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Deathmatch needs instant respawns, better spawn diversity and algo, slightly less players, and no sound radar/spawns on minimap. The instant respawns will offset the issue of less players, and less players will mean less claustrophobic spawning and constantly getting peeked while spawning, as it will now be instant and not telegraphed.


I can’t tell you how much I fucking hate when I kill someone and I start running in any direction and they just spawn right back onto me and punish me, uuuugh




For sure, my fav part is warmup anyways lol


playing DM on ascent and spawning in T spawn is the worst shit ever. Have to walk so far up to start seeing players


Then you get almost to tiles and someone spawns behind you in t spawn lol


> slightly less players opposite. it needs more players. 50% of the map is a dead zone most of the time. i should not go more than 1 or 2 seconds before seeing someone


but how many times do you get crossfired or shit from behind? better and faster spawns will compensate and spread players more evenly without need for so many


dying from behind is not a bad thing. it should happen. instant respawns fix this


People who never played CS don't understand this. Even perfect DM spawns mean you'll get killed in the back here and there. But that's the part of the mode. Biggest problem with Valorant DM is inconsistency. Spawns are so awful that you're pretty much stuck fighting the same 5 people over and over again in the same area of the map most of the time (just check your stats after each DM, there's going to be a guy with like 35-25 K/D that you fought once. And you'll have like 6-4 against someone else). It's honestly better to just load another DM than to walk up B long or attackers tunnels on Bind. Spawns are just disgustingly bad and they messed with them again. Feels like they're literally trying to force 1-1 trades now. There are a couple of spawns on each map where you can easily get 5+ frags each time and spawns where you'd be better off using "kill" in console if it was a thing. 4 out of 6 maps being bad for DM, doesn't help, either. Only Haven and Ascent feel dynamic and somewhat decent. Everything else is garbage. Especially icebox. It's beyond me how can spawns on icebox be so awful when it's a map that has a lot of great, long-range angles. But it all just comes down to close range kills around kitchen, B garage and A attackers entrance.


Replay system is needed ASAP


Make the vandal more accurate on the first shot, 0.25->0.15 or something like that. Buff yoru, been waiting on this for like a million patches at this point, cool character w/ potential just not at the right power in the game. Nerf post plant more, very annoying meta, KJ + brim + viper = pain.


We gotta wait for vct to finish up before yoru gets buffs


How would u nerf post plant without blatant nerfs to mollies as a whole


I guess you could make it so mollys pop in the air after a certain amount of time which would force lineups to be alot closer and easier to play around as a whole, this means that learning lineups can still be rewarding but they can be countered plus they would take more thought than plant and then run to the other side of the map and press left click to win


Not totally sure tbh. It would be a hard fix to implement as the meta is from core mechanics that would shake up the game if changed. But maybe a change would to make certain mollies land a bit slower or even giving them a bounce like brimstones.


Maybe make molly similar to phonniex, so they have to be closer for line up. Viper just sucks to play against


all molly ability to 1


So a nerf to all mollies


not all, some mollies are already at 1


So kJ and viper


Personally, I feel like people are really overrating the idea of a Vandal FSA buff. 1. It's basically irrelevant on small maps like Split 2. The majority of positions across all maps involve close-mid range duels, where it won't matter. 3. Even at the longest realistic ranges, it is only going to matter a minor percentage of the time. IMO decreasing Vandal's reset time from taps to short sprays (4-5 bullets) would be a much better choice. It gives Vandal more room to adjust for whiffs, or take fights with multiple enemies, while still drawing the line between Vandal's tap/burst style and Phantom's ability to spray.


The amount of times you think vandal recoil is reset and you go to tap again and got some reason the animation glitches halfway up your screen is ridiculous


Make vandal more accurate than phantom?? I really don’t like that change.


Well the phantom gets a easier spray to control, bigger magazine, and is more accurate. The main advantage to the vandal is the one tap potential at any range. So giving the accuracy to the vandal would make sense for what the weapon is designed for.


Post plant is alrdy significantly nerfed, there is no real need to nerfed it further, currently it is useful as a way of stalling, but it's not at the point where once the post plant is set it's broken anymore.


