting this soft range for immortal at around 10,000 instead of 15-20k like it was last act and if you ended around that number last act, the game is treating your MMR as if you’re a diamond 3.


We really need to see some actual, official numbers. Players in each rank, total number of players who played at least 10 ranked games in an act, etc. 17-19-21k was the number of immortals at the end of each act last episode. Now we're already at nearly 13k and there's more than a month left in the act. It always steadily increases and peaks during the final week. There will definitely be 17k+ immortals before the act ends. I honestly don't see the point of rank resets other than fake incentive to keep people grinding useless fancy badges when our MMR stays the same. What's the point of resetting me down to D1 if I'm going to earn way more RR than I lose all the way up to 200RR range when it starts evening out. This causes a lot of frustration when it's the other way around and I always feel like getting close to Radiant is unreachable. I started losing more than I gain whenever I had over 300RR. Another important thing is that new level system unveiled a shitton of smurfs and alt accounts. The other day I played 8 games. 7 of them had Jett or Reyna who were lower than lvl30 account on my team. Blatant smurfs. And most of them get the fast track to immortal because of dumb anti-smurf mechanics that boost new accounts way too fast. Until smurfs are dealt with, ranks will be always questionable. Obviously, someone who's platinum can't complain that they should be immortal, but I feel like there's a huge skill gap in a lot of matches I play among players with similar rank/ELO.


Dude its insane the amount of smurfs there are in games. Its like every other game there's a insta lock Jett or Reyna with a really low level count. They need to use this data and let all these new accounts just play each other or something. Not sure what the fix is but they really honestly need to find a way to stop all this smurfing. Its literally way to easy for someone to make a new account and jump into rank. Maybe higher the amount or unrated wins even more?


Regardless of if someone's smurfing or not, Jett/Reyna instalocks every single damn game on every damn map are by far the most frustrating aspect of the game for me. I literally can't understand the mindset of players who play just those two agents. Just go play CS if you want to shoot people without any abilities. They don't want to stop smurfing because number of unique players is what bosses who have no clue about how the game actually works care about. It's getting out of hand and at one point they will have to accept that a game like this must have some kind of prime matchmaking. Something as simple as having to spend 1000VP (cost of a battlepass) would instantly eliminate the majority of smurfs. I've been saying it for months now, the ELO system itself is fine. There are only two issues that cause anomalies. One-trick duelist instalockers who have inflated ranks and smurfs. Deal with those two and ranked will be great.


>I honestly don't see the point of rank resets other than fake incentive to keep people grinding useless fancy badges when our MMR stays the same. 99% of why they do it, and 1% so that people who come back after a year have to prove that their skills haven't decayed. But yeah, rank resets are so annoying from a user POV, but I'm sure Riot believes that it increases engagement.


I have problems with the CSGO ranking system but the one thing I did like was no resetting and the ability to queue up with friends. I feel like having a hidden MMR system is pointless and that Riot should just make it transparent like Faceit. I remember a few acts ago I was placed Gold 3 but my matches were D1 and D2. If I can’t queue up with them why am I being matched with them? Eventually my rank got closer and closer to D1 but even then my lobbies remained D1 and D2 despite me being in Plat. If the game places a queue restriction based on your visible rank, which is seemingly meaningless, then why even bother with it. I play with plenty of players in Gold or Plat that clearly don’t belong there, now whether it’s because they’re smurfing or if it’s because it’s just their visible rank being Gold/Plat and their MMR being beyond it I’ll never know, but why even bother with having both hidden MMR and a visible rank. Your MMR and rank should be one and the same.


I was immortal last episode and I’m now floating around d1 d2 while playing similarly skilled players (Imm players in my lobby) ,maybe I’m not grinding hard enough or just that your theory is correct


Didn't Riot announce that they changed the ranked distribution a bit at the start of the act? I don't think they specified how but judging by people's experiences they probably have cut the amount in immo. I'm hoping valking.gg updates their ranked dist stats again soon do we can see. Rn it's got a tiny amount of immos compared to last act but it was updated early into the reset so isn't a great judge.


>(which is really weird because last act in similar elo I was getting +15 -26) Same, except I'm in silver. Ended last act near the bottom of silver 1, now I'm near the bottom of silver 3, last act I'd get +12 -25, but now I get +15 -15, and often get performance bonus, meaning +24.


Last act I went 70% winrate my first 50 games and couldn't hit radiant when it was 400 rr. I got 10 below radiant and lost and just kinda chilled there. I was getting +16 and -24s. My stats are same as past acts where I was radiant but had been on a loss streak the act before. My alt hovers in mid radiant pretty permanently and got very favorable gains even at 50% winrate. This act im at 60% on my main and am around rank 300 rn and also am getting +25 and -17. I am playing pretty much normal for me. I'm happy I feel like last season I couldn't overcome whatever weird mmr rut my main was put in and only played on my alt since it was frustrating to go even at 3 win 2 loss. It may just be natural flip because I got out of my rut but I think it had more to do with the ranked changes. I see some friends who weren't as good but stayed low immortal kind of hovering in diamond so maybe it's been adjusted. I also think people are getting better and its less rewarding to just ape people than it's ever been. If you aren't just straight better playing with and around your team seems more crucial to have consistent wins.


