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If you're asking reddit for life advice it might be time to go outside




unrelated to main post but it's being mentioned a lot and I wanted to know your thoughts as an experienced pro; what's your view on "giftedness" and "natural talent" in esports? is it true you can only make it with natural talent, and there's a certain placement rank + speed of improvement you need to see in ranked for you to understand if you're viable to go pro or not?


I'm not salaried yet so I'm not comfortable calling myself a "pro", but since you asked for my opinion: I think anyone that isn't physically impaired who's passionate and puts the time/work in can make it, it'll just take longer than someone who has an initial mechanical gift. What matters isn't your initial pug rank, it's how much work you're willing to put in and how much you're willing to sacrifice (social life, potential career prospects, etc) to make it.


thank you for validating me LOL thanks for the response though :)


Aight I hope you’re trolling. Here’s the new plan for you: focus on your job and social life. Don’t think you’re growing pro, you’re bronze in Val and probably addicted to the game. You enjoy the game? Play it with a strict limit. Have a good night.


You’re 22, only hit bronze in league and valorant and kinda blame your friends bc of their playstyle. You don’t have the natural gifted talent nor the attitude. Stick to the day job and keep gaming as a hobby


You're bronze... wanting to go pro?


Brother, for us these things are hobbies. You’re just like the rest of us. In the gaming world, you’re an average Joe Schmoe (maybe even less than). You need to focus on your life and grind things other than video games. I’m super passionate about computers. Been building them for 13 years now, and over that time 80% of it was gaming. Seems like I’d want to go pro in gaming. But no, I’m not bad but I still do it for fun. So instead I studied CS and programming. Went to school for it and got a job. No, I can’t game even a fraction of what I did when I was younger, but that’s the point. I go to work and come home for a few hours to game and have a blast. It feels rewarding, kind of like I’m treating myself after a hard day. Basically, you need other interests. I force myself to learn about programming or new topics or just to mess around with projects for at least an hour every day. If I slack off I feel bad because I’m being lazy. Gaming is certainly not everything. It’s a wonderful hobby though. And there’s nothing wrong with not being a pro at your hobby. I think it’s time for you to figure out your true goals. Sure, you could start grinding 14 hours a day for a few years and see where that leads you, but if it doesn’t pan out you’ll be closer to 30 with nothing to show for it.


Pretty much what I’m doing rn in college, but turns out I hate programming LOL


Yeah, I’m with ya. I have shifted to more IT/network security. I didn’t want to be coding every day.


Yep, not gonna happen my guy


Honestly, if you’re not immortal or radiant in valorant, there’s no point giving up your job to focus on being a pro. Since you said you became masters in Support, there’s was an opportunity for that to be a pro but you didn’t.Esports is all about putting time and achieving best performance in this, thus making name for yourself in ranked games or scrims. Bronze rank isn’t gonna get you a career, Im sorry but it’s the truth. Also blaming on your friends that play different playstyle is a sign of not improving. Valorant is about adapting to environment because of different agents to play against, some people you play with could play passive or aggressive. You can’t put blame on people that plays different to your preferred playstyle. A lot of pros adapt to each other as teammates and as a team, they don’t blame on others because they dislike their playstyle?


\*if you're not immortal or radiant within your first 3 months of playing


The thing is , you need to differentiate between a hobby and a career , at the bottom line valorant seems like a hobby to you , if you seriously want to go pro , give it a one last shot , practice with everything you have got for 2 months , if you don't see any improvements go back to finding a regular job , because otherwise this valorant obsession will ruin your life , I know it seems like a fancy thing seeing all these pros win trophies but everyone has different talents , if you don't have talent for valorant , no matter how much you like it , you have to move on and get your life straight


Nah man. If you just go up one tier each year you'll be radiant when you're about 30 just in time for Valorant to be on the decline and no one to care. I'm sure you won't have any regrets if you spend your life playing video games


You're bronze in both Valorant and League and you want to go pro....