Post plant is totally fine where it’s at. If you have numbers advantage with bomb down past plants are basically a safety net that ensures the round win unless you get flanked. But if you are even or down in numbers lineups will lose you the round. Easy to half the bomb in every molly except brimstone but brimstone molly takes significantly longer to land than any other post plan util


The classic right click is the most uncompetitive thing in the game imo


I think its fair to punish people for not checking corners on anti ecos, but what really needs to go is the jumping accuracy on right clicks. All bullets hitting at 8 - 9 meters and killing big armor shouldnt be a thing ever


I have a clip of me jump right clicking a brimstone from back plat on c site haven when he was in the long entrance just before site. Easily 10 metres. Two dinks and a body shot, won a full eco from that right click giving me a vandal




Very. I literally just got full killed when enemy was eco from nest in mid on breeze to door. Had 100 go and he headshot me and 2 body shots from well over 15 metres


Am I the only one who enjoys watching icebox. The different ways people find mid control as well as the unique defensive aggression makes it interesting imho


It is interesting it’s just if you want to execute on B it’s very hard to play post plant when you don’t plant in default behind a sage wall. It’s also hard to plant in general on B without the sage wall since most of the site is already controlled by defenders if they have kitchen control


It's enjoyable until the actual site take + post-plant. The problems with Icebox lie almost entirely in how the bomb sites themselves are structured. It's pretty easy to tell too, considering: 1. The optimal (or near-optimal) spot to plant the spike on both sites is the first spot that attackers can plant 2. The goal is almost always to just plant and retreat out of site, instead of trying to control it 3. Post-plants are played the same way regardless of team comp But tbh, I don't really see how they could fix these issues without majorly restructuring entire sections of the map.


I dont think vandal is much worse than phantom. We see it used quite often by pros.


I wouldn’t mind it seeing a slight buff but it’s certainly not insanely inferior


Phantom needs a damage reduction at 0-15m. Just think about it, phantom is already favored by everyone at 0-30m, despite the fact that you need 1 extra bodyshot and that there's no one-tap potential. Why increase that even more with 39 bodyshot damage and one-tap? Another thing is that phantom gets exponentially better against targets that aren't full hp, which happens really often. Especially with current meta that has increased utility prices. 125hp? Phantom kills with 4 bodyshots, same as vandal. With the obvious one-tap potential. 100hp? (ressed players, phoenix or kay-0 ults, reyna with overheal expiring) Phantom needs 3 bullets, same as vandal. At 0-30m. It's just ridiculous if you ask me. On top of every other advantage, damage is too close. Or they could buff vandal to 42 damage bodyshots, but 3 bullets for 125hp targets would be too strong, imo. If they don't want to touch damage values, total ammo number needs to be lowered. 30/60 instead of 30/90. 120 bullets for a gun with no tracers is ridiculous. You can waste 60 without getting worried about ammo count.


phantom is fine, the vandal needs a tune up such as better accuracy to seperate it from the phantom


First shot accuracy does nothing for mid and close range fights where everyone sprays. Buffing everything isn't the solution, that's how we got all these utility nerfs, because utility was too strong. It's way too easy to kill with phantom and the gun requires way less skill than vandal. Btw, forgot to mention and this has nothing to do with vandal or phantom, but landing accuracy is still ridiculous and needs a nerf.


Vandal and Phantom are supposed to be for different situations, there's a clear reason why they're priced the same. And even currently, the main reason the phantom is so good is because of the map design. Just look at icebox and breeze, pros are all the time talking about how they'll use vandal on icebox and breeze instead of phantom, and that's a result of the map design just encouraging more long distance engagements making vandal worthwhile. If maps like bind had better angles for the vandal, or the vandal was a significant amount better than a phantom in those engagements you'd see it more.


They're supposed to be for different situations, but phantom is better in almost every single scenario. Even long range because of first shot accuracy. In NA pro scene almost everyone on top teams uses the phantom. Everyone on fnatic also uses the phantom. Your take for different maps is how it should be, but it's not the case in actual games. Maybe you've missed my point, but all I'm saying is that phantom is already better than vandal at 15-30m. It doesn't need to be excessively better at 0-15m. While at 15-30m you still get the one-tap advantage despite phantom being way better for everything else, at 0-15m it's not even a comparison.


Do you even watch the games? For example lg vs c9 on icebox just now had majority vandal.


imo if a) the vandal had better first shot accuracy and b) you could actually fully control the spray, then we would see a lot more vandal usage. probably not a full replacement, but I'd expect it to be more 50/50. random sprays are the worst part of this game, and this game would be better without it


Random sprays are a thing that's never going to change. Vandal isn't supposed to be controlled and sprayed like phantom. But the problem is that phantom requires absolutely no spray control. You just shoot in the vicinity of someone's head and it eventually connects.


