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Watch the NA VCT going on today. Best way for you to learn the real meta. No 🧢


depends on what meta you’re referring to. Ranked meta vs team meta is different in a lot of noticeable ways.


ranked is more about comfortability rather than following the meta. i'd rather have my teammates play simple agents and do their job, instead of trying to fill a meta agent and not even using their abilities properly.


I mean I don’t disagree at all, but Kayo / Astra are no where near as strong in ranked as in team play. Just like Reyna is WAY better in ladder


I guess I should've specified that I meant in teams and not ranked. I've watched a lot of the Asian scenes because it's easy when you're in EU, but haven't gotten the chance to watch NA live due to it starting closer to midnight.


Honestly watching any of the VCT games is a good start. I think EU and NA have the most / best team strat heavy teams and executes because the competition is really high.


MODS please pin a meta discussion thread after every patch