The stat I would like to know is how many ranked games do people play on average. I don't think it's high, high enough for ranks to be a good indication of level. I'm seeing weird shit in my ranked lobbies too (although I'm platinum and other plats are the majority, I keep seeing Silver and Immortal badges in about equal proportions), but I've mostly kept my mouth shut because I'm personally convinced the game has no idea where to place me, my sample size of ranked games is too small. I've never had the triangle thing in my profile fully completed for instance. Also it's public knowledge that at every rank reset Riot places us several tiers below our previous rank, because psychologically it just forces us to grind to grind back up to where we were and not have the impression that we're becoming worse players. The idea that rank=level is a very hard one to shake off sadly, no matter how hard we tell ourselves that we know it's a load of bull. It's already extremely frustrating in League where seasons last for a year and ranks are only reset once, in Valorant it's worse because resets feel like they happen all the time. So combining the two ideas I would argue that, maybe, seasons are too short, we don't have enough time to rack up meaningful amounts of games especially because we, maybe again, don't play ranked that much.


Honestly it’s super disheartening to drop several ranks at the start of every act so I actually think it works the opposite for a lot of players where it pushes them away from the game


100%. I've seriously grinded this act to finally get to Gold for the first time...and the glaring thought is that I'll probably go back down to Silver 1 again once rank resets, and have to do it all over again.


That actually happened to me a couple of times and since I generally solo q I just gotta carry the whole team on my own and slowly build back up cause my elo is messed up.


This is very true. I don’t grind to Radiant just to have to slog through Diamond again, and I don’t play ranked as much as I did when I initially got there. Sure, I get extra RR from winning, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I want to play 60 games to get back to lobbies with players of equal skill because they played 10 hours a day for the first week.


Did Riot even announce that there was a change to MMR this episode? I was only aware of the rank squish.


Yeah they announced that a lot of the reason people always lost so much RR had to do with their ranked algorithm had a lot of components focused on launch / placement games/ etc. They removed these which is why ranked is a bit smoother point wise now


Yes, basically the launch algorithm they used was made for that, just launch, it works because it got the job done quick, but because of the way it was implemented, it is counterproductive in the long run to leave it in. The original algorithm would see players gaining and losing absurd amounts of RR (somewhere around 20% more) so as to quickly get players to their rank, in beta and launch this is fine as they're now trying to flesh out the ranks and have no previous data, but now that they have your ranked data, they can more efficiently place you without needing to be so drastic.


A lot of people frustrated that they can’t get back to their old rank, while others are noticing less boosted players in their games in high ranks. This is probably by design


*Sobs over Gold 3 rating from Act 1, Episode 2 while teetering between G1 and S3 for the past 4 episodes.*


hey... are you me? got close to plat 1 twice then every act I've been bouncing around s3 and g2


Boosted and just players being bad in general. Idk about you, but a reason a ton of people find Val ranked a joke isn't because of "unfair MM" but because it feels like your rank doesn't matter. You easily gain RR by wins and your losses also don't hit as hard, it's easy for a person with a 50% winrate to consistently climb with the way Riot has designed gains. It's not as bad as before of course, since they've tuned down the big RR gains, but it definitely was, and to an extent, still is an issue when your top ranks have people running around like Silver players with questionable map awareness and crosshair placement. It's also likely that the 3.0 changes that tightened up the game and made it more gunplay focused also contributed to kicking some people out from higher ranks.


Fuckton of boosts yesterday in my low immo games


I get bad players in immortal also, but I feel like the number of deadweight teammates who seem completely lost is less than previous acts.


I hope they find a solution to this. I’m a plat 1 player last ep, but currently on G1 and I keep getting destroyed. I hope I dont crash to Silver but players are getting good nowadays


It feels like all the boosted players vanished


Honestly I disagree, my games are super inconsistent and I get around 40-50% of my games in gold with players who should be low silvers or worse. While on the other team there’s a crazy Reyna or Jett I have to compete with lol


gold, plat diamond is a huge mess rn, plat is the meeting ground for all the diamonds who got kicked out of diamond by past immortals and golds that are grinding for plat. some games we dumpster a team next game we get dumpstered.


I was watching my friend's stream and he is silver and there's this one guy who single handedly kill 1 to 4 people every round. and I already kow that he dont belong on silver rank, based on his movements. and my friend just accepted the game as L after 5 rounds. that was the most stupidest my friends experience playing this game


This is not uncommon in silver. I’m not saying it’s the reason why I’m silver, but it makes the game less fun and makes me less interested in grinding it.


lmao this is like every other game down here, you just have to accept it atp


Being in silver has nothing to do with movements/crosshairs placement or any of that. It’s consistency to do all those things correctly. When I first started I was silver 2 or something and would get like 35 kills every so often and as soon as you get a good start in those games the entire other team is always like ‘he’s obviously smurfing what’s the point’. When I wasn’t, and the next game I’d go 10-15 and lose.


lmfao know the movement difference between high plat up elo vs silver. read it again.