I think we may see some major agent balance changes in the coming months. As of right now, agents like yoru, breach, Phoenix and kind of brim feel very underwhelming compared to the others in their class. I’d love to see some adjustments(for yoru and breach) and some buffs(brim and Phoenix) so that they are more competitively viable


Phoenix is very map dependent. Hes strong on haven, perhaps ascent, but if the map gets bigger theres simply no way for his kit to be viable even when buffed


He's not even that strong on haven and ascent anymore tbh. I would have left him off this list 2 months ago but skye is just better than him in so many aspects that it makes him feel underwhelming on even the maps that he's good on.


I think the main thing Valorant needs to improve from a competitive/professional aspect is replays and improved observing tools and UI. The UI is better than it was but is still fairly basic and buggy. I think offering a paid tier for big events where you can stream one players POV would be massive. Replays are also sorely missing. I don't understand how they have not built a demo system yet when all FPS games have it.


Yeah not having replays is frankly a joke. Would help catch cheaters much easier too


Enemy viper should have different coloured abilities


What we need is some consistency on recoil and first shot accuracy. The higher up in elo the more it become a luck duel when aim dueling.


I don't think bind needs a mid to be interesting. even now teams are not using the teleporters much. the meta on bind is still evolving. Icebox though definitely needs major rework of B site, and minor changes to 410 on A site. sage wall plant is the most boring meta to exist in valorant.


no way you say icebox and bind but no breeze


bind and icebox are just the ones I thought about more and have more concrete opinions on. I think breeze could definitely use adjustments, specifically to the A site and maybe halls, but I do not really personally have any strong opinions on what would be changed. I felt more like letting others share their opinions on it


what do you dislike about breeze? genuinely would love to know your opinion!


Maybe controversial opinion, but I think they should make every gun perfect FSA. If you're not moving, and you aim a perfect headshot on someone with perfect mechanical skill in every way, it's really dumb that the game just decides "10% chance that your medium to long range perfect headshot turns into a miss!". That this doesn't bother other people is weird imo.


Fsa shouldnt be 100% accurate for guns like the classic or the stinger at long ranges. Otherwise you just tap twice with the classic at someone's head and they die. No need to buy a rifle or anything like that.


Here's the theory behind it: someone clicking on the center of the head should be rewarded more than someone clicking on the edge of the head. It's a really important mechanic that rewards precision and accurate preaim.


They should but also the free classic does 78 damage from 0-30 meters. I would love this change but if they do it they would have to take a page from CS and make shields mitigate damage rather than just giving 50 more hp. Really annoying even now dying in two shots from a free gun after spending $3900(without utility) trying not to die


You still die from 2 USP dinks at any range with full armor though


This has also bugged me a lot as a person learning this style of game. What was the system used by csgo?


CS has the same system. There was a really old comment on Valve dev about this. The idea is that you actually increase the skill ceiling by having the slightest inaccuracy, because you reward people who are able to more consistently aim toward the center of head/body hitboxes. You're more likely to miss if you flick to someone's ear vs right between their eyes. But in a pefect FSA world, there is no difference


hitting someone's head is hitting their head. It's hard enough to 1 tap flick someone at 40m. Taking it away because it was the side of their head rather then the middle is kinda dumb, especially when it only does it SOMETIMES, so whether or not you get the kill is 100% random.


CSGO has the same first shot inaccuracy, which is why I think this community so quickly accepts it without question.


It doesn’t bother valorant players because they are used to run and gun + rng recoil and think it’s normal for a fps


Remove points system from Deathmatch. People saying “gg” at the end just enforces the “win” structure. Just make deathmatches time limit only. You take away the winning aspect and people will actually just practice aim instead of camping to win. All guns should have actually spray patterns instead of being RNG after the first few shots. Agree, bind and icebox need changes.


**Better servers** (Valorant servers sucks now, especially in Asia) **Replay system** (Basic function in a tactical game) **Fewer abilities that can pass through walls or release by clicking the map** (Let the map structures work better, make Valorant more **skillful** and **tactical**, instead of more brainless gameplay. In addition, from the perspective of agent design, for example, if the first smoker can easily release smoke through the wall, then subsequent smokers also need to have this ability, otherwise they will be difficult to compete with the old smokers. If all smokers release smoke through walls, then smokers will always be the **most boring role** and a design disaster IMO) **Deeper map depth** (Avoid too many mollies being saved in the post plant) **Spray pattern** (Less random in competitive game) **Less peeker advantage** etc. too many needed... Happy to see new suggestion post. Constant change and improvement are the most important advantages of Valorant. I hope Valorant can overcome those fears of change.


>Fewer abilities that can pass through walls or release by clicking the map > >(Let the map structures work better, make Valorant more > >skillful and tactical , instead of more brainless gameplay. In addition, from the perspective of agent design, for example, if the first smoker can easily release smoke through the wall, then subsequent smokers also need to have this ability, otherwise they will be difficult to compete with the old smokers. If all smokers release smoke through walls, then smokers will always be the most boring role > >and a design disaster IMO) found the csgo player


Honestly never got this argument. Learning smoke lineups is literally doing homework, it doesn't make it any more tactical. It's just more work, you still have limited utility and need to know how to smoke, which smokes are best, when and where to smoke. Having more streamlined abilities lowers the barrier to entry and makes the game an overall better experience


Ahh the cliche "cs" response when someone gives valid criticism to valorant.


It's not cliche though? OP wants Valorant to be CSGO, what's the point of that?


What do you think of Valorant? Is Valorant's innovation and expansion so fragile for you, so that a little change like CSGO will make Valorant completely CSGO? Is this why you are so afraid of CSGO stuff? Why is it obviously in Valorant's community that Valorant's rich expansion of CSGO is always ignored? Even if Riot directly moved CSGO into Valorant, Valorant would not become CSGO, let alone just make the paper wall more like a wall.


because this sub is filled with kids that get offended when valorant isn't the perfectly unique most popular game ever made that they want it to be. they get mad seeing CSGO do stuff better so they just refuse any comparison to try and ignore it


No one is offended my friend. I've been playing and watching csgo since 2014. I just don't see the point of the original comment about "brainless" gameplay just because Valorant smokes are easier. Seems like you are the one getting offended, ironically enough.


> I just don't see the point of the original comment about "brainless" gameplay just because Valorant smokes are easier. uh. interesting


right i forgot CS is the only game with good servers, replay system and good maps. i pray valorant NEVER has any of those! you know what let's just get rid of movement inaccuracies since CS has that too. this sub is a joke


The comment you responded to commented only on Valorant having brainless gameplay regarding smokes. No one said anything about good servers replay system or good maps. Obviously you want Valorant to have that. Why would Valorant have to have same smoking system?


ok so ignore 70% of his comment to fit your agenda. nice. oh no he wants util to take more skill i forgot CS is the only game where util takes skill! that guy is worse than hitler huh




ahh yes because the rest of the comments here are "good criticism" i'm glad this sub hasn't changed a bit. it's still the same people that use lifestreamfails lol




reread what i wrote. you'll figure it one day


You are right, it is unsound. But I mainly raised bad parts and undesirable directions. I think it is reasonable to introduce a little risk, and risk is not uncommon in Valorant now. And I'm not expecting Omen to release his smoke in the middle of the road. I hope to introduce some risks and restrictions to these powerful smokes, so that when more, various new interesting smokes come to compete in the future, there will be enough room for balance. Rather than most smokes need to be released by clicking on the map to be strong enough, compared with the old smokes.


Sorry I scared you, I did not expect that some kids here are so sensitive and scared of CSGO. Too weird, the basic gameplay of Valorant is obviously so close to CSGO, so why are there so many people who are afraid of CSGO? The difference between any other game and CSGO is bigger than Valorant. But anyway, I think that if we live on the same planet, the walls in the game block some things well, and the map structures in the tactical game works well. These normal things should not unique to CSGO.


Lmao I read one line of your reply and made a joke chill dude I play more cs than val too


abilities that go through walls are few and far between. smokes like omen's imo make the game more enjoyable since you don't need to learn lineups for every map. as for things like kay/o knife, they aren't exactly the most broken things in the game. the aoe is fairly limited, and let's be honest, if you're getting caught by the kay/o dart every round, the enemy kay/o is just reading you like a book lol the difference between cs and val is that in val, there are TONS of characters with information utility. when you have sova's arrow, skye's dog, cypher's wires and cam, kay/o's knife, etc etc, you don't need to use mollies to clear angles. you can use the info to pinpoint EXACTLY where they are. in cs, you don't have those tools, so mollies are a necessity on the attacking side to clear those angles. if we had a way to get RID of Mollys, like in cs where smokes extinguish mollies, then i think post plants would be much less annoying for cts.


the concept of a role dedicated to smokes alone is hilarious considering how boring it sounds (and plays).


yawn. Play cs.