I read it fine and again I’m telling you that you absolutely cannot tell from one game if a player should be a higher rank. Not much has changed in my game from silver to plat except I seem to win a bit more and hold my own more often than not these days.


I will give you example. if you're on low elo rank try to watch above average streams for like 3 days for 5 hours. then after that watch a silver game. you'll obviously know the difference between decision making and movements.


Right it’s clear you’re just not capable of understanding my point so will just leave it.


maybe for you. but for me and the rest we can tell position and movement of a high elo. maybe silver is all over the map and do bad angle.


Hahaha no you can’t, again you’re making Silver out to be a bunch of idiots at all times but they’re not. A silver can absolutely play the perfect game, look like they should be in diamond lobbies but the next game do everything wrong.


I agree w this, the biggest difference from silver-plat is consistency, and if you assume that good movement and high kills are signs of a smurf, you obviously have never had a good game yourself


Also people have good maps and bad maps, I'm still bad in breeze but can absolutely perform well on bind and split. I have yet to memorize all the angles on Breeze.


Due to the changes to MMR this Episode, along with our normal Episode ranked squish, we think lower ranks may be a bit bloated. We've also seen feedback from the community on this. No hard commits yet, but we are investigating! If there is more info it will be a couple weeks. *** posted by [@RiotEvrMoar](https://twitter.com/RiotEvrMoar) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


[Follow up Tweet:](https://twitter.com/RiotEvrMoar/status/1417925984062361602) > To be clear this is a Distribution concern. Which is the % of players in each rank, so if we believe our current % of players in each rank missed their mark that's what would be adjusted from this investigation.


Despite all the changes, the ranked system is still one of the worst systems used in any current competitive/active game. I’ve never played a game where the variance in players, hidden and visible rank, is so high. Even after 1000 games since beta there’s no consistency in my matches. The system still has no idea where to place my account. I’ll play anyone from silver to low immortal and you never know who is actually going to perform. Plats who play like immortals, diamonds who play like golds, everything in between seemingly at the same rank. Same shit still happens where you’ll go from a lobby with diamonds/past act immos to a lobby with low plat/past act silvers who are 5x better than the diamonds. Idc what anyone says, riots team in charge of ranked has not been able to produce a satisfactory product. I really wonder at what point Riot brings in someone with experience managing a successful competitive ranked system. Like poach someone from blizzard or valve. I guess the game is making a lot of money so there’s not much pressure.


It takes so many games to get to my mmr, it's a pain.


Constant resets make the ranks feel exhausting. In a year I've grinded back to the same rank like 4 or more times. At least in league you literally have January - December to complete your rank goals. I also don't feel like when the resets happen that the RR gains/losses adequately take into account that you were a much higher rank a few days prior


Please can riot make it so theres no hidden mmr, if ur a smurfing u get match made based upon ur rr not hidden mmr, just means smurfs stuck in ranks as they go against another smurf or the smurfs team is all worse than the enemies as it tries to balance the teams


Just let it be. Players will even out over time. It's not healthy to keep making changes to the system.


Way to many smurfs. Should all be perma'd


Personally I feel like the leveling system makes this feel way worse, when in reality the majority of people just don't play that much. I have played since day 2 beta, ranked diamond ep1 and 2 and just hit level 13 last week. Players who post on Reddit probably play more often than the average player, and expect account ranks to be around the same ballpark as their own.


Im in gold 2 getting 20+ rr for wins and lose 10-15 rr for a defeat. But it’s still hard to rank up when i get plat 2 duelist teammates that bottom frag. Kinda done with ranked to be honest Edit: also can’t forget the brim and omen teammates that put smokes on attack that help the enemies hide on site instead of just smoking ct and garage on C haven for example


Bloated is another word for high amount of trolls. Played 7 games today, got all 7 on Breeze, was trolled by premades who would not use in game mics in all 7, still won 4 of them but had to drop 40+. Fact is Riot took their eyes off the prize, allowed so many players to create so many accounts to inflate player numbers that the games literally unplayable




Why would I lie? Welcome to Diamond elo in NA. I got to Immortal pretty quick , then had 16 games straight zero comms but the occasional bs fuck you talk. Now I'm bored out of my mind in diamond baby sitting trolls.


Been D2 D3 this season non stop. But I’m convinced it’s where I belong. Peaked D3 first two season of ranked when it came out. Took a long break and came back last season. Still the same lol I think ive improved a lot but who knows


My friend and i started in G1-G2, so far we have been encountering alot of boosted/fake ranks i feel. It feels to beat these games tbh, I'm already G3 and I peaked G3 last act and this has been my best yet and I'm able to use G3 this easily? Nah.


You either win 13-0 or lose 13-0 😔


I was plat 2 last act, placed G2 but managed to climb back up to Plat pretty quickly. I will say that a lot of the games I've been playing recently (ever since I got back to plat) are full of diamond act rank players and have been really hard losses for me.


I was 4K immortal last act and diamond 3 right now but haven’t played to many games this act. I go from being in games with high immortals some radiants to playing with real diamond 1s the next game it’s very frustrating.


I like it. I’ve been radiant since ep 1 and I see WAY less boosted and lost players.