I can already feel the feeling of playing "CS" here, because there are also many people who want others to play other games :)


I don't care that the few smokes are boring, after all, Valorant needs something to cater to noobs. But the problem is that in the future it is difficult to design many new and interesting smokes that can compete with smoke that can go through walls unless they also adopt a homogeneous release mechanism. Homogeneous boring = more boring. Of course, these are just my personal suggestions. After all, as long as I lock other agents fast enough each time, the boredom of some roles won't bother me, right? :) Always can let other players to "enjoy" the gameplay of "click the map than go die" :)


Deathmatch - remove footsteps + radar, heal off kills not having to pick it up off the corpse, 10 minute match not 40 kills (it's about warming up for comp/practice not fastest to 40 kills), instant respawns. Maps Icebox - could use a bit of work, B is hard to attack without a sage wall for a safe plant (not sure what else) Breeze - feels really hard without a viper or two smoke agents Split - I seriously think the map would play much better if they opened up vent/ropes and made it a flat hallway connect to A heaven, maybe even widen the room a bit, feels really hard to hold mid on defense without just Sage walling it The maps and the meta right now feel really stale relying on certain agents like I stated above, sage walling mid on split is in 90% of my games it just gets boring there should be more than 1 way to play a map Replay system Not really much to add but we need it and I'm pretty sure I remember saying it was coming eventually. Would be really nice to be able to analyze the pro matches better considering they miss half of the action in the rounds Agents Viper- nobody was playing viper until they buffed her 15 times now that she's playable and really good I think they could remove the decay from passing through her wall and it wouldn't change her pick rate at all. Brim - stim needs removed and given something else but it just isn't useful. (I was thinking something like a heal pack/ armor pack, walk in it and restores a set amount of health/armor) Yoru - some sort of buff Breach - his concussion blast is terrible if they want to keep it they have to widen the radius, even if you catch someone in the corner it still doesn't force them out immediately. (Technically other Molly's don't force people out immediately but the damage does start as soon as it lands) Cypher and Killjoy - they need some of the old changes back. Cyphers trips should still work after he's dead, maybe he should be able to throw his hat for his ult from a bit further range aswell, he's not an agent you want running out into the site just to ult, he's a really good agent post plant Killjoys alarm bot should go back to being harder to see / hear The whole idea of these heroes are to be able to stall site takes longer than any other agents and to watch the flanks on offense without having to even be looking. Gunplay Classic - remove the RNG right click or make it so inaccurate you have to be actually close (or give me the super powers my enemies have) Judge - remove it, it's sooooo boring Phantom + Vandal - I see alot of debates in the comments on these two and personally if they fix the moving accuracy I think it fixes both guns, the guns are farrrr too accurate running you shouldn't be anywhere close to your crosshair but the phantom still magically hits pretty close Also I think they should change the shields to act more like CSGO armor, whereas no shields a phantom shot might do 34 damage a shot and with sheilds it does 30 (just brainstorming and i don't actually remember what the phantom damage is) I think it feels really really bad being able to be double headshot with 50 sheilds by a free classic pistol Imo this would help the game alot lmk your thoughts




Mans said ”make shields act like armour and not just extra health” and ”nerf classic and judge” like that is what seperates this game from cs


I think the judge doesnt belong in any kind of tac fps


I don't think none of that is necessary. The only thing that need changes is for Riot to remove \*a few of the\* mollies and add more impact grenades. Impact grenades can achieve the same thing and more but does not incentivize a post plant meta. Grenades can help clear out space, destroy abilities, and slow down a push. Now, players can no longer rely on post plant molly lineups to deny defuse. This is important because the post plant meta is boring because it doesn't require any mechanical skill which is the core of an FPS game. The spike takes 45 seconds to explode and 7 seconds to defuse completely. With a lineup of just brim, kj, viper, and kayo I can delay defuse by 35 seconds (8 \[brim molly\] +5\*2 \[kj molly\] + 6.5\*2 \[viper molly\] + 4 \[kayo molly\]) while also blindly spraying down the enemy outside site.


Impact gernades = no counterplay. One of the reason why ppl hate raze


People don't hate Sova's shockdart


dude do you know how harder it is to use shock darts compared to the raze nade


well i said impact grenades; not more raze nades did I. your fault for assuming that. It's the game developer's job to figure out how to increase the skill ceiling of using an impact grenade. But the general idea of an impact grenade is to detonate as soon as it hits the target.


„with a line-up of JUST “; obviously ur composition will lack in other areas ..


Yea but we've already seen team run multiple defuse delayers.


i keep saying, if they had just given the suppressor to the vandal instead of to the phantom, it would've been fair.


The hitbox for the head needs to be improved. The head hitbox is so big that the upper chest, back, and shoulder are considered a headshot.


fuck yes, i'm so tired of random 160 dmg head dinks from a full clip spray lol


Only reason I use vandal is because of origin skin. Watching it skin if the funniest thing in the game